Unraveling the Cipher Part Two

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*Max POV*

The door was locked.

Of course. I really should of seen this coming. "Uhm, Mable? Do you have the keys by any chance?"

Mable cocked her head to the side in bewilderment and confusion for a moment then straitened up and her eyes widen, as if remembering something. "um, yea. I think so, hold on for a second..." She felt around her pockets for a second sticking the tip of her tong out in focus. Then beamed when she found it and held her right arm out to me with a familiar, worn, golden key in hand "ah, found it! Here ya go."

I nodded and beamed back at her "thanks Mable."

"no problem, bro-bro."

I once again took a deep breath, this time with key and slowly unlocked the door. My heart feverishly thumping in anticipation, fearing the worse.

Emily gave me a concerned glance "... are you ready?"

I bit my lip and gave her a weak smile "no. But, its now or never."

And with that I opened the door. When I did so Black goo slugged out. All of us scrunched up our face's in disgust and backed up, even though it couldn't touch us.

I turned around "You guys ready this?" Nods and grunts of approvable followed my question. I swallowed "alright then, lets do this.." I paused for a moment closed my eyes. Entangled my hand in Emily's and we charged in.


They were in the kitchen.

My parents were in the kitchen when it happened.

My mom was opened mouth in a frozen scream and she looked like she was franticly trying to push the black goo off of her. My Dad, my own father was on the ground also in a eternal scream. But instead one of agony as if the black goo climbing onto him. My dad's fist were clenched and unlike my mom, whom eyes were wide and panicked and horror stricken, his were clinched close.

Numbness consumed me as I fell to my knees seeing there petrified bodies before me. I wanted to look away, but I just couldn't. Mable put her hand to her mouth as if to suffocate her screams. Her eyes watered and she chocked back a sob as she collapsed to her knees next to me. Gruncle Stan and Great uncle Ford stood there in pure unadulterated shock.

Danny and Rin once again held each other and whimpered as Emily stepped in front of the twins to block them from the gruesome sight. and Rin held them close to both also block their sight and to offer comfort to which the twins gladly excepted. Drake and Maria Clearwater held each other in a equal amount of shock and terror then saw the state of the younger Pines twins "I'm...so, so sorry for your loss"

I shook my head in disbelief as my hands trembled "n-no! It... it cant be! It... It j-just cant be..."

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