Part Three Chapter Two the gathering and a new family member

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With (Y,N)

Currently (Y,N) was pushing himself to the absolute limit.

It had been two weeks since they came here and he started his training after getting the go-ahead from the four satins.

He's been doing this for an entire week straight. He brought with him some magic gear which will help him improve himself and his training regiment was as following.

10,000 push ups with 5 ton weights
100 kilometer run with 10 ton weights
10,000 sit-ups in 10 times the gravity

That was basically his physical but  for his magic training he had a channeling his magic through his entire body even through all of his physical training. For that entire week. Actually he's been doing that even before this started this. He's been channeling his magic through his being for the past 3 weeks to try and build up more magic reserves.

currently he was on the ground panting he might be a dragon God but doing s*** like that would definitely tire him out.

he was in a secluded part of the underworld where no one would be able to see his dragon transformation too. he kept getting stronger and stronger as he kept training. His been training his normal form his armored form and he's been working on something else as well.

Anyways he was on his break when he decided to go walking around a forest. As he was walking around he heard a scream was sounded like a young girl.

Hearing this he bolted off in the direction where he heard the scream. When he arrived he seen five devils standing over a young girl with white hair.

(Not my picture)

currently the devils were harassing the girl that's one of them threw her to the ground her clothes were cared and ripped and she had to cut all along her body.

(Rd=random devil)

Rd: look at this little s*** you causes too much problems you damn disgusting half-breed.

The other devil started to ridicule her, that all came to an end when a terrifying sinister Aura appear behind them. When they turned around they saw something that could scare even great red into an endless nightmare.

(Not my pictures)

The devil couldn't move they were paralyzed, they watched us this demon started to walk towards them and before they could even try and make it get away half of their bodies were frozen.

(Y,N): don't worry I won't hurt you.

He gave a sweet and innocent smile, and the devil started to see hope but it quickly turned to fear when his smile turn into a sadistic grin.

(Y,N): I'm going to kill you.

Before they say anything the rest of their bodies were frozen, he started to walk past the five but he flung his hands out and shattered all five of them.

The young girl backed up to a tree and looked at him with fear she closed her eyes waiting for death to but it never came.

She opened her eyes and looked up to see that his eyes were back to their normal gold color as he had a real gentle smile on his face.

(Y,N): what's your name young one?

???: Mew.

(Y,N): mew I like that name, well my name is (Y,N). Now tell me mew where are your parents at?

Mew: I don't know my parents I've been alone ever since I was born. And those bad guys t-they.

(Y,N): they did what?

Mew: they killed the only family I had!

At this point she couldn't contain her emotion as she bawl her eyes out. (Y,N) seeing this his anger grew tremendously if had known that would have at least tortured the f****** before he killed them.

He looked down at the girl before he rapping his arms around her giving her comfort. the girl in need embrace the hug as she buried her face in the side of his neck crying into his shoulder.

(Y,N): it's okay it's okay no one's going to hurt you now if you have no one to take you then I'll take you in is that okay with you.

She looked at his face he held no evil intentions just the desire to have her be happy.

She nodded her head and before she could do anything she was picked up. She looked at (Y,N) before he started to walk off with her.

He looked around and it was becoming late he should probably head back to the gremory mansion.

So he used teleportation to get back to the mansion, when he arrived sirzechs what about to call his name before he spotted the young girl in his arms.

(Y,N) made a shush signal before he walked into his room with a girl.

Sirzechs and his wife who witnessed this could only chuckle, it was like watching a father taking his daughter in after a long day.

When (Y,N) he placed mew down on the bed and started to walk away, but before you could walk away a small hand grabbed onto his hand you turned around to see mew in her sleep having been nightmare.

Mew: Onee-chan don't leave me I'm too scared to be left alone.

(Y,N) just smiled before pulling up a chair beside the bed you sat down in it, as mew. Her hand was gripping his on for dear life every time he tried to do anything her grip will always tighten on his hand.

(Y,N) saying that there's nothing he could do just sat there and waited for the girl to wake up.

It was around the next day and he was already starting to get annoyed.

What started to annoying him was issei coming back to the mansion and kept making a s*** ton of noise.

Eventually he could hear the noise try to come towards his room which started to make mew stirring her sleep.

Eventually his door barged open to see both issei and Rias, issei was about to yell something when the very chair (Y,N) was sitting on. Was sent flying at him the chair impacted his face sending him flying down the hallway.

(Y,N): would you f****** shut up someone's trying to sleep here!

He raised his voice slightly but not too loud to wear mew would wake up.

