Terror in The Falls

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*Emily's POV*

We all forced our eyes shut and waited for the deadly contact,

but it never came.

Max and I were the firsts ones who dared open our eyes as we did so my jaw hung open "Uhhh, Max? Can... Are you seeing what I'm seeing?!"

He, completely dumfounded by this point, nodded. "Yea... That or we're both hallucinating."

Around all of us and the golf cart was a almost bubble-like dome that surrounded us. It was both a light blue and a forest green. It also had what looked like golden ancient markings that almost seemed to come alive, floating around in fluid movements.

It was really, quite beautiful.

Max snapped me out of my dazed trance when he asked "hey, what's up with everyone else?" As I turned around I saw that everyone looked just as dazed as I was.

Except, they weren't looking at the bubble.

They were looking at us.

As I turned to Max I thought "Max what's going on-" As soon as we got a good look at each we both froze in awe. Max... He didn't look like himself.

Heck, he didn't even look human.

And by how he was looking at me, I'm willing to bet that I looked no more human than he did at this moment.

For starters his eyes were completely filled in with the same blue color that some of the bubble was made with. As though his skin was like a cracked glass doll, with the same blue essence that leaked out of the cracks and partly created the dome. It seemed to be pulsing, thriving out of him.

"Err, Max? Can you send me a mental picture of myself? I'll send one to you as well."

Max nodded "deal."

As I showed him what he looked like, he gave me a image on what I looked like. Aside from the color, we had the same supernatural looks going on. But instead, I was the one creating the hypnotic green.

I didn't notice earlier, but I could feel a slight hum in my left hand as we both looked down we could a golden light connecting our hands that was creating the strange language.

Stan was the one who broke the silence "Welp. That's something you don't see every day."

Before anyone else could speak the black muck began viscously attacking the bubble than Max and I created somehow. The more it hit the bubble the more I began to realise that the ends looked like twisted hands, which unnerved me greatly. It didn't help that I could tell that Max felt the same way which only fed the feeling.

Then all the 'hands' began to slowly retreat as the black muck began to retreat faster and faster until a twisted looking figure loomed over us at lest three story's tall. It had a feminine figure and her mouth was filled with teeth as sharp as daggers.

"WHerE iS iT?! wHEre, wHeRE!!" She screeched her voice was static and filled with rage. She radiate greatly of both power and insanity. Much like how Max felt when ever he was around Bill Cipher.

And with a great battle cry, she lunged for us. The hole bubble shook as she lunges again and again. While the bubble shook, it never faltered in its purpose. Keeping impressively enough, fully intact.

A gasp of terror brought my attention to Danny and Rin. They both griped each other tightly looking absolutely horrified. Which is to be expected in moments like this.

But they weren't looking at the monster.

I followed my eyes to where they were looking at and my heart began to pound as my expression matched theirs "Max..."

But I couldn't bring myself to finish that sentence as I saw the damage that was done. All the buildings, the statute, the cars were in this solidified shell of the similar black muck. All as if frozen in time.

And that wasn't the worst part.

It was what the state the people, and animals were in that truly sent shivers up my spine.

Have you ever seen pictures of what the people of Pompeii looked like after the volcano? That's what the people of Gravity Falls looked like.

Some where in poses of complete terror, trying to escape in there cars and houses or in mid screams. Others seemed to be frozen in completely normal positions as if they realize what was happening far too late, others what looked mostly of mothers and fathers seemed to be trying to protect their love ones in vain, even though it did no good.

"Oh god." Max thought, unable to think or say any other words. I couldn't even bring my self to try and fathom what he was feeling.

After all, he knew these people.

Where they even alive?

Mable eyes watered and she put both of her hands to her mouth as if to hold back her screams. Her eyes were wide with absolute terror and realization "MOM! DAD!"

I could feel Max hand shake as Mable said those words and realization dawned to him.

Stan and Ford looked just as terrified at the words were spoken.

Max and I looked at each other fear melting away to determination. And we began to move.

Maybe it was too late...

Maybe... Just maybe.

It wasn't.

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