Ch. 28: Brother-Sister Chat

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Before she left, Rachael received the charms Belos promised her and put them on before leaving. Each one was camouflaged so Caine wouldn't see them and get suspicious of them. A necklace for protect against curses, and two rings that absorbed hexes and protected her from them.

"Now, time to go have a family reunion."

Rachael held her hand out and summoned her staff, an actual palisman instead of the artificial kind her brother invented.

"Alright, Rachael, let's go." She said to herself

Hopping in her staff, the sister of the emperor flew through the sky to the meeting point Caine send her. The Titan's left wrist.

"Kind of creepy that he wants to meet up at our old home."

Landing in a cleaning, Rachael saw in the distance an old mansion that looked to be abandoned yet still standing.

"Who says you can't go home again?" She asked.

Walking to the mansion, Rachael remained calm as the wind blew through her hair on this cold evening.

"Fucking eerie. I haven't been back here in years."

Coming closer, Rachael was suddenly enveloped in a field of sorts and saw her childhood home was remodeled and restored! Could this have been where Caine was hiding all these years?! Inside an illusion field that disguised their old home as abandoned when it was actually restored?

"Have I fallen for that for decades?"

"Yes, you have. And so has our brother." Caine said, appearing behind Rachael and startling her!

Rachael jumped a little and saw a tall man with blonde hair, blue eyes, pale white skin, and slightly pointed ears. He looked just like her and Philip.

"Sweet Titan!" She said before his king her chest, feeling her beating heart! "How did you get behind me?!"

"Teleportation. I've spent years refining it to the point it makes no sound, and I can travel anywhere I've been before." Caine said with pride, making Rachael impressed and jealous.

"That could come in handy for me." Rachael said.

"Maybe I'll teach it to you." Caine said as he walked ahead of his sister. "Follow me, I'm holding a meeting in 20 minutes. It's plenty of time to fill you in."

"Meeting?" Rachael asked, following him.

"I have followers, no different than Belos and his coven." Caine told her.

Rachael knew this was going to be hard. Especially since she didn't know how many followers Caine had or how advanced his spell casting has come since he went underground.

'Remain calm, Rachael.' She thought.

Coming into the mansion, Rachael kept a straight face as the interior looked almost exactly like it was in their childhood but with darker colors. Even the family portraits and photos were restored, though all the ones with Belos had his face scorched out.

"I see you've done some changes." Looking at one of the portraits

"Yes. I have. I personally like it, but you have your own opinion." Caine said to her.

"I'm not saying anything. I'm just here to see what the plan is... and for my money."

"You'll get you money. Half now and the other half when the job is done." Caine told his sister.

Rachael smiled. She may only be getting half, but a million is still a lot. Caine led Rachael to an office and opened the door for her, letting her enter first as he shut the door behind them.

"Now, onto my plan." Caine said.

"I have a portal to the Human Realm, but it lacks a power source. That little hybrid though, has enough power to charge it."

"Hybrid? What hybrid?" Rachael asked, faking not knowing of Luz.

"Oh, that's right, you don't know. Lucenda, our grandniece is back. Her mother, Camilia was originally human until she was given a heart with a bile sack to make her a half witch." Caine said to her, "Something about that girl makes her special, I don't know why, but her magic is stronger than any full blooded witch."

"Lucenda and Camilia have returned?!" Rachael said to him.

"Yes, and it means that I intend to finish what I started. Using her unnaturally large well of magic energy, I am going to use her to power my portal and conquer the human world! I was originally there to not only watch the hybrid as she grew but also study the human world. Their technology, their culture, and their weaknesses! With this knowledge I acquired, I shall rule of them and make that world MY kingdom!" Caine said with a sinister smile, "Unfortunately, the portal was only meant for temporary use and has dried up years ago. I've been planning to end Belos decades ago, but then he adopted those Clawthorne sisters and things changed, then Lilith gave birth to the little princess."

"And you need me to capture Lucenda so she can be your power source." Rachael said while thinking he was MAD.

"Exactly. Don't worry, Lucenda won't die from drain of the transfer. I'll just take ENOUGH to power my portal." Caine reassured her.

"And what will you do with her when you're done?"

"Hmmm, maybe I'll try and convert her to my side. Belos isn't the only one who needs an heir." Caine said with a smirk as he drew a spell circle, revealing a secret vault in the office wall.

"Has this always been here, or did you install it?"

"Turns out, our parents had a few secrets we didn't know about." Caine said as he walked in, Rachael following close behind him. "Father used it to store fine wines before he... passed on."

"Is there still liquor?"

"Yes, but I sold some of it a few years ago. Now I use it to store by hidden wealth." He said as he gestured inside of the vault.

Rachael went inside of the hidden vault, seeing a giant collection wines, gold snail coins, and snail dollars all around her! Even divided into sections; Wine in the center, coins on the left, and dollars on the right!

'I'm so stealing all of this when I'm done.' She thought.

"Each bag holds about 100,000 snails, so take the ten you get now and come back for the rest when you've brought me our dear grandniece." Caine said to Rachael, "You can even take a bottle of wine or two if you want."

"Consider it done." Rachael said as she drew a spell circle, making magic tendrils to grab 10 big bags of snails.

She's so getting drunk later. Taking two big bottles, Rachael created a large magic sack to hold it all as she turned to her brother.

"Deal. Any idea where our little niece is now?" She asked him.

"Most likely held up in Belos' castle, you'll have to play the long game and wait." Caine said to her.

"Not a problem, I'm a patient woman." She said to him.

"Is that why you haven't had a child yet?"

Rachael flinched at this as she heard her brother chuckle at her.

" looking for the perfect partner." Rachael said nervously.

"Sure. Word of advice, lower your standards." Caine said with a smirk, mocking his sister for her love life.

"Like you're one talk about love, you weren't even married." She said, "Your son was born and then you murdered his mother."

Caine froze for a moment before he shrugged to his sister and turned away.

"Nobody's perfect. Hunter wasn't when he was born without a working bile sack." Caine said to her, "Now come, there is much to do."

Nodding to her brother, Rachael followed him as she kept her 1,000,000 snails and two bottles of wine close while thinking she had a lot to report to Belos after this meeting.

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