Chapter 7: Beat Down

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/Hey everybody, sorry for the long wait. Also I should mention so no one gets confused, this is basically an AU to my Reader Insert story so things aren't supposed to correspond with it completely/


I was in Port's class pretending to listen to his stories and write notes when in reality I was writing a letter to Pa. Been a while and I'm sure he wants to hear what's been going on... though I'm making sure to leave out the 'encounters' I've had with my previous family. I'm gonna regret mentioning Blake since he used to tease me around all the other girls in the village but I'm actually interested in her. Before I knew it the bell rang indicating it was lunch time but I wanted to go to Ozpin so I know how to send this thing. I sealed the letter in an envelope and walked to Ozpin's Office.

The elevator doors open to the familiar green room. I step into his office seeing him looking out one of the large windows while talking to someone on his scroll.

Ozpin: "Yes, he's fine. No need to worry... Yes, he's getting fed properly... No, not at all... My son, I assure you Nova is in good hands... Yes... Yes... Of course. See you soon, my son." he hangs up and immediately calls someone else speaking in a sorta panicked tone "Glyda, have you found Nova?"

I clear my throat letting my presence be known. He quickly turns around then sighs in relief

Ozpin: "Excuse me, I have to go" he hangs up and sits in his chair "Mr. Rose, how have you been?"

(Y/n): "Better, Thanks."

Ozpin: "Good to hear, now is there something you need?"

(Y/n): "Yeah, do you know how I can send a letter. I wrote something for my Pa back in my village and last time I checked there wasn't a mailbox at the entrance."

Ozpin: "Of course. Just give it to me and I'll send as soon as possible."

(Y/n): "Thanks, Oz" I hand him the letter and start heading back to the elevator

Ozpin: "(Y/n), wait a minute" I stop and look back at him seeing "I'd like to apologize, if I'd known how you were treated I never would have told Taiyang"

(Y/n): "Heh, it's alright. I knew he'd be coming, but I thought it would've been because of Ruby or Yang." I smile to reasurre him "I don't hold it against you so don't worry."

Ozpin: "Thank you"

(Y/n): "No prob, professor"

I step in the elevator going down heading to the cafeteria to see if there was anything left to eat. Luckily there was a grilled cheese left so I got it and started to head outside only to get grabbed by the arm and pulled to a table with JNPR and Team RWBY.

(Y/n): "Uh... what?" they all point to my right and when I look I see a wide smiling Ruby "Ah, okay"

Blake: "Where were you?"

(Y/n): "Just delivering a letter to my old man."

Yang: "Dad!" I just give her a blank stare giving her a second to think "Oh, right your Pa... sorry."

(Y/n): "So, I don't think we formally met. I'm (Y/n)."

Jaune: "Hey, I'm Jaune Arc, this is Pyrrha Nikos" he points to the girl with long red hair "Lie Ren" the motions to the guy with a strand of magenta in his black hair "And-"

Nora: "Nora Valkyrie! Nice to meet you! So, your Ruby's brother? Thought you'd be smaller? Why do you have blonde tips?"

(Y/n): "Uh, She's my half-sister I'm Yang's twin-"

Nora: "Twin! Wow! Never met twins before, though I see you took more of your mom as well seeing as you don't really look like that Tai guy that was here a few days back. So what're are you're weapons mine's a hammer!"

Ren: "Nora, please calm down."

(Y/n): "Nah, it's chill. I've dealt with crazier" I say looking at Ruby making everyone laugh

Ruby: "Hey! That's not nice!" she pouts adorably like a little baby

(Y/n): "Oh I'm just kidding around." I say pinching her cheeks maker her pout even more "Aw~ someone want a hug?"

Ruby: "No!" I hug her anyways causing everyone to laugh again "No! This is unauthorized. Stop."

(Y/n): "Okay you robot" I notice Yang look at me with a bit of confusion "What?"

Yang: "You're being nice... to Ruby."

(Y/n): "Yeah, and? Am I not allowed to be nice to my sister?"

Yang: "Sister? So does this mean-" she begins saying with hope only for me to cut her off

(Y/n): "Yes,  RUBY is my sister since I forgiven HER"

She looks down a bit saddened. Nora was about to ask another question but got interrupted as a yelp was heard from across the room. I look at where it came from immediately disgusted seeing four guys terrorizing a rabbit faunus by pulling her ears. I look around the table seeing everyone having a sympathic look instead of helping to I stood up and marched at the four.

