Chapter 7

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Hie my cutie pies...

So this is my seventh official chapter...

Hope you all like it.....

Happy reading



Ayush POV

"Hey man" - Rahul entered my cabin.

"Hmmm" - i replied uninterestedly as I hate when someone interupts me between Work.

"Ouch...i am Hurt" - Rahul dramatically winced in pain.

"What happened now?" - i asked while typing.

"Is that How you should respond your Friends?" - he plunged at me.

"Stop all your dramas and Come to The point" - i got irritated.

"Have you løst all your track of time" - he asked.


"ChecK The time... its already time for lunch"

I glanced at my wrist Watch and it showed Half past noon.

"Ohh...shoot" - i said rubbing my Temple.

"Yeah...lets go" - he walked to The door.

"Ummm...Rahul, you carry on i Will join you in The lunch hall" - i scratched The back of my neck to stop The Little blush which is threating to display on my face.

"Why...where Are you going hun?" - he teased me.

"I am coming with Arnah" - The mere thought oF Arnah brings a blush to my face.

" The blush in your face is because of Arnah right?"- he poked my now tomato coloured cheeks.

"No...nothing like that yaar(friend), its just that she is New here so i thought of accompaning her." - i said embarassed.

" you say. But I want The exact information about you and Arnah later. OK?" - he winked at me and left.

I walked to my Arnah's cabin. 'When did Arnah became yours?'- my irritating mind mocked me.
'Okay, okay now she is bot mine but soon she Will be mine'- my brain assured me.

Knock! Knock! - i knocked on her cabin door.

"Come in" - i heard her melodious voice.

I went inside to See her busy typing something in her laptop.

"Hey" - i said to gain her attention.

"Hi" - she said while arranging her files.

"You're going somewhere?" - i ashed her.


She told me that 'Khadoos' is calling her to his cabin urgently.

'What Work does he have with her now? '- i mentally asked myself. The mere thought of her with other men, brings anger in me. 'Jealous much. Are we?' - my mind spoke.
Forgeting all my thoughts, i went out of The cabin with her, Holding hånds. And you know what, this is Best part in this Day Till now. With Arnah linking her hånd in mine. Can this moment just get pause here forevet?
I was so Deep in my thoughts that i didn't notice Arnah was not with me. Confused, i turned back to See Arnah looking at me in astonishment.

"Hey boy, i guess we have reached 'Khadoos's' Office." - Arnah said and started laughing.

"Yeah" i walked towards her with an embarrasment striken face.
She pulled my cheeks in 'aww' and unruled my hair.

"Hey i am not a kid" - i pouted.

"You surely Are" - she said and laughed seeing my pout. Oh...she look so adourable in laughing, that i felt like kissing her laugh away.
Before i Can realise my møve, i walked towards her and pinned her to The wall. She suddenly got startled by my møve and a frown appeared in her beautiful face. I walked further towards her and vanished The Little Gap between us. We were so Close to each other that IF one of us try to møve our lips, our lips would link together. I closed my eyes and leaped forward in order to Kiss her but a strong push on my chest parted me from her. I opened my eyes to See her horror striken face.

"Look i am So sorry....i didn't mean to scare you" - i explained.

"Its okay i understand and Thank god i pulled away Before it was toø late" - she said restlessly.

"Hmmm..." - i hummed in response while looking Down.
Toø. Late?- what did she meant by that.

" i take my leave now" - she said and turned to leave.

"Wait" - i called her from behind.

She turned around and pulled her an eyebrow up in question.

"Don't forget about The treat. I Will wait for you" - i said with sincerety.

"Ofcoure i Will Come" - she reassured me and waved at me in bye. I waved her back and left.


Vernan's POV

"I want you in my Office now" - i called my Angel.

"But sir..." - she started protesting.
'Oh Angel please Don't deny me. Not now, i am not in The mood to listen you now.' - i pleaded in my mind.

"No buts...i am your boss and you should obey me. Otherwise take your resignation letter." - words rushed out from me in anger without my realization and dissconected it.

I researched a Little about Mr Taneja in The mean time and made some notes for Angel.
After my Work, i looked up at The Watch to find that its about 20mins from calling Arnah.
I became so impatient that i got up from my chair and made my way to her cabin...

Turning my head to The Glass wall attached in my cabin, i saw my Angel coming to my cabin with her hair Falling carelessly over her shoulder and some in her face. And oh Boy let me tell you, she is looking so sexy yet so beautiful. But what caught my attention is Ayush coming with her and that to linking his fucking hånd with her soft hånd.
Jealousy and anger hit me so hård that i felt my blood boiling to its height. But The later incident was about to make me a murder, as I saw that bloody bastard pinning my Angel to The wall and slowly dipped his head Down near my Angel. I glanced at my Angel to See her in a vulnerable State which took my breath away. I immediatly went to my door and was about to turn The doornob. But something stopped me from going, i looked at The wall for Angel's reaction. And to my utter goodness, i saw her pushing Ayush away.
And at that very moment, my respect towards her grew more. I Fall head over heels for her once Again.


Knock! Knock!

"May i Come in sir" - asked Angel.


Angel opened The door and enterd.

"Please have a Seat Ang...i mean Arnah" - i was about to call her Angel but immediatly bite my tongue.
She took a Seat and looked up at me in question.

"This is a contract Paper which you have to sign." - i produced a set of Paper to her.
She looked at me in confusion and took The Papers.
I gave her a Little time to read and in The mean time, i read her facial feature.
A Sharp pointed nose, soft baby pink lips with a Little gloss.
Urgh... i Can't resist the urg to Kiss her.

"Sir Can you explain me please. I am actually a Little Confused."- she asked.

"Hmmm" - i hummed in response.


Hie cutie pies...

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