Chapter 8

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The night I had been ripped out my home by vampires, was the night I broke up with Micah. 

To me, the argument I had with Micah only seemed a few days ago. In reality, over a decade had passed.

"Why did Emma have this picture?" I asked.

"Before Emma died she had been exchanging emails with this Micah Roberts," he explained. "We think she may have been using Micah as a source, although we can't confirm it as her computer was stolen from the crime scene. I need you to find Micah Roberts for me. I want to know why he was talking to my daughter."

I studied the grainy photo of Micah. What the hell was he going to think when I show up out of nowhere.  I didn't know how was I going to explain the missing years to him.

"What am I supposed to say to him? I've been dead to him for ten years." I asked.

"You will need to use your imagination, but whatever happens don't tell him the truth. He cannot know what you really are."

It felt like Duncan was asking me to do the impossible. How could I walk back into Micah's life after so many years? What explanation could I offer to fill in the missing gap between the summer of 1999 and now? 

"I don't think I can do this," I confessed.

"With the right motivation, you will. If you do this, I'll let Michael join the coven. If you don't do this, then I will never let Michael set foot in this hotel again."

"You can't do that."

"Yes, I bloody well can. This is my coven and you are apart of it. I can decide who stays and who goes."

"But, I can't live without him."

"I know, and that's why you'll do this for me."

"I really have no choice, do I?" I said weakly.

"You can wash your hands of this, Lorna. But it will cost you Michael'."

"YI can't do that."

"Then find Micah for me," he said sliding the folder across his desk to me.

I picked the folder up and opened it to see more photographs of Micah, along with photos of a young woman with short brown hair, smiling into the camera. 

"Is this Emma?" I asked.

Duncan nodded.

"Okay, I'll do it. I'll find Micah for you - and for Emma," I said, closing the folder.


I left his office feeling sick to my stomach. The good news was that Michael was no longer in immediate danger, but the bad news was that Micah had reared his ugly head back into my life again. 

Holy flaming shit balls, I did not expect that I would end up playing the part of vampire Nancy Drew... although I was curious about how Micah got involved in all of this.

Clutching my files, I walked down the corridor towards the elevator. Ahead of me, the elevator doors pinged opened and unwelcome face appeared.

"Cousin," Sasha breathed. "I was just coming up here to speak with our Uncle about your unfortunate bond. Tell me, is the franken-vamp with you?"

"Go away Sasha." I said bluntly.

Sasha tutted, "I'm only concerned about your safety, my dearest cousin. Michael is loose cannon ball and you need protection from him."

"Like I needed protection from you when you smashed my head against a mirror?"

Sasha took a sharp intake of breathe and snapped, "He's not one of us. You belong with me, Lorna. I am supposed to be your mate."

"I'd never touch in a thousand years. You disgust me," I replied, pushing past him.

He snatched my wrist, as I past him and yanked me against him. Leaning in my ear he spat, "You will be mine, Lorna. I will have you, one way or another."

He leaned forward and opened his mouth. For a second, I thought he was going to bite me, but then I felt something wet and slimy, slide down my neck. I froze in disgust, as I realised he was licking me.

I went to push him away, but a voice exploded down the corridor.


A red flash came hurtling towards us, barely perceptible to the naked eye.

Sasha quickly released me, but it was too late. In a blur of speed Francesca grabbed him and slammed him against the wall.

"Lorna was never promised to you. How dare you stake a claim on her when she has chosen another!" she yelled at him.

"Auntie Francesca, that thing is not even a real vampire. She can't chose him!" he whined.

"I swear to god, nephew or no nephew of mine, if you pester my daughter again then I will have you thrown out of this coven. Do you hear me, Sasha?"

Sasha straightened his jacket and said, "Whatever you say, Aunt F."

Francesca stared at him for a few uncomfortable moments and then spun on heel and headed towards the elevator.

"Come on, darling star," she said gently to me.

I followed her into the elevator and together we went back to the apartment.

Inside, Magda and Michael were waiting in silence for us. Stepping through the door, I could tell they all wanted an explanation of what happened, but I wasn't sure where to start. I couldn't tell them about Micah - that was too much. So I opted to tell them the good news instead.

"Duncan has agreed to let Michael stay in the coven," I announced.

Magda's eyes widen in surprised as she remarked, "Extraordinary, how did you do that."

"I told him the truth and he was understanding," I smiled.

Francesca gently bumped her shoulder against Magda's and said, "See, I told you my brother was a soft touch."

The only person who did not look happy was Michael.

"Lorna, can I speak to you alone in your room?" he asked.

Magda shook her head, "Oh no, I'm not falling for that, you sir are-"

Francesca suddenly placed a restraining arm on Magda. 

Magda paused and then quickly broke off into angry tirade of Russian that I couldn't understand. Francesca replied calmly in Russian to Magda who still did not seem impressed. Taking a deep breath Magda said, "I am not happy with the arrangement, but we have no other choice. Listen carefully Michael, you will respect my daughter like the lady that she is. Do you understand?"

Michael nodded.

"Good!" Magda spat.

Magda and Francesca watched helplessly as Michael led me into the bedroom. 

I followed him into the bedroom and closed the door behind me. He dropped down onto the bed and sighed, "So what's the catch."

"The catch?" I asked.

"What deal did you make with Duncan?"

I glanced down at the folders that I was holding and replied, "Michael we got problems."

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