Chapter Twenty: Making Amends

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All at once, the hall erupted in cheers as the sun burst through the windows, illuminating them all. Calypso screamed along with them, jumping up and down, hands pressed to her ears against the noise, screaming until her throat was raw. She was pushed to and fro as people rushed past her to get the Harry, to touch some part of him. She saw his face, shining among the crowd of well wishers. Their eyes met briefly and Calypso beamed at him.

The crowd was ushered into the Great Hall, leaving the bodies of Voldemort and Bellatrix and all the other dead Death Eaters behind. As they pushed their way into the hall, black hooded figures were running towards the exit, but no one paid the escaping Death Eaters any mind. Calypso caught Kylie's hand to make sure they stayed together.

In the Great Hall, families were embracing each other, thankful to find each other alive. Kylie pulled Calypso over to where the Weasleys were standing with Harry and Hermione.

Her extended family beamed at her. Rushing forward, she threw her arms around Harry's neck in a tight embrace. Soon enough, the entire Weasley family plus Hermione, Kylie and Luna were all wrapped in a large group hug.

"We did it," Calypso heard Harry whisper. "It's all over."

"Your parents would be proud," Calypso whispered back.

"And Lupin would be proud of you, too."

"I know." Calypso smiled at him, tears threatening to overwhelm her again. Slowly, the group distangled. Kylie sought out Calypso's hand again and gripped it tightly. She noticed the Mrs. Weasley glance at their joined hands and her face faltered slightly, but when she looked up to meet Calypso's gaze, her smile was bright.

Calypso leaned over to press her lips to Kylie's ear and whisper, "You may have to have a talk with your aunt about us."

Kylie's brown eyes met Calypso's blue one. She gave a small shrug before launching herself at Calypso and kissing her full on the mouth. After her her initial shock, Calypso kissed her back fiercely, wrapping her arms around Kylie's waist and lifting her off her feet. Cheers rang through the hall as they embraced.

When Kylie finally pulled away and Calypso set her back on the ground, Kylie smiled. "Now everyone knows."

Calypso blushed and buried her face into Kylie's neck like she was trying to hide. She felt Kylie's shoulder shake in silent giggles. The whole hall was still cheering, though whether they were cheering for Kylie and Calypso's show of sexuality, or just cheering for the end of the war in general, Calypso didn't know, nor did she care.

"Calypso," Ginny called, pulling at her dirty robes. She pushed herself away from Kylie's neck, though kept her arms wrapped firmly around her waist to look at Ginny. Without saying another word, Ginny pointed across the hall. Calypso followed her gaze. Sitting alone at one of the tables were her parents and bother. Draco was staring between her and Kylie with his mouth open, Narcissa was watching her like she had never seen her daughter before, and Lucius was glaring. All three of them showed signs of the battle, or maybe it was signs of Voldemort's torture. Either way, Calypso felt like she looked worse, covered in blood, dirt, and sweat, with her robes torn and her hair matted and her scars thrown into relief.

"You should go talk to them," Kylie nudged her.

"I don't want to," Calypso responded stubbornly. Her happiness had suddenly deflated.

"Yes you do."

"Calypso," said Harry, following her gaze. "Your mother saved my life."

Calypso sighed. "Fine, but you're coming with me then." And before Kylie could protest, Calypso grabbed her hand an dragged her across the hall to her parents.

"Mum," Calypso said as she reached them. "Dad, Draco."

She squeezed Kylie's hand tightly, afraid of what they would say to her. Draco stood up and Calypso tensed. Though she knew her brother was the least likely of the three to harm her, she still wasn't sure what to expect. But all Draco did was walk around the bench that was between them and wrap his sister in a tight embrace. Kylie released her hand and stepped back as Calypso wrapped her arms tightly around Draco's slim figure in return.

"I'm glad you're ok," he told her, his voice cracking as he fought back tears.

"You too," Calypso responded. "If it weren't for your help that one night, I'd probably be dead."

Narcissa's slim figure approached them. She seemed to hesitate slightly before wrapping her arms around both Draco and Calypso.

