Chapter 5: Breaking Point

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/Skipping to the lunch part cause I got nothing else to do but don't worry this isn't the last chapter/



Qrow: "You finally found him huh?"

Tai: "Yeah..."

Qrow: "You don't seem to thrilled"

Tai: "You wouldn't be either if you knew what happened when I finally found him"


As he yell at me all I could see are flashes of all the horrible things I've done everything was true and I was ready to cry my heart out until he said something that made me snap

(Y/n): "... I honestly can't imagine a woman like that marry an abusive pieve of shit like yo-"


I slapped him in pure anger but in a flash I saw the image of the little boy who begged me to stop before coming back to reality regretting what I did

Tai: "No I'm sorry I didn't mean- Here let me-"

(Y/n): "Don't touch me" I kept thinking of things to say or do to make up for this but I couldn't "Heh... guess nothing has changed huh?"

Tai: "I'm sorry I didn't mean to lose it I just- I'm so sorry-"

(Y/n): "Just... get out of my way"

I got desperate and I couldn't handle it, I tried to hug him but he stepped to his side avoiding me and walking into the elevator

Tai: "Son I'm sorry!"

He didn't get to hear all of it as the doors closed before he could. I tried to reach the elevator until I felt a hand grab my wrist

Ozpin: "What was that!?"

Tai: "Oz I'm sorry I ju-"

Ozpin: "I find your son expecting some kind of happy reunion or make up for whatever you did but this!" I tried to get his hand off me but instead, his other hand held my hair forcing me to look at him "Is everything that boy said true! For eight years you've been treating like an unwanted puppy!?"

I begin tearing up while looking at him

Tai: "Y-Yes..." I managed to choke up

He looked at me with complete anger and disgust before throwing me to the ground and walk back to his desk

Ozpin: "When you came to me asking for my help to find him I felt sympathy thinking you lost someone you loved but instead I find out about this! If I'd known I would've found the boy to raise him myself. Now get out of my office and if I see you with that boy again without his consent I will personally ban you from Beacon."

I slowly get up and get into the elevator once it got called back not bothering to look back. I step inside regretting everything today as I hear the doors close taking me down


Qrow: "Are you fucking kidding me?"

Tai: "I know I don't need another talk let's get this over with and hopefully get my son back"

Qrow: "Hopefully he likes what we got 'em" 

The bullhead we were riding finally landed in beacon and opened it's doors letting us to the landing pad out and be greeted with smiling faces

Yang: "Hey dad"

Ruby: "HI dad! GASP UNCLE QROW!" she ran at him clinging to his arm "Did you miss me! Did you miss me!"

Qrow: "Nope"

She got off him and stood back next to her sister

Tai: "Alright well reservations are in fifth-teen minutes, where's your brother?"

(Y/n): "Over here, and I'm not their brother!"

We looked in the direction of Beacon and saw (Y/n) in a (F/c) jacket, black shirt, and jeans

Tai: "Hey champ! Ready to eat?"

He stopped a couple feet away from us looking behind me at Qrow's direction

(Y/n): "Okay I was reluctant when it was the three of you but what the FUCK IS HE DOING HERE!"

Yang: "We thought we should invite him so he could all apologize"

He did not look happy at all. He took a step to his left then to his right noticing Qrow looking at him when he does this

(Y/n): "So the alcoholic can see me! I always thought you needed some glasses from all those times I needed you but oh well"

Qrow looked down with guilt written all over his face.

Qrow: "Listen, I'm sorry I never helped or uh bothered to talk to you"

(Y/n): "Wow, practice that on the way here? Very convincing" he said sarcastically. I started to get irritated by this and (Y/n) seemed to notice "Oh look who's getting fired up again. Here allow me" He walked up to me presenting the cheek I didn't slap last week "Still got a free canvas wanna see if you wanna break your record"

Tai: "Record?"

