Chapter 2: Beacon

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/In case you haven't figured it out the symbol on the cover is your symbol and this is your outfit (Minus the mask and you keep the hood down most of the time)/


The day finally arrived. The day you began you started your training as a Huntsman. And see her again. I know I'll see her again all she ever talked about was dreaming about going to Beacon, so did the other one but I won't have to worry about it for another two years.

I waited patiently for the ship to arrive and after it did I happily got in, I got a few stares but most likely because I just got on along with a few other students. I pulled out a comic I bought in town and started reading it

(Y/n): 'Heh, Caboose is hilarious'

But then I heard a familiar voices I dropped the comic in shock

Yang: "Oh, I can't believe my baby sister is going to Beacon with me! Best day ever!" I look over and see the sun dragon squeezing the life out of Ruby

Ruby: "Gasp Please stop"

(Y/n): 'You have to be kidding me'

I roll my eyes in disbelief and get up to move somewhere else quieter. I found a quiet spot barely anyone was at and sat on a bench opposite from a girl wearing a bow so I wouldn't bother her with the book she's reading. I reach in my bag and facepalm at the realization I didn't pick up my comic up, so I just sat there bored outta my mind until I notice I saw the girl from before have a stack of books next to her. Taking my scroll out I check the time and see we have a while before we land, I reluctantly slide towards the girl to speak

(Y/n): "Um excuse me-"

???: "Not interested"

(Y/n): "No I'm not trying to hit on you just wanna ask if I could borrow a book until we land" she looked surprised for some reason

???: "You read?"

(Y/n): "Well yeah, books have interesting story you can't get anywhere else the action, drama, romance, there all just fascinating to me don't you think?" She had a slight blush hearing me speak like a poetic

???: "Uh sure here" she reached for a book in the stack but the ship got some turbulence causing her to knock over the stack and among the scattered pile was a book called Ninjas of Love I picked it up and looked at her "Uh that's not um..." she began to blush rapidly

(Y/n): "Ninjas of Love huh? Plenty of action and drama with a lot of romance, you have good taste." I hand the book back to her with a smile and she once again looks surprised

???: "You don't think i'm... weird?"

(Y/n): "Yes, but so am I and so is everyone else even if they refuse to admit it, we're all the same so there's no real reason to hate on each other" I saw a slight smile form on her lips "Oh I'm (Y/n) by the way"

???: "Blake" she crouched picking up all the books with my help "Thanks for not judging me, I think"

(Y/n): "No prob, I liked talking to you" another blush formed

Blake: "You've been the one talking, I've just been mostly quiet. Mysterious as always..."

(Y/n): "Well... Maybe I like mysterious" her blush grows as she looks into my eyes as I look into her's with a smile

We feel the ship land and she gets up placing her books back into a suitcase she had and quickly thanked me for the talk before walking away maintaining her blush. I chuckle and get up leaving the ship after and stop due to awe as I stared at the large school in front of me admiring it's constructed detail. I soon snap out of this as I heard an explosion and went to investigate, I soon found out it was Ruby and a girl in a white dress yelling at her for screwing something up

(Y/n): "Psh whatever" I began walking away leaving her to whatever happens but before I get the chance to an image flashes into my mind of Ruby hugging me

Ruby: "I love you, big bwother!"

I look back and see her still being yelled at... I sigh and walk over to them

???: "Ugh! You complete, dolt! What are you even doing here? Aren't you a little young to attend Beacon?"

Ruby: "Well... I... uh..."

(Y/n): "I suggest you leave her alone" They both look at me the white one in anger and Ruby in curiosity

???: "Oh and who do you think you are?"

(Y/n): "Someone who will teach you some manners with the back of my hand, who do you think you are?"

Blake: "Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world." we turn to see the girl I met on the ship

Weiss: "Finally some recognition!"

Blake: "The same company infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners."

Weiss: "What- How dare-! The nerve of- Ugh" she finally gets frustrated and walk away

I start to walk away as well but felt a tug on the back of my shirt making me stop

Ruby: "Hey um thank you"

(Y/n): "No problem," I said not turning around 'Does she not recognizes me?'

