Chapter 3: Visitor

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/Welp if you hated Ozpin for saying your name out loud in the last chapter prepare to hate him more!/


I was just lying around the house nothing really to do. Kids out of the house and no missions for awhile so pretty much bored out of my mind. I just decided to watch some T.V. to pass the time but felt my scroll vibrate in my pocket. I quickly pull it out thinking it's some kind of mission alert or something but it was just a text from Ozpin, I opened it all it said was Found him with a file attached to it. When I opened it I nearly dropped my scroll. It was (Y/n), my little boy, all grown up. I grab my stuff and quickly left the house taking the first shuttle to Beacon



I crush the alarm clock in my room and slowly sit up fluttering my eyes open. It takes me a second to remember where I was so I kinda freaked out. Wouldn't be the first time I woke up in someone else's home, maybe I am related to that drunk. I get up and brush my teeth then get dressed in the school's uniform

(Y/n): 'Eh, not my style but I make it work'

I take out my scroll to check the time. 9:03... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! I swung open my door running out slamming it closed and sprinted to class. I open the door with a slam taking deep breathes and freeze once I see everyone's eyes on me

(Y/n): "Uhhh... hi"

Port: "Mr. Rose, your four minutes late"

(Y/n): "I know I'm sorry I wasn't keeping track of time, apologizes"

Port: "Just make sure to make it on time, now take a seat next to let's see... Ms. Belladonna"

He pointed at Blake and I just smile and nod. I make myself next to my seat next to Blake. The only downside to this is Yang and Ruby are close but luckily Weiss is sitting in the middle separating them away from me.

Blake: "How you holding up?" she whispers to me

(Y/n): "I'm alright don't worry"

She nods and pays attention to the lesson, that is if you can call it that. All Port is saying during the class are stories about his youth which I completely zone out and would've fell asleep if it wasn't for the bell. I gather all my things and head to the door but stop once I see those two waiting by it

Yang: "Hey bro, what class do you have next?"

(Y/n): "Prof. Peach"

Ruby: "Heeey so do we wanna walk with us?"

They both smile at me expecting me to say yes. I just give them a cold stare and would've left if they weren't currently blocking my exit. Just then the holy Monty Oum saved me when I received a text from Ozpin telling me to go to his office

(Y/n): "Sorry girls, Ozpin needs me. Now if you excuse me"

They reluctantly get out of the way letting me through. I walk all the way to the elevator and take it up to the top floor where Oz's office is. Once the doors open I step out and walk to his desk

(Y/n): "You needed me?"

Ozpin: "Yes, it's a regard to your personal info. When I checked your Origin it says that you wouldn't say anything, why is that?"

(Y/n): "My past isn't something... I like to talk about."

Ozpin: "Yes but I feel as if there's another reason. Prof. Port said when finishing your interview he reached his hand to put on your shoulder you flinched and braced yourself, why?"

(Y/n): "... You know my father don't you?"

He doesn't say anything but looks at a screen he pulled up and flipped it to show me


Found him. File-Link<

>I'm on my way. Please keep him there.

And if he isn't?<

>Oz please I need to see my son again

Very well<


I look in horror at the screen then back at Ozpin

(Y/n): "You son of a bitch"

I quickly get up and walk to the elevator and push the bottom. Ozpin kept telling me to come back but I wasn't listening. The doors open and as soon as I take a step forward I stop seeing someone standing in there... him. And we're standing right in front of each other

Tai: "(Y/n)... that really you?" he takes a step at me be but I back up "What's wrong bud? Don't you remember me?"

(Y/n): "... I don't know kinda hard to see when your vision gets blurry after a beating. Show me your fists and I may have a memory of two

His face drops and takes another step forward getting the same response from me

Tai: "Son I-"

(Y/n): "You lost your right to call me that long ago, Tai"

I saw his heart break when I called him by his name but I could tell he didn't hold it against me

Tai: "(Y/n), I'm sorry. I really am, I used you like a stress reliever and servant and I'm sorry"

(Y/n): "... You know what it was like growing up in that hell hole?" he kept darting my direction afraid to look me in the eye "It was the worst, the couple weeks I lived in the woods hiding from Grimm and eating berries off bushes not knowing if they were poisonous or not was better than the eight years I spent in that prison, but you know what made me happy to think if I did get caught by a Grimm... they'd kill me. They wouldn't hurt me and make me beg them to stop they'd kill me quick as possible while you and that bitch of daughter of yours beat me till I could barely breathe"

Tai: "Son please-"

(Y/n): "STOP CALLING ME THAT, I was NEVER apart of that damn family and even if you think I was I abandoned that accursed name. I'm (Y/n) Rose after the only person who truly loved me, who saw me as their child even if I wasn't related to blood, the person who never hurt me in any way... Answer me this, did she just marry you cause you got her pregnant because I honestly can't imagine a woman like that marry an abusive piece of shit like yo-"


Everyone in the room froze, my head turned to my right with a hand mark on my cheek. I look back in front of me to see Tai with an angered face immediately turned into regret

Tai: "No I'm sorry I didn't mean- Here let me-" he tried to come near me but I stopped him

(Y/n): "Don't touch me..." he stopped frantically thinking how to revert what he did "Heh... guess nothing has changed huh?"

