Ch. 29: Family Problems

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The next day, In the Castle, Eda and Lilith were having a mock battle. Eda slammed her staff against Lilith's and brought Lilith to her knees, trying to push Eda off her. He eyes started glowing and she knocked Eda off, sending her into the wall. Ever since she connected with the Titan, Lilith's magic power was increased tenfold, and she had to train to control it.

"Damn, Lily, I think you broke my rib."

"Oh! Apologies, sister. I guess I still don't know my new strength." Lilith said as she rushed to held Eda out of the crater in the wall.

"You and me both." Eda said, holding her broken rib. If I had that, I would kick your ass. Ow."

"Do you need help?"

"Yeah, I really do. Help get to a Healer, would ya?"

"Of course." Lilith said as she helped Eda out of the training hall.

They made it to a Healer and checked out Eda.

"Well, the good news you don't have a broken rib." The Healer said.

"That's go-"

"You have six."

Both Clawthornes dropped their jaws at this reveal, the youngest almost fainting from shock as Lilith held her head.

'I need to train more to control my strength, MUCH more.' Lilith thought.

"Well, Lily, help me to my room. I probably won't be leaving it for a while."

"O-Okay, sister." Lilith stuttered out, still surprised by her strength as she went to help Eda up, "I'm sorry, Edalyn, I didn't mean to hurt you that much."

"I know but don't worry. It's me! I'll be back on my feet in no time." Eda said to her.

Lilith got Eda to the bed and before she left, she went over to Eda's old desk. She opened the secret opening and pulled out a bottle of Apple Blood.

"How did you know about that?" Eda asked.

"Eda, the Titan has watched us since we were adopted, of course he told me this." Lilith said, "Don't worry, he never told Father."

She put the bottle next to Eda, knowing it would end up there if she put it there or not.

"I guess the Titan also told you I like a bottle to help me sleep?" Eda asked.

"Yes. He also said it would help with the pain of your healing ribs." Lilith said, pointing to Eda's bandage covered chest and abdomen.

"Well, he's not wrong."

Grabbing the bottle, Eda took the cork off and took a big sip, swallowing it with vigor before setting it back in her side table.

"I'm good Lily, go hang out with your kid." Eda said, trying to shoo Lilith away.

"If you're sure, very well. Get plenty of rest." Lilith said as she walked out of the room.

'You know, this could be an opportunity for your plan with Edalyn and that Raine witch.' The Titan said to Lilith.

'I would prefer not to talk about this near Edalyn.' Lilith thought, 'Don't forget that she can hear my thoughts in the castle, if she wishes.'

'But Belos has turned her off the idea because he kept checking in her, remember?' Titan asked her.

'Just because she doesn't want to, doesn't mean she can't.'

Lilith was luckily enough to have left Eda's room so she can speak freely to the Titan.

"Now, everything should be good for Raine's Cove initiation and Edalyn will be there... even if I have to drug her and drag her there myself."

'I would say that's a bit extreme, but I can't deny there is some logic in that action.' The Titan said.

"Everything should be fine as long as Edalyn doesn't find out." Lilith said, before knocking on a door, "Lucenda, are you up sweetie?"

A somewhat loud snoring came as a reply, telling Lilith that she was still sleeping.

"Geez, that girl sleeps like her aunt."

Opening the door and quietly entering, Lilith saw that Luz was sleeping sort of messy in her bed. The cover was thrown off a bit, her body was sideways, and her head was dropping off the bed a little.

"This girl is going to have bone problems with sleeping like that."

Moving to her daughter, Lilith gently shook her to try and wake her up while also moving her head back on the bed.

"There's no waking her up." Camila said, walking into the room, "When she's asleep, nothing short of an earthquake will wake her up."

"Really? I never thought Lucenda would be that heavy a sleeper." Lilith said.

"As hyper as she is, it makes sense. A deep sleep restores a lot of energy." Camilia replied, "So, how was training with Eda?"

"Good but I accidentally broke six of her rips. Connecting with the Titan gave me greater physical strength as well as greater magical power." Lilith said as she clenched her hand a bit.

"Well, if you had that during Grom, maybe the fight would've been more evenly matched."

"We promised never to speak of Grom again." Lilith said quickly.

"Well, you know me, I'm a detention track kid." Camila said, "I don't follow rules."

"Because you hung out with Eda too much."

"It also brought us together." Camilia said with a smirk.

Camila held Lilith and leaned her head on the taller woman.

"Yes, it did." Lilith said to her, smiling.

"I'm so glad to be by your side again." Camila said.

"As am I, my love." Lilith said.

"You know, we never got to take a honeymoon." Lilith said, "Maybe we could finally do that after we deal with everything."

"That's sounds wonderful." Camili replied.

"It really does." A voice said, making them both jolt.

Turning to the source, both mothers saw Luz was wide awake and watching their moment with a smile on her face.

"Oh, Mija, you're awake." Camila said.

"Yep. I woke up a bit after you came in, Mami. But I didn't want to ruin your moment with mama." Luz said with an innocent smile.

