Chapter Ten: Visiting One Another (Part 2)

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  "Takashi!! Hide,now!!"shouted Aleu. Takashi did as told and jumped into a nearby bush. Loki came running towards Aleu."L-Loki!! What a surprise to see you here!!"she said. Loki looked around for Takashi. Loki looks at Aleu."What are you doing here?!" he asked. Aleu froze."Uh,um....I was just...uh...can we talk about this later?"she said,trying to stall. Loki still look around for Takashi.

  "Was someone here with you?" he asked."No!! Of course,not!!" she said. Loki stared at her. Loki looked around one more time before looking at Aleu."Lets go home"he said as he walks her away. Aleu looked back to see Takashi's honey-yellow eyes staring back at her. Loki sensed Aleu staring and moved closer to her. Takashi growled in jealousy. Aleu stared at Loki and move away."What are you doing?"she asked. Loki looked at her. "Sorry.."he said and kept on walking.

  Aleu looked back one more time before walking off. Once they were gone,Takashi moved put of the bushes and headed home. The next morning,Aleu woke up at the same hour she always did. But this time,she walked outside with her father.
Savva sat down next to his little miracle and look at the view."It's beautiful isn't it?"He said. Aleu nodded. Skye came along to say before she flew off again. She never really stayed long. Considering the fact that she now has baby hatching to watch over.

  Savva looked toward Skye's nest of baby birds."It looks like Skye has found a mate"he said. Aleu nodded again."You know what that means my little miracle?"he asked. Aleu stared at him. She knew what it meant,it meant that it was getting close to find a mate of her own. But,truth be told,Aleu knew that it would be impossible for her to find a mate. ",I don't know. W-What does it mean?"she asked, pretending like she didn't know the answer. Savva smiled."It means it's time for you and your brother to find a mate of your own"he said.

  Koi soon joined in on the conversation and sat next to his little sister. Aleu smiled."Koi already has a mate"she said with a smirk."What are you talking about? I don't have a mate yet"he said."Yet,but come on! Its so obvious that your mate is gonna be Chuli!"she said."Shut-up!"he shouted,embarrassed."Koi and Chuli,sitting in a---"Aleu sang but she got cut off when Koi tackled her. Savva smiled as he watched his children play."*Chuckles* Okay,that's enough"he said as he separated them. Koi smiled at his little sister before he nudged her playfully."Well,if its that obvious---Which it is!"Aleu cut Koi off. Koi rolled his eyes playfully."If it's that obvious,then it's obvious that Loki going to be your mate!" Koi said.

  Aleu frowned."Aleu?"said Koi. "Its....that's.....that's never going to happen"she said,quietly."Why not my daughter?"asked Savva. "Papa,look at me....I'm not fit to be anyone's mate"she said. Koi and Savva frowned."Yes,you are. You--You gotta believe it's true" Koi said. Aleu shook her head."What's the point?"she said and walked away. Savva sighed. Koi frowned and watched his poor little sister walk away. At ShadowClan,Takashi wasn't very amused. He hated the fact that he had to find a mate. He was sitting outside his cave when Anubis came along with a deer in his jaw. He set the kill down and sat next to his younger  brother."Hello,brother"he said,coldly and without a smile. Takashi didn't answer."Anubis,have you thought about finding a mate yet?"Takashi asked."Of course not! But,sooner or later we'll have to find one"he said.

  Takashi sighed and walked away."And where are you going?"Anubis asked. Takashi turned to face his brother."Its none of your concern"he said and walked away. Anubis growled. He never ever understood his younger brother."Fine! Do whatever you want!"he snarled and walked to his cave. Takashi walked all the way to the border and thought about what happened last night. That wolf that came along....he must of saw him with Aleu. That's probably why he interrupt their little talk.

  Takashi growled in jealously,remembering when the wolf moved closer to Aleu. Then,Takashi heard laughter. He turns around to see Tanka. He snarled and looked away."Aww,what's wrong? Aren't you happy to see me...runt"said Tanka."No,I'm not! Now go away!"Takashi said as he began to walk away from both the border and Tanka."That's a shame because all I wanted was to play a game..."he said. Takashi turned to face him."I don't have time for your stupid little games,Tanka! Now leave me alone!"said Takashi."Is the little runt sad that he hasn't found a mate yet?"Tanka smirked.

  Takashi growled."No! I'm not! In fact,why would I want any of the females here to be my mate?!"Takashi growled. Tanka smirked."You mean..."why would anyone want to you to be their  mate?"said Tanka. Takashi growled. He just walked away. He made his way to the waterhole and stared at the water. His other half was missing. He smiles when he remembered showing Aleu the meaning of this. He couldn't wait to meet up with Aleu again tonight. His heart swelled up with happiness at the mention of her name.

  That night,Alue woke-up and exited out of her cave queitly. She reached the border and crossed. But little did she know that she was being followed. And was Takashi. Aleu waited at the tree bridge for Takashi to appear. She felt something behind and turned around,but nothing was there. She turned back and there stood Takashi. She screamed as he laughed."You're fun to scare"he said with a smirk."Takashi,that wasn't funny!"she yelled. Takashi countuied to laugh. Aleu pouted.
"Sorry,princess"he said. Aleu smiled gently as her heart swelled. She liked it when he called her that for some reason. Takashi motioned for her to follow him and she did. They came to a small cave and they entered. Inside,the cave was filled with blue crystals attached to the walls and ceiling."Wow!"Aleu said. Takashi smiled at her and she smiled back. They then heard a voice.

  They turned around to see an elderly white wolf standing behind them."Papa Roven?!"Aleu said."Hello my little miracle"he said.

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