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Shiro finds himself navigating a world filled with magic, as he tries to uncover the secrets of his past and discover his true purpose in this new existence. With newfound powers and a determined spirit, Shiro embarks on a journey filled with action, friendship, and epic battles, as he strives to leave his mark on the world of Black Clover.

Shiro looked around his surroundings and saw river so he decided to wash up his face. As Shiro approached the river, he felt the cool, refreshing water against his face, washing away the fatigue of his long journey. For a brief moment, he closed his eyes and took in the tranquility of the moment, ready to face the challenges that awaited him in this new world of Black Clover. Shiro was startled by the reflection staring back at him, Shiro examines his new appearance with a mix of curiosity and confusion.

{Shiro: I look so young.. and are these dragon horns?!} 

His wide, innocent eyes take in the sight of the dragon horns adorning his head, a stark reminder of the fantastical nature of this world. Determined to unravel the mystery behind his transformed existence, Shiro sets forth on a quest to discover the origins of the dragon within him and how it connects to his past life. As the sun begins its descent, casting a golden hue across the sky, Shiro rises from the ground, dusting off his clothes. Aware of the impending darkness, he quickens his pace, eager to find shelter before nightfall. With each step, he reminds himself of the importance of staying cautious and vigilant in this unfamiliar world, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead under the cloak of night. 

{Shiro: I got to find shelter fast before-}

Shiro's thoughts of finding shelter are abruptly interrupted as a massive creature resembling a boar emerges from the foliage. In awe of its extraordinary size and gem-like adornments, Shiro instinctively retreats a few steps, realizing the imminent danger he faces. With adrenaline coursing through his veins, he assesses his options, swiftly formulating a plan to either evade or defend against this formidable opponent, understanding that his survival in this unforgiving world depends on his quick thinking and resourcefulness.

{Shiro: I need a plan now before I get killed by that thing!}

Desperate to escape the massive creature resembling a boar, Shiro recalls his latent magical abilities and musters the courage to cast a spell in a last-ditch effort to distract the creature and make his escape. However, to his astonishment, the simple spell unintentionally ends up killing the beast. Utterly shocked and unable to comprehend the extent of his newfound powers, Shiro's jaw drops, leaving him both amazed and bewildered by this unexpected turn of events.

{Shiro: What is this magic..? This isn't even my lightning magic that I had before.. so what is this?} 

Questioning his newfound magic, Shiro momentarily gets lost in his thoughts. However, he quickly snaps back to reality, realizing that finding shelter should be his priority before more creatures appear. With a renewed sense of urgency, Shiro focuses his attention on locating a safe haven, determined to put his contemplation on hold and ensure his own survival in this unfamiliar and potentially dangerous environment. Filled with a sense of hope and relief, Shiro runs away from his previous location and stumbles upon a dirt road. Overwhelmed with joy, he sees the road as a sign of potential civilization and the possibility of finding shelter. With newfound optimism, Shiro sets off on the road, hoping that it will lead him to safety and the help he desperately needs. 

As Shiro continues to follow the dirt path, he eventually comes across a village. However, his heart sinks as he catches a glimpse of a giant skull-like creature lurking behind it, thanks to his enhanced night vision. Shaking off his fear, he gathers his courage and decides to push forward, keeping his focus on reaching the village, despite the looming danger in the shadows. Meanwhile, in the village, Shiro notices a church with its lights still on. The sight of the illuminated building brings him a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness and uncertainty. With renewed determination, he quickens his pace, heading towards the church, praying that he will find assistance and refuge within its walls. Shiro, relieved to have reached the church, catches his breath from running and anxiously knocks on the door, desperately hoping that someone will answer and offer him shelter for the night.

After a while of waiting and feeling disappointed, Shiro is about to leave when he hears the door creak open. To his surprise, a middle-aged man with short, gray hair and a goatee appears, dressed in a black robe adorned with white bands and a high-collared, white mantle. The man, wearing a gold cross necklace, notices Shiro standing there in the cold and gestures for him to come inside, offering him warmth and refuge for the night.

Shiro: Th-thank you.. Mr.. um...

Orsi: I'm Orsi Orfai and you might be?

Shiro: Shiro Ronin.. sir... 

Shiro was grateful for his kindness and the shelter he provided.

As Orsi observed Shiro's horns, he was initially taken aback. However, his surprise amplified when he noticed Shiro's striking electric blue dragon eyes. Realizing that he was standing before a dragonkin, Orsi's astonishment grew, but he managed to maintain his composure and extend a welcoming gesture towards Shiro.

Orsi: Does your parents know where you are?

{Shiro: Ah shit.. parents.. I need to make up a lie now!!!}

Shiro: No.. sir...

Orsi: Then I'll file this to the magic knights.

{Shiro: Magic Knights? Where have I heard that word and also why does look so familiar?}

Shiro: You don't seem to understand..

Orsi: Understand what?

Shiro: My parents were killed..

Orsi: What.. How did they die?

Shiro: My hometown was attacked by bandits and my parents told me to run but I didn't want to leave them behind, but one of the bandits used Earth magic and killed my parents in front of me.. I felt scared... [sniff] and ran away from my hometown.. a-a-a... [starts crying] 

{Shiro: Thank goodness! I took acting at the age of 10!} 

Upon hearing Shiro's heartbreaking revelation of his parents' untimely demise in a bandit attack, followed by his forced departure from his hometown, Orsi's expression shifted from shock to sadness. Empathy washed over him as he grasped the magnitude of Shiro's loss and the difficult journey he had undertaken. Orsi offered a comforting presence, ready to listen and support Shiro in any way he could.

Orsi: Shiro, your welcome to stay if you want?

Shiro: [wiping his tears] R-really?

Orsi: Yes..

Shiro: But I'll be burden to you... [sniff]

Orsi: You're not going to a burden and plus this church is an orphanage, so I and another person here are taking care of all the children. 

Shiro: [sniff] You promise? [raise his right pinkie up]

Orsi: [chuckles] I promise. [wraps his pinkie around Shiro's pinkie] 

Shiro: Okay. [yawn]

Orsi: Let's take you to bed now.

As a sleepy yawn escapes from Shiro, Orsi recognizes the need for rest. With a gentle smile, Orsi guides Shiro to bed, ensuring a comfortable and safe place for him to rejuvenate. Showing kindness and understanding, Orsi tucks Shiro in, allowing sleep to embrace him and bring respite from the trials of the day. 

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