Chapter 8: He's My Family

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/Okay new rule: Anyone who asks when the next update is or tells me to update I delay the next chapter another day or two even if I have it done or not. There will be no warnings so if you comment that everyone gets a delay. Got it? Good./


I watch him go into the elevator and watch it close before turning on my computer resuming my work before I heard the door open again. I thought he came back up to tell me something he forgot but I was mistaken as I saw Qrow enter instead. Despite learning about his past relationship with (Y/n) I still needed him for missions but that didn't mean I couldn't change my attitude towards him.

Ozpin: "What do you want, Qrow?"

Qrow: "I uh just wanted to see if you knew anything about (Y/n) we could use to get close to him"

Ozpin: "And who's this we?"

Qrow: I think you're smart enough to figure that out"

I sigh and look at him with the sternest look I could manage

Ozpin: "I may have told Tai the warning but I am not afraid to pass it along to you too. You will not be near that child without his consent, if I hear or see you bothering him in any way I will personally give you an early leave. Understood?" he glances away and nods "Good"

Qrow: "C'mon Oz, we really regret what we did and we're trying to make up for it-"

Ozpin: "And so far that's left you all with broken hearts and one of you with a broken face." he looks down defeated "Sigh If it's any consolation, he's forgiven Ruby but he's shown no progress with Yang"

he looks up with a slight smile then notice the letter on my desk

Qrow: "What's that?"

Ozpin: "Something that is none of your conc-" before I could finish he swiped it from me "Qrow!"

Qrow: "From (Y/n), to Pa?"

Ozpin: "Yes, it's for his father who-"

Qrow: "Adopted him after running away, yeah he told us that before he and Tai..." he looks at it a moment and back at me "Let me go send it"

Ozpin: "What? Why?"

Qrow: "I wanna meet him, see if everything (Y/n) told us was true. He said how happy he was when living with the man and how he respected him too"

Ozpin: "How can I be sure you aren't going to do something else?"

Qrow: "I'm trying to get the kid to hug me one day not kill me, please Oz, I just wanna see."

Ozpin: "... Fine, but if I hear anything bad I will report it to (Y/n) straight away"

Qrow: "Thank you, Oz" He started to run out of the room back into an elevator. I was about to resume my work until he came back a little embarrassed "Uh... where am I going?"


I was nearing the village (Y/n) lived when he ran away. I turned back into my human body and walked the rest of the way. As soon as I walked past a few trees I was met with a decent sized village, children running around playing and laughing and people hard at work guarding, building, cooking, pretty much everything. I noticed a man in long robes meditating.

Qrow: "Um, excuse me?" he opened his eyes and looked at me with a smile

Elder: "Hello, how can I help you?"

Qrow: "Sorry if I'm bothering you but I'm looking for a... Ferron Kreios?

Elder: "Ah yes, the blacksmith. He should be at the other side of town, near the other entrance"

Qrow: "Thanks"

He gave me a slight bow before going back to meditating. I noticed a chessboard next to him with an unfinished game still going on, weird. As I walked I kept getting stares from some of the girls, they were different ages and I could tell all their attention was drawn to me. What's worse is that I could hear what they're talking about.

Girl 1: "He's really hot huh?"

Girl 2: "He kinda reminds me of (Y/n)"

Girl 3: "I was thinking the same thing"

Girl 1: "I really miss that goofball"

I hear them all sigh in unison and decided to go ask them a couple things.

Qrow: "Hey, girls"

They all perk up seeing me

Girl 2: "Hey there mister, somethin' you need?"

Girl 1: "Or something you want~"

Girl 3: "I thought we went over this!"

Girl 1: "Whatever"

Qrow: "Uh I just need to ask a few question about this kid named (Y/n)"

They all smile hearing his name

Girl 1: "Whaddya need to know?"

Qrow: "I heard he was adopted but there isn't an orphanage here so how'd that happen?"

Girl 2: "He just wandered into the village one day, the other kids tried to get him to play with us but he kept refusing so we just left him alone."

Girl 1: "At night me and my mom were returning from a friend's place and I saw him sleeping near an alley with a dirty rag trying to keep warm. I asked my mom if we could let him stay with us and she did ask him but he said no... never found out why though"

Girl 3: "Then the blacksmith, Ferron, found him and took him in since he wouldn't leave him alone"

Qrow: 'You kept saying no to everyone... did we break you that badly?' I stare at the ground before asking another question "How was he when he became an official citizen of the village?"

Girl 1: "He was really shy and didn't really make many friends, even before he left to Beacon, but it didn't stop him from helping others."