Blake: "(Y/n)? What're you doing"

I stop and turn around to look at Blake then quickly glance at Weiss with a smile before facing forward marching forward again

(Y/n): "To smack a bitch"

I approached the table hearing the nasty things they kept telling her

???: "Told you they're real!"
???: "What a freak."
???: "Why is she even here?"
???: "Like she can be a huntress."

Each word fueling my anger shown by my steps getting heavy. As soon as they noticed me walking up to them they let go of the girl and stood up trying to intimidate me with his size but I kept walking at him.

???: "Who are-" I interrupt him introducing his face with the back of my hand causing him to stumble back. Students surrounding the area gasp in horror.

(Y/n): "That knock enough sense into ya?"

???: "Why you little-"

(Y/n): "I'm not your dick so don't call me small"

The crowd I've gathered laughed at that angering him as he yelled and tried to punch me but I blinked behind him resulting in him punching the air and nearly fall over so I just place my foot on his back and kick him down.

(Y/n): "C'mon dude, I honestly expected more than this"

He got up again standing tall with a murderous glare. I step back as he ran at me. I fall to the ground looking utterly terrified as was about to stomp me until he was lifted up in the air.

???: "Hey! What the-"

Everyone looks to see Ms. Goodwich holding up her crop keeping the buylly in the air.

Glynda: "Cardin Winchester! What is the meaning of this!"

Cardin: "He started it!"

(Y/n): "I just came over to stop him picking on the girl right there" I say pointing at the rabbit faunus shaking in fright

Glynda: "Is this true, Velvet?"

Velvet: "Y- Yes, t-they were pulling on my ears"

Glynda: "They? So it was all of Team CRDL then?" we both nod "Very well, Team CRDL please follow me to Professor Ozpin's office for your punishment"

Cardin: "What! But he-"

Glynda: "That's enough! Office! Now!"

She carried Cardin away with the rest of his team following, grumbling and giving me death stares. Everyone's eyes now on me I slowly stand up and put a huge smile on

(Y/n): "Annnnnnddd Scene" I take a bow as everyone looks at me confused

Velvet: "Wait, you were just acting?"

(Y/n): "Yep. I saw Ms. Goodwich coming in so I thought I'd play victim. What you actually think I'm scared of that guy? My corgi is scarier than him." Every laugh once more before going back to their business "Now to the real question, you alright?"

Velvet: "Huh?"

(Y/n): "You okay? They were pulling your ears pretty hard" I started to rub her ears making her blush.

Velvet: "Y- Yeah I'm f- fine, t-t hank you" I continue to rub her ears as she looked at me a little surprise. I was gonna ask what's wrong but as if she read my mind answered "I never thought a human would stick up for me" I let go of her ears and look at her with a smile

(Y/n): "We aren't all bad, Faunus never really gave me a reason to hate them"

Velvet: "But the White Fang-"

(Y/n): "Are Faunus that are being lead the wrong way. As long as I know you aren't with them any Faunus is a friend of mine and I take care of my friends so come to me if you got any more trouble, alright?"

She nods and leaves with one last thank you skipping or hopping to wherever her team is. I walk back to the table seeing everyone smile at me, especially Blake giving me a proud look but had a hint of jealousy in her eyes. Wonder why?

(Y/n): "What?"

Ruby: "You stood up against Cardin and didn't even get in trouble! That was soo cool!"

Blake: "And you did it to save a Faunus girl"

(Y/n): "I didn't save her because she was a Faunus, I saved her because she was a person like you and me. Didn't matter if she had an extra limb or not." Her smile grew bigger after saying that

Pyrrha: "I must say, acting like the victim to get away with getting in trouble yourself was pretty smart"

Jaune: "Yeah, nice thinking!"

(Y/n): "Thanks, now if you don't mind I have a grilled cheese to ea-" I see Ruby's cheeks stuffed up with what use to be my sandwich "Nevermind"

Ruby: "Sorry big brother..." she said worried after swallowing my lunch

(Y/n): "It's alright, guess I'm hungry till my date"

Ruby: "You got a date!?! Who is she? Is she nice? Will we like her? and most importantly... can she cook?"

(Y/n): "I don't know, you can ask her yourself" I say pointing to Blake who buried herself in her book to hide her blush

Everyone: "Blake!?"

Yang: "Great my sister gets a boyfriend before me and now my brother"

(Y/n): "I'm not your- wait Ruby has a boyfriend?"

Ruby: "Um.... nooooooo.... shut up Yang!"

Yang: "What? I'm just speaking the truth"

(Y/n): "Ruby..."

