Chapter 9: The Date

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~Guess who! Everyone's favorite lemon writing author! Unfortunately you still have to wait until next chapter for the lemon since Izzy doesn't want it to be in the main story. Sorry! Oh and during the date she still has her bow on unlike the picture~


Shower, Check. Clothes, check. Hair, check. Money, Check. looking damn good... well that's me 24/7 so check. Okay and it's 6:49 so that leaves me eleven more minutes until our date. Just don't freak out, she's just a girl... a really beautiful girl... Okay! Just need to calm down. Dinner and a walk in the park that's it, just a friendly date with small talk... okay that didn't help sigh wonder how she's doing


Weiss: "You can't go out in that here let me find you a dress!" she started to rummage through all our closets trying to find me something

Yang: "Stand still Blake he'll love this lipstick" she squeezed my cheeks forcing my lips to purse trying to put the lipstick on

Ruby: "Here let me do your hair! I think a few more bows should do the trick!" she says holding different colored bows

Blake: "Guys! Calm down!" they all stop and look at me frozen "SIgh we're just going somewhere to eat then to the park to talk I don't need to look like the princess of Remnant"

Yang: "We know but we just want this to work out. For the both of you"

Ruby: "Yeah, for being talked about a lot lately (Y/n) is kinda a loner, the only people he's properly met are us and JNPR. And you kinda just stick around us a lot without saying much to anyone so..."

Weiss: "What she's trying to say is we hope you two get together and break out of each others shells"

Ruby: "Uh yeah, that"

Blake: "Thanks for caring guys but trust me we'll be fine but I'm not sure if we'll get together"

Ruby: "But you want to right?"

Blake: "Well uh-" I stand up and go to the bathroom "I'm just going to brush my hair before he gets here okay"

Before I close the door but stops it with her foot opening it handing me a pink sweater

Ruby: "I know it isn't your color but I think it'll still look good!"

I thank her and close the door. I look at the sweater and it's simple pink design... Maybe he will like it. I put it on and brush my hair secretly putting on a little blush and opened the door hearing Ruby and Yang squeal while Weiss inspects me.

Yang: "You look so cute!"

Ruby: "And so cuddly!"

I blush from hearing that and I just wanted to grab one of my books and hide it.

Weiss: "Well... she does look good, but I think if you take off the bow-"

Blake: "NO! I mean uh no I need it, it's my lucky bow" I lie hoping that worked

Weiss: "Hmph. Very well, he should still find you attractive anyway."

My blush returns but quickly fades when I hear the door knock. I went over to open it and see standing there wearing a nice black outfit and purple flower in his hands.

(Y/n): "Hey, Blak- wow..." looks like he likes it "You look beautiful" I blush hard and look away hiding my face

Blake: "T- Thanks"

(Y/n): "Oh uh I didn't know what flowers you liked so I got you these" He hands me the flowers and a take a second to admire them and smell them. I thank him and give the flowers to Weiss to put in a vase "Alright, should we get going?" he offers me his arms to which I happily accept

Blake: "Let's"

We leave the room closing the door behind us but before the door close we chuckled at what Ruby said thinking we couldn't hear her.

Ruby: "Sigh They grow up so fast"


The sun was going down giving off this calming atmosphere around us. I didn't even realized I was hugging his arm but he didn't seem to mind so I didn't move. We finally saw the restaurant in sight and my stomach made a small growl telling me to hurry up but (Y/n) suddenly stopped. I looked at him to seeing him stare at something. I followed his gaze and saw a blood stain on the ground and put two and two together remembering how I was told about what happened that day his family tried to amends. I look at him and grab his chin with my finger and thumb making him look at me as I give him a warming smile as he gives one back and we enter the restaurant.

We entered the restaurant taking a seat at a booth making small talk waiting for a waiter to come by. We mostly talked about school for two minutes before a boy our age with short brown hair, hazel eyes, and cat ears came up to us.