Rias was about to yell at him when she saw the young girl on your bed. She had stars in her eye as she watch mew lift up (Y,N) hand and nuzzled into it.

Rias was about to have a heart attack from how cute it was, and (Y,N) was seconds away from death because of how cute it was.

Mew started to open her eyes as she looked up to see (Y,N) with a sleepy look.

Mew: good morning (Y,N).

(Y,N): morning mew sleep well?

Mew: yes I slept very * she was cut off from her sentence as her stomach started to grow*

She became red from embarrassment as (Y,N) simply chuckled at this.

(Y,N): come on let's go get you some food.

Mew just nod her head and she followed him out of the room.

Issei who finally managed to get up was just standard next to rias as a watch the two leave the room.

Issei: who's the little girl?

Rias: her name is mew and I honestly don't know anything about her besides her name.

Back with the duo they were walking down the hallway holding hand in hand, as they did also while they were walking to get food. (Y,N) introduce mew to his three mates and a happily accepted the little girl.

Mew couldn't be any more happy. After they got food and mew got a proper introduction to everyone in the mansion. (Y,N) decided it would be best if they got back to his training he did have 4 weeks left to get his training done.

So he tried to go to his training spot...

But there was a little bit of a complication mew did not want to be left alone with anyone, she only wanted to be with (Y,N). So he was basically forced to have her with him during his training.

But it wasn't bad actually it went pretty well on her first day so he decided that it would be good if he trained her that way she could defend herself. So it was his training plus hers.

(damn this man can't get away from babysitting anyone)

Though he could see on her face that she was happy being with him and training with him he just hoped that he'd be the best brotherly figure for her to look up to.

Four Weeks later

Our protagonist was currently in the forest doing his training alongside mew.

Over the past four weeks (Y,N) gotten stronger but mew got a lot stronger as well.

She could use magic had better usage of her senses, although she improved over the 4 weeks her improvements weren't crazy. Although apparently she did have a secret gear though and she was able to summon it during the training.

(Not my picture)

She had the sacred gear called lunar and sun, it's summons two daggers one that represents the moon and one that represents the sun.

The moon dagger was able to control darkness but as well control water.

The sun dagger allowed her to control over light and as well as fire, she was also able to divert energy from herself through the dagger to heal others.

(Y,N) was very impressed with her progress, but something did happen in these four weeks.

Mew grow to absolutely hate most devils, because of Rias and her annoying antics not to mention, devil's killing her old family she hated devils.

She only like to four devils sirzechs grayfia, serafall and koneko that's it. She didn't like Rias and she hated issei and never wanted to be in the same room as him.

Well besides that she grew a deep connection with (Y,N) she saw him as her older brother that she never had. And his mate she viewed them as older sisters which they happily accepted her into their family.

The first day of this happened she broke down into tears that she hugged the four of them. It's a day that the four of them will never forget.

Well it's been 6 weeks and our protagonist and his little sister teleport it back to the gremory mansion.

When they arrived they were greeted by sirzechs.

Sirzechs: (Y,N) mew is good to see you too I'm guessing you know what today is?

(Y,N): the young devil gathering am I correct.

Sirzechs: yes you are, now come on the meeting's going to start here soon.

The three of them teleported to the meeting room which was a large open room which looked like a ball room. On one side of the room was multiple types of food. But there was also a staircase going up to a platform where the four Satan's were standing on.

(Y,N) looked around in order to seem that not many devils have gathered here yet.

Mew on the other hand didn't give a f*** she just held her older brothers hand and didn't really give a crap about who was in the room.

Eventually the peaceful atmosphere was broken on a very care-free voice broke it.

???: (Y,N) mew you made it!!

The duo turn to seem serafall Leviathan one of the four great leviathans and I swear to God a little child at heart.

Serafall ran over to the two before crouching down and got into mew face.

Mew just tilted her head in a cute and innocent way which caused Serafall to beam in excitement.


Mew wasn't prepared as she was snatched up into a hug by serafall.

Serafall was super happy and over excited like usual.

But on mew's part she looks like she wanted to strangle the Satan, yeah in those four weeks she kind of inherited (Y,N) don't f****** touch me without my consent personality.

But even having that, in a matter how much does Satan annoyed her she hugged back knowing that Serafall wouldn't try and pull anything on her.

(Y,N) could only smile at this now he just had to wait for this freaking meeting to start.

And there you go this chapter has not been written we're going to be getting on into some more of the other parts of the story I hope you guys like mew I thought it would be a good idea to add a younger sister to our main protagonist.

Anyways that's it DIO OUT!!!

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