Ruby: "(Y/n), as your sister who loves you very much I promise you with 100% certainty I do not have-" Ring Ring Ring her scroll rings with the caller ID saying ❤️My Dual-Wielder ❤️ "Um... I can explain"

She grabs her scroll and runs out the door leaving a trail of petals behind her.

(Y/n): "... So... she has a boyfriend..." I say a little unsure about the whole thing

Pyrrha: "Don't worry, he's a good guy and he's treated her right"

Blake: "And his on a mission so you probably won't meet him for a while"

(Y/n): "Eh, whatever. As long as he doesn't break her heart doesn't matter." I walk outside seeing Ruby smiling with a blush on her face talking to her boyfriend over the scroll. I just smile and shrug walking to my next class until a hand grabbed mine. I turned around seeing Blake with a blush "Something I could do for you, beautiful?"

She blushed deeper avoiding eye contact with me.

Blake: "I just wanted to know what to wear for our date"

(Y/n): "Just something nice, we're going to sushi place just treat it like a hang out"

Blake: "Right, okay..." she still looked at me with a blush "So... what class do you have next?"

(Y/n): "Blake, We have the same classes" she averts her eyes from meeting mine "Are you doing this just to hang out with me?" She covered her face now redder than Ruby's cape. I decided to mess with her more and hug her catching her by surprise "So say we do hang out... what would we be doing~"

She buries her head in my chest playfully hitting it.

Blake: "Pervert..."

I chuckle and we stay in that state until the bell rings indicating it's time for our next class. We part and look at each other as if in a silent agreement. I take her hand intertwining it with mine and walk to Ms. Goodwitches class.

We were the first ones to enter or so we thought, we saw Team CRDL sitting in a row closest to Ms. Goodwich swearing under their breath giving me death stares. As we sat in our seats across from them as we wait for Blake's team and JNPR. Eventually, the classroom was full and class was beginning.

Glynda: "Okay, let's begin with a warmup battle, I'll choose a random student to pick their opponent" she taps her tablet getting a random name then sighs "Sigh Cardin Winchester, please choose your opponent"

I see the bastard smirk while looking at me

Cardin: "I choose pipsqueak over there" he points at me

Glynda: "Certainly not, you've harassed him quite enou-"

 (Y/n): "Ms. Goodwich, I'd like to accept"

Glynda: "Are you sure?" I give a slight nod confirming my choice "Very well, grab your gear and head to the arena"

I go to the locker room getting into my regular outfit sitting on a bench looking at the mask Mo- Raven gave me. I contemplate on putting it on or not. I make my choice and step into the arena earning gasps and impressed looks coming in with my hood up and mask on taking my sword in one hand laying it on my shoulder and taking Black Rose in the other.

/Black Rose and Nightshade are your revolvers names. Feel free to leave a suggestion for the sword's name/

The look on Cardin's face nearly made me laugh seeing him frightened but I settled with a grin just to keep my scary appearance. He gained some of his composure back but not as much as he would like still showing a bit of intimidation.

Cardin: "You don't look like much, bet you'll just cower again the second I start swinging"

I don't say anything, I don't even move getting on his nerves even more. Ms. Goodwich finally started counting off after a minute and told us to begin. As I predicted Cardin started to full on rush me but I didn't even move until he got close again and repeated what I did in the cafeteria blinking behind him and kicking him down. Everyone just laughs at the repeat while Cardin just got up growling like a dog.

(Y/n): "How can you hate on Faunus when you sound like an animal yourself?"

This set him over the edge and he ran at me but was smart and actually started to swing at me instead of a charge. I lazily dodge all his petty attacks and swept his legs with the flat side of my sword knocking him down. After getting up he looked at me square in the face like an angry bull.

Cardin: "Stop dodging and fight me you coward!"

Well, he asked for it. I raised Black Rose and fired two fire shots at him getting hit with the second one since he managed to dodge the first. As he started to put himself out I put away my revolver and charged at him with my sword ready to strike. He managed to put out the fire on his armor in time to attempt my attack only for me to end up blinking to his left getting a direct hit on Cardin's back sending him across the room. Before he could hit the wall or ground I switch the sword into its bow form and insert a blue Dust crystal into its compartment and pulled back the string of the bow, glowing a bright blue, and fire releasing the blue arrow made of energy and watched as it shattered into dozens of little icicles flying fast at Cardin colliding with his back give him a lot of pain and the rest pinning him to the wall. I stood there a second waiting for Ms. Goodwich to announce my victory but she just stood there watching.

(Y/n): "Um, Ms. Goodwich isn't that a ring out?"

