Chapter 6: Not Alone

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/I found it hilarious how many people went from "Fuck you, Ozpin!" to "Thanks, Ozpin you're cool!" in the last chapter/


Once the bullhead landed I picked up the sword and walk out. I didn't want to go back to my dorm in case Blake is there or they decide to pay me a visit, so I went to the Emerald Forest to clear my thoughts. As I walked through the woods I kept hearing the sound of footsteps nearby and they weren't human 'Well... nothing wrong with using it"

I unsheath the sword and close my eyes to get a better sense of my surroundings then heard growling. A Beowulf was slowly creeping up on me then pounce. I open my eyes showing their red color before blinking behind it shoving the sword right through it's back and pulling out the sword watching the creature slowly died.

(Y/n): "... Pathetic..." I heard more growls behind me "Well... let's dance..."

I turn around and blink in front of two Beowulves doing a single slash cutting their heads off and look up at a tree branch. I blink up there in time to avoid another Beowulf that tried to pounce me, I jumped off the branch landing on the Grimm's head smashing it to the ground killing it. I look forward to seeing ten more Grimm making me sigh. I pressed the button on the hilt splitting the sword into its bow form 'Hm, don't have any arrows...'  inspecting the bow I noticed the string glowing red now, so out of curiosity I pull it back and as I do a red glowing arrow appears surprising me but I snap out of my trance when I see the creature start to run at me. I let go of the arrow and it flew at the Beowulf in front of the pack getting it right in the head then blowing up in a fiery explosion taking three others out with it knocking by the others 'Woah...' I look back at the bow now glowing a light blue, I smirk and get in a ready position as the Beowulves get up and rush me again from two different sides even half and half. I run at the group to my right and as soon as we're about to collide I jump over them and fire the arrow it shatters into dozens of sharp icicles killing two of them and seriously injuring the third. I land on the ground and blink next to the Grimm raising my bow and stabbing it straight down on its head. After pulling the bow out of its head I notice the last three staring at me. I get in position as they start to circle around me. The string now glowed a green color and I aim it at one of the wolves. After doing this they all run at me as I just fire the arrow at it and as soon as it struck against its skull a medium sized tornado started to form coming at me, I braced myself but as it got closed nothing happened but when the other two Grimm got close it swallowed them up throwing them around before tossing them up high in the sky before disappearing. I just kept looking at the sky staring at the two Beowulves fall to the ground with a loud thud as they died.

The string of the bow now glowed white, despite running out of enemies I pulled back the string and fired the glowing arrow shooting it at a tree where it just hit and disappeared without doing anything.

(Y/n): 'Hm, okay... red is fire explosion, blue is icicles, green is a tornado, and white is just a regular arrow.' But the string stayed white not changing color, I was confused until I looked at the spot in the middle of the bow seeing three compartments that held used dust crystals each one having a faded color red, blue, and green. I took them out and returned the bow back into its sword form putting it back in its sheath. I suddenly hear a voice that makes me jump

???: "Impressive work" I turn around seeing the last of the douche group "I see you've improved immensely since I left"

(Y/n): "Tch, yea I did. Thanks from my mother" she smiled but it soon fell when I added "Summer, the one who believed in me"

Raven: "(Y/n)...:" she quickly grows angry "that's no way to speak to your real mother-"

(Y/n): "Oh stuff it Raven, since when have you showed any motherly affection towards me? Or Yang for that matter?" she was about to say something but I just cut her off "Instead of just arguing just tell me what the hell your doing here and leave cause in case you haven't noticed I'M HAVING A REALLY BAD DAY"

Raven: "Really because from what I saw you were having a good time."

(Y/n): "Of course I did, I imagined all your faces on their bodies"

She stayed quiet just annoying me for every second she doesn't say anything, I was about to leave but she finally decided to speak

Raven: "I came to talk to you"

(Y/n): "Oh spare me, I've heard it all before"

Raven: "Just listen! When Qrow told me you disappeared I was devastated, I tried to make a portal to you but I never got close enough to you have one... and when I realized that I assumed the worst and..." She fell silent unable to continue, I just stood there feeling nothing towards her just giving her a cold stare "I'm sorry for leaving but I couldn't stay I-"

(Y/n): "Had to go back to your damn tribe, I know I heard Qrow talk about it when he was explaining it to Yang" she was a little confused by this

Raven: "To Yang? Why wasn't he talking to you about it?"

