Chapter Five annoying chicken

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Its been around two weeks since our encounter with the ORC and I think we scared them half to death.

For instance every time we're around them their body tenses up. We can practically see the look of fear on their faces. When we're around them well except for the white hair one.

Akeno was by far the weirdest. Are sadistic nature along with her teasing side made for one very unique combination which. Tiamat and ophis clearly didn't like.

But during this time we met with the student council who are also devils. There king was sona.

(Not my picture)

And the rest of her peerage.

(Not my picture)

They were all right the most annoying one was Saji Genshirou thinking that since he was a devil he was better than us. But one b**** slap can really change someone's perspective on things.

Anyways besides that one incident she was honestly pretty cool she wasn't a power-hungry b**** and she honestly had my respect.

But the semester keep continuing it was almost the end of the first semester really not that much has happened.

Test we're passed out during our classes we crush them without any problems. Although we did end up in detention because we weren't really paying attention to the teachers.

So after that apparently rias wanted to talk to us. Not clearly remembering what happened last time.

With a heavy sigh me and Tiamat were heading over there.

You might be wondering we're ophis she said. she has some important business to deal with.

I just let it be as me and Tiamat arrived at the ORC.

We knocked on the door to Signal our arrival.

No once POV

They heard her telling them to come in so they headed in. They took a seat on the couch and wait for her to explain what's going on.

Although there was a new face in the room some silver haired girl in a maid uniform.

(Not my picture)

If (Y,N) remember correctly this was the wife of the current Lucifer her name was. grayfia Lucifer.

They sat there as she just stared at them. And honestly they could tell she was a devil an a very powerful on at that. She was definitely stronger than rias. But when it comes to me or Tiamat they could definitely beat her in a fight.

Rias: thanks for coming here today.

(Y,N): what do you want then we make it clear last time we don't want anything to do with you.

(Y,N) said very cold they could tell that he didn't want to deal with them and the white hair maid just looked at him upsets.

Apparently she didn't like the fact he was talking to her like that but (Y,N) couldn't give a f*** about it.

Rias: yes i now but i just wanted to apologize for the last time.

(Y,N) look skeptical he could tell that there was an ulterior motive behind this. But decided to play along with her game.

(Y,N): okay let's just put it behind us as long as you can keep control of your servants. And that annoying disgusting pervert will be alright. Unless you have something else behind this and the reason why you wanted to see me.

(Y,N) was a very intelligent he knew that the behavior of devils they only act on their own desires. So he knew that this wasn't just a "oh I'm sorry". He knew that this has some ulterior motive behind it and he already knew what it was.

Rias looked a little shot before recomposing herself clearly not expecting him to catch her on so quickly.

Rias: yes I just wan-

She was cut off by a large magic circle orange in color appeared. But the strange thing is that I could smell chicken.

Kiba: Phoenix

Out of the magic circle a new Devil appeared.

(Not my picture)

Riser: ah riser has finaly arived in the human world I come here to see you my beloved rias.

(Y,N) could see that Rias was feeling uncomfortable.

Issei: who is this douche

grayfia: this gentleman's name is Lorde riser Phoenix a pure-blooded noble devil of birth. And the third air to the house of Phoenix. And also the fiance of mrs gremory.

Issei was clearly not happy (Y,N) could tell that he liked rias or just didn't want someone to steal his girl.

After some time Riser came in he sat next to Rias on the couch.

Riser: the tea made by rias queen is most delicious.

Akeno just gave a thank you and a polite bow then walked away.

During this time riser had his hand on rias shoulders playing with her hair. She clearly didn't want to deal with this.

He put his cup of tea down before moving. His second hands on her thighs caressing it.

Issei was fuming with rage and (Y,N) looked disgusted by this.

Before riser could say anything rias shut up.

Rias: thats enough Riser. I have no intentions of marrying you at all why can't you just let it go already.

Clearly not wanting to deal with his bull s*** but apparently he didn't get the message.

Riser: but darling riser believe that your family circumstances cannot afford you be so selfish.

Rias turned to him her voice louder and more upset.

Rias: I want to bring my family to ruin! I have no intention of bringing you to our name! but also I have no intention of marrying you! The one I marry will be of my choice not someone that my father or older brother chooses!

(Y,N) could see now this wasn't something she chose. This was a forced arranged marriage to keep the devil lines pure. Man he wanted to throw up so badly now.

Tiamat could see his reaction honestly she wasn't doing too well either. She was disgusted by these devils nature's. This is why she chose to live in the familiar forest to get away from such devils and Nature's.

Riser: do remember that it is intentional that the devil's Line must still remain pure. We're still recovering our numbers from the last war.


