Part Three Chapter Three a God's beatdown

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At the Young devil gathering

Currently the meeting was now finally getting underway, much too (Y,N) and Mews annoyance.

There was an incident before him with in annoying Noble devil and another. Thank God Sairaorg Bael solve the situation before mew did she was about ready to throw her dagger in the back of his head.

(That's Sairaorg Bael)

After the incident took place the meeting began and it was going relatively well.

Odin the Norse leader as with in his Valkyrie escort Rossweisse.

( This is odin)

(And that's Rossweisse)

And Odin was a massive pervert, mew start to get angry just by being around and because it reminded her of a certain perv dragon emperor.

Currently (Y,N) and mew we're just eating food, mew with eating all the food her little heart could content with.

And honestly (Y,N) couldn't lie it was adorable.

But all good things must come to an end as a magic portal open in front of them and a man in a white cloths and long hair came walking out.

(Not my picture)

Loki: this is pathetic the great Norse father making a treaty with Lily devil scum. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Odin: I recommend you leave before this escalates, if you leave now I won't pass punishment on you later.

Loki: like you could anyways!

Rossweisse: sir loki I recommend you please leave. Before something happens to you.

Loki: silence b**** how dare you speak out towards a god!!

He raised his aura which started to affect most people around the room. It even started to affect mew as her body could barely hold itself up.

(Y,n) grew infuriated and did something that no one expected.

He appeared in front of Loki with the burst of speed before... B**** slapping him.

That slap had enough Force to send him flying towards the ground. Odin nor Rossweisse was prepared to watch Loki get b**** slaped across the room.

(Y,n): you know there are people trying to have a good time here a******, I couldn't give a f*** about them but the minute you start affecting my little sister well.

His I started to go red with fury.

(They look like this)

Loki who was glaring at him stopped in fear. He didn't know why it was like a primal instinct telling him to stop.

(Y,N): That's when you...die

But right before he could lend the final blow against Loki a green or I started to surround him before he disappeared.

(Y,N) still having his eyes red glared at the Satan who did it.

Ajuka Beelzebub just gave a very nervous gulp knowing that he pissed off the black dragon.

(Y,N): tell me Ajuka why did you interfere.

Ajuka: I simply thought it would be beneficial if we move to fight somewhere else.

Sirzechs: Ajuka how long will the magic seal hold him?

Ajuka: I would say about a day with loki's power, I recommend gathering a team to go after.

(Y,N): or you could just send me, I have to get him back after he put my little sister on the crossfire.

Sirzechs: are you sure (Y,N)?

(Y,N): *glares at sirzechs* did I stutter?

Sirzechs quickly shook his head no still too nervous to respond to him.

(Y,N): Alright * crouches down to face mew* listen sis you're going to have to stay with Serafall for a little bit is that all right.

Mew: but would you be all right Onee-chan.

(Y,N): trust me I have a lot of things  you still don't know about me.

He patted her on the head, trying to get her to calm down to the best of his abilities.

The force Satan's nod in agreement it would be best to send one person then sending multiple people which could end up in multiple casualties.

Not to mention...this was (Y,N) they're talking about he probably had some op way to just insta kill him anyway.

Rias: hold up we're coming with you.

(Y,N) turned around to see rias and her preerage you all had a confident smirk on their face.

(Y,N): not happening.

That's certainly burst their bubble.

Rias: W-What why not!!

(Y,N): look not to be rude but I'm going to give it to you straight, you have a very high likelihood of dying if you all want to go on this. You might have gotten more powerful but you all are still weaker than Loki. And if you need a reminder of my Powers need i remind you that I just bitched slapped him across the room. Not to mention I want to get this over with as quickly as possible because I have other stuff to deal with. and I'm not going to waste my Time babysitting you guys so I'm doing the solo and you're staying here.

Rias: NO I demand become along with you!!!