"You sneaky little raven." Lilith said, walking over to Luz.

Lilith held Luz and kissed her head.

"I still can't believe you're here." Lilith said.

"Me either but I wished we could've come back together sooner." Luz said.

"We never did have our mommy daughter day." Lilith said, "Maybe we could do that."

"How about a double mother daughter day? All three of us?" Luz asked as she looked to Camilia.

"I don't know, you've been with me a long time, maybe you should go be with Lily first."

"Come on, Camila, she's right. We need to have a family day." Lilith said.

Luz and Lilith gave Camilia a sort of puppy eyes look, silently begging her for a family day together.

'They really are mother and daughter.' Camilia thought as she tried to resist.

She could say no to one puppy dog eye look, but not two.

"Okay, we can have a family day out." Camila said, "But you are both showering before we do anything."

Lilith walked to Camila and whispered seductively.

"Only if you join me."

Camilia blushed a bit as Luz cheered happily and rushed to the bathroom in her room.

"Someone's excited." Camila said.

"I am excited as well." Lilith said as she guided Camilia out of the room. "Now, onto our own shower."

"Trust me, Mi Amor." Camila picked up Lilith like their wedding night, "I remember where it is."

Lilith giggled with glee as Camilia teleported then to the shower, shutting Luz's door from the swiftness as they all prepared for their day out. As this was happening, Emperor Belos walked into Eda's room, having just finished his meeting with his coven heads, where he explained that there was a new threat to the Isles.

"I hear you got hurt." He said.

"Yeah." Eda said, waking up from mid nap. "Lilith packs a big punch now, broke 6 of my ribs by ACCIDENT. Just imagine if she did it on purpose."

"I imagine you wouldn't be here if she did."

"Yeah. Doc told me to get plenty of rest and let the healing patches to their work. Lilith said even the Titan suggested I drink apple blood to numb the pain." Eda said, leaning up in her bed.

"That doesn't surprise me."

Belos and Eda had a little laugh together as Eda held her body in pain, still injured.

"Oh, it hurts to laugh!" Eda said.

"Try and rest honey." Belos said, "You know, I remember when you were sick as a young teen. You couldn't have been any older than 13."

Eda remembered that. It was one of the few times Belos actually seemed to care about his children.

"Yeah. You brought me practically the entire healing coven out of worry." Eda said with a smirk.

"Like I said, I may not have always shown it, but I do care about my kids." He said.

"Yeah, but... it was the common mold, not a plague." Eda said.

"You had a mushroom the size of a barrel on top of your head." Belos said to her. "There was nothing common about that mold."

Eda smiled.

"I never got to say this before, but... I'm glad you're my dad."

Belos felt his heart flutter at those words, Eda had never been as open to him as Lilith was so these rare moments she did open up to him were more valuable than any treasure.

"I want to hug you, but I'm afraid I'll hurt you."

"My ribs are already broken, can't break them anymore!" Eda said, opening her arms.

Belos thought that was true and moved slowly to hug his daughter, not wanting to break anything else by accident.

"Rest well Honey." He said

"Sure dad." Eda said to Belos.

Eda quickly feel asleep. Dreaming about when she was sick as a teen. She remembered how much her neck hurt as she tried to balance the barrel sized mushroom growing in her head.

"Edalyn, you need to rest." Belos told the teen, "The quicker you do, the quicker this will be over."

"I'm fine dad." Eda said, before having a coughing fit.

"You need rest. Now stay in bed and do not go anywhere." Belos said to her.

The teen groaned and went to bed. Belos waited until she was fully asleep before taking off his mask and kissing her head.

"Good night honey."

Belos exited the room silently and informs a guard to stay watch and get Eda anything she could need. Belos walked to a bookshelf and grabbed something. A photo album.

"A little trip down memory lane couldn't hurt." He said.

Moving to a private room in the castle, Belos opened the album to gaze at the memories of his life with his children and his life as a child. He found his favorite, when Eda and Lilith were going to Grom. Both of them were dressed in beautiful dresses as their dates held their waists, for Eda it was Raine around her waist and for Lilith..... It was Camila. What could he say, the human snuck her way into his family's heart, she was just as important to him as his children.

'I'm glad I gave her the ability to do magic.'

Turning the page, Belos saw that it was a photo of their Hexside graduation. Lilith was, of course, the top student of the grade. She was to be the next leader of the Emperor's Coven. Camila was the second best student of the grade, the first "Human Witch" and was one of the students that every teacher loved to teach. Both girls held each other close, smiling with blushes as the photo was taken.

"If only I showed my gratitude for them sooner." He said, "Maybe things would be better."

Maybe Eda.....wouldn't have been cursed for so long and maybe Camilia would've been safer instead of fleeing to the human realm for over a decade. Maybe... he would've gotten to hold Luz in his arms more.

'I can't change the past but I can make a better future.' Belos thought as he came upon a picture of his own family, when he, Caine, and Rachael were kids, 'Such as making sure the past doesn't repeat itself and protect my family from you, Caine.'

He put the book away and sat in silence for a while.

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