Part Two Chapter 6 The meeting

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(y,n) POV

its been about two days sence the run in between the two dip-shits and I cought wind of the three faction were going to be held at the highschool and all three factions leaders are going to be here. I have also heard of a new faction coming to power called the chaos brigade apparently there are multiple diffrent parts to this and on of them happens to be the Old satan faction. there ideology makes them believe that they have the right to rule because of there blood. The only thing that I have to say about that is that THERE FUCKING STUPID really under there rule they would wipeout the entire devil race just because you have the blood of the old rulers doesn't mean you get to rule.

anyway  i actually got invited to the meeting between the three factions between them by the leader of the fallen angle leader Azazel he came to the my house yesterday and personally asked himself.

Flashback Yesterday (Y,N) POV

I was currently making dinner for my three mates well more like 27 people.

Ophis was getting very angry that i keep leaving and solving probloms for the supernatural so she has been super clingy lately she would not let go of me no matter what i do so i just let if happened. After dinner we dicided to just have time between the three of us so we decided to watch what humans call a movie.

So we put of a movie called Godzilla king of the monsters and well we were watching it Ophis sat on my lap, tiamat was on my left and safi was on my right. When the movie was about to come to a end I smelled the scent a fallen angle at my door.

I disided that it would be rude not to answer but the second that i went to sit up ophis pushed me back down and then she sat down on her spot on my lap. i was confused by her actions

(Y,N): Ophis why are you stoping me?

ophis: I dont like it when my mate goes off to solve some problom and leave me hear so your not leaving me.

(Y,N) thoughts: So she is lonly I can fix that.

With that (Y,N) picked up ophis bridal style. Ophis blushed madly at this as she buried her face in my neck to hide it. This got the look of jealousy from my other two mates but this had to be answered because as far as i now all the fallen angles we have run into hvae been enemys so if this is the same then i'll kill them right hear of the spot.

So i walked over to the door to greet our guest when i opened the door I was greeted by our guest.

(Not my picture)

???: Greetings my name is Azazel and I'm the leader of the fallen Angel it's a pleasure to meet you black dragon (Y,N).

(Y,N) put ophis down who pouted at him.

(Y,N): What would the leaders of the fallen angels went with me.

Azazel: well you see you're quite the popular individual in the world of the supernatural. I mean a being who's able to shut down the regeneration of a phoenix has control over all the elements. And is also the mate of the infinite dragon God and dragon king makes for some pretty good gossip material.

(Y,N): wait before you even say anything it's this for the meeting between the three factions.

Azazel: why yes it is my you're a sharp as I say you are you also solved many of the factions problems mine included. Also you're a witness to what happened recently.

(Y,N): wouldn't Rias in her pregame be there.

Azazel: why yes but I don't particularly trust that group Rias is a spoiled child of the gremory family and she has been known to manipulate things so that'd be more comfortable if you came here. Also since all three factions are basically terrified of you you could-

(Y,N): Put them back in place if they were to fall out of line.

Azazel: Yes that would be the reason why.

(Y,N):*that is bringing mates* The three want to come with me.

The three of them nodded their head.

(Y,N): Well Azazel looks like we will be there.

Azazel: Well then my business here is concluded I'll see you at the meeting.

With that Azazel let out his 10 black wings and flew off into the sky. (Y,N) just look out at Azazel flying off and just let out a heavy side.

THIS WAS EVEN MORE F****** PROBLEMS NOW. To be honest he couldn't really trust the factions because they're stupid and idiotic and they probably messed this up. But it's so annoying playing babysitter with these guys. but if he didn't then there'd be a hell of a lot more problems than there would be.

(Y,N): all right everyone was good a good night sleep because tomorrow we have quite the eventful day.

Flashback end

With that The four of us were walking up to the school. There were many devil's, angels and fallen angels all around the school building.

The four of them kept walking until they were stopped by a devil.

(Rd= random devil)

RD: Who are you and what are you doing here human.

