Part Three Chapter one the invitation to the underworld

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It's been about two weeks since the meeting between the three factions and the tried sneak attack of the chaos brigade and many things happens up to this point.

After the meeting Issei asked Michael to allow Asia and Zenovia to pray to God.

And apparently during this time Rias and sona we're invited to something called a young's devil gathering.

They were also going to have a rating game against a devil named Diodora Astaroth.

(Look at the f****** piece of this s*** I swear to f****** God if he was real I would kill him. 50 BMG right through the f****** head)

When (Y,N) first encountered him he could tell that there's something off about him. You kept trying to flirting with Asia and all that. He might look innocent but there was something off about him that (Y,N) didn't like.

So for this summer break and with a rating game coming around the corner rias decided that they would train make themselves stronger.

And they better hope to God they get better than they were last time or they're going to do what a very pissed off black dragon.

With (Y,N)

Currently (Y,N) was in his house with his three maids in a special guest, Gabriel as in Gabriel the Seraph. Apparently after the meeting she was super eager to meet (Y,N). Apparently she wanted to know who was the person who made the three factions come to peace.

(Not my picture and that's Gabriel)

And she was a AirHead and probably one of the purest beings he's ever met in his life. Also very powerful from what he could sense from her aura.

As he and everyone were just chillaxing at the house but they heared a knock on the door.

(Cuz these always go well)

Anyway (Y,N) walk to the door and opened it in order to meet azazel.

Azazel: Hello (Y,N) I hope I'm not interrupting.

(Y,N): What is it now azazel.

Azazel: You are aware that there is the young devil gathering coming here soon right.

(Y,N): Yeah and what of it?

Azazel: Sirzechs asked me to come invite you there apparently. During this gathering the Norse faction will be making a treaty with our newly formed fraction.

(Y,N): And you want me there because why?

Azazel: You were a large help and having the three factions unite into peace, not to mention you're the talk around the supernatural world and most of the younger devil's wants to meet the famous black dragon.

(Y,N) could only sigh I mean he could just not go, but then there's the problem of them undoing all the hard work he's done. Not to mention if the four great Satan's invited him to this it would be rather rude and not to go.

(Y,N): Fine I'll go let my mates know that will be going on a vacation.

Azazel: very well then can't wait to meet you there.

(Y,N) closed the door before walking into the kitchen where his three mates were. And oddly enough Gabriel was still here.

(Y,N): Gabriel don't you have stuff you need to do up in heaven?

Gabriel: No Michael instructing me I would have nothing to do while I'm staying here. Not you mentioned I'm kind of person you are.

(Y,N): Well that's great but we're going in a little vacation apparently the four satins invited me to the young devil gathering. So it looks like we're going to the underworld.

With that the four of them got their things ready as we departed to the school.

When they arrived they were in the room with Ria's and her pregame. When Rias and her pregame saw them they are confused to why he was here.

Azazel was more focused on why was Gabriel with him?

And as you can imagine Issel was practically cursing the dragon gods existence for I quote "why did he get all the hot women".

(Oh god I think I'm going to be sick after writing that)

Azazel: If you're wondering why he is here is because sirzechs and the other Satan invited him to the young devil gathering. More important question why is Gabriel the Seraph doing hear (Y,N)

(Y,N): The hell if I know she only thing she said that she wanted to get to know the person that brought the factions together. And that was two weeks ago.

Azazel: Oh are you adding the Seraph of heaven to your little harem.

Azazel asked in a very teasing voice only for him to freeze in place when (Y,N) sent him a vicious glare.

Issei: what the hell man stop making a harem before me!!!

This earned him an elbow in the gut from koneko, and before issei could hit the ground he got karate chopped in the head by (Y,N) who sent him straight to the ground with quite the significant amount of force.

(Y,N)/koneko: Pervert.

Azazel: anyway those five are going to be coming with us.

Rias: *helps issei out of the ground* all right let's get going.

Issei: prez why don't we just use the magic circle.

Rias: we could use a magic circle but the conventional way is to take the train.

(Y,N) thoughts: Are you kidding me they take a train.

What's that the group got on to the train to hell as it took off towards the underworld.

One the train

(Y,N) in his mates were just sitting on the chair going to the underworld. Ophis on his lap tiamat on his left, and safi on his right. Gabriel was sitting to the seat next to them.

