Chapter 1: Memories

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/ ~(Name) = POV Change/


I walked down a path finally put of the woods seeing the bright lights from the buildings of Vale as I entered the kingdom. It was late so I decided to stay at the motel I was approaching. I entered the building admiring the simple wood design of the floors and was and approached the keeper who greeted me with a kind smile

Keeper: "Welcome! Can I get you a room?"

(Y/n): "Just for two nights please"

He smiled and handed me a key that was hanging of the wall behind him after I paid him, I thanked him and walked off to find my room. After a bit of searching I found my room and entered, the room wasn't bad at all it was actually kind of cozy. I flopped on the bed laying my head on the comfy pillow after the long walk.

(Y/n): 'Well only two more days till Beacon... And to see her again

Don't get me wrong I'm excited to go to Beacon but it's just... Well...

~Eleven Years Ago


Tai: "Next time you make Yang cry you'll sleep outside for a week, UNDERSTAND" with that he walked out slamming my door as I cried on the floor, blood pouring out of my nose with bruises all over my face

(Y/n): 'What did I do to deserve this?' I thought hearing my door open again. I flinch thinking he came back but opened my eyes to see my little (Half) sister Ruby come in with a worried look

Ruby: "Everything ok big bwother" I just started crying again and she ran over to me hugging my curled up body "Don't cry, pwease"

(Y/n): "S-sorry Ruby sniff I'm better now see?" I fake a smile that seemed to convince Ruby

Ruby: "Mmhm that's better!" she hugged me tighter with a smile

Tai: "Ruby! Sweetie come down your food's getting cold!" he yelled up the stairs

Ruby: "OKAY!" she yelled back then looked back at me "Come on it's dinner time!" she grabbed my hand trying to get me to go with her

(Y/n): "Sorry Rubes, I can't I'm uh grounded" I lied, I'm just not supposed to leave my room after five

Ruby: "Oh... okay" she looks down really sad, but I ruffle her hair

(Y/n): "How 'bout we play with Zwei all day tomorrow to make it up to you" her eyes lit up

Ruby: "Really!" I nodded "Yay! You the best!" she gave me one last hug before leaving my room leaving closing the door but leaving it a crack open

I got up to close it but when I got close enough the door swung open hitting me in the face knocking me back down to the floor. I looked up and saw my twin sister Yang

Yang: "What were you doing talking to Ruby?" she asked glaring at me

(Y/n): "She just came in to cheer me" I stood up and walked over to the door to close but Yang took a step forward preventing me too "Can I help you-" I was interrupted with a punch to the gut

Yang: "Stay away from her! She's my sister, not yours and if you don't listen I'll just cry again and let daddy take care of you" she walked away with a satisfied grin

I just laid there emotionless. It was constantly like this I do the littlest things and get beat near to death, made fun of by Yang, and then lightly cheered up by Ruby but that sadly didn't last as Yang eventually converted her to their side. Ruby didn't hurt me but whenever I was outside she would lock all the doors and windows keeping me outside to sleep in the cold, tease me by waving food in front of me when my da- Tai would punish me by not feeding me for two weeks,  and constantly blame me for anything she broke or messed up earning another beating, she'd even laugh when Yang or Tai would start beating me encouraging them to continue or yell out "Again! Again!". Qrow would visit time to time and give my si- Yang and Ruby gifts and do little training sessions with them while I always did chores Tai made me do to stay away from them. Even if he did see me Qrow would ignore me thinking I wasn't worth a thing, I could tell he was my moth- Raven's brother because he would see me get beat and do nothing to stop it, he just watched it with a bored expression just like her.

For a short time, I was actually pretty happy. After Raven abandoned us Tai remarried to Summer, of course, it was still hell for me, but she would always be there to stop Tai or Yang from hurting me, treating my wounds, and give me a big hug and kiss to the head to cheer me up. She was the only one to actually show any kind of love to me and it got even better when she and Tai had Ruby. Ruby was sweet and kind, even tried to help and cheer me up like a mom when Summer wasn't around, of course, that was before the conversion. Now she just calls me names and ignores me like Qrow does. The only reason that happened was because Summer went on a mission one day and never came back...

~Two years later

Qrow was visiting today again so Tai made me slave away in the kitchen to prepare a feast since he came back from a super large mission or whatever, it was pretty much the only thing he loves about me just my cooking. He arrived and hugged Ruby and Yang and greeted Tai and just glanced my direction and just went to the living room. I finally finished in time for Tai to yell at me to bring the food to the dining room, I managed to get all the plates on my hands and arms and slowly went to the dining room. I place Qrow's plate in front of him, then Ruby, then Yang, and just as I was walking to Tai, Yang, trips me making me fall and drop the plate of hot food on Tai's lap

Tai: "AHHHH YOU SON OF A BITCH!" he punched me in the face even before I could even attempt to get up. I couldn't take it anymore

(Y/n): "You know what your right I AM A SON OF A BITCH AND THE SON OF A BASTARD. YOU PIGS ARE NOTHING TO ME YOUR ALL JUST A BUNCH OF FUCKERS" He grew furious grabbing my neck choking me and walking to the front door proceeding to open it and throw me out

Tai: "NO DINNER FOR YOU AND YOUR SLEEPING OUTSIDE!" he slammed the door leaving me out in the cold

I just got myself up and spit out some blood that was in my mouth. I didn't want to stick around I just wanted to leave but before they did I had to do one. So with all my strength, I went to the only person that showed me any affection... to her grave.