(Y,N) let out his aura with silence the random devil as the four of them walked into the school building.

No Pov at the meeting room

Currently there was the 3 leaders of the faction sirzechs his wife and serafall as the representatives of the devils along with. Rias and sona and the respective pregames as witnesses to the kokabiel event.

With the fallen Angels we have Azazel with vali the white dragon emperor.

And for the Angels we have michael.

(Yes that's a boy and this is not my leader)

sirzechs: now that we're here let's begin the meeting.

Azazel: nope give it a minute we have a special guest arriving here soon and apparently vali new boyfriend.

the second he said the last part vali face exploded into a bush

Serafall: What do you mean by-

she was cut off mid-sentence as the door to the meeting room flew off his hinges and four individuals came walking through.

The people in the room were quickly able to identify the three of them one being tiamat. The other being ophis another red hair girl which they couldn't identify and the male which scared the factions all too well (Y,N).

The devil's in the room took a nervous gulp as the watch (Y,N) walk into the room.

Rias: (Y-(Y,N) what's the meaning of this.

(Y,N): all you know *pulls three chair and him and his mates sit down with ophis on his lap* having the babysit you guys so you don't messes up and cause me even more problems. And if you do cause me problems here then I'll just incinerate all of you here now then begin.

Every faction leader in the room besides Azazel was shaking in fear of his threats they knew the power that he possesses all too well. Basically everyone except for his three mates Azazel and vali we're shaking in fear.

sirzechs: W-well I don't really believe this is a matters to you.

(Y,N): oh I'm sorry would you want to say that again who is the one who had to come bail your dumbass sister from getting killed. Who saved your sister from her wedding I have been solving more of your problems more than you have. So before trying anything look at your self before you even try and state that I don't have a right being here. So check your f****** self first then try and come at me and if that's all you have to say. Then just know I'm just here to spectate To make sure you d******* actually come to peace. And if you don't come to peace then I'll kill every single one of you in this room there there is a motivation now discuss.

Everyone in the room was shaking in fear they knew they couldn't force him out of here and trying to discuss with him was going to be non-negotiable. On top of that if they even try to fight him he would demolish them in less than a second so they had no choice but to play by his rules.

sirzechs: *sigh's* very well all right let's discuss the meeting.

Time skip 20 minutes (Y,N) Pov

Oh my f****** god what the f*** are wrong with these people. The devil's and angels are trying to accuse Azazel of being the one that started the whole kokabiel thing. When Ria's and sona just get the report of the event and of all the things kokabiel said and how he went rogue.

Anything that got me pissed off the most was the fact that Azazel was so busy in his research on sacred years he didn't f****** run his own faction. And was almost the cause of the next great war it's not like the devils are falling angels or any better than he is. you know what I'm putting it into this.

(Not my video)

That grab the attention of everyone in the room as all eyes we're now focused on me.

(Y,N): okay now that I have all of your grand attention let me just tell you all something. Once again SHUT THE F**** UP. Literally none of you are coming for some moral high ground you can blame him yes he was the cause of it but you all are just as a fault as him. None of you know better I mean let me go down the line.

(Y,N): *points at Azazel* answer me this Azazel how the f*** do you get so wrapped up in your research that you. Let a leader class fallen Angel go rogue attack churches stealing excaliburs and almost prevent the next great war because you were so caught up in your research. or were you doing something else at that time but didn't think that this was a problem you needed to get solved.

I waited for his response but either he was too afraid to answer or he was too goddamn stupid.

