Chapter 11: Reunion

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~/We were halfway finished and we didn't like the fact we had it undone so here it is/~


The class was going as usual, Port boring everyone to death, Ruby doodling on a paper occasionally annoying Weiss, and Jaune trying to stay awake. The only thing difference being the new faunus sitting next to me paying close attention to Port's stories.

(Y/n): "You know you don't have to listen right? He's just talking about his past mostly."

Matt: "I know but I'm just taking some notes on the parts he talks about what strategy he uses to outsmart Grimm and how he takes him out."

Impressive, he actually found some use out of those damn stories. I just simply laid back in my chair counting the seconds until the bell rang which I found more entertaining than actually listening to Port, which is surprising. But before the bell rang Ozpin's voice came through an intercom.

Ozpin: "Could (Y/n) Rose please come to my Office as soon as class is over? Thank you"

After that the bell rang, my friends and Yang looked at me confused but I just shrugged. If he didn't ask for Matt then it could've have been too important. I got up to walk to the office but a hand grabbed my arm. It was Matt looking very nervous.

Matt: "Wait, I don't remember where to go!"

(Y/n): "Just stick close to Blake and Ruby and you'll be fine, they have the same class as us" I take my arm back "And if you're in a pickle just call me alright, I need to go"

He still looked nervous but Ruby and Blake tried to make him feel better while Yang tried to flirt with him again but a quick glance from me shut her down again. I made my way to the same old elevator. I step in pushing the button to his office thinking of a reason why he singled me out, yeah I'm used to it but now that I got a partner I would've assumed the next time I got called it would be with Matt. The door opened and I stepped in seeing Ozpin and his son talking.

Ozzy: "So Nova's where exactly?"

Ozpin: "With Glynda of course"

Ozzy: "Right, so why did she say he was with you then?"

Ozpin: "Um, well, that's because..." he then sees you "Ah, (Y/n), glad you could make it"

(Y/n): "Yeah, what do you need this time?"

Ozpin: "Well, it appears you have a visitor" he points to one side of the room and I see a familiar sight

(Y/n): "PA!" I run at him in give him a large bear hug feeling him give me one back "What're you doing here?"

Pa: "Well, my shop got destroyed during that Grimm attack, sure your Headmaster told you about that. I offered my help in rebuilding the village but they just said to come visit you since I'm one of the hardest working people there, I protested but they all already gave me a ticket to Vale."

(Y/n): "What? Didn't want to visit your son?"

Pa: "Nah, just wanted to make sure they could handle things without me, plus you know I don't like other people touching my stuff"

We let go of each other and Ozpin excused me for the day to hang out with my father. Another skipping school day, awesome! I took him to my dorm so I could change into my street clothes since I wanted to show him around Vale. On the way we made small talk.

Pa: "Geez, everything in this school is huge, even some of the students here are more fit than I am"

(Y/n): "Yeah, but don't let that fool you. You still be able to take some of the students here."

Pa: "Oh? Are you speaking from experience?"

(Y/n): "Well, I, uh..."

Pa: "Relax, Ozpin told me about the bully incident. You played victim didn't you?"

(Y/n): "How'd you know?"

Pa: "I didn't raise my son to be a coward, besides, I know after that Trader's son incident you're not afraid of any bully."

We smile and continue to my dorm. We got in and I got a change of clothes and went into the bathroom to get changed. Coming out, with casual clothes, I see Pa picking up a pink sweater Blake left here.

Pa: "Uh... Didn't know you liked pink..."

I quickly swipe it away from him and throw it on my bed, all while I had a blush on my face from the embarrassment.

(Y/n): "It's not mine, it's my..." I mumble the last part.

Pa: "What was that?"

(Y/n): "It's my girlf..." I still mumble the ending

Pa: "C'mon son, speak up!"

(Y/n): "It's my girlfriend's!"

He just stared at me in surprise then ran up to pick me up from the ground to hug me that nearly broke my spine.

Pa: "I knew my boy could get a girl!" he dropped me allowing me to gasp for air "So what's she like? What's her name? How far have you two gone?~"

Ignoring my anger from him not getting concern from suffocation I answer.

(Y/n): "Her name's Blake, she's a bookworm like me, and she's a beautiful faunus-- shit"

Pa: "What? I don't care if she's a faunus, you know, because I am one?"

(Y/n): "No, it's not that, I just promised I wouldn't tell anyone she was one."

Pa: "Huh? Why not?"

(Y/n): "She wants everyone to look at her and give their own opinion of her by looking like a human. She wears a bow to hide her cat ears but any perspective person could have known, hell Ozpin probably knows."

Pa: "Hm... Well, I understand why she's doing it... but I don't like it..."

(Y/n): "I know... I'll introduce you two later but right now, I'll show you around."

Pa: "Well, could you show me where the best grub is? I'm starving."

