Chapter 4: Another Memory

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/I am SO sorry for the long wait. Thank you for all the support everyone has shown and thank you for being patient and without further ado let's continue/


I went for a walk around the campus late at night where I know no one would bother me. I was gonna ask Blake out to go somewhere but I thought it'd be a bad move considering it's nearly eleven. I gently touched my cheek feeling a slight sting but it didn't affect me, it might have been a few years but I'm still used to the pain. I decided to take a break and lean back on a wall and admire the night sky until I heard what sounded like a paper being turned.

I look around but I couldn't find the source of the noise but I heard it again a couple seconds after and looked up seeing one of the most beautiful sights ever. It was Blake sitting at the top of the wall reading a book with the shattered moon behind her adding more to her beauty. I caught myself staring so instead of being a creep I decided to let myself be known

(Y/n): "Hey Blake"

She looked down slightly surprised to see me. She closed the book and jumped down in front of me

Blake: "What are you doing here?"

(Y/n): "Couldn't really sleep after... what happened"

She nodded looking away but returned her gaze to me and cupped the cheek that was hurt

Blake: "Are you okay"

I just smile and put my hand taking it away properly taking it in my hand making her blush

(Y/n): "As long as your here I am"

She blushed deeper but quickly composed herself

Blake: "You really surprise me"

(Y/n): "Really? In what way?"

Blake: "The fact you can still smile at everything that's happened to you"

My smile just grew hearing this

(Y/n): "My dad always told me to smile whenever I can instead of letting my emotions get to me"

Blake: "Tai?"

(Y/n): "Course not, my uh I guess adopted father did, he was a blacksmith he's even the one who made my revolvers" she looked at me listening to every word I say "You know I'm starting to feel selfish just talking about me why don't we talk about yo-"

Blake: "No! I uh want to learn more about you like uh where'd you exactly go after you ran away"

(Y/n): "Oh well uh I lived in the woods a couple weeks just hiding from Grimm until I finally made it to a village. When they saw me they treated me so kindly, I wasn't used to it but I eventually did and it was the first time I ever knew happiness"

Blake: "So then when did your father find you?"

(Y/n): "I always thought I was being a nuisance to each town so I always traveled to the next until one day a faunus man came up to me..."

-Eight Years Ago

I was cold raining day, I was sitting at the entrance of an alley covering myself with a rag I found earlier trying to keep myself warm and while people passing me were offering to stay the night at their home I refused not wanting to be a bother until a rather big man with a beard and horns on his forehead wearing mostly red came up to me

Faunus: "Hey kid shouldn't you get home? It's pouring out"

(Y/n): "I d-don't have a home I'm just s-staying the night before c-continuing my journey"

I start shivering and stutter from the cold

Faunus: "Journey? Where a kid like you going?"

(Y/n): "Anywhere, don't really have a destination"

Faunus: "Well... come with me"

(Y/n): "Hm? W-why"

Faunus: "You're staying with me"

(Y/n): "No than-"

Faunus: "No kid should be wandering around like a bum, your staying with me so say yes or I'll carry you to a warm bed myself"

(Y/n): "I really don't wanna be a burden"

Faunus: "The real burden your being is not accepting a kind man's offer of free food and place to sleep, now whaddya say?"

I look away and slowly nod. He smiled and helped me up holding my hand and leading me to his house. Once we arrived he sat me down on a couch and he left to what I assume to be the kitchen. He came back shortly with a bowl of soup and gave it to me then walked over to the fireplace staring a nice warm fire before sitting next to me seeing I've already drunk half the soup

Faunus: "Geez kid how long you've gone without eating?"

I place the bowl down on the coffee table he had

(Y/n): "Um... how far is Shion?"

His eyes widen hearing my question then it turned to concern

Faunus: "Where are your parents? Surely they'd want you back home"

I didn't want him to know it'll just cause more problems

(Y/n): "They um... abandoned me"

The man's eyes looked at me with disbelief and sympathy

Faunus: "S... Sorry I asked... well why don't I take care of ya?"

(Y/n): "Sir I think I've been enough trouble as is"

Faunus: "Stop thinking so low of yourself all ya need is a push and you'll be right as rain"

(Y/n): "... Why are you this nice when they weren't..." I started to tear up asking this question more to myself than him "... I was their family and they brought me nothing but pain... why are you helping me..."

