Chapter four our new devilish "friends"

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its been a week since you've got here and alot has happened.

The first thing we've noticed is that apparently the Devils of finally dealt with the Fallen Angels.

Also during the same time. We got a new transfer student.

(Not my picture)

Her name was Asia Argento we could tell that she was a devil and because of the devil energy coming off from her.

We also found that a more interesting fact during the same week time. A student named issei hyoudou one of the perverted Trio of the school was a devil as well.

We could barely tell if you were a devil or not because he was so pathetically weak he was but we senced the Demonic and oddly draconic energy coming off of him.

(This is not my picture and this is issei hyoudou)

I had to stop myself and Tiamat from killing him. Many times because of an important fact we just learned.

Tiamat found out he had ddraig inside of him one of the 13 longinus class sacred gear the boosted gear.

(This is not my picture)

I have stopped myself from killing him. Because of him giving Tiamat perverted looks. Actually I almost wanted to kill most of the male students because there nothing but annoying.

They even gave me the nickname of protector of kuoh academy like I honestly give a damn about that.

But every time during the lunch when the perverted Trio. Would go looking and peeping at the keto girls I would be there to kick their asses.

Honestly it was amusing to the three of us. The devil's tried many times to get an audience with us but we always turn them down and just walked away.

And when they try to get us to go there by force. We just release a tiny bit of our aura to make them back off.

I had to admit it was honestly pretty fun coming here. Some of the stuff they were learning was a little complicated at first but I soon became one of the smartest students in the academy.

But right now it was currently lunchtime. So the three of us were walking down the hallway just talking to each other like usual. the gossip going around but we don't let it bother us.

We found a spot for the three of us. It us under a cherry blossom outside.

The three of us just sat underneath the tree. And eat our lunches and talk to each other.

I could tell the red haired devil was getting restless at the school. But I just don't give a damn about them.

I ran into a couple of devils in the past and let's just say I hate the devil race they're arrogant cocky and annoying.

The one that rules this territory rias
Is not fit to rule said territory not only did she alow Fallen Angels into her territory.

Which killed humans threatened the exposure of the supernatural race. But she just uses her name of gremory get everything she wants.

She's a spoiled brat who only expects to gets what she wants and when she doesn't she throws a temper tantrum and tried to get rid of it.

Now the other sona sitir. Actually uses her head she thinks ahead and should not a power-hungry b****. She doesn't use her name to get what she wants she earns it. My honest opinion it should be her ruling the territory not rias.

But that's enough negative the bell rings and we have to go back to our classes and we sit through three more hours of b*******.

Once we are about to start heading home received the prince of kuoh academy walking to words us.

(Not my picture)

yuuto kiba also a devil probably works for under Ria's.

I look down to see ophis with a blank look on her face and I look to my right to see Tiamat with an annoyed face.

Me: what do you want?

Kiba: the president would like to see you.

I guess you couldn't wait forever there's only a matter of time before we had to go talk.

With a heavy saw a nod my head I look at the other two Tiamat just sighs knowing that we can just start a fight with them.

Ophis just keeps a blank look on her face.

Kiba just nods to us befor walking of and we follow him man this was going to get annoying.

No one's POV

They finally make it to the ORC or the occult research Club.

(Not my picture and from now on I will be condensing the occult research Club into the ORC)

Once (Y,N) and the other walk through the door they are greeted by a wall looks like to be Valentine theme inside.

(Y,N) look around to see Issei Asia akeno Kiba some white hair girl that smells like a cat and a devil.

(Not my picture and this is best girl btw)

Ria's finally opens the door and walks in she sits down at her desk while we sit down on the couch I'm in the middle Tiamat on my right and ophis on my lap.

The other members were either standing or sitting in the chairs next to us.

Rias: thank you for coming today your probably wondering why I asked you to come here today.

(Y,N): ya no dip why did you ask us here.

Rias: we were wondering if you wanted to join our club.

The ORC what does the three of them there or their eyes most people in the room knew what they meant but issei wasn't even paying attention.

(Y,N): cut the crap devil why did you ask us here.

They were all shocked that he knew that they were devils rias. Just smirked thinking this was an offer you would never turn down.

Rias: you're familiar with this okay then I wanted to ask you if you could join my-

She couldn't finish your sentence before (Y,N) Cut Her off

(Y,N): no i'm not joining your peerage and if that's all we're leaving.