(Y,N) eyes change the red as he glared at her, she took her nervous gulp as she stepped back knowing that she just f***** up.

(Y,N): who are you to try and make demands of me *releases a sinister aura* try make demands for me again in your blood will rain on the floor.

The room was as cold as ice, (Y,N) had a voice of annoyance, the four satins could only shiver with fear as they knew they couldn't do anything if s*** hit the fan.

(Y,N): now if you would excuse me I have to get ready to put a God in his place.

With that he walked out of the meeting room leaving a stunned room filled with devils.

Back with (Y,N) he was currently walking along the path back to the gremory mansion when he felt a presence watching him.

(Y,N): I know you're there you can come out now.

As an oncue a shadowy figure was coming towards him he could only make out certain features of her. She had cat like ears and she had golden eyes. when she fully walked out of the shadows he could see her full person.

(Not my picture)

???: So you were able to sense my presence~ nya

(Y,N): *looks at her with confusion* who are you?

???: Ow I'm kuroka handsome~

(Y,N): wait a minute aren't you that double s class stray the hell do you want with me?

Kuroka: well I wanted to see if the rumors are true~ nya, and they most definitely were.

She walked up to him as she traced her finger along his chest.

(Y,N): *smacks the hand away* look lady I don't have time for this b******* I have a God to go put in his place, now if you would excuse me.

With that he started to walk away but was started to annoy as he could sense her presents following him.

Deciding that he would lose her he picked up the pace and disappeared in a blur leaving behind a sonic boom.

With kuroka

My my he's definitely going to be a hard one to catch ~nya, but I'll have them in the end.

with that she disappeared back into the shadows awaiting for her next interaction with (Y,N).

With (Y,N)

He was currently heading towards the area that Loki would break free from. And he arrived on time when he saw loki break free from the seal.

Loki looked around before finding (Y,N) just standing there on a cliff looking directly at him.

Loki: what is a maggots like you doing here!!

(Y,N): if you're calling me a maggot then what does that make you if my memory serves me correctly I made you look a little b**** in front of everyone with a single slap, so if I'm a maggot then you're just an ant that I'm going to crush under my boat.

Loki: you worm I'll show you where you belong underneath my boot.

As he said that he fired multiple magic attacks at (Y,N) who simply just swipe them away with no problem at all.

Loki even summoned his pets the midgar serpent as well as multiple giant hounds as well as fenrir , but they were no match for (Y,N) and his raw destructive power.

He froze the midgard serpent in place and he decided to deal with the hounds first.

The first hound to lunge at him and tried to swallow him whole only for the hounds advancements to be stoped with a powerful kick of the jaw.

It's jaw was completely shattered as the hound's teeth went straight into its jaw and into the brain killing it instantly.

(Y,N) then turn around the face fenrir. This massive freaking hound.

(Not my picture)

fenrir started to growl at (Y,N) before lunging at him, (Y,N) just got bored so he froze fenrir legs in place stopping his advance.

So (Y,N) walked up to the massive hound before covering his hand in black and red electricity, with one swift movement of his arms he cut off all four of his legs.

fenrir howled in pain as all forms of his limbs we're cut off with ease. fenrir turn his head to face (Y,N) but his life was quickly ended when he brought his hand down slashing off his head.

Loki started at this with shock and then it turned into a fiery rage.

Loki: I was planning on slaughtering the devils and bringing Ragnarok but now I guess I'LL HAVE TO BRING IT HERE DIRECTLY!!!

With that a large magic circle appeared in the air as a large explosion with a back to occur. Right before look he could cast it, Black and red lightning started to circle around his being shocking the crap out of him.

he lost all of his concentration as his spell was dispersed. he fell out of the sky and started to grovel in pain on the ground as the Black and red lightning starts to go through his system more and more.

(Y,N): you know I've only done this with one other person and he was just as arrogant as you, actually you're even more arrogant than he was so as a reward I give you a harsher form of his punishment.

