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*Emily's POV*

Due to the pain, It knocked Max unconscious, that and on the way down he could of hit his head. Perhaps it was for the best because as we both were there in the warm dirt seeing him how he was, memories one by one began to unravel like a loose thread.

   It was a dark cellar, old and long forgotten it reeked of rot and decay. It was a long stone circular room with stone slabs . There was a dirt floor, And rotting columns made of a dark wood layered with dirt and grim-

The others were talking about something, but I just didn't care. Their words became more like background interference, rather than the voices of people I knew all my life, who influenced me to be the person I am today. Whether they knew it or not.

  Silence. That was always the number one rule. No talking, no laughter, no music. No screams, no grumbling, Whatever you do, whatever happened. Me, or anyone in that room could not speak.

It was enough to drive a person to insaniTy

   No matter how bad the deafening silence got, you could not speak any words, or make any noise.  You like to tap your fingers or your feet when your board? Well, too bad.  You love to sing? Well, too bad. You like to hum when you are working? Well too bad.

For anything other than silence was punishable by death. Or something, far much worse.

It all felt... so real. But its not... It cant be...

   Please- please let it not be real.

Please make it stop-

   If it wasn't for Max, I would be long gone by now... without him, the injures would be too much. Without him the cold would of had freeze me over.  Without him the loneliness would of had consumed me... Without Max, the silence would of warped around me like a blanket of despair and  so thick and fine it would of suffocated me. Without him, there would be nothing left to save.

Through all the static, Max's voice would easily, and will always pierce through above the rest "... Emily?"

   We were running though the cold, dyeing woods as the autumn leaves began to fall and softly drift into the cold wind. Even though we were running for our lives, it felt surreal to be here. For what? Years? ... weeks?  Months? Nether of us had seen the stars, the clouds, the sunset, the sunrise, the trees, the flowers, the colors, the sounds, the smells. We thought that every family member, every person that we ever love, would never see us again...

It had never felt so good to be wrong.

   For once in a very long time... we had a solid, grounded hope.

"E-Emily snap out of it!" My eyes, at the time were half closed in a almost dazed like state, snapped open wide.  Max was now sitting across from me his knees tucked underneath him, his cloths thoroughly stained with his blood, and where he was injured earlier left a hole in his white shirt (and probably in his hoodie too), and his blue hoodie was wrapped around his waist. His eyes were wide and glassy, as well as full of concern. And his hands were shaking slightly.

   "Is... it over? The flashback? Oh cipher this is my fault I should of been more careful and see that the hit was coming, I-" before he could go on any further I lunged and rapped my arms around him in a tight hug. "Max, its not your fault." Then I let go, sanded up and helped him up as well "I'm just glad that your ok."

Looking around seeing the large trees and the long green grass sway gently into the wind I looked sheepishly at him "er, by any chance do you know the way back" He nodded. I let out a sigh of relief "good."

   Then I herd Stan clear his throat. As we turned around my mom had her hands on her hips. "You two, have a lot of explaining to do." 

Oh. Crap.          

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