Chapter Twenty One: A Funeral For Friends

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The next morning, Andromeda arrived at Hogwarts, carrying little Silas and Teddy. Calypso was going to go to her aunt's house herself, but she couldn't bear leaving the school yet. It needed to be cleaned up and Calypso needed work to do.

Kylie went with Calypso to the gates of the school to welcome Andromeda, Teddy and Silas. Andromeda's face was pale and her eyes red and blotchy. Calypso's heart sank. In her grief, she forgot others had suffered losses too. Tonks was her daughter.

Silas ran right to Calypso, screaming in delight. She scooped her son up, cradling him to her chest. She couldn't believe that hardly 24 hours ago, she was afraid she might never see him again. As Andromeda approached with Teddy, Calypso hugged the two of them. Andromeda buried her face into Calypso's shoulder and she felt her aunt rack with silent sobs, but when she straightened up, her face was quite dry.

"I tried to stop her from coming," Andromeda whispered.

"It's ok," Calypso assured her. "She wouldn't have been able to live on know Remus had died without her."

Andromeda nodded, her brown hair bobbing. "What about Teddy?"

"One day he'll understand," Calypso said, looking at her godson. "In the meantime, we have to figure out what the issue with his custody is." She ruffled his pink hair, reminding her painfully of Tonks. "It will all come through in time."

"Andy." The word was like a breath on the wind, barely noticeable. But Andromeda heard it. Her head snapped up, looking over Calypso's shoulder. Calypso turned to see her mother standing behind her, staring at Andromeda.

"Cissy," Andromeda whispered, equally as quite. Pushing Teddy into Calypso's arms, she rushed to embrace her sister. As far as Calypso understood, Narcissa and Andromeda had not set eyes on each other since Andromeda married Ted.

"Bella is dead," she heard her mother whisper to Andromeda. A bitter taste rose up in her mouth at the mention of Bellatrix, but she had been their sister, no matter how vile.

"Will we get her body?" Andromeda asked quietly. "Can we have a proper funeral?"

"I'll see if I can make it happen," Narcissa assured her. "I'm sorry," her mother blurted. "We should have never pushed you away."

Even from a distance, Calypso could see the tears well up in both Nacrissa and Andromeda's eyes. "It's ok," Andromeda whispered. "I forgive you. We'll make things right."

Kylie picked up Silas, and while Calypso still carried Teddy, the four woman made their way back to the castle. Then the cleaning commenced. Calypso through herself into the work, fixing the stone, scrubbing blood off the walls. It was a long process that took several weeks. Everyone helping with the clean up usually just spent the night at the castle. Calypso even got to use the Shrieking Shack one last time for her transformation with Silas at her side.

Andromeda brought Silas and Teddy to see her every day. She had tried getting into the Ministry to figure out what to do with Teddy, but the entire Ministry was in chaos and no one could give her answers. So Teddy stayed with Andromeda. She kept Silas too and when Calypso was finished with the shook cleaning, she went to live there too. The house remained rarely quiet, both Calypso and Andromeda still in mourning. Without the two children running about the house, it would have been a bleak existence indeed, but the little children brighten up their days slightly.

Their days were long. At least once a week, Narcissa, Lucius, and Draco would stop by to visit Silas. While Narcissa and Andromeda would sit in the kitchen, catching up on their lives, Draco would go into the sitting room and play with both Silas and Teddy. Calypso smiled at them. Her brother was great with the children, they loved him. Lucius always kept his distance but Calypso didn't mind.

Barely a month after the war, there was a knock on Andromeda's door. Calypso answered it to find herself face to face with Kingsley Shacklebolt, the Minster of Magic himself.

"May I come in?" he asked in his deep voice.

Calypso nodded and stepped aside for him to enter. She sat down at the table with him while Andromeda made tea. "As you know," he started, "the Ministry has been very busy rounding up dead bodies, alerting family members, examining wills, and holding funerals."

Calypso said nothing, but as Andromeda set the tea in front of them, she gripped Kingsley's arm. "We understand how hard you've been working. We aren't rushing you to get back to us."

"We finally found Remus's will," he said, looking directly at Calypso. "He left you his house, all his gold, and custody of his son."

Silence follows his words. "Are you serious?" Calypso blurted.

"Yes, I'm very serious."

"Not that I don't love Teddy, but how am I going to afford this?" Calypso cried. "I already have a son and I'm not even able to find paid work because of what I am! I'm won't even be able to support my own son!"

"Calypso, please," said Kingsley, reaching across the table to grip her hand. "You have access to your parents' fortune as well as the gold Remus left you."

"I can't live off that fore-"

"You didn't let me finish," Kingsley interrupted. "I have been talking with Hermione Granger. She wants to take part in the legal rights of magical creatures. I do believe she said something about S.P.E.W.? Between me and her, we were able to start an organization for oppressed magical creatures trying to find their way in life. We can get a fund going for you. It won't be much, but it's enough to keep on your feet."

"I don't know what to say," Calypso whispered.

