Chapter 8

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Hie my cutie,
So here comes my eighth official chapter.

Hope you enjoy it and do keep voting and commenting

There is a Good News, #bittersweet... in #287 in The ranking of romance. I am really grateful to all of you. Thank you so much for all your appreciation.


Thank you



Vernan's POV

"Sir, Can you explain me please. I am actually a Little Confused." - Angel asked.

"Hmmm"- i hummed in response.

"So this is a contract about my PÅ, which you have to sign. This Will legally make you my deputy PÅ. It means that you Will be my PÅ When Hailey is not present.
So for today you're going to work as my PÅ." - I said simply but my mind was doing a HAPPY Dance.

She looked at me bewilderingly for sometime but eventually signed it.

"So get ready. We have a meeting with Mr. Taneja in his Office." - i said while handing over The notes for today's meeting.

"Lets go" - i got up from my Seat and walked out of The cabin with Angel following behind me.



The elevator door parted away, letting us in. We went in allowing The door to get Close.

I pressed The ground Floor button and waited.

On looking to my left, i found Angel chewing her lips in nervousness. My eyes attracted her lips and i felt a coerce to Kiss her Till The end.
Ah...please Don't bite your alluringly soft lips or else i won't be able to control myself and do something which you Will regret later, unlike me.

I was busy staring at her lips that i didn't notice that her eyes were on me. I teared my gaze from her lips and glanced at her mesmerising bronze eyes. Her eyes Are so Deep with full of secrets, loneliness, sadness that i want to dive in it and untangle all her tearful emotions and tangle it with lots of love and happiness.

We were both staring at each other as IF we Can look at each other's soul.
But, she adverted her gaze a Little later and looked away in nervousness with her lips between her teeth's. I let out a soft chuckle and walked towards her. With a blink of an eye, i pinned her to The elevator wall behind her. She looked at me dumbstruck by my action. I gazed at her lips then back at her eyes for permission. She just stared back at my eyes and blinked at me for permission, bewildering me.
I stared at her lips for some more time, then moved my head Down to her lips and closed all The possible Gaps between us. I raked my hand to her waist and she threw her hand in The back of my neck, pulling me Close to her. I inched my lips towards her and was about to touch her but The 'bling' sound of The elevator, startled us. She immediately pushed me aside and went off The elevator with a flushed look on her face.


Arnah's POV

Oh god....

' What was that?' - i asked myself while keeping my hand in my chest to steady my breath.

Why is everybody trying to Kiss me today? ( Well not everybody but Ayush and 'Khadoos' )
Is There some focal point on my lips?

But The Thing which is badgering me The most is that i didn't shove away Khadoos when tried to Kiss me. I Can't deny The fact that i actually had an urge to Kiss him and gave him The permission.
On contrary, i felt disgusted when Ayush tried to Kiss me.

Urgh...what is happening to me? Why am i acting nonsense today.
Gosh! I should really control my feelings and concentrate on Work.

I was on my Deep thought when, someone ( ør rather Khadoos ) snapped a finger on me.

"Lets go" - he said sternly to me went off.

Huh? Why is he acting rude.
It should be me who should be angry on him as he tried to take away my Virgin lips. (Lol)

'Jackass!' - i scolded him on my mind.

"I heard that" - Khadoos turned around and said.

'Oppss...did i say that loudly?' - i asked my thought.

"You did" - he said confidently.


Right now we Are heading towards some Mr. Taneja's Place for a conference.

"Arnah did you check out The notes i prepared of Mr. Taneja" - Khadoos asked from The Seat beside me.

I nodded my head in Yes as I wasn't speaking to him. And Why should i? He didn't apologize for his act in The elevator.

He let out a Sigh in response but didn't bother to say 'sorry' .

Uff... The ego of this man is really getting on my nerves.

We reached 'The Taneja's' Office and headed towards The board room.

"Welcome Vernan" - a man of middle age hugged Khadoos.

"Thank you Harsh uncle." - Khadoos said in a surprising calm voice.

"Ohh...and whose this pretty lady we have here" - Mr. Taneja said looking towards me.

"This is Arnah, my PÅ" - Khadoos said.

"Hello Arnah. I am Harshvardhan Taneja"

"Hello Mr. Taneja."

"Ohh...please call me Harsh And you Can add The'uncle' IF you want " - he said while shaking my hånd.

"Sure Mr. Tå..... i mean Harsh uncle." - i said.

"Better" - Harsh uncle said.

The meeting started with some presentation, followed by several discussion, while i was taking notes of everything.
The meeting ended 40mins later and with The graze of god, we got deal for which The meeting was held.
Everyone started living hall and we were last to leave. But Harsh uncle stopped us and offered us for lunch.

We went to 7står hotel just to have a mete lunch!!

God these Rich people and their tactics. I let out a Sigh of disbelieve.

As we entered The hotel, i got startled by its beauty. With all huge chandelier hanging in The roof, The antique Photo frames in The walls, some vintage show pieces and what not. I was literally gawking at every object which were in my sight while both men were just walking straight as IF they Come here daily. i was so busy appreciating The beauty, that i didn't notice we reached our table and both of Them were waiting for me to have a Seat. Embarrassment was written all over my faced as I felt my cheeks and ears hot.
I immediately took a Seat and lowered my head as I felt shy. They both chuckled at me and ordered The Food.
Both of Them started discussing about some business deals which were all going above my head. I felt so bored as I didn't understand anything. So i took out my mobile and started playing my all time favourite game Candy Crush.

"So Arnah , where Are you from?"- Harsh uncle asked.

"Umm...I was brought up here in Mumbai." - i said uneasily as I Don't like talking about myself.

"Okay, you live with your parents" - Harsh uncle asked Again.

"No, i actually live with my friend Hailey." - i said.

"And your parents?" - i knew this was coming.

"I am an ør..." , "Food is here" - Khadoos cut me off. I let out a breath of relief.

"Yeah, lets eat" - Harsh uncle started eating.

I looked at Khadoos to find him already staring at me. I gave him a small smile and nodded my head. He smirked at me.

After lunch we headed towards Khanna's Office for another meeting. Oh god! Can this Day get any longer.

It was six in The evening when The meeting ended.

"Arnah i am directly dropping you at Home." - Khadoos said while sitting beside me.

I was about to agree when i suddenly remembered Ayush's treat for me after office. And as it was already closing time, i am sure Ayush is going to Wait for me.

"No...i mean i am not heading towards Home. So please drop me near Office." - i said.

"But The Office is already closed" - Khadoos reasoned.

"I Know but I have to go There."

"Why" - he asked sternly.

"That is none of your business sir" - i said getting irritated.

"I won't budge until you answer me miss"

Urgh! I hate this man.

"Ayush is waiting for me." - i said while Folding my hånds in my chest.

"May i know Why?" - he asked with gritted teeth.

"He is going to give me a treat." - i said and looked outside The window.


Hie my cutie pies.....

So How was The chapter?

I know There Are couple of spelling mistakes cause it is not edited. So please spare me with it.

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Thank you


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