Matt: "Hello, I'm Matt and I'll be your waiter. Here are the menus and is there anything I can get you to drink?"

Blake: "I'll have this sunrise thing my friend was telling me?"

Matt: "Ah, the Strawberry Sunrise, of course. And you?"

(Y/n): "Bring me a (F/d)"

Matt: "Right away, sir"

He left to the kitchen to get our drink leaving us alone again.

Blake: "This is place looks bigger from the inside"

(Y/n): "Yeah, actually pretty roomy in here. What's this place called?"

I look at our menus to see the name of the building we're in

Blake: "It's called... Kitty's Purrfect Fish, huh, I like it"

(Y/n): "Yeah, you know, you did the Purrfect really well, sounded just like a cat"

Blake: "Oh um-"

Before I could say another word another cat faunus with blueish grey eyes with lighter and longer brown hair came over with a tray with two glasses.

Kitty: "Hello! I'm Kitty, the owner, here are your drinks" she places our drinks in front of us, we thank her afterward "Okay, are you ready to order?"

(Y/n): "What happened to that Matt guy?"

Kitty: "Oh, I just reminded him this was my table. Now what would you like to order?" We both look at our menus a final time quickly trying to find something to order

Blake: "I'll have the Tuna Platter"

Kitty: "Excellent choice! That's my favorite, for obvious reasons" She points to her ears "And you?"

(Y/n): "I think I'll get the (F/s)"

/(Favorite/Sushi) = (F/s). if you don't like sushi, then leave. Jk just pretend your getting noodle soup or something/

Kitty: "Another good one! I'll be back before you know it!"

She takes the menus and leaves us again as we go back to talking.

(Y/n): "What do you think she meant by reminding him?"

Blake: "I think it's better not to know" he nodded in agreement as we enter a moment of silence


We sit in the booth not really talking. Just sitting in silence looking around trying to find something to talk about. She knows a lot about me now but... I know nothing of her.

(Y/n): "Hey Blake?" she looks at me letting me know I have her attention "Which kingdom are you from? Are you a resident of Vale or another place?" she seemed uneasy about how to answer

Blake: "Nowhere special, it's probably nothing like your village it must be really nice living on the outskirts of Vale"

(Y/n): "Yeah, it is" she avoided my question... "You know, I love Pa, but he's the worst wingman. He'd talk to some girl's mom and brag how much of a good guy I was trying to get the idea of letting her daughter date me. Most of the time it didn't work, your parents ever do something embarrassing to you? What are they like?"

Blake: "Something as embarrassing as that no, but it sounds like your father was just looking out for you like any good parents like mine"

(Y/n): "Cool" she's still being vague... "I did manage to get a girlfriend during my time in the village, she was cute and I always made her laugh. She had move one day so that relationship ended. Have you ever been in a relationship?"

Blake: "Sigh Yeah... it's something I don't like talking about..."

(Y/n): "Shocker..."

Blake: "Hm?"

(Y/n): "Nothing, so anything you can tell me about yourself?"

Blake: "Not much to tell really. I like reading, I wanna be a huntress, and my name's Blake, nothing special."

(Y/n): "But that's not true" she looked at me confusedly "Blake, I asked you out to know you more, but everytime I try and get something out of you, you give me this vague answer and turn the subject around on me. Why?"

She looks at me then averts her eyes trying to find someway out of this but before any else happened Kitty came back giving us our food.

Kitty: "Sorry for the wait, here you go" She places a plate with 6 pieces of sushi and two fish with a lemon in front of Blake and placing (Whatever you ordered) in front of me and left but not before saying "Enjoy your meal!"

Blake tried to grab a piece of sushi but I pulled her plate back to my side and looked her right in the eyes

(Y/n): "Answer the question, then we can eat."

She looks down letting out a sigh before looking back up

Blake: "I'm just... scared..."

(Y/n): "Scared? Of what?"

Blake: "That if you know the real me... you'll hate me..."

