Ch. 21: Training and Friendship

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They landed and went into the empty building.

"You know, I never noticed the two pictures of you and Aunt Eda in the front hall."

"It's covered most of the year." Lilith said before she explained to Amity everything about Luz and Camilia.

"So... that makes her."

Amity walked over and bowed to Luz.

"I'm sorry your Majesty. How foolish of me to insult a royal."

Luz chuckled nervously, not ever being called that before.

"Y-You don't have to do that, Amity. Really, I'm nothing special." Luz said about herself.

"You are Lilith's sole heir, the next in line to the Throne." Amity said, "You are the most important witch in the Isles."

"Well...that's not always a good thing." Luz said nervously.

"Now, let's get to training." Lilith said.

The trio had arrived at the arena and Lilith waved her staff to turn on the lights in the room.

"Now, it's time to see how you two are at magic." Lilith said.

"Well, you know how I am, but I would like to see Lucenda's magic. You told me she was a quick study." Amity said looking to Luz.

"But I don't know any spells, all I've learned so far is a teleportation spell." Luz said, rubbing her arm.

"Lucenda, most witches don't learn that spell until they're sixteen." Lilith said.

"What?! I learned an advanced spell on my first try?" Luz asked in shock.

"Indeed. That just shows how much potential you have, you just need help honing it like Amity. That's why I'm going to be training both of you." Lilith said with a smile.

"Now, I want you two to duel."

"Duel?" The girls asked.

"I know after the last duel didn't end well, on either sides, but this time, it will be a fair match with proper supervision." Lilith said to them.

"But I don't know any attack spells. All I know is a light spell and the teleportation spell." Luz said.

"Which is why this duel is about showing how good you two are at your respective spells, not about combat."

"That could work. I've been meaning to expand on my other spells besides my abomination magic." Amity said with a chin rub.

"Well, as long as I'm not in any actual danger."

Luz nodded to her mother as Lilith took some steps back and waved at them.

"Begin." Lilith said to them.

Amity and Luz looked at each other and made their respective spell circle. Amity slammed her into the ground and made several thornier vines sprout from the earth.

'Plant magic! Just like Willow!' Luz thought.

Luz teleported away from each vine. She tried to think of a spell to fight back.

'Come on think. You need an attack spell, when was the last time you saw an attack spell?' Luz thought.

The first thing that came to mind was the fire spell Eda used to against Adegast!

'That's it!' Luz thought as she stopped dodging, turning around and drawing a new spell circle.

A blast of fire, more powerful than a witchling of her age should be able to make. Amity dodged and Lilith looked on.

'She's powerful right now, what will happen when she connects to the Titan?' Lilith thought.

"That will come when she is ready but for now, she must learn to control the power she already has." Titan replied to her.

'She is far more powerful than Camila and I, even more powerful than Edalyn, possibly even more powerful than my father.'

Lilith watched at Amity created a barrier to hold back the flames as Luz cut them off. Lilith noticed Luz stumble a little.

'She must run out of energy more because of her magic. Any idea on how to correct this, Titan?'

"Tell her to limit her magic output, like turning on a sink, adjust her output to a decent level where she won't be exhausted after a spell." Titan said to her.

'Perhaps I can get her something that could help keep her from using too much power.'

"Your father might be capable of helping with that." Titan said.

Keeping that in mind, Lilith watched as Luz summoned a large light orb and threw it at Amity. The Blight girl quickly covered her eyes as the light orb clashed with her barrier.

"Quite impressive." Lilith said, "I wonder what Amity will do in response."

As the light blinded the area, Amity summoned abomination muck to cover herself in case Luz attacked again.

'Her knowledge of Abominations rivals Darius.' Lilith thought.

As the light died down, Luz had moved around Amity and aimed another spell circle at her.

'Okay. Just like before but smaller, a small fireball.' Luz thought. 'Think smaller.'

Luz's hand shook a little and her vision got blurry. Amity noticed this and ran to catch Luz as she passed out.



The spell circle fizzled out as Luz feel the ground, right as Amity moved some abomination muck to catch her.

"It's just as I said, she needs to adjust her magic output or else she will be exhausted." Titan said to Lilith.

"I'll be back, there should be a Healer's Box in the hall." Lilith said.

Lilith rushed down the hall as Amity moved Luz to lay on her lap.

'It makes sense she would pass out, she's never used her magic before and can't control it properly.' Amity thought.

Luz made a groaning sound and moved slightly.

"It's okay Luz, you just need a little rest." Amity said as she rubbed Luz's head.

Lilith came back in and went over to them.

"Let me see her." Lilith said, knelling next to Amity.

Lilith checked her over.

"Okay, I see nothing wrong with her physically."

"But magically?" Amity asked.