(Y/n): "He treated me like I was a fucking ghost, actually I'm surprised you even remembered you had a son considering you treated me the same way"

Her face immediately dropped with sorrow and guilt. She walked over to me pulling something from her back

Raven: "I understand this isn't enough to erase the years of neglect but..." she gives me a mask exactly like her's but black with (F/c) lines "I hope you like it... you don't have to wear it but I'd appreciate it if you kept it"

With that, she walked away entering the forest disappearing from sight. I look down at the mask and look at the detail. I didn't put it on but I carried it continuing my walk.

I eventually made it to a river with the water gently flowing down river and sat near it looking at my reflection with a blank expression and force a smile 'Just smile through it. Just smile through it. Just... smile...' I break and start crying 'Blake must think I'm such a brute... Ruby's must be scared of me... everyone is gonna think of me as a monster... why is my life such shit...' I continue to cry until I feel a slight pat on my back.

I turn to see a little Ursa cub looking at me with curiosity.

(Y/n): "What do you want!" I yell at it tears still flowing out of my eyes. It whimpered a little confusing me "You're... whimpering?"

It walked closer to me nuzzling against me. I smile slightly and pick it up and carry it in my arms cradling him like a baby

(Y/n): "Well aren't you a weird little guy?" I tickle his tummy getting a growl almost sounding like a laugh.

I put him on the ground next to me to relax. I fish jumped out of the water before diving back in getting the attention of the cub. It looked at me with a little concern

(Y/n): "I'll be fine, go on little guy"

It ran off following the river after its aquatic meal. I continue to sit down on the river bed until I heard footsteps coming from behind me. They sounded quick and light. It wasn't a Grimm, so I didn't bother looking back until I heard

Ruby: "(Y/n)...?" I look back at her seeing a worried expression on her face, I look back at the river "(Y/n)? Are you okay?"

(Y/n): "I think you're asking that to the wrong person" She walked over to me and sat next to me "How is he?"

Ruby: "He's fine... just a little concussion" we sat there in silence "You were never a disappointment"

(Y/n): "Hm?"

Ruby: "You were never a disappointment... at least not to me"

She rested her head on my shoulder while saying this

(Y/n): "I'm sorry..."

Ruby: "Hm? For what?"

(Y/n): "That you had see like that..."

Ruby: "hehe, funny seeing you being the one to apologize now"

(Y/n): "Heh, yeah... it is..." we just stare in the water watching the fish go by "How do you have the courage to still talk to me after that? I acted like a monster, I know he deserved it, or at least I think I did, but when I saw the looks everyone gave me... the look you gave me..."

She's quiet for a second then feel her arms hug my arm tightly like when we were in the bullhead

Ruby: "Because you're my brother... my family... and I'd never stay mad or be scared of you" I stare blankly in the water with a quivering lip hearing her "I don't care how many times you say to leave you alone or that you're not my brother, you are and always will be in my heart because you are not alone even when you think you are or should be and I'll understand if you never forgive me but just know, I love you"

I broke down, letting the tears come out again as I hold my baby sister as she hugs me with the same care similar to mom's. I calm down after a few minutes still holding on to Ruby in silence until I say the few words she dreamed of to break it

(Y/n): "... I forgive you..." I say in a whisper but still very audible. Ruby pulls back from the hug with big eyes

Ruby: "W-What?" I simply give her a small smile

(Y/n): "I forgive you."

She was silent at first then squealed at a frequency that could shatter the moon if it wasn't already. She stood up jumping and running around in happiness as I watch her and chuckle before getting tackled to the ground in a monster bear hug

Ruby: "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I heard her sniffle, I sit up with her still hugging me seeing her cry a bit with a big smile on her face, so I just return the embrace

(Y/n): "Anytime... love ya, sis." I felt her grip get tighter and the sniffling get louder

Another long period of time passed but I didn't mind until Ruby stood up still wearing her smile.

Ruby: "I can't wait to tell Yang and Uncle Qrow and Da-"

(Y/n): "Woah, Ruby!" I get up quickly to stand in front of her "You do know I forgave just you right? I'm not forgiving those three"

Ruby: "Oh... yet, right?"