I grab her hand squeezing it in a reassuring manner and look her in the eyes with a warm smile

(Y/n): "Blake, there's nothing in this world that'll ever make me hate you. I promise."

Blake: "... Okay..."

I push her plate back and we start eating it. She quickly devoured her fishes and savored her sushi while I just ate my meal normaly. We finished around the same time and Matt came with a check, and a small bump on his forehead. I paid, despite Blake wanting to pitch in, and we got up to leave.

As we left though I saw a guy around our age wearing a (F/c) trench coat and a green shirt with (E/c) like mine talking to Kitty and Matt. He waved at us as we were walking out so we were polite and waved back as Kitty said the classic line "Hope to see you soon!" to us

(Y/n): 'The guy has style, but he seriously needs to change that shirt'

The park was dark and deserted but the moonlight made it look so pretty. I don't know when but at some point we intertwined our hands as we walked through the park. We weren't saying anything but just enjoying the tranquil scenery and fresh air with each other's presence. We eventually find a bench and decide to rest. Shivered a bit confusing me but came to the conclusion the sweater she has isn't thick enough to keep her warm so I put my arms around her which she happily allowed snuggling into my chest giving off a happy sigh. I chuckle a bit and rest my chin gently on her head and notice her bow.

(Y/n): "Heh, you ver take this off do ya?" I raise a hand up to feel the fabric "This your lucky charm or-" I stop talking hearing a purring noise come from "Blake? Are you... purring?"

She froze and sat up repeatedly glancing away and at me before staring at me with hope and fear.

Blake: "You promise not to hate me, right?" I nod still confused about everything.

She slowly reached up to her bow and slowly undid its knot letting it fall to the ground. My eyes went wide seeing a pair or cat ears on her head. She saw my reaction and looked away scared she might've lost me but instead I reach my hand and softly rub one of her ears.

(Y/n): "No wonder you got jealous that day" I continued to rub her ears softly "You wanted me to rub your ears instead of Velvet's huh?"

She tried to protest but just purred louder resting her head on my chest again.

Blake: "Y- You're not mad?"

(Y/n): "Of course I am" she looked slightly down "You kept these adorable ears away from me, never seen anything cuter!"

She look at me surprised and hugged me. After a short while she parted but kept her face close to mine with a smile on her face

Blake: "Thank you"

(Y/n): "For what?"

Blake: "Not leaving"

With that she leaned forward pressing her lips against mine. I was wide eyed for a second before kissing back feeling the fireworks go off in my mind. I don't know how long we sat there but when we finally parted it was 10:09.

(Y/n): "We should probably get back"

She nodded and we stood up as she put her bow back on enjoying the quiet journey back home with our hands intertwined with our knowledge.


We entered the dormitory and headed to our level and reached our hallway. My door was closer so we stopped as soon as we reach it.

(Y/n): "Guess this is my stop, you sure you don't want me to walk you back to your dorm?"

Blake: "Yeah, its just down the hall don't worry"

I nodded and pecked her lips. I was about to go in my dorm but felt her grab my arm. I was gonna ask what was wrong but she just wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. It caught me by surprise but I still kissed back. I felt her tongue lick my lower lips asking for entry. I allowed and we entered a fight of dominance but ended in a tie as we parted to regain our breathe. We looked into each other's eyes and we both had the same look. I opened the door letting us both in.

Looks like our date isn't over.

Izzy: You wanna know something funny? I actually planned on you and Blake hooking up the second chapter.

(Rin) But they just met in that chapter.

Izzy: Exactly, that's why I held it off til now. I think it worked out.

(Rin) True, Max did at least flirt with me when we first met.

Izzy: Right... Max...

(Rin) Just give it up! We're in love and you can't stop it!

Izzy: I'll stop for now but he will perish under my foot!

(Rin) Whatever, oh before we forget Matt and Kitty are two OC from our good friend kittycat1001 that we also used in our Reader Insert story. Anyway, we hope you have a great day/night

Izzy: And until next time

Both: Ad Victorian
(Word Count 2495)

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