part 2 chapter 5 a meeting between dip-shitz

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It's been three day since I brought safi'jiva into my house and will it went as well as you can expect. With ophis and tamiat being over protected as usual but after some explaining. The two settle down for a little bit Tiamat could see that she is not like ddraig. But ophis didn't like the fact that her mate now was living with another red dragon.

There are times when I would catch ophis glaring at safi. That was also her human name safi it would take about two days for her to get enroll in the school. Also currently it was Saturday so we had some days off of school.

So i decided it would be a good day just to take a day off and relax send my last vacation didn't exactly go the way I want it.

So me safi ophis and Tiamat were chillaxing at my house. That was before safi came over to me.

Safi: (Y,N) are you going to show me around the human world.

I gave a sigh I did promise her I will show her this world.

Me: alright lets go you're ready right?

Safi: yes.

I could see she was wearing more casual clothing than an entire suit of armor at least you learned one thing before going outside.

(Y,N): alright lets go.

And with that me and safi left.

Back With ophis and Tiamat no POV

Tiamat looked over at ophis as she looked angry for some reason?

Tiamat: ophis why are you mad?


Ophis whispered something so that tiamat couldn't hear what she said.

Tiamat: what was that ophis I couldn't hear what you said.

Ophis still remain quiet.

Tiamat smirk she had a way to get her to tell her what's going on.

Tiamat: Look ophis ig you don't tell me what's going on in just going to take (Y,N) all for myself.

That clearly backfired as a black menacing aura surrounded ophis as she glared at Tiamat.

Tiamat took a nervous gulp clearly not expecting the repercussions of this. But then she started to think back and there was really no other way this could have gone down why does she even say it reasons.

Ophis thoughts: I dont like this my mate with another red dragon. It just another red dragon to mess with my life stupid Red bitch.

Back With (Y,N) no POV

(Y,N) and safi currently just walking around the town he looked at his phone and it was 11:02 so that means that most restaurants will be serving lunch.

But Safi was like a child in a candy store she was always looking at everything and every time we went into a store she would touch literally everything.

He can only just laugh at her Antics and the way she behaves.

Currently we're walking down the park he was showing her the nature that was around the town.

They saw a bench around some trees so they decided to go sit down on it.

Safi was to his left and he was to her right currently the two of them hasn't said anything Until.

Safi: (Y,N) why didn't you tell me back at the cave?

(Y,N): I already told you my reasoning back at the cave.

Safi: I know it's just weird. I've never been shown Mercy by anyone before Hunters tried to kill me almost everyday. So i was forced to kill and defend myself for most of my life. Then you came offering me mercy something I've never experienced then also showing me a better world one where I can be happy and not have to live with a constant fear of death. I've also been having this warm and fuzzy feeling on the inside of my chest I don't know it's strange.

(Y,N) could only look at Safi Dumbfoundead was she saying that she was in love with him?

(Y,N): can you give me a description of what that feeling in your chest is.

Safi: it only happens when I'm around you everytime you smile at me I feel like I'm floating up into the sky in pure happiness.

(Y,N): Safi I think you're in love with me.

Her face exploded into a blush.

Safi: w-what a-are you a-even talking about!!!

She yelled and embarrassments but I'm guessing this is the first time she's ever experienced this.

(Y,N): looks Safi I'm not going to make you accept your feelings of me if you don't want to that's fine. Like I said in the cave I'll show you a better world that includes you having your own path and choices. So it is whatever you want I won't force you to do anything.

He extended one of his hand and cup the side of her cheek having her look at him.

Safi could only look at (Y,N) shocked was there no end to the kindness he show her. Actions did cause her blush to deepen.

Safi thoughts: He is that one

( damn dragon nature am I right)

She started to lean forward and (Y,N) could see this and decided to lean forward to her as well.

The two meet for a kiss fulled with passion on both ends.

Watch the kiss ended Safi buried her face in the crook of (Y,N) neck not want him to see her blush again.

(Y,N): * laughing in amusement* come on let's go get something to eat.

Safi: O-ok

With that the two of them went to a restaurant they ordered some food and had a little bit of a chat then they decided to go on a walk around town.

As they were walking around they encountered Rias and Issei.

(Y,N) thoughts: great these dipshitz again.

Rias: greetings (Y,N) and who might you be.

