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*Emily's POV*

   "umm... we can... explain?"

Asher walked up to me and crossed his arms "Damn right your gonna explain to us! Today we've been through so much weirdness I- I don't even now were to start!" Danny and Rin nodded in agreement as Max slumped his shoulders "why is it always the Gnomes that we see first..." With that my whole family just paused and looked at him, because of all the stares Max shifted awkwardly back and forth with his feet. With a blank stare Asher looked at me and lifted his right hand and gestured toward Max "see? This is what I'm talking about. Apparently, being attacked by Gnomes is a casual greeting in Oregon, and so are teens being revised from certain death... BY YOU, MY SISTER!" 

   Before Asher could continue, dad put a hand on his shoulder "we can talk about this, after we get in the golf cart. I have a feeling that we're going to have plenty of time to talk about this on the way back." Asher opened his mouth to protest, but then closed it. As much as he wanted answers right now, he wanted to get home more. Besides, by the looks of it, the whole group could agree that it was becoming more and more unsettling seeing Max and I covered in Max's blood. Especially my mom, seeing her slightly horrified and heavily concern eyes. 

As we piled on into the Golf cart Stan awkwardly cleared his throat and turned towards Max resting his left arm on the torn seat as Ford tried to get the engine started. "So, um, kid... you ok?" Max shrugged unusually nonchalant about what happened earlier. Mable seemed to approach out of nowhere behind him "Well good, because now I can do this!" and with that she smacked him upside the head-


"Do you know how worried I was?! We had gone monster hunting for years, and for the first time, you get hurt?! Dear lord if Emily wasn't here-" she turned towards me "Thank you, by the way-" even though I was slightly stunned, I nodded "no... problem?" before I could finish she already turned towards Max and continued her rant "and apparently, your keeping secrets from me?! We are twins you-" However, in Mable's mid rant, Max lunged (much like I did earlier) and held her tightly "Look, Mable. I am going to explain as much as I can. Just... just hold on, ok?" She opened her mouth to argue, but closed it "... aright. But you better tell me everything! Especially since you got blood on me! Not that I mind, hugs are always worth it-"

   I looked at Max through the corner of my eye "Do... you think we can tell them everything? ...Will we be able to?" Max lightly shrugged "I don't know, but we can always try..." Looking towards the dirt paved road I nodded "yea, I guess we can always... try."        

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