I walked through the forest all the way to her grave, it wasn't a long journey. I walked up to her looking at her grave

(Y/n): "Hey... mom... I... I wish you were still here, things would be better but I guess that can't happen now huh?" A nice warm breeze hit my body "I miss you too... I hope you don't start hating me but I need to leave I can't stay here anymore... I hope you understand, I love you."

~Few Months 

I turned and walked away not knowing where I was going but I left. I spent the next few months visiting Villages who helped me during my travels giving me food, clothes, and shelter for a few nights. I eventually found a weaponsmith kind enough to take me in for a couple years and in the process, he gave me two daggers that turned in revolvers that I greatly accepted. During my stay, I heard about Beacon and the amazing tales of how they shape anyone into great hero that protects the innocent and fight for justice called Huntsman. I applied on an application I manage to get and a few days later a Huntsman, who was also a professor at beacon, came to the village and did a quick test since I never went to a beginner school like signal. I passed thankfully and all I had to do is make to vale once I was ready, few years later here I am now.



I finished brushing my teeth and was heading for bed but noticed the attic ladder down in the hall, I walk up and look around and see my dad going through a few boxes

Ruby: "Hey dad, what're you doing" he looks up from one of the boxes and smiles seeing it was me

Tai: "Just clearing out a few things, the attic's getting kinda full. Might even make a man cave in here, you can look through a few to keep if you want" he went back to digging around

I smile and crouch down and start looking through a box. Nothing but old baby clothes, toys, and pictures but one caught my eye. I picked it up and immediately started to tear up. It was me happily hugging my mom... With (Y/n)...

~Nine Years Ago

I woke up with the sun shining on my face and slowly got out of bed. I got out of my room and went to the kitchen to see daddy preparing breakfast, as soon as he turned he smiled and asked

Tai: "Mornin' sweetie mind getting your brother I think he's been out there long enough"

I nod and walk over to the door and open it

Ruby: "(Y/n)!" I get no response and begin looking around the outside of the house "(Y/n)!? Big brother!? Where are you!?"

I continue to yell out his name still not getting a response, I even looked in bushes and the shed to see if he was hiding and didn't find. I frantically ran back inside to tell daddy

Ruby: "Daddy! Daddy! (Y/n) isn't here! And I looked everywhere." His eyes widen and he runs outside yelling (Y/n)'s name at the top of his lungs then pulls out his scroll

Tai: "Qrow! Did (Y/n) follow you home?... No, he's not here... I don't know I'm about to look to look in the woods... No, he wouldn't have anywhere else to go... Alright just try and find him please." He hangs up and looks back at me "Ruby stay inside and lock the doors and if (Y/n) comes back make sure he stays" he proceeds to run in the forest screaming his name, I walk into the living room and Yang finally gets up and walks up to me

Yang: "Morning Ruby where's da-" she sees me in tears "Ruby what happen?"

Ruby: "(Y/n)'s sniff missing"

Yang: "What? Yeah right, he'll probably be back before lunch, that little shrimp has nowhere to go."

I wasn't so sure about that, I cried most of the day while Yang tried to cheer me up and keeping an eye outside for (Y/n) to punch him for scaring me but it never happened, I just hoped he was okay. We heard daddy and uncle Qrow coming and we were both hopeful they found my brother but when they came in, it was just the two of them alone with distraught faces. It was there Yang fell to her knees with her eyes wide open from the reality while I broke down crying again realizing we lost our brother.


I felt a tear slide down my cheek then a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see dad with a sad look staring at the photo

Tai: "I know I screwed up badly... He was our punching bag whenever we were frustrated and treated like a servant when we need something and all he ever wanted from us is to love him like your mother..." We continue look at the photo "Maybe you should keep that, it's a good memory to hold to. Now why don't you get to bed going to Beacon soon and I wanna make sure you get enough rest"

I nod and go back down holding the picture close to my chest even when I got in bed and slept with it like he was here with me now

Ruby: 'I'm so sorry big brother

Hope to see you again someday'

Izzy: Well ur depressing enough for us?

Rin: Yeah I don't think I'm gonna stick around for this one

Izzy: It's still got romance

Rin: ... Okay I might stay for that, wait where are my faces?

Izzy: Well since I'm making this book more drama and serious I didn't think I'd add them

Rin: Izzy you give me my faces back next chapter or I claw your face off

Izzy: With what?

Rin: This claw gauntlet I ordered with your money...

Izzy: What how'd you- okay whatever I hope you enjoyed this new book I'm making

Rin: And we hope you have a good day/night

Izzy: And until next time

Both: Ad Victoriam

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