After hearing this arrogant devil say that my anger shot through the roof. Maybe if you hadn't gone to the stupidest War imaginable. Over something as Petty as seeing who's the better species. Maybe you wouldn't be in this situation. God I wanted to rip him in half so badly.

Riser: but your father and your brother decided on this arrangement. You keep that in mind.

Really are you serious your own brother and father arranged for her. To get married to this what kind of f***** up family is this.

Rias: my father and my brother and my clan made this decision because they're too much in a rush. For the last and final time I am not marrying you riser.

Riser walked up to her and grabed her chin with two fingers forcing her to look at that him.

Riser: for the final time rias riser bears the reputation of the house of Phoenix. And marching our great name it's not acceptable.

The two of them narrow their eyes at each other when we're getting annoyed. With each other and honestly I wish they would just kill each other already.

The others got mad I could clearly tell why but then I decided to make my presence known.


I laugh this was the funny s*** I've ever seen since coming to this world everyone stop to look at me like I was crazy.

Riser: and whats so funny for a servent of rias to laugh about.

I stopped and looked at him like he was the stupidest person on the planet. Well he probably is right there next to issei.

(Y,N): first off I'm not a serving of hers second who in their damned right mind who ever want to marry a dick like you.

Clearly people were not ready for this kind of talk because Riser grew angry and everyone. Else in the room was shocked. But I didn't give a damn honestly this arrogance ass devil needed to go kill himself.

Riser: if you're not her servant and what is a lowly human like you think he is talk to a high class devil like riser.

(Y,N): are you saying because you think you're so tough a high-class devil you think you're better than me.

The two of us locked gazes with each other.  the room detention was unlike anything it could be cut with a knife.

Riser: yes Riser thinks is better than you I am a high-ranking noble devil and you're a lowly human.

He then looked at tiamat and smirked

Riser: mabey I should destroying and then take your woman and bed her.

Instant the room went from being a living hell.

They weren't able to see what happened I blurred from the couch then the next thing they knew blood exploded everywhere.

Risers head completely exploded from the top of his body. With me standing in front of him.

His flames started to re-form back his head.

The others just stared at me and all in astonishment and shock.

Once risers head reformed he stood up for me flames in his hand.

Riser: how dare a lowly human like you lay his Filthy Hands on a high class devil and the air to house of the Phoenix.

He threw his Flames forward encasing me Me. He started to laugh thinking that he won such an arrogant fool doesn't he know that these feelings won't even put a scratch on me.

I casually just walked out of the Flames like nothing happened. I dusted off my clothing and looked at him he was clearly shocked expecting me to be nothing but Ash but I guess surprises happen.

(Y,N): man you call those Flames I've seen matchsticks you can burn hotter than that.

Riser: how dare you such a lowly being mock mean the Great-

Could even finish his sentence before I flicked my finger at him. Then his upper body exploded. His bottom half fell on the ground. As his flame started to reform himself.

Others all around washed in stock except for Tiamat she just smirked.

Once Riser with reformed he tried to attack for powerful voice stopped him.

grayfia: Enough!

Riser stopped dead in his tracks before looking back at her. As for me I looked at her about ready to incinerate her.

Riser: riser will stop for one who said that she is the ultimate Queen.

Ultimate queen my ass she just some high-ranking devil think she better than everyone. Else she better watch that attitude around me or it could cost her.

(Y,N): Fine but he be starts talking like that again or if he starts saying anything about my girlfriend I won't hesitate to kill him is that understood.

grayfia could only nod I could see everyone else in the room took a little step back after hearing my voice at the end. I used some of my draconic energy to change my to that if I was in my dragon form.

The aura I was releasing was that of pure dominance forcing everyone to submit. I sat back down to the couch I looked over the scene Tiamat with a seductive smile. On her face clearly liking what she just watched.

I smiled at her before giving her a kiss on your cheek making her smile.

grayfia did a fake cough to get everyone's attention off me.

grayfia: Lord sirzechs predicted this would happen so he agreed to a rating game if this problem occurred.

Riser just smiled I don't know why that smile really made me want to rip him apart again.

Riser: Riser has participated in many rating games tell me rias is this all the pieces you have.

Rias: yeah what of it

Riser laugh lightly before snapping his fingers in Orange magic circle appeared. And out came his pregame.

(Not my picture)

Issei just dropped to his knees and started crying.

Riser: Riser is confused rias why is your servant on the floor crying.

Rias: his dream is to be harem King

???: thats disgusting.

I looked over to see what looks like to be a smaller female female form of riser.

(Not my picture)

I looked at his entire pregame is all that they were all girl was he seriously sleeping with all of them.

The Outfits they were wearing we're quite revealing on some of them. So this arrogant son of a b**** is also a pervert that's another reason why for me to kill him.