She was referring to Safi but as soon soon as she said this Issei looked at (Y,N) the look of hatred and anger. He ram up and grabbed him by his shoulders.


(Y,N) was about to respond before being cut off by Safi.

Safi: get off of my mate you ignorant insect before I make you die a thousand deaths.

She said this with a menacing Aura surrounding her and her eyes change back to that are for Dragon Eyes glaring at the two.

The two of them looked like they were shiting their pants.

When (Y,N) laughed in amusement and he decided to tease her a little bit.

(Y,N): I'm your mate now I didn't know you wanted to escalate things so quickly Safi.

He said her name and a very teasing manner would cause her face to explode in a blush.

Safi: BAKA don't be saying things like that in front of people!!

She yelled at him in embarrassment as a face was now color of rias hair.

(Y,N): sorry about that Safi but it just you're so fun to tease. But anyways if you do one become my mate you have to get the cleare with ophis and Tiamat first.

Safi: fine.

She said in such a pouty way that he could just only laugh at her.

Ria's and issei were finally able to break out of their shock and just look at the duo Dumbfoundead.

Rias thoughts: great just another obstacle I have to get through to add him to my pregame.

Issei: Damn you (Y,N) why must you steal all the hot girls if it wasn't for you I would be harem King by now.

( just to let you know writing that part for issei I almost threw up)

(Y,N): okay listen up this is Safi she is the Red Dragon empress and no she is in no way related to ddraig.

As soon as he said that the boosted gear appeared on Issei arm.

Ddraig: you clam to be the red dragon empress the nerve I'm the only Red Dragon emperor.

(Y,N) glared at the boosted gear before putting ddraig in his place.

(Y,N): it would be unwise for you ddraig to start speaking out in such a way. Do keep in mind I have the magic that I could use to come into that sacred gear of yours and beat the ever living s*** out of you. Not to mention when I first encountered her she could have easily beaten both of you and Albion in your Prime. So shut the fuck up and speak only when spoken to.

The boosted gear didn't even respond he was way too scared of (Y,N) in order to say anything. He would never say this out loud but he scared him just as much as great red does.

The boosted gear just de-summon  itself and the two Devils stared at (Y,N) dumbfounded he practically just made one of the Heavenly dragons back away in fear.

(If Only They knew who terrifying  he was when he was in his original world)

(Y,N): all right now if you excuse us I'm taking Safi around the town showing her the human world now would you kindly back away.

The two walked forward as the two Devils got out of their way the two Devils had to completely different thought.

Rias thoughts: well that was something now there's just another reason for me to add you to my pregame (Y,N). If I Had You then there'd be no one who could possibly challenge me.

Issei thoughts: okay what in the actual hell just happened ddraig.

Ddraig telepathically: what is it now partner.

Issei thoughts: what happened with you.

Ddraig: I was shown a terrifying Aura of dominance that even made me back away in fear. I will tell you this once Issei never and I mean NEVER anger that man. He's a being of power that you even if you had all of my power could never hope to beat.

Issei just give a very nervous gulp after hearing ddraig say that.

Back with (Y,N) 5 hours later no POV

When the to return back to the house they were greeted by ophis and tiamat.

Tiamat: about time you came back no boring it is to be with silence over here.

She was referring to Ophis. As soon as she said that (Y,N) looked down to see ophis with an angry adorable pout on her face.

Ophis: my mate you're finally back.

(Y,N) just put his hand on ophis head patting her on the head.

Ophis was so happy that she started to lean into his hand with a very happy expression on her face.

Tiamat look at ophis jealousy before facing (Y,N). But he can see her jealous expression and give her a kiss on the lips.

Hopefully that was enough to keep the two from exploding.

Tiamat: so what happened today between you two.

(Y,N): well number one Safi here  would like to become one of my mates. So is it okay with you two?

Tiamat: I'm fine just as long as she doesn't try and steal you away from the two of us.

Ophis: *glaring at Safi* it's fine as long as she knows her place.

(Y,N): that's great to hear.

Tiamat: also why do I smell the scent of devil on you.

(Y,N): let's just say we had a meeting with some dip shitz.

And there you have it that is the new chapter done I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Also just to inform you I have been working on my new story rise of a new demon god. So look into the foreseeable future for this books because it will be coming out here soon.

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