Chapter 40b

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The door slammed, drowning out the sound of gunfire and screams. The delicious scent of blood crept through the door, causing my fangs to drop down into my mouth.

"So many distractions tonight," Cassandra said, forcing me to sit down on an office chair.

I saw Keria in the corner of the room, still knocked out cold.

"What do you want from me?"

"I want to do a trade with you, Lorna. You see, Micah never wanted you. It was me that wanted you. You have something that I need."

"What is it?"

"A bite."

I stared at her stumped, "You want me to bite you?"

"No. I told you, Lorna, what I wanted more than anything else in this world was to be a mother."

"You want to make a vampire, with me?"

I knew that for a vampire to be made, a human must be bitten in quick succession by two vampires. Francesca and Magda had bitten me but it had taken decades years for me to turn.

Did Cassandra understand how long it took for a human to transition into a vampire?

"Cassandra, with your genetics, I don't think that's a good idea. The majority of v-types, come out wrong."

My words stung her and she shook her head, "No, our genetics are compatible. That's why I choose you. I need you to help me achieve that dream. If you bite one person on the arm for me then I will let everyone you love to go."

She walked over to a metal locker and opened the door. A young girl in her late teens early twenties fell out. She was unconscious and breathing and flopped against Cassandra who carefully lifted her up and carried her over to me. Cassandra then dropped the girl in front of me and lifted her arm.

"Bite it," she ordered.

"Why don't you get Micah to do it?"

"I've tried with Micah, but it doesn't work. Our genetics are too similar and we end up making more monsters. I want to have a normal daughter - you have no idea how lonely it gets just having Micah to talk to."

"Then why not get another vampire to help you- why does it have to be me?"

"Because you are from the Siberian lineage and I want your genetics, Lorna," she said.


"Lorna, all you have to do is bite her arm."

I shook my head.

"Fine," she snapped. "I'll do it for you."

She yanked my head back and forced her hand into my mouth. Her fingernails dug into my gums as she held onto my lower jaw she said, "Bite her - or I will rip your jaw off and use your fangs to do the job anyway."

At first, I continued to refuse, but then she started to increase the pressure on my lower jaw, forcing my mouth wider and wider until I started to feel the muscles and tendons in my jaw beginning to tear.

I had no choice. I muffled an 'ok' and Cassie removed her hand from my mouth.

"Fine, I will do it. But you must swear that Michael and Keira will be safe."

"I swear."

I nodded and lifted the girl's arm up to my mouth, and bit down. Cassandra then took the girl's other arm and delivered the second bite.

It was over in seconds.

"Thank you, Lorna," she smiled.

She dropped the girl to the ground and walked over to a control panel on the wall. She hit a green button and the lights outside in the main warehouse floor, flickered on.

She opened the door and everything outside was deathly quiet. The screaming and gun firing had stopped.

"Well, that ended pretty quickly," she remarked, stepping out onto the main floor.

A few dead bodies, along with Raphael and Gabriel's littered the floor.

I followed her out, scanning the room for Michael.

"Am I free to take Keira and leave?" I asked.

Cassandra shook her head, "No, I've changed my mind. I'm going to rip your jaw off."

Her hand shot out towards me but froze as four gunshots rang out across the room.





Cassandra fall to her knees. Behind her, Raphael was standing holding a smoking gun.

He fired another four shots into her before dropping to his knees. He was deathly white and disorientated, he lifted his arm up and pointed the empty gun at Cassandra as she fell to the ground.

I rushed to Raphael.

"I'm not going to make it am I?" he said.

"I'm going to get help, but first I need to take you into the back office in case the v-3s come back."

"They're downstairs, on the floor below. Don't go down there - it's a blood bath."

"Thanks for the warning," I replied, grabbing his legs and pulling him into the back office with Keira and the unconscious girl.

Taking an ammo magazine, he reloaded the gun and put it in my jacket pocket.

"Take this and get the fuck out of here," he said.

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