"Say you'll take good care of Silas and Teddy and assure us that this money won't go to waste."

Calypso nodded. "Of course."

Kingsley stood up. "Harry Potter wishes to honor all the dead who perished at Hogwarts. We've found a site big enough so we're going to bury a majority of the bodies there. We are more than happy to relinquish the custody of Remus and Tonks's bodies over to you if you have other arrangements?" Both Andromeda and Calypso shook their heads. "I will send an owl with directions to the graveyard to you soon so you can attend. You ladies have a nice day."

At the door, Kingsley turned to look back at her. "Remus was a very dear friend to me. He would have been proud of you, Calypso, and that's the highest praise I can give you." He smiled sadly at her before leaving.

"Wait!" Calypso shouted, running to catch him. She suddenly felt like she couldn't keep it a secret anymore. She had to tell someone. He turned to look at her. "I've killed people! I don't deserve this!"

"I understand how you feel," Kingsley told her sadly, "but you have to understand that you did the right thing, even if it feels wrong. You've rid the world of two great evils." Before Calypso could open her mouth to tell him that it wasn't right, he squeezed her shoulder and disapperated. She walked back inside, feeling dejected.

"Any word on our sister's body?" Calypso asked, refusing to say Bellatrix's name.

"Cissy got it, though we have to have a private funeral." Andromeda looked sadly at her niece. "I would love for you to come, but I'm not going to ask such a thing of you."

"If it were anyone else, you know I would."

Andromeda nodded in understanding. "She was a horrible person, but she wasn't always that way. We were all so close when we were young. It's a shame this is how it ended.. I never got to say goodbye or I'm sorry." She collapsed into a chair, holding her face in her hands. Calypso tried to think of comforting words, but her hatred for Bellatrix rose up in their chest, so she elected to remain silent.

An owl was sent to them a few days later with the time and place of the funeral. Andromeda treated Calypso to a beautiful set of black robes. When they arrived, the graveyard was already packed with people. Though she was offered a seat in the front, Calypso chose to sit in the back. Kylie joined her, soon followed by Ginny and the rest of the Weasleys, then Luna, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville.

The service was long and quiet. Several black caskets were lined up, all waiting to be lowered into the ground. Calypso found the ones bearing Remus and Tonks in no time. Tears stung her eyes and she started to wish she hadn't come at all. Kylie gripped her hand tightly, tears already flowing down her face, staring at her cousin's casket.

At last, Kingsley stood up and said some final words that Calypso only heard part of. Something about bravery and nobility of spirit and great sacrifice. His words were not enough to fill her void. Waving his wand, Kingsley sent the caskets into the ground and covered them in dirt. Wizards busied themselves setting headstones at the top of each grave, engraving the name and dates of death and birth before allowing the family members and friends to swarm the tombs.

Calypso paid a silent tribute to Fred Weasley with his family before going to stand silently next to Andromeda at the grave of Remus and Tonks. She wasn't able to stop the tears this time. She tried reading what had been engraved on their headstones, but her tears blurred her vision.

"Thank you," she whispered to the grave. "You took care of me when no ones else would. You gave me a home and a family. I'll never forget you." Andromeda took her hand and Kylie walked behind her and squeezed her shoulders as they shook in sobs.

Calypso was the last one to leave the graveyard, well after night had fallen. She slid her wand from her robes. No spell came to mind, but she didn't need one, she knew what she wanted. Golden light flowed from the tip, draping itself over the branches of the willow tree above their grave. Moving onward, she draped her golden lights over every grave until the entire graveyard glowed with golden light. It was a beautiful sight and Calypso could think of no better final resting place for these poor souls.

Waving her wand once more, she produced a wreath of flowers and laid them at the grave of her loved ones as a final goodbye.

As she walked out of the graveyard, she nearly ran into someone. She thought she had been alone. Knowing her face was probably extremely red and blotchy, she looked up to see who she had nearly walked into. The girl looked to be about her age, wearing a nice set of black robes and clutching a small, beaded black purse. There was a pink bow braided into her brown hair.

The girl's eyes widened and flashed to the scar on her cheek. Calypso blushed, thinking this is how Harry must feel when people stared at his scar. "You're Calypso Malfoy," the girl gasped.

"Yeah," said Calypso thickly. "Who are you?"

"I'm Lavender Brown. You saved my life."

Calypso, whose mind was filled with all the people who had lost lives instead of those lives that had been saved, looked up. "I did? How?"

"Fenrir Greyback attacked me." Lavender shuddered. "I was sure he was going to kill me, but then suddenly, he was gone. I looked up and you had tackled him. You killed him, didn't you?"

The contents of Calypso's stomach stirred at the memory. "I didn't mean to."

"I'm glad you did, other wise my body would be in a grave next to all them." She gestured to the graves behind Calypso.

Calypso could find no words to say. Lavender seemed to understand so she said thank you one last time before leaving. Feeling worse than she did when the funeral had started, she slowly made her way to her mother's house to pick up Silas and Teddy.

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