Chapter 10: Partner

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~I'm the new owner of all the RWBY and other fanfics that this account will hold now! Yay!~

/I'll still be here you know/

~Whatever, now after a long time, LET'S CONTINUE~


I woke up from the sounds of birds chirping from outside as the sun came in. I was in my dorm wth nothing really changed except my clothes scattered all over my floor, and if that's the case why am I so warm? I look down to be met with two cat ears twitching. I smile quickly remembering the night we spent together, definatly one i'll remember. I brush her hair with my fingers relaxing as I couldn't move since she was on top of me. I hear an adorable yawn come from her as she moved her head so her chin was resting on my chest.

(Y/n): "Morning, how'd you sleep?"

She smiled and held me tight still with droopy eyes.

Blake: "Fantastic"

We continue to rest until I heard my scroll ring from my bed stand. I managed to grab it from where I was laying and put it next to my ear giving the person on the other line a tired.

(Y/n): "Hello?"

Ozpin: "Mr. Rose, I have something very important to ask of you and I'd like to discuss it in my office now"

(Y/n): "Now? Like right now, at seven thirty two?"

Ozpin: "Yes. See you soon"

He hung up without hearing my response. I groan and put my scroll back and rest my head on my pillow. Blake looked up at me with concern.

Blake: "What's wrong?"

(Y/n): "Ozpin wants to see me for... something, I don't know."

Blake: "Do you have to? I'm comfortable."

I chuckle and nodded. She pouted and moved to the side to lay on the bed. I kissed her cheek and got up to redress repeatedly seeing Blake stare at me and blush. I purposely did my shirt last for her. I kissed her head and told her that I'll be back as soon as I could. I left my door walking down the empty halls of the dormitories and the school, it was kinda weird, a place that's usually so full of students is just empty with nothing heard but my footsteps. I did arrive to the elevator and stepped in and pushed the button to the level his office was on but before the doors could close a hand stopped it. It caught me off guard but I didn't move or jump or anything like that but I did see who the hand belonged to, it was that boy I saw in the restaurant talking to the waiters yesterday.

???: "Hey, mind if I hitch a ride?" He stepped into the elevator and went to press a button but stopped seeing Ozpin's level already lit "Oh, you're going to see Ozpin too?"

(Y/n): "Uh, yeah."

???: "Cool."

The ride was silent but I don't think he mind unlike me where I found it a little uncomfortable being in an elevator with a stranger this early in the morning. I decided to just start an conversation.

(Y/n): "So, uh, I'm (Y/n) what's your name?"

???: "Your name's (Y/n)? Heh, funny coincidence..." I gave him a confused look before he spoke again "Don't worry about it, just call me Oz or Ozzy if you want, that's what they called me back during my time here."

(Y/n): "Time here? You mean you're not a student."

Ozzy: "Nope, you're looking at the youngest Huntsman to ever graduate Beacon"

(Y/n): "Really? That's pretty cool, so what're your weapons?"

He pulled out two scoped rifles and with axe blades attached to them.

Ozzy: "Meet Abattu and Demolir, my dual rifles." 

(Y/n): "You dual weapons two?" I pull out my revolvers and twirl them a bit "My pa made these for me"

Ozzy: "Fine craftsmanship, your father must be an expert"

(Y/n): "Well he is the village's blacksmith"

We continue to make conversation for another minutes or two until the elevator came to a complete stop. The doors open and he politely let me go in the office first. We entered the room to be greeted by Ozpin who was just looking out his window sipping the coffee he had in his mug, he then turned to see us and smiled. He went over to Ozzy and shook his hand.

Ozpin: "It's good to see you again, my son"

Ozzy: "Likewise, how's everything?"

Ozpin: "As good as it could be" he looked at me then turned back to his desk "But we'll have time to catch up later, now I tell you the reason I called you both here"

Ozzy: "Oh, so this is the support Huntsman in training?"

Ozpin: "Correct, his name is (Y/n) as well"

(Y/n): "As well?"

Ozzy; "Yeah... don't worry about it, just remember to call me Ozzy to avoid confusion"

Ozpin: "Ozzy? I thought you hated that nickname."

Ozzy: "Yeah well being called that for the four years I've been here, it starts to grow on you"

Ozpin: "I see, well anyway, we've found you a partner, another support class Huntsman in training, his father attended here and became one of the greatest Huntsman known to Remnant" he takes a couple seconds to look around before looking back at Ozzy "Where is he?"

Ozzy: "He went to the bathroom and said he'd catch up... now that I think about it he probably got lost"

Ozpin sighed in annoyance and adjusted his glasses and was about to say something else but got interrupted by the chime of the elevator. The doors opened letting it's passenger out, I instantly recognized him as the waiter from the restaurant during my date with Blake.

Matt: "Uh, is this the office of Headmaster Ozpin."

Ozzy: "There you are Matt, come on in"

He timidly came in the room looking around than looking at us then at Ozpin, he suddenly stood up straight and saluted.

Matt: "Hello, Ozpin, it's an honor to meet you!"

