Unraveling the Cipher

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Going Through the Black goo was like trying to go through a raging ocean. As Emily and I were the one's that pushed through, the Informe Prodigium (this is what I decided to call black-goo-lady) consistently tried to hit the bubble with endless attacks. Each time rocking us to the core.

Everyone tried to help at first. But they couldn't find a way seeing how none of there actions provided any more endurance to the bubble then it already had, so they just stayed as close to the middle as possible without coming to close to the edge's.

"ok Max, where is your house?" Emily asked with a bit of hesitation. While she didn't say it (mentally or otherwise) I knew she was a bit nervous because we both didn't know what we would find once we reached to Mable's and I house.

Did my parents become statues?

If their not at the house, then where are they?

And if they became statues, can we reverse it?

or, by becoming statues, is there really nothing left to save?

"Max, I can't make many promises, I wont try and say that stuff is going to get magically better. But whatever happens next, we'll get through it. That, I can promise."

I made a small smile "Thanks, Emily."

"Bro-Bro! Stop doing mental conversation with some hot chick I just meet!" Mable said.

Emily and I blushed a fiery red "Mable, its not like that! For the last time, we're just friends!" We cried unanimously. While we were distracted Informe Prodigium took another hit at us, this time almost knocking us to the ground, vibrating through us.

 As Gruncle Stan got up from a defensive position he said roughly "enough girl talk, lets go get your parents. Then we can go back to the shack that my nerd brother put up the protections up on."

Ford nodded in agreement "I agree, the faster we get back at the shack. The better. I don't know much longer Dipper and Emily can hold this."

Everyone then looked at us for the answer as Informe Prodigium black goo raged around us. Asher looked at us and asked "Well? How long do you think you can hold this?"

Emily and I looked at each other. How long can we hold this?

"Max, we can do this." As she thought of these word to me, the glowing green essence that flowed out of her seemed to glow a bit brighter.

I did a quick nod "then lets do it"

We turned back to everyone else Emily cleared her throat "we can do it long enough."

Emily's dad nodded his head "alright then, led the way."


When we finally reached Mable and I house, I drew in a large breath prepare my self for the worse as we reached the door.

"great, now we're here... How are we gonna open the door?" Danny asked.

As he said that all of our eyes widen.


We did not think that far ahead.

Rin shuffled uncomfortability at the silence "um, maybe we should... just go to the door... and see what happens???"

Emily's mom shrugged "its worth a shot."

As we came to the door the edge bubble went through the door as if made of air. All while maintaining its form and keeping the Informe Prodigium black goo out.

"this... is convenient." Emily's mom said with wide open eyes. We all nodded in agreement as we got closer to the door.

I took a deep breath and reached for the door knob.


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