I close my eyes and start to cry just on this man's couch. I cried for what seemed like hours but in reality, if was only a few minutes before I felt a warm embrace. I open my eyes to see the man hugging me in a protective manner

Faunus: "I uh don't know what your old family, and I won't ask if you don't talk about if you don't want, but I promise if you stay I'll do my best to keep you happy"

I cried even harder returning the embrace

(Y/n): "Thank you sir"

Faunus: "C'mon don't sir me just call me Pa"


Blake: "How was it at first?"

(Y/n): "Well I didn't get used to calling him Pa till after a few weeks and he made me work around the shop, nothing too bad, so it was alright. Better than living on the streets"

Blake: "Did you two ever get 'looks' from people whenever you were out?"

(Y/n): "Not really, people in the village were really accepting to Faunus especially to one who adopted a homeless child in the rain"

Blake: "He sounds like a great man"

(Y/n): "He is. Acts all manly but the day I left for Beacon he was crying like a baby watching me board the airship" I heard her giggle at that part "He knew what he's was getting into when making my weapons for me"

I unholster and one of my revolvers spinning them for show and put them back. She smiles at me and I do the same but I quickly turn my expression to a stern one

(Y/n): "Blake, why do you care for me?"

She blushed hesitating to answer

Blake: "You're... my friend, I just wanna make sure you're okay"

(Y/n): "Really?"

Blake: "Yes, why?"

(Y/n): "Because you haven't let go of my hand"

We both look down seeing our hands intertwined. Her blush grew and took her hand away and turned around so her back was facing me. I chuckle to myself and walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist and rest my chin on her shoulder. She had no protest, she wasn't squirming or struggling to get out or telling me to get off so we just continue to stand there in this position. We aren't even dating yet we're comfortable with this

Blake: "(Y/n)?"

(Y/n): "Hm?"

Blake: "Do you think... you could love someone... even if they've done some bad things in their life... even if they were different?"

I waas curious why she would ask this but I didn't want to talk her to place she didn't want.

(Y/n): "Human or Faunus doesn't really matter to me but as long as they stop doing whatever bad they were doing yes, why?"

She leaned her head back on my other shoulder nuzzling into my neck

Blake: "No reason"

I smile and close hold her just a little tighter. I felt the world just disappear as if it was just the two of us, she pryed my arms open and turned back to face me with a smile and blush. I look at her with a warm smile and without our knowledge but before I could close the gap her scroll went off. She quickly leaned back and answered her scroll

Yang (Scroll): "Hey Blake you should probably get back we're all about to go to sleep"

Blake: "Sigh Alright be there in a bit" She hung up and rose her face to look at me "Sorry I should get-"

She gets stopped once I peck her cheek with a gentle kiss

(Y/n): "Cya tomorrow, Blake. It was good talking to you"

I started to walk back with a smile. Despite Yang ruining another important event of mine I didn't really mind just as long as I remember

Pa: "Never let anything get to you, just smile through it and you'll get far"

I should really start writing letters to him


He walked away as I placed my hand on my own cheek on the spot he kissed me. My heart just beats faster the more I think about it... and him. My lips form into a small smile and I begin to walk back to my dorm. I know what he said but I can't be sure, he wouldn't love me after all I've been through...

I only pray he'll be as accepting as he said. No boy has made me feel this way besides... him, but he changed those feelings are gone and hope these new ones don't. I stop right outside the door to the dormitories and look at the moon one last time thinking of him

I'll tell him... soon but for now I don't want to lose what we have now, after all...

I love him 


Izzy: (Tightens ropes) Okay now what have we learned

Rin: (Tied up sitting on floor) Izzy's decisions are best...

Izzy: And?

Rin: I'll never use Izzy's money without his permission...

Izzy: Good. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in a while it was the first time I've ever experienced writer's block so apologizes

Rin: And he'll have another one ready to publish as soon as possilbe since he feels this chapter isn't worth the wait so uh yay...

Izzy: C'mon cheer up. Will giving back your faces help cheer you up?

Rin: ... Maybe...

Izzy: Fine, here

Rin: Yaaaaaaay! 😆

Izzy: Anyway isn't there something you wanna say?

Rin: Oh right, we hope you all have a great day/night 😁

Izzy: And until next time

Both: Ad Victoriam 🤗
(Word Count 1750)

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