"She has used up a lot in a short amount of time. That's the biggest issue." Lilith said as she pulled out some healing coven patches. "These patches should fix that, the magic itself should be more useful than the healing properties."

"I've never seen a person her age use such a powerful spell." Amity said.

"Neither have it. It just proves how much power she has but since it was sealed away for a decade, Lucenda never had a chance to properly control it." Lilith said as she placed a patch on Luz's arm, "Honey, are you okay?"

Luz opened her eyes slowly.

"I feel weird inside, like my stomach is empty yet full." Luz said with a groan.

"Don't worry Honey, you'll be fine with some rest. Amity, help me move Luz out of the way, then we'll continue our lesson."

Amity nodded to Lilith as she helped Luz to her feet, holding an arm over her shoulder.

"Okay, Luz, let's get you over to the wall."

The trio moved to the wall and the two young witch kids sat against it as Lilith stood before them.

"Now, I saw some very good magic use out of you two." Lilith said, "But you both still have much to learn, both in variety and control. Something you can help each other with."

"How do we do that?"

"In the simplest terms? We continue these shared training sessions and you two become friends." Lilith said to them.

"What was that last part?" Amity said.

"I said, you two should become friends. Corny as it sounds but friends can bring the best out in each other and despite your rocky start, I believe you two can become good friends." Lilith said to them.

"Miss Lilith, I haven't had a real friend in a long time."

's never too late to start over." Luz said, smiling at Amity.

"Even after the way I treated you?" Amity asked.

"Sometimes the best way to beat an enemy is to become their friend." Luz said as she held a hand out to Amity. "So what do you say, Amity? Do you want to be friends?"

"I can give it a try."

Lilith smiled as Luz and Amity shook hands, forming a new friendship.

"So, now what do we do?" Luz asked.

"For now, rest. You still need to recover from magic exhaustion." Lilith said to her daughter.

"Hey, I'm able to train." Luz argued.

"No, you aren't. I am not going to make you injure yourself."

"But I can still learn. Just because I can't use magic, I can still take notes." Luz said to her mother.

"You make a good point but you like a notebook and writing utensils." Amity said to her.

"That would be useful."

Lilith drew a spell circle and summoned a notebook with a pencil for Luz.

"Here you are, Lucenda." Lilith said as she gave her daughter the notebook.

"Now, Amity, I wanted to do a different kind of lesson now." Lilith summoned her staff, "I want to see how good you are with a staff."

"Staff training? Interesting." Luz said as she wrote it down in the notebook.

"Every witch gets a staff when they graduate, so I want to see how good Amity is."

'Just like Eda said.' Luz thought as Amity took the staff with care.

"What do you want me to do with it?" Amity asked her mentor.

"Right now, just perform basic spells."

Nodding the Lilith: Amity turned around and gazed at the staff.

'Just perform basic spells.' She repeated as she held the staff and used it to draw a large spell circle.

"If you don't feel as big of magic use as before, that because my palisman is adding you with its own magic." Lilith said.

"Palisman? You mean the Raven on top?" Luz asked.

"Yes, Lucenda. That is a palisman, a familiar and ally of a witch that your befriend at graduation or earlier." Lilith explained.

"I know Aunt Eda has Owlbert, does yours have a name?"

"Yes. Ravess." Lilith said as Amity summoned an abomination.

It melted which caused Amity to get discouraged.

"I haven't done that since I was three!" Amity said.

"Amity, there is no need to get upset. It's normal for a young with to get used to a staff's power."

"So I have to mediate my own power with the palisman's?" Amity asked.

"Yes. It's difficult to do it with one that doesn't recognize you but it's much easier with your own. Now try again." Lilith said.

"Okay." Amity said, "Please work with me this time."

Taking a breath, Amity tried the spell again and created a new abomination. This one more stable and bigger than her normal ones.

"Very good, Amity."

"Yeah. It makes me wonder how good you'll be with your own staff when you get it." Luz said with a smile.

"I imagine I won't be as good as you."

"As good as me? Amity, you have years of experience over me. I only have about a week. You'll be an amazing witch someday." Luz said with a smile.

"I agree on both ends. You both will become marvelous witches." Lilith said.

'They're cute together.' Lilith thought.

Lilith could already see them becoming a couple in the future, the real question was when it would happen.

"Well, I think that's enough training." Lilith said.

"What? But mom!" Luz complained, wanting to learn more.

"Resting is just as, if not more, important as training. You can't train if you can't move." Lilith said, "Besides, as my daughter, you'll learn everything I know. You need to if you will rule the Isles."

"I know." Luz said, a bit nervous about that last part as Amity returned Lilith's staff.

"Don't worry, Lucenda, you'll be as great as any witch." Lilith said, "I promise."

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