(Y/n): "Oh yeah, I tried to make things more entertaining long ago and decided how much of your hand could I see after a beating. I counted three and half of your pinky last week"

My anger just got replaced with sadness and even more guilt Qrow had. Did I never get him anything to play with?

Yang: "Oookay I think we should just get on the bullhead and go before they give our table away to someone else"

We agreed and all got on. We all sat down near each other but (Y/n) was heisitant about it. Once he sat down Ruby moved to a seat next to him and hugged his arm. He just got angry and grumbled to himself but let Ruby hug him. I smile at this sight before getting an elbow to my side from Yang reminding me on what we have to do. Hopefully this helps


As soon as I sat down Ruby changed seats to be by me and hug my arm. I just swore under my breathe but allowed her to hold my arms feeling her nuzzle into it. I look back at her seeing her smile with her eyes closed getting memories of her when she was just a little girl but the moment was ruined when Yang cleared her throat getting everyone's attention

Yang: "Alright, as you know we're taking you to the best restaurant in Vale but as a bonus, we all got you a little something as well. Ruby and I go first!"

Ruby smiles and jumps up pulling a decent sized bag from behind her with a cookie

Ruby: "Ta-da! Homemade cookies made by your wonderful sisters using Mom's old recipe! Hope you like them"

She passed the bag over to me as I open the bag slightly looking at the delicious treats inside

(Y/n): "What about lunch?"

Yang: "Just eat them as desert no big deal" she smiled looking at me but I still had a blank expression dropping it a little "Well um uh Uncle Qrow how 'bout you go next!"

He nodded and went over to me giving me a thin rectangular thing wrapped in paper. I spared no time ripping it open seeing folded cloth. I took both hands and picked it up seeing it was a replica of Qrow's cape just longer and with white lines making the outline of my symbol (The dragon head on the cover)

Qrow: "Like it? Yang described what your symbol looked like over the scroll so I hope I got it right"

I folded it to how it was and placed it on the seat next to me putting the bag of cookies on it

(Y/n): "Yeah you got it exactly... thanks, I guess" I saw a smile form on his lips "I just said thanks don't read much into it"

His smile quickly fades as he rubs the back of his head. Tai took his turn coming over to me and handing me a sheath

Tai: "Sorry I didn't have time to wrap it"

I hold the sheath and take out the sword in it. It was a black longsword with a button the hilt, out of curiosity I pressed it and the sword split in two with both halves opposite  ends of each other and curve as a white string appears transforming a weapon into a bow (Cinder's weapon kinda only with one sword turning into the bow)

Tai: "I heard about your fighting style and semblance so I thought this would be perfect"

I switched it back to its melee mode and put it back into the sheath setting it with the other gifts

Yang: "Well what do you think?"

They all showed hopeful faces just begging to get crushed

(Y/n): "Thank you for the gifts... but don't expect me to forgive you just because you gave me a couple presents"

Their faces fall in both disappointment and understanding as they all sit back down until it landed

After it did we all got out and entered this fancy sushi restaurant. The waitress led us to our table and ask us for our drinks before leaving to the kitchen and leaving us to our seats

Tai: "So (Y/n), where've you been staying at these past few years?"

(Y/n): "A village. I've been staying with there blacksmith"

Tai: "Well I got to thank him for taking care of you"

(Y/n): "He probably not want to meet you"

Tai: "Why's that?"

(Y/n): "I said my parents abandoned me when he found me" he was surprised by this answer "Be lucky I didn't tell the real reason, the man had an arsenal at his disposal I bet he would've loved to use"

He tried to continue but Yang cut him off

Yang: "So is he the one that made your revolvers?"

(Y/n): "Yeah, Pa spent a long time designing these. He's more used to the traditional melee weapons"

Qrow: "Pa?"

(Y/n): "The blacksmith, I call him Pa. Take a wild guess why." I see Tai's face broken. I made me smile a bit "Anyway he took me in, fed me, raised me, let me help around the shop, and even trained me to use firearms. I even made him a 'Dad of the Year' mug with some clay, it was terribly made but he still loved it"

Tai seemed on the verge to cry but managed to regain some composure, unfortunately.