Tai: "I'm sorry I didn't mean to lose it I just- I'm so sorry-"

(Y/n): "Just... get out of my way"

His faced desperate he tried to hug me but I stepped to my side letting hold the air as I walk past him walking in the elevator

Tai: "Son I'm sor-"

The doors closed before he could finish and rode it down with a blank expression. I step out and see team RWBY waiting for me but I ignore them and just walk past them until I stopped hearing Yang say

Yang: "(Y/n), what happened?" she asked seeing my hand mark. I simply turned around and looked her in the eyes

(Y/n): "I made daddy mad."


He kept walking and me and Ruby were shocked while Blake and Weiss were confused but snapped out of it once we heard the elevator open again and we our father walk out of it looking like he saw someone die

Yang: "Dad?" he looked up and saw us. He smiled a little but quickly dropped "What happened?"

Tai: "Uh... (Y/n) and I had a little talk and... it may have gotten a little out of hand"

Blake: "Out of hand? You mean the hand you used to slap him with?"

Tai: "He told you?"

Weiss: "Told us? We could see the handprint on his face, I'm not even sure how he's keeping a straight face it looks like it hurts"

Ruby: "We've been trying to apologize this entire time and you come here just to hit him! Thanks a lot!" she storms off angry while dad just looks ashamed

Tai: "I never meant for any of this to happen... maybe it'd be better off if I just leave him alone"

Yang: "No! I'm not giving up until he forgives us all. We all made mistakes we can't take back but I want to do right with him now"

Blake: "How he doesn't even consider you three his family"

Yang: "Not entirely true, I know he still loves Ruby so she's the one most likely to be forgiven first, next me for not being as um hurtful, then uncle Qrow seeing as how he only hates him for not doing anything whenever he saw him getting hurt, finally dad for... obvious reasons. All we have to do is get him to forgive slowly."

Tai: "Alright and how do we do that?"


I was in my bathroom looking at my face to see how big the handprint was

(Y/n): 'Wow you can nearly see all the fingers, new record' I heard a soft knock at my door "Who is it?"

Ruby: "Uh it's me..."

I didn't move I just looked at myself in the mirror before sighing and walked over the door and opened it

(Y/n): "What do you want?"

Ruby: "I just wanted to check up on you. Dad told us what happened" I take a look outside the door and noticed she was the only one "I'm sorry he did that... he did miss you when you left"

(Y/n): "Oh yeah? Miss his punching bag did he?"

Ruby: "Please stop calling yourself that"

(Y/n): "Why? Even he said it, he called me his stress reliever" Ruby looked defeated at this point, I was about done talking and was about to close the door but she leaped at me capturing me in a hug "Gah Ruby let go!"

Ruby: "No! Not until you forgive me!"

(Y/n): "Ruby-!"

Ruby: "Please! I know I was horrible and I did nothing to help you and you have every right to be angry with me but please... I'm sorry... I want my big brother back... please" 

She softly began crying on my chest holding on like her life depended on it. I just stood there hearing her cry and all I saw was the little girl who loved me, I hugged her back holding her close

(Y/n): "Big bro's got you" I rock us side to side to calm her down, once she stopped she let go of me and we looked at each other. I took a deep breath before speaking "Ruby, I fo-"

Tai: "Ruby! (Y/n)!"

I look down the corridor and see Tai and Yang coming towards us. I quickly grew angry and slammed the door closed locking it and started to play my music really loud to ignore any attempt of interaction with them


I couldn't believe it... he was about to say he forgave me but it was ruined... I was so close...

Tai: "Ruby, you okay," he noticed I was just staring at the door in shock that quickly turned to anger


Tai: "Honey... I didn't know I'm sorry-"

Ruby: "I'm not the one you need to apologize to"

I point at the door making my point clear

Yang: "We understand that sis but we got a plan to make up for it"

Ruby: "I wouldn't even need to be in this plan if you didn't show up!"

Yang: "Okay so we might have screwed up there but just calm down, even if our plan fails, which it won't, he'll still forgive you if he was gonna do it now"

Ruby: "Sigh Fine... what's first?"


I waited a little while before I bothered lowering the volume. I got up and headed to the door to see if they've left but noticed a small envelope. I picked it up and opened it and got the letter out of it that said they were sorry for what they did and wanted me to join them for lunch during the weekend

I wanted to rip up the paper then and there but I decided I might as well, free food and I get to talk to Ruby again... then again it depends on how I feel about her now. Well I got until the end of the week to get ready...

I wonder what Blake's doing?


Izzy: Hey guys can't talk so I'll just make this quick. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and go check out RWBY Chibi Reader Insert! if you haven't yet

Rin: Izzy, where are you!

Izzy: Also updates for that and this book may be a little slower than usual, I'm finally watching Vol. 5 and already got some ideas for when I get around to it in my main series

Rin: Stop hiding and give me my faces!

Izzy: I may do some polls later on but not guaranteed also tell how far you want me to write to the series be warned though I may skip a few episodes that may not fit with this book and mostly because this is a side story and I don't wanna write the entire series again so yeah


Izzy: AAH! Please don't hur- wait where'd you find them!

Rin: The same place you keep all your Pokemon plushies 😏

Izzy: Damn it Victini I gave you one job

Rin: Anyway back to what I was doing before- 😈

Izzy: Wait we still got to finish!

Rin: Oh, right. We hope you have a good day/night 😁

Izzy: And until next time

Both: Ad Victoriam 🤗
(Word Count 2239)

Rin: Now where were- (Sees Izzy gone) GOSH DARN IT!👿

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