Ch. 8: Sticking Together

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From that point, Luz, Lilith, and King worked to clean up the house. Luz wanted to use magic to do it faster but Lilith told her magic can't solve everything.

"You see, Honey, magic is all about being control and patience. Master that, and you'll be a great witch."

"Control and patience, got it, mom." Luz said with a nod as she was sweeping the floor.

"You want to try a spell don't you?" Lilith asked.

"Is it that obvious?"

"That or you really have to pee." Lilith said, pointing to Luz's shaking legs.

"I want to try a spell!" Luz said to her mother.

"Okay, but just one." Lilith said with a single finger up.

Lilith made a spell circle and Luz watched as the broom moved itself.

"This is a fairly simple spell, but it can be used to do multiple things."

'Just like that movie from back home!' Luz thought with awe, gazing at the self sweeping broom.

Lilith removed the spell.

"You try."

Nodding to her mother, Luz put her broom down and drew a spell circle at it.

"Now...come to life!" Luz said to it, blasting it with the spell.

The broom started to move on its own and Luz got happy.

"Very good, Lucenda." Lilith said with a nod.

They heard Eda moan as she started to wake up. The trio turned to Eda as she held head and rose from the couch.

"Oh, my head. And why does my mouth feel like it's been slapped?" Eda asked herself.

"We'll, you sort of transformed into a beast." Luz said as Eda turned to her, Lilith, and King.

"We managed to turn you back with a yellow potion or something." King said to her.

Eda held her head.

"Lucenda, can you and King go upstairs, I need to talk to Edalyn."

"But mom, I want to know why-" Luz said before Lilith cut her off.

"Sweetheart, please go. I will explain it to you but I need to talk to your aunt alone." Lilith said as she cupped Luz's face gently. "Can you do that for me?"

"Okay." Luz said, "Come on King."

The two go upstairs and Lilith looks at Eda.

"This is the reason I want to bring Lucenda with me, back home." Lilith said.

"You mean aside from filling her head with that "One Witch, One Coven" nonsense?" Eda joked as she got up from the couch.

"Edalyn, I am serious. I want Lucenda to be safe but I also want her to stay in contact with you. Please, the offer still stands. If you join the coven, father will be able to cure you." Lilith said to her.

"More like control me, Lily. Always has and always will be." Eda said crossing her arms. "Besides, it's like you said, Luz's potential makes her as strong or stronger than the old man. Maybe she can cure me if she studies enough."

"Edalyn, I know you would never hurt her intentionally, but what happens when she isn't able to get away?"

Eda tried to say something but couldn't, thinking about what if Luz DIDN'T get away from her when she was that beast.

"I don't know, Lily."

"Edalyn, please. Luz may not have known you were her aunt but she and you have bonded greatly. I would say if something happened to me, she would want to go to you for her guardian." Lilith said to her.

"Give me some time to think about this." Eda said, "Go help your Kid."

Lilith nodded as she made her way upstairs, unknown to them that Luz was listening the whole time.


"Is aunt Eda really cursed?"

This would be harder to explain then Lilith wanted because she had this nagging feeling Luz would stop at nothing to help.


"I need to help her. She's already done so much for me, I need to return the favor!"

"Lu-Lu, you don't need to do this. I ha-" Lilith said before Luz cut her off.

"Yes I do! Even if it was just dumb luck I ran into the portal, it brought me back to you! It helped me realize I'm where I belong, and it made me finally feel like I'm not a freak!" Luz said as tears built up in her eyes.

"A freak? Lulu, what are you talking about?" Lilith said, kneeling before her daughter.

"Back in the human world, I never fit in. I was too weird, so much so mom tried to send me to a camp to fix it but here, I don't feel that way anymore! Aunt Eda helped me see that being weird makes you unique." Luz said as she wiped away some tears. "She said "Us weirdos have to stick together." That's why I want to help her, I can't just abandon her."

Lilith pulled Luz into a hug.

"You won't abandoned to her. We'll help her. I promise."

Luz just hugged back as she cried, hating the thought of anything bad happening to Eda if the curse got worse.

'I think Edalyn was right, Luz may study as hard as she can to help her.' Lilith thought as she rubbed Luz's back to calm her down.

Eda walked up the mother and daughter.

"Lily, I want you to take Luz to your house when the rain stops." Eda said, "I need to make a call and I can only do that in private."

"I was planning to but I may.... let her keep a place here since you have such a big place in Lucenda's heart." Lilith said to her sister.

"Good. I need to get rest." Eda said.

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