Ruby: "I'm Ruby, Ruby Rose" she introduced confirming my question 'Shit come up with something uh um...'

(Y/n): "Thorn, Thorn Rouge" 'Nailed it'

Ruby: "That's a nice name. So why'd you help me?" I finally turn around hoping she wouldn't recognize me now

(Y/n): "You just... remind me of someone that was close to me is all. Now if you excuse me" I walk away to the auditorium hearing leaving her there then noticed Blake walking next to me

Blake: "Thorn? Isn't that a character from a book?"

(Y/n): "Yeah I just didn't want her to know my name"

Blake: "Why not"

(Y/n): "... I'm her brother" Blake stopped, so do I and turn to face her when she asked

Blake: "Why didn't she recognize you?"

(Y/n): "Ran away from home when I was eight probably look a little different with my hair a little longer and stubbe on my jaw"

Blake: "Why?"

(Y/n): "Let's just say I had some family problems and leave it at that..." she stops asking questions knowing I didn't want to talk about it and we continued to the auditorium to hear the headmaster's speech


We were told to sleep in the ballroom for the night until initiation tomorrow. I put my bedding next to Blake's, but not too close, but I wasn't tired yet. I saw Blake reading a book wearing a small black robe, I rest my chin on her shoulder to look at the book. She looked at me for a second and grew a small, but noticeable, blush but didn't mind

(Y/n): "So what're we reading?"

Blake: "A man with two souls"

(Y/n): "Cool"

We read a bit but get interrupted by a loud:

Yang: "Helloooo! I believe you three may know each other!" I ignore them and continue reading but they get Blake's attention

Blake: "Aren't you that girl that exploded?"

Ruby: "Uhh, yeah! My name's Ruby. But, you can call me crater... I actually you can just call me Ruby"

Blake: "Okay" she returns to the book resuming to read while I heard the two whispering before they talk to us again

Yang: "So... what's your name?"

Blake: "Blake."

(Y/n): "Thorn"

Yang: "Well, I'm Yang! Ruby's older sister!" Blake's looks at the two surprised then at me quickly before returning to the book "... I like your bow"

Blake: "Thanks"

Yang: "They go great with your pajamas."

Blake: "... Right."

(Y/n): "Guess I'm chopped liver then" I say not looking away from the book

Yang: "Oh sorry, I like your look it kinda reminds me of my uncle"

(Y/n): "... He sounds like a chump" I smile

Yang: "What'd you say!" I finally look up to see Yang, her hair got longer and her eyes red with anger so I stand up

(Y/n): "I think you should go now your not only bothering us but the people trying to sleep" she clenches her hands into fist and walks up to me

Yang: "Take that back NOW!"

Ruby: "Yang he's right people are trying to sleep" 

They both look around seeing everyone with an agitated look or covering their ears trying to block out their bickering

Yang: "Sigh Fine but this isn't over" they walk back to their area and I just sit back down next to Blake

Blake: "You really don't like your family do you?"

(Y/n): "Well there was one but she's... gone" we sat there in silence but soon enough I felt her put her arms around me trying to comfort me "Thanks... let's just go to bed"

She nodded and blew out the candle behind us, we crawled onto our own bedding and attempted to sleep waiting for tomorrow

-Emerald Forest

After a whole boring talk, Ozpin told us about what to find and where to find it. He also said whoever I saw would be my partner for the next four years but that didn't really matter to me I justed wanted to get this over with and if I found someone on the way great, if it's Blake awesome, but if it's either of them... well I'll just hope I find anyone else. Of course, this was the plan of action after I land since I was you know still falling

I had both my hands behind my head relaxing as I was falling head first. As soon as I was three feet from the ground my eyes turned red and blinked. When I opened my eyes I was lying on a branch still in the same position I was in

(Y/n): "Well that's enough relaxing" I get up and hop down the tree and started running the direction of the temple


I looked at my screen observing how (Y/n) glowed a dark red right before he was gonna hit the ground and appeared on a branch

Ozpin: 'Hm curious'

I pull up his info for further explanation

>(Y/n) Rose

>Sex: Male
>Age: 17
>Hair: Black w/ dark blonde tips
>Eye: (E/c)

>Origin: Wouldn't say.