As you got up rias tryed to get there attention but they were just ignoring her. One of her members issei very annoyed that they were disrespecting her. Then rushed at them with the boosted gear activated.

The minute the three saw him rushed towards them tiamat was about to rip his damn throw it out before (Y,N). Disappeared then reappeared in front of issei snatching him up mid charge and lifting them up into the air by his throat.

The members of the ORC we're terrified they could even see his movement. It was like he teleported or something.

Squeezing hard on issei throat making it to where it's harder for him to breathe. Started to flail around trying to get free from (Y,N). You started to fall unconscious.

If it wasn't for Rias stepping in.

Rias: pleass let go your hurting him.

(Y,N) looked around the room before lifting him up and and threw him into the wall embedding him into the wall.

The others were shocked at his strength they just need that they were three normal humans. But they could not sence anything special coming from them.

And yet the fact that he was able to outmuscle a devil and almost throw one through a wall was a bit surprising.

(Y,N): look I don't give a damn this is your territory or not you do not. Pick a fight withme. or my girlfriend's unless you want a death sentence and for the useless pervert in the wall. Over there he deserves it you don't send lustful gaze at my girlfriend without dying.

Tiamat and ophis had blushes on their face they felt warm inside because of (Y,N) and his desire to keep them safe.

Rias: you're not leaving until I get my questions.

You seem she is just crossed the line he doesn't like to order around. In an instant (Y,N) was in front of her his normal black eyes were now glowing gold with black slits in them staring into her eyes. He grabbed her by her throat and slander her against the wall. Cracking the wall due to the impact.

The rest of the room could not move they were too scared the entire room was dead quiet. Rias could do nothing but stare into his eyes.

(Y,N): you do not try and order us you do not try and pull anything on us. Do you think we care about you? Do you think you have the advantage against us let me tell you our names.

(Y,N) pointed at Tiamat

(Y,N): she is Tiamat the karma dragon king

(Y,N) pointed at ophis

(Y,N): she is ophis the Ouroboros Dragon God

If room was now dead quiet before. Now you could hear a drop of water land on the floor that was how quiet the room truly was.

Standing in their room was a mysterious male. But the two females were both dragons. One being a dragon king and the other being a dragon God. They knew that if they messed up anymore that it could spell instant death for them.

(Y,N): And they are both my mates now you're leaving. And if you try and get in her way again I will reduce you to ashes.

(Y,N) droped rias onto the ground she was still terrified. Dragons can't have mates unless around or equal to the others power. Or that of a higher power. which means that he must have strength comparable to that of ophis.

Or it could just just be that they both chose him but they don't even know what he is? They can sense traces of dragon in him so their best guess is that he's a dragon.

But they don't know what kind of teir of a dragon he's in since he had a dragon king has one of his mates.

They we have to think he is a Dragon worthy of the Dragon King tier but then his other mate is a dragon God so maybe even a Heavenly Dragon.

The three of them just left with the ORC Frozen in fear issei was able to get out of the wall and looked around the room. But him and asia they're confused why everyone looks so scared.

Issei: pres why don't look so scared.

Rias: that boy and those two girls with them where dragons the one with the long blue hair is Tiamat the strongest dragon king. And the other one that looked like a small girl was ophis the Ouroboros Dragon God the dragon God Infinity. And he said they were both his mates so which means that he is around or a strong as ophis. He might even be stronger than both ddraig and Albion.

Issei new the dragon that lived in his sacred gear was powerful but he would never expect a being to be stronger then him.

The room what's quiet Ria's thought of contacting her older brother. To try and help her but if this person is as strong as he thinks she is. Not even her brother could help her out.

Back with the three the got home and (Y,N) started to make dinner. Once it was made they all set at the table and started to check and each other about their day.

What is soils getting dark out (Y,N) decided it would be best if he let the two of them get showers first so he let them have it first.

After they came out he went in and he took a long shower. When he was done with the shower he got changed into his sleeping clothes which is just him just wearing shorts.

When he entered his room he was created by quite the sight.

both ophis and Tiamat were on his bed with the towels over their bodies.

(Y,N) smirk knowing what they wanted.

He walked over to them both and gave each one a long loving kiss.

Then those kissing turned into moans and crys of pleaser as the night was still young.

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