(Y/n): "Ruby, you loved me before you started to hurt me. That automatically got you a pass but the others don't have anything on them for me to forgive them, I'm sorry Ruby but you might be the only one I forgive"

Her face drops a little before lighting up a bit

Ruby: "Well... I least I got my brother back" We hug one more time before going back to my stuff "You kept the sword?"

(Y/n): "Uh... I didn't-"

Ruby: "And you're wearing the cape Qrow gave you?"

(Y/n): "W-Well... you see-"

Ruby: "And where are the cookies?"

(Y/n): "Okay! Okay! I actually liked the gifts and the cookies were delicious" she gives me a smug look "I'm still not forgiving them"

Ruby: "Whatever you say, big brother"

I carried the mask behind me so Ruby wouldn't see it and question it while she offered to hold the sword for me but mostly because she wanted to inspect how awesome it was and asked me if I used it yet. I said yes and it was the worst decision as she just bombarded me with questions, I did my best to answer as many as possible before we heard a rustle in a bush in front of us. We both take fighting stances ready for whatever Grimm or person was about to pop out only to be surprised to see... Ms. Goodwitch come out

Glynda: "Ah (Y/n)! Ruby! Have either of you two seen a small ursa cub around this area? I'm tasked to take care of it."

(Y/n): "Uh yeah, it followed a fish down the river-"


And like that she ran faster than I think Ruby can to the River. I look at Ruby who just gives me a shrug, we laugh a bit from that little ordeal and walk back to Beacon. As we approached, some people gave me a few looks or either disgust or fear making me feel bad once again for something I shouldn't but Ruby held my hand making me feel a little better as we walked back to my dorm.

We both arrived and she gave me back the sword that I just tossed in the room with the mask and look back at her only to get another tackle hug only not knocking me down this time. I return it before she pulls away

Ruby: "See ya later, (Y/n)"

She walked back to her dorm as I entered mine and lie down on the bed for a few minutes before hearing a knock at the door

Blake: "(Muffled) (Y/n)? You in there"

I put on a smile and go over to the door and open it seeing a very worried Blake

(Y/n): "Hey, how's it going?"

Blake: "Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere!"

(Y/n): "I was just spending time with my sister, don't worry, I'm fine now"

Blake: "Sister? You mean-"

(Y/n): "Ruby and I are siblings again!"

She smiled and gave me a hug of her own to which I happily return

Blake: "Now was that so hard"

(Y/n): "Ruby, kinda. But I'm still not forgiving the others"

Blake: "Hey, at least you made some progress with one of them"

(Y/n): "Yeah, I guess so"

We hold each other for other second before pulling away

Blake: "So you're really okay?"

(Y/n): "Yeah, I promise" She smiles and nods and was about to walk away until I grabbed her hand stopping her "Hey, Blake... um before you go... I was wondering if... you wanted to go out and grab some lunch one day"

Blake: "Y-You mean like a d-date?"

Her stutter was too cute and the blush she was wearing was not helping the situation

(Y/n): "Yeah, I didn't get a chance to try that sushi place so I um..."

Blake: "I'd love to"

I smile and raise her hand to my lips and kissed it

(Y/n): "I'll pick you up Monday after school?"

Blake: "Y-Yeah t-that s-s-sounds g-good"

(Y/n): "Alright, see you then"

Blake: "Yeah, b-bye"

She walked away completely flustered as I sweetly smile her direction. Guess Ruby was right

"I'm not alone"


Izzy: Another chapter done!

Rin: Hey Izzy you forgetting something? 😒

Izzy: Hm, let's see. Raven encounter, Nova reference, Ruby make up, asking Blake out, and you have your faces. Nope remembered everything

Rin: You sure about that? 😒

Izzy: Yeah wh-


Izzy: Oh... right, sorry about that

Rin: Ah, Freedom! Now where's my gauntlet 🤔

Izzy: I sold it

Rin: ... WHAT!!! 👿

Izzy: Yeah, like I was gonna keep dangerous weapon you could kill me within my own home

Rin: But I paid for it! 😭

Izzy: Yeah! With my money!

Rin: But it was so cool! 😭

Izzy: Well too bad consider this punishment as well

Rin: Hmph! Well I hope you all have a better day/night than me 😡

Izzy: C'mon don't pout I'll make it up to you

Rin: How- 😡

Izzy: Wanna write a lemon?

Rin: ... OKAY! 😄

Izzy: Works every time. Anyway, until next time

Both: Ad Victoriam 🤗
(Word Count 2674)

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