>Semblance: Blink - When in danger his eyes will turn red and with a simple blink he'll be teleported to where his eyes are directed. If an object or person is in front of him when he blinks he'll be teleported behind it/them (Will not work with walls).

Side Notes: Seems to be quicker the more frustrated he is. Manipulative and short tempered.

>Approved by Peter Port

Ozpin: '...Rose? 


It looks like I made it to the temple first since none of the relics was taken yet and for some odd reason, there was an uneven amount. I went up to one of the relics and saw they were chess pieces. I picked up the King piece and stayed waiting for Blake to make sure she was ok

I waited a long while and everyone who came by to take a relic was already partnered up it wasn't till awhile I see Blake and Yang arrive

(Y/n): 'Great...'

Even with the with the sadden news I run up to Blake and give her a hug she returns

Yang: "So you guys are dating or..."

Blake/(Y/n): "No/Not yet"

Blake: "What?"

(Y/n): "Nothing."

Yang: "C'mon Blake let's get our relic"

They walk over to the remaining chess pieces and pick up a horse piece. We were about to leave but heard the most high pitch scream I've ever heard

Yang: "Some girl's in trouble! You guys hear that?"

(Y/n): "Pretty hard not to."

Yang: "What should we do-"

Ruby: "HEADS UP!"

We all look up to see Ruby falling towards us and before any of us could do anything to help her another guy came flying out of the forest at Ruby colliding and crashing into the forest

Blake: "Did your sister just fall from the sky?"

Before either of us could answer an Ursa came running into the area standing on its back legs and flailing it's front two paws in the air. Despite the confusion my answers were answers when I heard

???: "Yeehaw!" the Grimm fell dead and a girl in a pink skirt and white shirt fell from it's head "Aww, it's broken."

???:  "Nora... please... never do that again." a guy in a green shirt said coming from behind the dead Grimm but she was already at the chess pieces

Nora: "Oooo..." she grabbed a rook piece and put it on her head dancing around singing "~I'm Queen of the castle~! I'm Queen of the castle~!"

???: "NORA!"

Nora: "Hehehe, coming Ren!" she skipped back to the boy

Blake: "Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?"

(Y/n): "Yes, yes she did... and I'm jealous"

Suddenly a girl with red hair, I recognize as Pyrrha Nikos from the cereal I use to eat, comes running in with a Deathstalker behind her

Pyrrha: "Jaune!" she yelled at the boy who crashed into Ruby who finally came back down and stood next to her sister

Yang: "Ruby?"

Ruby: "Yang!"

Nora: "NORA!"

Blake: "Did she just run all the way here with a Deathstalker on her tail?"

Yang: "GRRRR I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something crazy happens again?"

(Y/n): "One one thousand... two one thousand..."

Ruby: "Um... Yang..." she points up and we all see Weiss hanging on a Nevermore's claw

Weiss: "How could you leave me?!"

Ruby: "I said  'jump'..."

Blake: "She's gonna fall"

Ruby: "She'll be fine"

(Y/n): "She's falling"

Falling in mid-air we saw that Jaune kid jump at her catching her like a hero... then fall on his face with Weiss landing on his back

Weiss: "My hero..." she said sarcastically

Finally, Pyrrha was thrown in front of the group reuniting everyone to their partner and me just there for Blake

Yang: "Great! The gang's all here! Now we can all die together!"

Ruby: "Not if I can help it!"

Yang/(Y/n): "Ruby, wait!"

Ruby used her semblance to rushed at the deathstalker but it hit her back knocking her to the ground

Ruby: "D-Do-Don't worry! Totally fine!" she turned around to shoot the Deathstalker before running away back to us

Yang/(Y/n): "RUBY!" we start to run towards her but we notice the Nevermore flying over us and shoot its feathers stopping me and Yang and one pinning stabbing Ruby's cape in the ground  her to move

(Y/n): "Yang slap me!"