Rias and her pregame we're all over the train. But currently (Y,N) and his mates were eating food, since they didn't get much food back at the house the four of them were quite hungry.

As the train was continuing to go it eventually went past over the gremory estate.

(Not my picture)

The devils in Rias that have never been hear before we're just taking in the massive size of it.

Eventually the train just randomly stopped in the air almost costing the four individuals to almost lose their food.

The devil's on the train were quite confusing why they stopped but the thing is they couldn't find their King nor azazel.

Of course (Y,N) already knew what was about to go down. Azazel inform them of a special guest that would be helping them with their training.

The devil not having any better ideas of what to do exit the train, they were greeted to what appear to be a small canyon.

(Y,N) and his three mates plus Gabriel snuck off to get out of the way of what was about to happen.

The devil's heard rumbling behind them they turned around and we greeted with the sight of a massive dragon.

(Not my picture)

Realizing the situation they were in Akeno took the role as the leader do to rias being missing.

Akeno led an attack on the dragon and their attempts to damage it were futile. Koneko although being physically strong wasn't physically stronger than that of a dragon. Kiba although he's stronger and with his balance breaker his sword wasn't sharp enough to cut through dragon scales as he was flung back by the dragons hit.

Zenovia even having her holy sword couldn't do s*** against it.

And that was the fact for most of Rias  pregame, most of the members why yes powerful and their own right. We're nowhere near the level they needed to be.

Eventually a voice cut in through the battle ending the fight in an instant.

Azazel: All right that's enough it's time for us to go over what happened.

(Y,N) azazel and rias all appeared in between them, with (Y,N) mates on the sideline just watching everything unfold.

Azazel: okay I'm going to go down the line of the problems you need to fix. Koneko it'll be wise if you start accepting the other side of you you're strong for a rook but you're one of the weakest people of the pregame. Kiba although you're fast and you have gotten stronger you're still not physically strong enough. Zenovia that holy sort of yours picks its Wilder but you need better control over it to utilize its power better. Gasper you're a gentle giant your powers is indeed great but you need confidence and need to get over your nervousness. Asia you're healing magic is indeed great but you need to get better with the range and control over it. Akeno you need to accept the other side of you that way you can cast true lightning. And issei you need to work on everything you're by far the weakest person of this pregame.

Rias: I'm sorry for putting you guys through this.

Azazel: And for you Rias you need to stop babying them you're not their mother.

Rias was mad at his answer but couldn't say anything.

(Y,N) gaze went to the large purple dragon, the dragons gaze also followed down to him as the two stared in a heated lockdown between each other.

(Y,N): anyone going to introduce us to our new friend here.

Azazel: ah yes this is tannin a dragon king turn devil the reason why for this is I don't feel like going into it. He will be helping you train for the next 6 weeks.

Tannin: this will be the very first time I trained someone thats the host of ddraig. But first host of ddaig would you be so kind as to summon the boosted gear so I May commune with my old friend.

Issei oblige his request and summon the boosted gear onto his hand.

Ddraig: ah Tannin it's been a long time hasn't it.

Tannin: Indeed it has old friend.

After saying that tannin gaze started to follow down the line of people until it reached four individuals.

(Y,N) and his three mates.

Tannin: Azazel is that the one you were talking about?

Azazel: yes that is (Y,N) the black dragon with his three mates, also as a friendly piece of advice don't piss him off. And trust me if you do pray to God you don't die after doing it.

Tannin: I'll keep that in notice, but for the main reason why we're here training azazel would you like to explain.

Azazel: very well for the training we will have all of you Branch off on your own and focus on your weakness. You will all work on your flaws and work to improve them to the best of your ability. We have 6 weeks to do this so I expect results.

Azazel: *looked over at (Y,N)* I'm guessing you four can go off and do your own thing I recommend checking in with sirzechs first before anything.

(Y,N) just not his head before walking off with his three mates behind him he would go let's sirzechs know of his presence. Before going out and doing his own training.

There's always room to get stronger.

There you go I'm sorry this one's a lot shorter but this one's basically working on the base for the entire part three. So don't get on me too hard okay I've tried to make this around two thousand words but no matter how hard I tried this is the max I could reach. Without adding sentences that didn't make any sense.

Anyway bye bye DIO OUT.

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