Glynda: "Not until he hits the ground"

I sigh and place a red dust crystal and aim at him. Despite his cry for forfeit I still let go of the string and fired the red arrow exploding on impact at Cardin melting the icicles pinning him to the wall and letting him drop to the floor.

Glynda: "And the Winner is (Y/n) Rose, with a ring out and depleting all of his opponent's aura."

I look at the screen seeing I actually did drain all his aura in the few hits I landed. The whole class cheered, especially RWBY and JNPR. They congratulated me as soon as I changed and returned to my seat in time to see Cardin recover from his beat down and limb back to his seat. The rest of the class was spent with talking about aura and fighting strategies that I actually found interesting. Of course, there were other fights but none of them interested me but the team battles, I wish I could participate, being a single supporter sucks. At least I got to meet some new people that seem really nice. After the last lesson, Ms. Goodwich gave us a few minutes to talk until the bell rang to let us go.

Yang: "So, where are you two lovebirds going for your date?"

(Y/n): "I'm taking her to a restaurant for dinner then after I was hoping we'd go for a walk in a park and talk."

Blake: "I- I'd like that" she said smiling at me

Ruby: "Aww, it's like right out of a book-" she stopped herself going in thought before a lightbulb lit in her head "Oooohh... Nice thinking" she winks trying to be covert but fails miserably.

Pyrrha: "How romantic, I hope my future love does something as romantic with me one day" she says looking directly Jaune the entire time

Jaune: "Yeah, hopefully," I blink a couple times at him in disbelief at his obliviousness "What?"

I turn to his team and Ruby's

(Y/n): "He's not serious is he?" they all nod in disappointment

Jaune: "What?"

(Y/n): "Nothing, don't worry about it"

He slumps back in his chair trying to get what we were talking about. We talked about a few more other things until the bell rang letting us go. I said goodbye to everyone and grabbed Blakes hand kissing it like I did before saying "See you seven" to her hearing everyone go "Oooohhhh~" as I walked away going to my dorm. Upon entering I see a letter from Pa.

(Y/n): 'Guess we both sent one the same day'

I open it smiling as I read:

"Hey (Y/n)!

Hope everything's going great in Beacon. Been quiet in the shop, you know besides the sounds of hammering, clanging, sharpening you know what I mean. The village was under a recent attack with a horde of Grimm but don't worry, a Huntsman with slick back hair was passing through when it happened. He was quite skilled too with the largest sword I've ever seen, it even turned into a scythe! But nothing beats B.R. and Nightshade though, hope you're treating them well.

Everyone around here misses you, thought I should tell you. All the children miss their favorite goalie, the Elder misses his chess buddy and the girls miss their 'eye candy' as they put it. Speaking of which, meet any girls over there at all? I know you don't like this kind of talk but I was serious before when I said I want to live long enough to see my grandkids! I had high hopes you'd find a girl here but guess you wanted a girl more, how'd you put it? Different? Anyhow, hope everything is going fine and remember to come visit I'm sure everyone would like that, especially me. And I'm man enough to admit I miss you too, how could I not? You may not be my flesh and blood but you're still my son. See you when I see you and remember to smile!"

(P.S. Write me sometime, love to hear from ya)

Sappy as ever. I neatly put the letter back in the envelope putting it in a drawer in my desk and grabbed a book to read until seven. I laid on my bed ready to read but before I opened the book I realized something Pa put in the letter

".... A Huntsman with slick back hair was passing through..."
"He was quite skilled too with the largest sword I've ever seen, it even turned into a scythe!"

A Huntsman with slick back hair with a sword that could turn into a scythe? Qrow doesn't go anywhere that isn't related with a job...

So why was he there?


Izzy: So how many of you disappointed this isn't the date chapter?

Rin: ME! 😡

Izzy: Tell me something new...

Rin: Okay I have a boyfriend. 😜

Izzy: That's ni- WHAT!?!?

Rin: What? You said to tell you something new. 😒


Rin: Welp, too late. 😏

Izzy: Who is he...

Rin: His name is Max, why? 🤨

Izzy: (Takes out kitchen knife) I'm gonna have a little talk with him

Rin: What! No- 😳

Izzy: (Walking to the door) I just want to talk to him

Rin: I know it's out of the blue but- 😲

Izzy: (Turning door knob) I just wanna talk to him


Izzy: Oh right, sure.

RIn: Thank you, we hope you have a great day/night 😃

Izzy: And until next time

Both: Ad Victoriam 🤗
(Word Count 3582)

Izzy: Okay I'm off (Leaves)

Rin: Noooo! (Chases after) 😩

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