Qrow: "How so?"

Girl 2: "I was being bullied one day by this traveler's kid who kept tugging on my ears" she softly rubbed the dog ears on her head "And when he saw this he ran over and pushed the kid away telling him to leave then the bully ran to his dad and left the village quickly. Everyone started to like or respect (Y/n) at that point. Even the younger kids liked him so much they begged him to play soccer with them."

Girl 1: "He helped the builders carry bags and help at the bakery, they offered him some sweet bread for his help but he would refuse saying 'I'm just happy to help' and walk off"

Girl 3: "And when the Elder's wife died (Y/n) went over to his house every day to cheer him up talking, drinking tea, or playing chess. He really is the sweetest guy we've ever met"

Qrow: "I... see..." I try and fight to hold back the tears trying to escape 'He really is a sweet kid... and I never bothered to take the time to notice...'

Girl 2: "Hey mister you okay"

Qrow: "Yeah... do you know where the blacksmith is?"

Girl 3: "Yeah, just down this road. You'll see a sign eventually"

I thank them and continue down the road thinking about... everything that could've... 'I could've been a great uncle... I could've stopped the abuse... I could've helped him...'

I do eventually see a sign hanging above me and looked at the building 'Looks cozy' I enter seeing displays of weapons made of steel and iron and pictures on the wall. I walked closer to the picture and my eyes widen seeing a couple pictures of (Y/n) of his childhood here. The first one I saw was of (Y/n) on Ferron's shoulders smiling widely, the second was of (Y/n) blowing out a 13 candle on a cake as kids around cheering around him, and the last was of him hugging Ferron holding an accepted paper from Beacon. Tai would be crying a river right about now...

???: "Hello, may I help you?"

I turn around seeing a large man in proper blacksmith clothing, a big black beard, and horns on his forehead

Qrow: "Uh, yeah I'm looking for Ferron?"

Ferron: "That'd be me, whatcha need?"

Qrow: "I got something for you, from Beacon" I pull out the letter and his eyes go big for a second with a big smile. I hand it to him and watch him tear open the envelope and read the letter.

Ferron: "Heh, wish I could've seen him in action, you a teacher there?"

Qrow: "No but I'm around there a lot"

Ferron: "Have you seen (Y/n)? How is he?"

Qrow: "He's... a good kid, one of the best."

Ferron: "That's my boy! I knew he was strong enough! Hey, could you stick around a bit I wanna send a letter I've been working to him I'm nearly done I promise it'll only take a few minutes"

Qrow: "Nah, go ahead take your time. I'll stick around" he thanks me and goes behind the counter taking out a pen and paper with a few words already on it "So, how was (Y/n) when he was younger?"

Ferron: "He was a bit shy at first when I found him but he started to warm up to everyone around here, mighty strong too. Should've seen the amazed looks he put on all the builders faces when he carried three cement bags on his back at just ten years old." he answers without looking up

Qrow: "He sounds really amazing"

Ferron: "He is, even without weapons he could punch an Ursa all the way to Atlas." he says still writing the letter

Qrow: "He knows how to fight unarmed?"

Ferron: "Yep, don't know who his parents are but they must've had good genes for him to have mighty punch."

Qrow: "Yeah... good genes."

Ferron: "Surprising too, considering how skinny the kid was when I found him. I'm just really happy I managed to help him to be the man he is today instead of the scared child he was"

Qrow: "How bad was it"

Ferron: "Horrible, every time he did something wrong he'd beg me not to hurt him and whenever he got picked on he'd never think I'd help him. Like I said, I don't know his family but I thank Oum for leading (Y/n) to me"

Qrow: "Yeah... lucky him" my stomach grumbles at a volume to where even Ferron was surprised "Heh, you know anywhere nearby I could get some grub?"

He smiles and tells me the directions to this noodle place nearby. I thank him and tell I'll be by later for the letter. Once I leave the building though I get a bad feeling about something but shrugged it off and continued my way to the restaurant. That was until I heard a scream. I rush around a building seeing an Ursa about to slash a woman who was frozen in fright. I quickly ran up to it taking out my weapon and stabbing it right in the chest then kicking it off so it would die on the ground. I look back at the woman to ask her if she was alright but she screamed again pointing into the forest watching as a pack of beowulves and ursas came running into the village.

I ran into the pack trying to lessen their numbers but it looked like two more Grimm would appear everytime I killed one. I had no choice to switch to scythe mode and taking big swings taking out many more Grimm stabbing and slicing through Grimm after Grimm hearing more and more screams of the people. I kneel to the ground getting exhausted from the constant Grimm running into the village and see an opening to leave.