(Y,N): okay now that he's out of the way *points at michael* you angel boy.

michael: my name is actually-

(Y,N): I don't f****** give a s*** you are by far one of the the biggest problems in this room. Just like with Azazel why the f*** didn't you solve your own problems. Or even think of helping people who serve underneath heaven. If what I found out was correct you Angels live off of human prayers but yet having a rogue church member going off and killing other church members. Who you need their prayers to live on doesn't f****** help your species live. Not to mention you should have been one of the ones down here to kill kokabiel to prevent heaven from going to another war and for stealing heaven's property. But you didn't you we're attending to some false system which is only going to kill off your species faster. And not to mention the fact that you apparently had the time to come down from heaven to give issei that new sword of his to help him fight vali over there so you wasted your time for nothing. So you clearly had time to do something but your main problem is your machine. that is supposed to helps you Angels live is a fault system it could be exploited and that is going to be the downfall of your species. God is dead f****** find your own path not a path of a dead leader who if you continue down this path it's only going to lead to your destruction.

michael and some other people in the room were clearly mad that I insulted God at the end of my little speech towards him but it's the truth and it needs to be said.

(Y,N): *points at sirzechs* And now finally you sirzechs get off your f****** high horse and stop being a siscon. You think you're better than everyone because you're a freaking devil King well buddy guess what. I stand above the heavenly dragons and you don't see me throwing my name around or throwing my authority around unless it absolutely matters. But you insist on acting like you have the freaking needs for your species in place but yet you follow a dead system. You insist that pureblooded devils have to marry into more pure blooded devils to keep the lines pure but if I'm not mistaken your side is one of the hardest sides that took a hit. Your species was hit one of the hardest and yet you put a rule which restricts you able to increase your population. On F*** blood types it should be your numbers that matter establish nobles and royalty at a later date. Not f****** now when your species needed the most. And also high ranking devils are the most arrogant pieces of s*** on this planet and no one doesn't think about it. you don't do a thing about it your other three devil Kings don't do anything about it and it was your arrogance that let your downfall in the war. Once your devil population goes up and the arrogance increases with each generation it's going to happen again the war is going to happen again and you're going to have the same thing rinse and repeated. So actually solve your own f****** problems and deal with your devil's now and make them less arrogant pieces of s*** and maybe they can actually do things without someone having to come save them.

(Y,N) then faced every single faction leader in the room.

(Y,N): And you all know all I'm saying is true but yet none of you here doesn't lift a finger about it you're the goddamn faction leaders. You make the rules actually start fixing the problems that's in your species and don't go pointing at another species until you fix your problems first. Yes Azazel was a massive f****** idiot for not attending to his faction. But the devil's an angels aren't no better your factions continue to get worse and worse with each generation you have to resort to cheap tactics like reincarnating humans in order to even pull up your numbers. But yet you insist on having these pointless battles between each other for nothing. Power, authority what is it. I don't f****** get you guys I mean I might have come from another world but compared to that world you guys are a thousand times worse in the situation. So before you even try to point fingers that anyone else in this room fix your own f****** problems then go pointing at other people because as long as you have all this s*** going on you can't point at other people.

With that (Y,N) little speech was over and he had a great impact on the three leaders. Azazel honestly believe everything he said he was even starting to think along the same lines as he had his little speech.

michael although he will still angry with him could find wisdom in his words. He knew something had to be done to prevent something like this. But he just couldn't say it out loud without having heaven being even more shunned by the other two factions.

And the ones that were by far the angriest were sirzechs and the devils well except for serafall. But even with his anger sirzechs could see the light of his words yes they were harsh but they needed to be said and he honestly had to agree with them something had to been done about this.

Azazel: I agree with him and with the support of the other two factions we could get our problems solved easier I vote for peace.

sirzechs: I vote for peace as well *looks over at (Y,N)* we do have a lot of problems to solve

michael: yes I also agree with the black dragon and I will be making some modifications to heaven's machine. *Looks at (Y,N)* we have to make our own path.

The two pre-games were practically in shock (Y,N) not only just got the fraction leaders to make peace he's also making heaven have their own way of things. Practically have the leader of the fallen angels and devil look up to him in one speech.

(Y,N): I'm glad you all got the now we're about to be attacked in 3, 2, 1

There you go the three factions making peace well more like being forced to make peace or suffering The wrath of a very angry black dragon.

Anyways you let me know how I did on this I'll see you guys next chapter bye.

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