Loki: W-What did you do to me!!!

(Y,N): it's quite simple really I just gave you dragon's blight.

Loki: the hell is *cut off from his sentence as it intends wave of pain rush through his body*

(Y,N): well since you can't talk right now I'll explain to you what it is, currently dragons element is running through your body and it is destroying everything that comes in its path that includes your blood cells. So that means your entire body is being destroyed from the inside out.

Loki eyes were shock but he tried to say something but before he could (Y,N) hand went on to his mouth shutting him up.

(Y,N): you know this world has been pissing me off lately. First we have people like you arrogant and thinking they're all powerful, but your strength pals in comparison to mine. Do you want to know a little secret.

(Y,N) brought himself next to Loki's ear.

(Y,N): I do not just stand above the heavenly dragons I stand above great red, for my real identity is Alatreon the black dragon God of destruction now you will now carry this secret to your grave.

Loki eyes showed fear inside of them actually his entire being was consumed with fear. As he looked into his eyes he could tell there was no lie behind his eyes, his foolish arrogance had put him in right in the path of the God of destruction.

before he could even resist he felt a sharp pain through his chest where his heart is.

With all the strength he had he looked down to see (Y,N) hands sticking out of his back with his still beating heart in his hands.

(Y,N) pulled his hand back through the God's chest as Loki fell forward with his hands extended as he glanced up at (Y,N).

(Y,N): you want this back don't you.

he then gave the dead Loki his still beating heart.

(Y,N): now then it's time I get back to the gathering my sister's probably worried sick about me.

Unknown to him multiple eyes were staring at him with shock, fear, or amusement.

With the mysterious individuals.

Currently observing what just happened vali and her team.

Vali herself was smiling and amusement, she knew she picked the right rival but for some reason every time she gazed upon him her heart was start beating faster.

She was completely oblivious to this as she is never experienced this before in her life so she asked Albion and her response was quite surprising to her.

She was in love with him.

It was certainly a shock for our silver head girl because she's never experienced love for anyone. Her family wasn't exactly the greatest to her so finding out she fell in love with the black dragon was a bit shocking.

Currently with her we're different individuals as well.

She only had three others people with her as they were standing by with her, one was Kuroka and the other was, Bikou but there was another as well.

This individual name was Arthur Pendragon.

Kuroka: my that was amusing ~nya

Arthur: he is indeed quite powerful, he's probably the most powerful being we've encountered so far well besides great red.

Bikou: well damn vali you have one impressive boyfriend.

This caused vali to glare at him as a blush appeared on her face.

Vali: shut up or I'll knock your lights out!

She turned away with the Huff trying to avoid people seeing her blush.

Though this didn't go unnoticed by kuroka.

Kuroka thoughts: isn't that quite interesting ~nya vali likes him as well I hope we can both share.

Back with (Y,N)

As he arrived back at the gathering he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched the entire way back.

But once he re-entered the room where the gathering was taking place multiple individuals were shocked to see that he was here so fast.

Sirzechs: (Y,N) if you're here then does that mean.

(Y,N): yes Loki is currently rotting feeding the crows now can we go back to business.

Odin looked at him shocked but before it turned into amusement.

Odin: I have heard rumors about you black dragon but I'm certainly surprise that you can complete it so fast.

(Y,N): having you heard the saying never mess with the dragons treasure. Because as well as he's considered he touched the prize Jewel, and it goes for you all as well!!

He glared at every single person in the room.

(Y,N): touch any person that I love and I'll f****** kill you got it.

Everyone in the entire room quickly nodded their head and agreement.

And there we have it another chapter done damn man (Y,N) is definitely getting scary isn't he I mean at this point when he reveals himself as a dragon God the entire world is going to die of a heart attack.

Anyway enough of the jokes I hope you guys enjoyed this if you have any questions I'll try and answer some of the best of my ability now.

DIO OUT!!!!!!

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