Riser commanded one of his servants to hit Issei in the gut making him cringe on the ground. But I couldn't care less.

But the little girl caught my eye she look like him so maybe she was a sister of his anyways I had to find out.

Me: who's the little girl

Little girl wasn't it to a kind of me calling her that.

???: filthy low life my name is ravel phenox fourth air to the Phoenix family and sister of riser.

Me: ok I just want to know who you were that's it also lose the attitude or your going to end up like your brother did before you arrived here.

Everyone not including risers pregame knew what that meant it meant that you're going to explode in a giant pile of blood.

ravel: oh yeah and what did you know my brother you low life human.

I just stood up extended my hand to the right of me and flict my fingers I didn't even put 1% of my power into this.

A large column of air with shot out of them and impacted the wall. When the dust settled the entire wall was gone! Some of the trees that were outside behind the wall was uprooted and thrown into others trees.

Clearly not expecting this or anyone in the room they just stared at me in fear as I extend my fingers towards her.

Me: want that to happen to you? I don't give a damn who or what you are!! But lose the attitude with me no one in this room. Is greater than me and I don't consider. Myself to be greater than you guys. So we can get that through our mind let's just have a cup of tea and was just chillax!

They just nodded their head clearly not wanting to die today.

I looked over at grayfia who just stared back at me.

(Y,N): will see you guys later I came here for rias to give me an apology. And I ended up having a conversation with an annoying chicken. Also it's around dinner time and I should go home to a prepare it.

Me and tiamat walked out of the new hole that I made any other just watch as I and Tiamat just walked away into the distance.

No one's POV

After (Y,N) and Tiamat left the people inside of the ORC we're still relatively shocked. They thought that they were just some normal humans but after what. (Y,N) demonstrated it was now clear that they were not normal humans.

grayfia: just who was that rias

Rias: That was (Y,N) and the woman with him was Tiamat the karma dragon king.

Riser his pregame and grayfia we're shocked at this that blue haired woman with this mysterious man was the karma Dragon King.

grayfia: But what about the boy (Y,N) I do believe his name was.

Rias gave a nervous gulp a she tried to explain.

Rias: you seem he is a new student to our school he was admitted about 3 weeks ago. I tried to convince him to join my pregame but he wasn't interested. And turn me straight down after a little altercation he explain something to me. Him has two girlfriends or mates as they put it.

One was tiamat but the other is ophis the Ouroboros Dragon God Infinity which means so his class of power must rival that of the Heavenly dragons or is greater than that.

The rest of the room went quiet clearly not expecting someone to be the mate of the infinite Dragon God.

All the sudden on Issei arm the boosted gear appeared and in the green gem in the palm of it the dragon started to speak.

Ddraig: you would be right about that Miss gremory his power although he hides it well is equivalent to that of my power and Albion when we were unsealed and at the height of their power. But something bugs me I think he's suppressing the rest of his power that's not even his full power and the energy he was giving off was that of a dragon. And he's in human form which means he's not even at full power I'd say if he was in his Dragon form I'd say he was around 5 times stronger than me and Albion combined in our Prime.

Obviously this news was not taken lightly. A dragon that was around five times stronger than the Heavenly dragons that almost single-handedly destroyed. An entire battlefield of supernatural beings and is the mate of the infinite Dragon God and the strongest dragon king.

After coming back from shock riser spoke.

Riser: very well I will give you 10 days to train before the raiding game. Riser wants him *points at Issei* to be at his strongest so riser can crush the Red Dragon Emperor and take rias as his bride.

grayfia: very well I will inform Lord sirzechs of this and of the other three I'll be taking my leave.

Once grayfia was gone Riser walked over to his pregame before turning back and looking at rias and her pregame.

Riser: riser will see you in 10 days my dear rias. Use the ten days that Riser generously provided you to get stronger.

Once Riser left all that was left was the members of the ORC. They decided that they would need to train so as they decided that they would meet up back around 5 in the morning to go on a training trip.

As they left a certain white hair girl was thinking back during the meeting with riser.

She thinks if she can get (Y,N) to get him to train them. Maybe they would stand a chance against riser if he did train them. So she would ask and see if he can train them when they go on their trip.

But unknown to the devils was that this turn of events. Was the Catalyst for something that the underworld will never forget.

That's the end I hope I did good I hope I did risers character well. This is my very first time ever doing his character or any DXD theme fanfiction yeah writer's block been kicking my ass so next chapter as you can probably guess we'll be about the training they do for the rating game and I had a very important question to ask you.

Do You Want Issei to be the one to beat riser or your character. To be the one to beat the absolute s*** out of him. Yes or no.

Also if you see any misspells or want to give any useful tips just leave a comment on them and I'll look over them I look over all my comments.

Have a good day and also p.s

Don't get Corona

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