Chapter Twenty-Two: Hermione's Proposition

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Over the next month, Calypso made the slow transition of moving all her stuff from Andromeda's house but to Remus and Tonks' house. No, her house now. The small cottage seemed empty and desolate with the absence of her two caretakers, but now it was filled with two little balls of light. Silas and Teddy were becoming as close as brothers.

Kylie visited often, until Calypso practically begged her not to leave, saying she couldn't live on her own. Kylie had hoped for a more romantic proposal to live with her girlfriend, but she was happy to oblige. Between Kylie's job as a healer, the money the Malfoy's sent them, and the small fund that Kingsley had promised her, Calypso was able to make ends meet, though she was driven mad thought of not doing anything useful with her life.

Guilt still ate at her conscious over the people she had killed all those months ago until Kylie finally urged her to see a therapist. Though the war was over and things had changed, werewolves were still thought to be disgusting animals, so Calypso could not find willing to counsel her. At least until George Weasley opened his own department in the Ministry of Magic, dealing with counseling those who had suffered during the Battle of Hogwarts.

With George's help, Calypso was slowly able to get better, coming to terms with what she had done. Kylie noticed a dramatic difference in her at home, noticing how much happier she seemed.

Though she was still quite, wishing she could find a job. For months, when she wasn't in counseling, Calypso would sit at home, usually by herself when Kylie was at work. She had many visitors including her parents and brother, Andromeda, Luna, and a variety of the Weasleys, though Calypso had never felt more alone. But the kids were always happy to see Uncle Draco, and all of Calypso's other friends, and so was Calypso, though her happiness was short lived.

Many more months passed, bringing along the painful transformations of each full moon. Calypso started to get tired with her life. Her counseling had helped her come to term with her crimes, but it could not change the fact that she was a monster, shunned by wizarding society and basically useless to her partner without a job.

When all hope seemed lost for Calypso, someone knocked on her door. She opened it to come face to face with Hermione Granger, her fist still raised like she was going to knock again. "Hey Calypso," she said brightly. "May I come in?"

Calypso stepped aside to let her friend in. While Hermione seated herself, Calypso made tea, a habit she had picked up from Andromeda.

"I have a proposition for you," Hermione said without preamble. When Calypso said nothing, she continued, some of the bravado leaving her voice. "Well, you know that fund Kingsely and I started for you? Well it's been a major success with all other sorts of magical creatures trying to live independent lives. So, that being said, I want to start a council." Hermione smiled brightly, obviously thinking this was a winning idea.

"A council of what?" Calypso asked.

"Of magical creatures." Hermione gushed. "I've got a goblin and a centaur and a mermaid. They are delightful, by the way. I really need a house elf. Of course my first choice was Dobby, but I'm thinking maybe Kreature if Harry lets me. Recently I've been thinking about maybe getting a giant too. And of course I need.." Hermione trailed off, her brown eyes meeting Calypo's blue ones.

"A werewolf," Calypso finished for her. "You want me to be on your council?"

Hermione nodded eagerly. "Oh yes, I could think of no better choice and Kingsley agrees with me." She saw the hesitant look in Calypso's eyes so she pushed on. "Look, this is a great opportunity for you. Haven't you been looking for a job? By sitting on this council, you are basically a Ministry of Magic employee. This whole thing takes place in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, though I'm petitioning to just have it called the Department for Magical Creatures."

"What will I have to do?"

"Share your story. Make it know to the world how you have struggle because of what you are. Maybe start some campaigns. And then, maybe one day, we can get fair werewolf rights for you. And the same goes for each of the other species that will be on the council. And then together, we can help oppressed magical creatures everywhere."

"I don't know, Hermione.."

Hermione lunged across the table. Calypso, who had become very jumpy due to recent events, flinched, but all she did was grip Calypso's hand tightly. "Please, Calypso? You are perfect for this job, seeing as you belong to two minority groups."

"Two?" Calypso arched her eyebrows.

"You know, with you being gay and all.." Hermione blushed.

Color flooded Calypso's cheeks for the first time in a long time, throwing her scars into sharp relief. "I am not gay!"

Hermione looked scandalized. "But you and Kylie..?"

"There is a thing called bisexuality, Hermione," Calypso snapped. Hermione looked ashamed of herself, and started muttering apologize. "Sorry," Calypso muttered. "I shouldn't have snapped."

"The point is," Hermione continued, "is that your relationship with Kylie is another reason to try and get legal rights for people like you out there. I know you view yourself as a monster, but that's only because that's how society has forced you to view yourself. This is your chance to change the world, to change how people see you and make a difference. This is your chance to show people you are not a monster, Calypso, because you aren't."

A small blossom of hope began to bloom in Calypso's chest. This meant she could have a future. She could become a Werewolf Rights Activest, working for rights for other people who suffer from her condition. Hermione was right, this was her chance to make a difference in the world. Hermione must have seen the spark ignite in her eyes, because she smiled and gripped Calypso's hand tighter.

"So will you do it? Will you join?"

"Yeah," Calypso said slowly. "What have I got to lose?"

The look on Hermione's face told Calypso that that wasn't exactly the type of attitude that she was looking for, but she smiled brightly anyway. "Great! We look forward to having you. You'll love the others on the council. They are truly one of a kind. Anyway, come to the Ministry at 8 o'clock tomorrow and we'll get everything set up." Saying her final goodbyes, Hermione hugged Calypso tightly and left. Calypso felt lighter than she had in a long time. Things were finally starting to look up.

Her job on the council proved to be an immediate success. Werewolves from all over the country sought her out, wanting to be a part of her campaign to gain rights for werewolves. Other creatures sought them out too, until the council had nearly an entire department to themselves. Soon enough, she had become a public figure. Interviewers sought her out, asking about her life experiences as a werewolf, asking what her life was like now and what she hoped to accomplish. She started making speeches on public, trying to convince others to her side. It started to work. Pictures of Calypso filled the front pages of the Daily Prophet more than once as she stand started to make a difference in the world.

Life went on. Calypso attended the weddings of Ron and Hermione, Harry and Ginny, Draco and Astoria, Luna and Rolf, and even Neville and Hannah Abbot. The wizarding community refused to let her marry Kylie, but Calypso was taking one step at a time.

Soon children started arriving. Calypso was proud to be the aunt of little Scorpius. She spent much of her free time with her brother, or the vast Weasley and Potter bloodlines. As Teddy got older, he went back and forth between her house and Harry's, who was always welcome to have him over. Silas went with him almost every time. She would often take them to visit the graves of Remus and Tonks, explaining to the the impact they had on her life and the good they did to the world. Teddy finally came to terms with his parents' deaths, embracing Calypso. She told Silas about his father, but he didn't seem to care much. He was happy with two mothers.

At long last, Calypso could settle down and have a proper family and a normal life. All was well.

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