Ozzy laughed and patted Matt's back putting his hand down.

Ozzy: "He's not a general, Matt, you don't need to do that. Treat him like any other student here."

Matt: "Oh, okay"

Ozpin: "As I was saying, this is Matthew Picard, your new partner."

Matt: "Matthew the second and It's very nice to meet you!"

He stretched out his hand to shake which I did accept and gave him a slight smile.

(Y/n): "You should really calm down, you're gotta have to have a level head if you're gonna be a Huntsman"

Matt: "Yes sir!"

(Y/n): "And we're partners dude, we're equaled so don't treat me higher up alright?"

Matt: "Yes si- I mean, alright."

Ozzy: "Aw see, I told you he'd like you!"

Matt blushed in embarrassment which made me smile, I then looked at Ozpin still a little puzzled.

(Y/n): "So was this just an introduction or was there something more to this?"

Ozpin: "Since Mr. Picard tested late he'll need some guidance getting around the school and catching up with his studies, I'm was hoping you'd be able to assit with this"

Great, now I gotta play nanny until he can take care of himself. Well, he seems like a cool dude, hopefully he won't be too much of a pain.

(Y/n): "Sure, after all, he is my partner now."

Ozpin thanked me and Matt and I returned to the elevator so we could go back to ground level while Ozzy stayed up to talk to his dad. Once we reached ground level I gave him a quick tour of the school

(Y/n): "Here's the library where we like to talk and play board games"

Matt: "isn't the library meant for reading?"

(Y/n): "Eh, I like to read in other places" I then take him to the cafeteria "Here's the cafeteria where I managed to save a faunus girl from a bully and get him in trouble at the same time"

Matt: "You saved a faunus?"

(Y/n): "The faunus are wonderful people, they're just portrayed as bad because of the white fang so don't let those ears on your head put you down" he smiled as I lead him to the auditorium "The auditorium, the perfect place to take a nap whenever Ozpin starts speaking"

Matt: "Yeah, I heard from my dad he found it troubling to stay awake during some of his speeches"

I finally took him to the dormitories and walked through the hallway pointing out who lives there.

(Y/n): "Team JNPR is in that room, Jaune, Ren, Nora, and Pyrrah are all people cool people, I'll introduce you just so you got more people to talk to other than me" he nodded and made a mental note "Then here is Team RWBY, my sister Ruby is leader who lives with my girlfriend, Blake, a bitch-"

Weiss: "I heard that!"

(Y/n): "And Weiss, second in command"

Weiss: "Oh, nevermind!"

Yang: "I said I'm sorry!"

(Y/n): "Keep waking" I pretty much pushed him away not realizing school started in thirty minutes "And we finally arrive at my- our room"

I open the door to see Blake just finish putting on her clothes, minus the sweater replacing it with one of my t-shirts, surprising Matt.

Matt: "I- I thought y- you said this was o- our dorm!" he shielded his eyes despite her being fully clothed

(Y/n): "It is, this is my girlfriend Blake like I mentioned"

Blake: "Isn't that our waiter?" she went up to me for a hug to which I return

(Y/n): "Yep, Matt, he's my new partner" I said letting go

Blake: "Ah, well it's a pleasure to meet you"

Matt: "You too, but what were you doing in our room?"

We looked at each other and hugely blushed.

(Y/n): "We had a... sleepover, yeah sleepover..."

He looked at us suspiciously but then shrugged his shoulder and went further into the room. Me and Blake sighed in relief and hugged once again before she said she had to go back to her dorm to change into her uniform. She left and I changed into my uniform and Matt did the same then brush his hair nicely.

(Y/n): "Man, you really want to make a good first impression don't ya?"

Matt: "Sorry, I'm just so nervous, I never really thought I'd get this opportunity"

(Y/n): "No one ever does, I thought I was nothing but garbage for most my life until I stood on my own feet and said 'I am good enough, I am strong, I am someone' and I made my dream a reality" I stand up and walk over to the door waiting for him.

Once he was finished we left the door and we were approached by Jaune who looked a little annoyed while his team looked embarrassed.

Jaune: "(Y/n), could you not massage Blake anymore, even after I told you to stop she just kept getting louder!"

I just facepalm and apologies for my 'behavior' and we carry on to class. I managed to introduce Matt to everyone and they all welcomed him with open arms and Yang tried to flirt with him but I quickly shut that down. I don't know what it's gonna be like having someone else to rely on now but hopefully, it'll be as good as I hear it to be. He's the same age as us but he acts a little younger, kinda like Ruby but a bit more mature. Kinda already starting to like him, kinda like a...

Little brother...


Izzy: Well it's been awhil-


Izzy: Uh yes, thank you all so much for reading our book and I'm happy to say we'll be back to writing chapters.

Rin: We've had... Distractions but now they're gone so we're back 😀

Izzy: Thank you all for the reads and we hope to see you again

Rin: We hope you have a great day/night 😊

Izzy: And until next time,

Both: Ad Victoriam 🤗
(Word Count 2032)

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