Yang: "Wh-What-"

(Y/n): "JUST DO IT!" she does do so and I look back at her with my eyes now red seeing her shocked expression

Yang: "H... how..."

I didn't answer her and looked back at Ruby and blinked teleporting in front of Ruby to face the Deathstalker and take out my revolvers turning the chambers to ice mode and began unloading the chambers on the Grimm freezing it's legs so it couldn't move then its claws so it couldn't attack and finally it's tail encasing it in an ice block so it weighed too much for it to pick up leaving it motionless as it struggled to escape

I turn back to Ruby and took off the feather and kneel down to her

(Y/n): "You alright?"

Ruby: "Yeah thanks again..." I help her up then get pushed aside by Yang to hug Ruby

Yang: "I'm so glad you're okay!" she let go then faced me "Now how and why did your eyes turn red?"

(Y/n): "It's my semblance, I need my eyes to be red to use it by being in danger or think I am anyway, why?"

Yang: "My eyes turn red when I use my semblance too..." 'Shit may have said too much'

Jaune: "Uh guys that thing is coming back! What are we gonna do?"

(Y/n): "Our mission is to collect the relic and return not to kill Grimm"

Ruby: "He's right, let's grab an artifact and get back to the cliffs."

Jaune: "Run and live. That is an idea I can get behind"

They both walk up to the chess piece and pick one, Ruby gets the second horse piece and Jaune gets the other rook, and we all try to run back to the cliff but we stop at these ruins as the Nevermore from before circles the area ahead of us and lands on a collum screech at us

Yang: "Well that's great!" she said sarcastically

Then the Deathstalker I froze appears crashing through a couple trees running at us

(Y/n): "And that's even better"

We all start to run again at the ruins as Nora shoots a couple grenades at the Nevermore keeping it distract it before seeing the Deathstalker behind her and runs back to the group. We all make it to the bridged thanks to Pyrrha who took a couple shots at the Deathstalker to stagger it a bit but then the Nevermore came swooping down at us, we all manage to dodge it but it destroyed the bridge separating the group me with Blake, Weiss, Yang, and Ruby. Blake jumps up and slashes it a couple times and Yang fires a few shots from her gauntlets but it seemed to do nothing

Blake: "Its tougher than it looks"

Yang: "Than let's give it everything we got"

We all started firing at it sending it a bombardment of bullets but it kept it's course at us and rammed into the already ruined building we standing on causing all of us to start falling into the chasm below. I just kept blinking teleporting to falling rumble to falling rumble until I made it back to the bridge as I see Ruby and Yang shoot, Blake jump, and Weiss summon glyphs to get themselves up next to me

Weiss: "None of this is working!"

Ruby: "I have a plan. Cover me!"

I look to see how the other two were doing but saw Yang on a pillar shooting at the flying Grimm again taking a couple shot at it until hitting it in its eye annoying the creature, it started to fly towards Yang and she jumped in its mouth holding it open continuously firing into its mouth until jumping out letting the Nevermore crash into the side of the cliff I fired a couple of lightning rounds at the Nevermore shocking it making sure it didn't move as Weiss ran at it freezing as I turn back seeing Blake and Yang do a make shift slingshot letting Ruby on it and back up and fly at the Grimm super fast catching its neck with her scythe running up the side of the cliff with the help of Weiss' glyphs dragging the dark bird with her until hitting the top as it got stop getting stuck at the top allowing Ruby to continue to jump up cutting its head off letting its body fall back down

Yang: "Well... that was a thing."

(Y/n): 'You really have grown huh Rubes?'


Ozpin: "Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long. The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces, from this day forward you will work together as... Team RWBY, lead by... Ruby Rose."

