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Shiro had spent 15 years living with Orsi, Lily, the kids, Yuno, and Asta. During this time, he had received his grimoire, but he kept it hidden to protect himself from potential ambushes or dangers. At 18 years old, Shiro found himself sitting under a tree, creating a web of lightning with his fingertips. However, his concentration was abruptly broken by the sound of a familiar voice yelling nearby. Startled, Shiro quickly ceased his lightning manipulations and turned towards the source of the voice. As the voice grew louder, he recognized his younger brother's frantic tone, indicating something urgent. With a mix of curiosity and concern, Shiro hastened towards the direction of the voice, eager to uncover the reason behind the disturbance. 

Confused and shocked, Shiro watched as his younger brother Asta attempted to propose to Sister Lily with a flower, only to be repelled by her water magic. The sight left him torn between amusement at the comedic scene and concern for his brother's well-being. Shiro approached them cautiously, unsure of how to intervene in this unexpected situation. Asta gets up and tries to attempt to propose to Sister Lily but a gust wind knocks him away, and Shiro turns his head to where the wind came from and his other younger brother, Yuno standing there. Surprised to see his other younger brother, Yuno, standing with his hand raised, Shiro realized that it was Yuno who had caused the gust of wind to interrupt Asta's proposal attempts. Conflicting emotions swirled within him as he observed the dynamic between his brothers, curiosity piqued about what had led them to this moment. With a mixture of concern and anticipation, Shiro approached his brothers to understand the meaning behind their actions.

Asta: Yuno!!!

Shiro: What's going on here?

Yuno, Asta, and the other kids turn to see Shiro walking towards them. As Shiro approached his brothers and the group of kids, Asta eagerly began to explain what had just unfolded. However, Shiro, having observed the entire situation upon his return from training, gently interrupted Asta, insisting that he should be the one to explain. A mix of curiosity and concern filled the air, as the group turned their attention to Shiro, eagerly awaiting his account of the events.

Shiro: I already saw what happened and please Asta, knock it off already. You can't marry Sister Lily and Yuno, the kids, and I know this routine that you're going through is causing us to a have headache now. 

Recca: Shiro! Welcome back! [hugs Shiro and he hugs her back]

Shiro: Hey Recca, how's playtime with Yuno?

Recca: We did a lot of things, right Nash?

Nash: Yeah, I guess.

Shiro stops hugging Recca and sets her down onto her shoes. Turns to face Asta and Yuno at their small disagreement.

{Shiro: After 15 years and realizing that I was reincarnated into this anime world, Black Clover. I truly wanna thank for whoever for giving me this new life.} 

Lily: Shiro.

Shiro: Yes, sister?

Lily: Are you coming to the awarding ceremony?

Shiro: No, because I'm tired right now after training. {Shiro: Training more like resting beneath a tree.}

Lily: Okay, I'll let father Orsi know.

Shiro: Okay. 


In a peaceful scene, Shiro is spotted outside of the church diligently watering the vegetables. Meanwhile, the rest of the group, consisting of Orsi, Lily, the kids, Yuno, and Asta, has gathered together to attend the awarding ceremony for Yuno and Asta's grimoire. As Shiro tenderly stops tending to the vegetables, a glimmer of pride and excitement reflects in his eyes. With the knowledge that Yuno has obtained his grimoire and Asta has showcased his strength in a fight, Shiro quickly shifts gears and begins preparing a grand feast to celebrate their achievements.

After the feast that Shiro had prepared, Shiro went outside for a bit but he was startled by the sound of his name being called, Shiro turns around to find Yuno and Asta briskly approaching him. Their steps brim with enthusiasm and anticipation, shining a light on the news or request they might have. The dynamic scene sets the stage for an important exchange, leaving Shiro curious and ready to listen to what Yuno and Asta have to say. 

Shiro: What is it?

Asta and Yuno raised their fist and hoping Shiro would catch on, in which he did by placing his fist together with Yuno and Asta's fist. 

Yuno: Do you remember our promise?

Shiro: Yes, I do.

Yuno: Let's see who...

Asta: ...Becomes the Wizard King!

Shiro chuckles at his two younger brothers and said. 

Shiro: You two got a long way to go.. But I'll be there to support you two dreams.

Asta: Does that mean you'll take the exam too!?

Shiro: Yeah, I will and plus who's gonna show those royals and nobles what we peasants can do... 

Asta and Yuno both laugh. 

Shiro: I'll never break the promise that I made to you guys.

Wraps both his arms around Yuno and Asta.

{Shiro: My goal is to become a Dragon Monarch.}

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