"Calypso," Narcissa said, her voice soft like she was horrified of what she was about to say. "I'm so sorry for what we've done to you. We should have listened. We should have-"

"Mum," Calypso interrupted. "It's fine. What's done is done. The war is over, so maybe we can start over too."

The look on Narcissa's face told Calypso that her mother had not expected this sort of forgiveness. She opened her mouth to speak, but Calypso cut her off again. "It will not be immediate. I still haven't forgotten that you tried to have me killed, and succeeded in killing the father of my child, not to mention all the other unspeakable things that happened to me since you kicked me out. But, you're my parents and I've been looking for your approval ever since I was young. I know now that I don't need your approval in my life, but I've lost so much recently and family is supposed to stick together." Narcissa gave her a watery smile which Calypso returned and they embraced again.

"So you have a son?" Draco asked her, trying to get their conversation in a not-so-awkward level.

"Yes," she smiled. "His name is Silas."

"Is he.. You know.. Like you?" Lucius asked, speaking for the first time.

"If you mean to ask if he's a werewolf, then yes," Calypso said fiercely, meeting her father's grey eyes. "I haven't forgotten that you're the cause of most of my problems, father. If you aren't willing to make amends with me right now, then I'll walk away." He squirmed under her gaze.

"Lucius," Narcissa hissed at him. "She is our daughter." When he didn't respond, or even look at any of them, Narcissa took a step towards him. "Lucius, I swear, if you don't get up and accept her back into the family right now, I will leave you."

Calypso watched her mother, chin held high, meeting her husband's gaze head on, and suddenly she felt a rush of affection towards the woman.

"Alright, alright," Lucius huffed, standing up. He slowly walked around the table and stood in front of his daughter. "Calypso," he said stiffly, "I'm sorry for all the grief I've caused you, kicking you out and killing your boyfriend. I was not thinking about my family, but of how the rest of the world would view me. They were rash decisions made by a foolish man who had everything to loose. I cannot bring your boyfriend back to life or relieve the suffering you I have caused you, but I can say how sorry I am and hope you will consider us your family once more."

His arms twitched like he was going to hug her but thought better of it. Calypso stepped forward slowly. She saw how her father tensed as she wrapped her arms around him, but he returned her hug, however hesitantly. "I forgive you," Calypso said. "It's time to start over."

Kylie cleared her throat behind them. Draco stepped forward and offered her his hand. "I'm Draco Malfoy, Calypso's brother," he announced like she didn't already now who he was.

Kylie took his hand. "Kylie Prewett, Calypso's girlfriend." Calypso saw her parents share a look, but Draco beamed.

"I'm glad she found someone other than that no good twat that abused her."

"Excuse you," said Calypso, stepping between them, her tone light and teasing. "That no good twat happens to be the father of my child."

"Yeah, well.. I like her better." Draco gave Calypso a cheesy grin.

Calypso placed her hands in her hips. "How would you know? You never met Logan."

"I don't need to know him to know that he hurt you in more ways than one. And she doesn't." Draco shrugged but changed topics before Calypso could say anything else on the subject. "So who does Silas look like?"

"Like Logan," Calypso answered without hesitation.

"When can we see him?" her mother asked.

Calypso shrugged. "I'm not sure. All this has to get cleared up first. We need to grieve over our losses. The world needs to right itself."

Draco placed his hand on his sister's should while Kylie wrapped her arms around her waist. "We made it though," Draco said. "Against all the odds, we survived."

Faces flashed across Calypso's face, Logan, Remus, Tonks, Fred, all the people who had left her in this world. But then the faces of Kylie, Draco, Ginny and Luna, her parents and Silas, all her friends burst in front of her, all the people who she was still breathing for. A smile spread across her face, the first real smile she felt like she had smiled in years.

She watched across the hall as friends and family embraced. Many people gave the Malfoys fearful looks, but when they saw Calypso and Kylie among them, the fear went away and everyone smiled. Harry even walked over and thanked Narcissa for saving his life. Things would be alright.

"Yes," she sighed. "We made it."

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