I smile looking at my little sister become a leader as Yang gave her a hug to congratulate her then walk off the stage

Ozpin: "Now will the student that retrieved a piece but has no partner please step forward"

I step in front of him in the same pose every else did looking him straight in the eyes

Ozpin: "You've fought well in the midst of danger and protected anyone you could instead of focusing on yourself like a true Huntsman, you were even the first to arrive to the temple and retrieved the King piece and stayed to ensure the safety of someone you cared about. Those who choose the King piece are chosen to be Guardian Huntsman, a very powerful support who knows focuses on finishing a job and protecting those who need help. Usually, it's a duo who is chosen but seeing as you are the only one without a partner I will allow you to be, the first ever, a one-man team. Congratulations... (Y/n) Rose"

Everyone cheered impressed by my skill but through all of it I heard two gasps come from behind me, I thank the headmaster and walk off stage. Before I could get to the door a felt a hand grab my shoulder and turn me around to see both Yang and Ruby with tear stains on their cheek with their teammates behind her

Yang: "Where the hell have you been!?" she grabs my collar pinning me to the wall with an angered face "Why did you leave!?

(Y/n): "Do you really have to ask that..." her face turns to a sad one as her grip lessens and she looks down "... I couldn't take it anymore... if I stayed I'd probably just off myself the first chance I got... but I knew even you guys wouldn't let me do that and just beat the shit outta me for attempting" her teammate's eyes widen

I hear Yang begin to cry and step away from me and drop to her knees

Ruby: "Where have you been?"

(Y/n): "All over, for the first couple days I hid away eating berries and other fruits to survive but then I kept staying at different villages"

Ruby: "Qrow thinks your dead and became all depress and Dad couldn't sleep for weeks, he kept going in the woods to find you"

(Y/n): "So now they give a shit huh?"

Ruby: "We always cared about you! I cared about you!"

(Y/n): "SINCE WHEN! They never even showed the bit of kindness they showed you two! And YOU stopped giving a shit about me one day! You started hurting me too! You'd laugh whenever Tai or Yang would beat me, tease and make fun of me, and blame ME for shit I DIDN'T EVEN DO!"

She looked down and started sobbing as well and dropped to her knees as Yang looked up wiping her tears away

Yang: "Why... why are you going by Rose...?"

(Y/n): "Because she was the only one to treat me like family" she looks down knowing who I was talking about and stood up picking Ruby, who was still crying, up with her

Yang: "We're so... so sorry..."

Ruby: "P-Please forgive us... I'm sorry..."

(Y/n): "... No" they look at me shocked and saddened "All I wanted was for my family to love me the way she did but no one did, you hurt me and ignored me more than any child should. I am not a Xiao Long or Branwen I am Rose after the mother who took care of me and showed me the love I always needed."

I walk away hearing them crying behind me but I didn't care. I made it down to my assigned dorm but before I opened the door I felt two arms wrap around my chest

Blake: "I'm sorry, I didn't know" I turn to face her with a smile returning the hug

(Y/n): "Eh, it's fine you didn't have anything to do with it"

Blake: "I know it's just-"

(Y/n): "It's fine, I've had years to get over it. Not to forgive them but to get over it. I'll be fine now I think you should try and get along with them"

Blake: "But-"

(Y/n): "Just because they were like that to me doesn't mean you can't be their friends, besides I need a favor to ask you... keep an eye on Ruby" she looks at me puzzled "I know what I said and I'm still angry but she did care about me at one point so just make sure she doesn't get herself killed"

She nodded and parted from the hug to go to her dorm as I entered mine laying down on my bed to rest my mind

'Well, this is gonna be a fun year...'


Izzy: Okay that was a long one... I really think I should've just done two parts but too late now.

Rin: IZZY!

Izzy: Yes?


Izzy: I told you i'm not giving them to you unless it's the main book

Rin: And I thought I told you what would happen if you didn't give them back (Takes out claw gaunlet)

Izzy: Gulp Ok we can talk about this

Rin: Too late, we hope you have a good day/night cause I know Izzy isn't

Izzy: I hope you enjoyed the chapter and until next time

Both: Ad Victoriam
(Word Count 4057)

Izzy: GOTTA GO (Runs out of room)

Rin: GET BACK HERE (Runs after Izzy)

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