Qrow: "Why'd you go to Beacon if you knew Yang and Ruby were going there"

(Y/n): "I thought I could handle it if I saw Yang for two years before Ruby joined but apparently someone hates me so much they let her join early so, yay me"

Ruby's face fell along with Yang's

Yang: "What's your problem?" 

(Y/n): "What? I'm just answering your questions, don't blame me if you don't like the answer"

Qrow: "Kid I know what we did was awful but c'mon cut us some slack"

I closed my eyes trying to calm down and start to breath heavily

(Y/n): "Did you cut me some slack when I forgot to feed Zwei, did you cut me some slack when I accidentally broke a plate while washing the dishes, did I get some slack when I finally spoke my mind during the night I finally ran away" No one spoke they all looked at the table refusing to look at me "That's what I thought... you know I lost my appeitite I'm out of here"

I got up and quickly got outside heading for the bullhead when I felt a hand hold my arm

Tai: "(Y/n) please, we are deeply sorry for what we did-"

(Y/n): "Let go"

Tai: "and you have every right to be angry with us-"

(Y/n): "I'm not asking again"

Tai: "but please, you have no idea how it effected us when you left so please forgive us I want my son ba-"


He fell to the ground holding his nose as he lied on his back


I sit on his stomach grabbing his collar





























There were gasps and yelling but I heard none of it, there were all muffled to me. I was just focused on the bastard in front of me barely holding on as I continued to cover his face with bruise after bruise until I was pulled off by another one of them

Qrow: "(Y/n)! CALM DOWN!"


My eyes turned red and I blinked out of his grasp and look at him taking out my revolver aiming it at him

Qrow: "Kid, put it down. You don't wanna do something you might regret"

(Y/n): "No... I don't think I'll regret this"

He went to grab his weapon but remembered he didn't have it on him. His eyes widen with fear as he looked at me. I begin to squeeze the trigger but before I could

Ruby: "STOP!" Ruby stepped in front of Qrow with her arms stretch protecting the drunk bastard "(Y/n), please don't do this, I don't wanna lose anyone else"

I lowered my weapon and looked around seeing I've gathered a crowd and all of them were looking at me like I was a monster. I look down to see Tai bloodied and bruised beyond belief but still moving as Yang was trying to help him. I look down at the ground and blink next to the bullhead getting in it and telling the pilot to take me back to Beacon and took a seat as it starting to take off. I look over at the gifts they gave me. I picked up the cape admiring how soft and thin it was and put it on and take the bag of cookies and start eating them slowly

I kept getting calls from Ruby and Yang but I just ignored them and finish the rest of the cookies then look at my fist seeing it still covered in blood... his blood. I get a different call this time from Blake, I answered it this time

Blake (Scroll): "(Y/n)! I heard what happened. Are you okay"

(Y/n): "Heh, you ask that question too much" I try to sound happy but fail miserably

Blake (Scroll): "Just answer the question"

(Y/n): "Honestly...

I don't know"



Rin: Honestly didn't think you'd do it in time 😶

Izzy: Yeah just take this as an apology for not publishing another chapter to this book for a couple weeks I needed a filler chapter and when I couldn't think of one I just gave up for a while

Rin: Wow, what a dedicated author 😒

Izzy: Oh shut up I'm still getting used to writing three books at the same time. oh yeah by the way the ending for this chapter was supposed to be a lot nicer I don't know why my mind came up with this darker one but I like it

Rin: Yeah we were gonna make the reader forgive just Ruby in this chapter. Don't know where that went 😅

Izzy: Well about 65% of my chapters don't follow my original ideas so it ain't that much of a big deal. Oh and I'll try to publish another chapter soon this time so don't expect another three-week break from this book

Rin: Well I think it's about time. We hope you have a good day/night 😁

Izzy: And until next time

Both: Ad Victoriam 🤗
(Word Count 2471)

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