Chapter 41

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I took the gun from Raphael's hand and left the office.

The smell of blood on the warehouse was overwhelming. There were pieces of slayers across the floor, but no monsters to be seen.

I tucked the gun into my jacket pocket and ran over to Keira's unconscious body. Checking her for injuries, I found that v-types, surprisingly, hadn't touched her. I grabbed her by the feet and dragged her into the back office where Raphael and Cassandra lay. With Keira safe, my next priority was Michael.

I needed to know if he was still alive. If he was dead, then we'd gone through hell and back for nothing. He couldn't be dead - he wasn't allowed to get himself killed and leave me alone in this dizzying confusing place without him.

I ran from the office, down the stairs. As I moved down the stairs, the cacophony of fighting hit me. Concrete smashing, v-types growling, vampires screaming and yelling as they fought to the death.

I approached the main entrance and saw complete chaos. Slayers, vampires and v-types filled the warehouse floor, fighting for their lives. The concrete floor was littered in body parts, swimming in pools of blood.

I stopped short of the entranceway, terrified to take another step forward.

"Lorna, watch out!" a voice cried.

I suddenly ducked, as half an arm came flying towards me.

Moving out the way, I lifted my head and saw Skull standing in the doorway, grinning at me. His face was covered in blood and dirt, and he was holding a crowbar.

"Where's Keira?" he asked.

"She's safe," I replied.

"I'm glad to hear it. Have you come down here to join the fight?"

"I'm looking for Michael."

"Well, the last time I saw him, he was kicking the shit out of some guy."


"He was in here, but I haven't seen him for a while."

My heart sank. Where the hell was he?

"I've got to find him," I said turning away from the entrance and running back towards the stairs - maybe he was outside, or on the roof.

I ran up the stairs, looking for access to the roof. I'd stopped caring about the slayers and the v-types murdering each other. As far as I was concerned, not one of them deserved to live.

When the slayers betrayed us, the last little bit of my humanity had died. I no longer cared about what happened to the slayers, or the v-types. I just wanted to get away from all this fighting and death, with Michael.

I found a locked door at the top of the stairs and tried pulling it open. When it didn't budge, I ran back towards the office to see if I could find a key.

The noise from the floor below, seemed to be quietening down, although I could hear the occasional moan of pain or cry for help from one of the many injured.

As I cross the upper warehouse floor, I caught something moving in my periphal vision. I froze and turned to see Christine Howe, staggering towards me with a slayer's gun.

"What did you do?" She demanded.

I backed away from her, watching her carefully.

"How the hell did you break loose?" She asked.

Before I could give her an answer, two bodyguards rushed her, disarming her in a fraction of a second. They were vampire and somehow familiar.

Neither one said a word as they waited for the next order.

"Lorna," Duncan's voice rang out across the floor.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw Duncan walking towards me. Behind, followed Magda, Skull and Leandro. They all looked like shit - bloody and bruised.

Duncan nodded at Christine and asked, "Who is she and why is she pointing a gun at you?"

My eyes drifted over to Christine. Her legs were shaking and the sweat on her forehead was making the foundation on her skin run. She knew what was coming, because she knew who Duncan was.

"This is Christine Howe. This is the woman that created the v-types and killed your daughter."

Duncan paused, quietly reflecting on what he would do next.

"Is Keira okay?" he asked first.

When I nodded, Christine's eyes widened in panic.

"No, that's not true," she cried.

Duncan ignored her and hummed, "Is that so?"

I nodded my head, knowing that I had sealed Christine's fate.

"Well, I think I might have a private word with this woman," he said, grabbing Christine by the neck.

I watched in silent indifference, as Duncan dragged Christine into a side-room and slammed the door behind him.

A few seconds later he emerged, with only a faint whiff of fresh blood on his hands.

I knew Christine was dead. Duncan would have her executed her quickly, and spare her the painful death that she had caused for so many.

"Is it over?" I asked.

Magda nodded, "Yes, they've all been destroyed. The slayers and v-types."

"Is Michael with you?"

Magda's eyes darkened and she looked over her shoulder to the doorway. Michael appeared, staggering through the doorway, helped by Skull. He was covered in blood and cuts.

I ran to him, throwing my arms around him and smiling, "You did it!"

He collapsed into my arms, breathing raggedly.

"I'm sorry," he breathed, "I couldn't...kill him."


Holding him close, I looked up and saw Micah standing behind us, tears of blood streaming down his face.

I held onto Michael and started dragging him backwards, away from Micah.

"You killed her," Micah said quietly.

Michael lifted his head off my shoulders and tried to stand up. Even at death's door, he was still trying to protect me. I held onto him, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him back.

"Come on," I urged him.

Michael shook his head, "I can hold him off - give you a head start."

"No, that's not going to happen" I replied, continuing to pull him backwards.

Duncan yelled at me to get away from him, but I didn't. I held onto him, even when he started to lose consciousness and collapsed to the floor.

I went down with him, cradling him in my arms.

Micah approached us, his large brown eyes turning black.

"You're the only woman who has broken my heart twice," he said, standing over me and Michael. "I loved you so much, Lorna."

"I'm sorry," I cried.

"No, you're not. You have your mate... while I have nothing."

"Micah, please," I whispered.

"You fucking bitch. I'm going to show you what it feels like to lose the only thing in your life that matters. I'm going to take your mate and rip his fucking head off in front of you!"

I watched him in slow motion, lunging at Michael. At the same time, I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled the gun from it, raising it so it was aimed directly at Micah's heart.

I squeezed the trigger, over and over, delivering multiple shots of anti-vampire bullets into his chest.

Micah stared down at me and then to the holes in his chest. A smile crossed his face and he said, "I guess you managed to break my heart a third time."

I watched, with tears in my eyes as he dropped to the floor, Eyes wide, gasping for breath.

"So this is it...this is death," he sighed.

"Micah," I cried.

"No, Lorna... this is how it should be.... I don't care anymore... I just"

His body stilled as the last bit of life left him.

And that was it... that was the end of everything.

I let the gun drop to the floor and wept.

I cried for Emma, for Sheldon, Skull's gang and for Cassandra and Micah too.

I cried for all everyone who had accidentally wandered into this spider's web and got eaten. The nightmare was over, but the price that had been paid was high.

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