Qrow: "I can just leave"

'It didn't stop him from helping others'

Qrow: "None of them matter to me"

'That's my boy! I knew he was strong enough!"

Qrow: "They don't matter to anyone"

'He really is the sweetest guy we've ever met'

Qrow: "But they matter to him!"

I get up holding my weapon with both hands walking back into town staring down at every grimm

"I know I hurt him even without laying a finger on him!"


"I know I may never be forgiven"


"But I'm not going to ignore him anymore!"


"I'm not going to cause him any more pain!"


"And I don't care if I die fighting!"


"I'll do anything to make that kid smile!"


"To make him feel happy!"


"Let it be with us or them!"





The video cut out leaving me with a snowy screen taking it's place. I was shocked to say the least. He had every opportunity to leave but he didn't... for me...

Ozpin: "That's all there is, Qrow reported back saying the Grimm were completely eradicated from the area so your village is safe but the drone we sent to follow him has been destroyed by a Griffon"

I didn't say anything, instead, I kept replaying the part where he said I was his family... it didn't feel forced... it wasn't out of guilt... it was... genuine... and he risked his own life for my home. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up at Ozpin

Ozpin: "He's leaving on his next mission in a few minutes, I believe he's at the landing zone"

I gave him back his scroll and he walked out of my dorm. I just stood there processing everything.

(Y/n): "He... risked his own life for my home... my family... and came back just to deliver this letter"

I look at the door and rush outside heading to the landing zone. I rush past many students and teachers giving me curious looks but I didn't have time to answer any questions but as I was running Ruby was easily catching up to me running along side me

Ruby: "Hey big brother, where you going?"

(Y/n): "I need to talk to Uncle Qrow."

Ruby: "Why- wait... did you say, Uncle?"

I ignored her and continue running with Ruby until I saw a bullhead landing with Qrow waiting for it at ground level. I stop and yell out to him getting his attention and walk up to him.

Qrow: "Hey, Thorn what's up?"

(Y/n): "Huh?"

Ruby: "I may have told him and Dad about our first encounter"

Qrow: "Sorry, sounded really cool when I heard it so I thought I could call you that I'll stop if-"

(Y/n): "No, it's fine it's just well..."

I stand there not sure what to do... or say...

Qrow: "Listen kid I kinda need to run so-"

(Y/n): "Right, I know it's just... sigh... so you went to my village huh?"

He froze and looked off to the side silently swearing saying Ozpin's name.

Qrow: "Yeah I just had someplace to go and your village was on the way and-"

I stop by him by pulling him towards me catching him in a hug

(Y/n): "Thank you..."

He was wide-eyed at my actions but slowly returned the gesture with a smile

Qrow: "Heh... no problem kid." We let go and he walked into the bullhead as me and Ruby wave goodbye "Seeya later!"

Ruby/(Y/n): "Bye Uncle Qrow!!"

Qrow: "By- Wait WHAT'D YOU CALL ME!?" was the last thing we heard as he flew away

I smile watching the ship flying out of view wishing him luck on whatever his mission is as I hear Ruby giggle

Ruby: "Looks like my work here is done!"

(Y/n): "You didn't even do anything."

Ruby: "Didn't I, brother. Didn't I." she says walking away with a smile

(Y/n): "Whatever..." and stood there just staring at the horizon before walking back 'So does talking while beating the shit out of something run in the family?'


I watched him hug our uncle thanking him for whatever he did and say goodbye. He didn't say directly but I knew what it meant when he called him uncle. Heh...

That's two down...


Izzy: I really feel this was forced

Rin: Oh relax, it's fine and I don't anyone minds now can we write the date chapter now? 😑

Izzy: But I-

Rin: But nothing! Just write and more specifically write the dang date chapter already!!!  😩

Izzy: I get you like romance but what's up with you and this chapter?

Rin: The faster you write it the faster I get to do my lemon! 😁

Izzy: Of course but you do realize (Y/n) doesn't know about Blake being a Faunus yet, right?

Rin: I'll find a way to make it work just WRITE ALREADY!!! 😡

Izzy: Okay geez, well I hope you all like the chapter and I understand people may have an opinion on if they should've forgiven Qrow or not but hey it's my story so if you don't like it write your own story like I did.

Rin: We hope you have a great day/night 😁

Izzy: And until next time

Both: Ad Victoriam 🤗
(Word Count 2772)

(Oh yeah and the winners for naming the sword are Tillerton & XieVi_. I combined both their suggestions so I could call it Thorn of Regret, Regret for short.)

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