I chuckle and we leave the room and school entirely to get to town. We found this noodle stand ran by this old man and sat down.

Pa: "I'll have three bowls!" he ordered "And the boy here will have the same!"

(Y/n): "Actually I'll have one"

Pa: "What? Last time I checked you had as much of a stomach as a Goliath on Thanksgiving day."

(Y/n): "Yeah, well, I can't exactly be going on massive junk food sprees anymore, gotta keep my figure and stamina up"

Pa: "I get it, I get it... You're just embarrassed to be out fed by your old man."

(Y/n): "What? No, I just--"

Pa: "It's okay there's no shame, get the kid a bowl, is there a children's toy that comes with it?

(Y/n): "Actually no! Give me four bowls!"

Pa: "There's my son! But in that case, get us five!"

The old man nodded and, like magic, moved in the speed of light, quickly boiling the water in a large pot and went to the counter chopping up vegetables then dumping the noodles in the water then pulled out a chicken chopping it up into many different little pieces then dumping it into the water followed by the veggies. And after that stood silently watching the water boil.

Pa: "Uh... how fast was that?"

(Y/n): "About forty seconds..." I say astonished looking at the stopwatch on my phone

After another minute he pulled out ten bowls perfectly placing them in front of me and Pa equally and poured good amounts of noodles into the bowls looking like a five star meal with the meat and veggies mixed in.

Pa: "Well then?" he picks up a pair of chopsticks and grabs a string of noodles "Let's dig in!"

He immediately started to chow down on one of the bowls while I just stuffed as many noodles in my mouth trying to gulp the whole thing down. This brought a few people to the stand and watch us.

"Are they having an eating competition?"

"My money's on the faunus."

"Look how quick they're eating those!"

"C'mon kid! Eat those noodles!"

Soon cheering was heard for both me and Pa, motivating us to beat the other. We were about done with our third bowl and moved on the fourth, we seemed equally matched but we started to slow down from how much we've consumed already.

Pa: "Face it, son! You ain't beating me!" he said with a full mouth

(Y/n): "I'll give up when I'm dead!"

We finish the fourth and struggle to swallow anything from the fifth bowl.

"Go, Faunus, go! Devour that bowl!"

"Let's go kid! You're almost done!"

The cheers got louder and at this point, I noticed the chef had a little scoreboard saying

Child    |    Faunus

 4                    4

I look over at Pa trying to swallow a string but having a hard time but his bowl was nearly finished, I had a hard time to even stay awake, eating's a workout... ironic. I sit up as best I could then felt some pain in my stomach. I clutch it and try to keep it together then the pain started to raise up like a bubble and go up my neck then

(Y/n): "BUURRRRRRRRRRRRRPP" Everyone just stopped and looked at me, even Pa, and all I did was pat my chest and smile "Now, where was I?"

I picked up my chopsticks and started swallowing my remaining bowl. Pa got a new second wind looking at me then chowing down once again. The cheering resume getting louder and louder until the sound of a pair of chopsticks slamming the table silenced everyone, I raised my bowl to show it was empty as Pa slumped his head down in defeat. The crowd cheered and slowly dispersed, as they left they congratulated me and told my Pa he did an awesome job too. We both paid for the food as the check was bigger than we anticipated.

Pa: "Well, congratulations, you out fed your dad"

(Y/n): "Yeah, but," I hold my stomach "I think I'm gonna feel defeat in about an hour..."

Pa laughed as I chucked with him, we walked down the street telling him where are some interesting spots go to go like the weapon stores, bakeries, tech places, and the other restaurants. I then got close to the sushi place, Kitty's Purrfect Fish, where I had my first date with Blake and where... I stopped right in front of the place just looking at the ground where the blood has now stained the concrete.

Pa: "Heard about this place, good food, but some kid went nuts on some guy right in front of the building... guess the stain is proof."

(Y/n): "Yeah... well next time we should come in here. The food is really good, it's where I took Blake out."

I look at the time on my scroll and noticed everyone should be out of class by now so I take Pa back and text everyone, I care about, to meet me outside, near the fountain. We got on the shuttle where we continue to make small talk.

(Y/n): "So, how is everyone back at the village?"

Pa: "Good for the most part. Everyone missed you, me included, of course. The elder still has the game you two played on pause until you get back."

(Y/n): "Of course he does, he wouldn't wanna risk losing the chance to beat me"

We share another laugh and the shuttle lands. We got out and there was everyone I texted... and Yang... dang it, Ruby.

(Y/n): "Hey guys, how's everyone doing?"

Pyrrha: "We're fine, though we wanna know why you wanted to see us, and who's that?"

(Y/n): "Well, that's why I wanted to see you all, to introduce you." I step aside "This is Ferron Kreios, my father!"

Yang looked sad while Ruby looked excited and ran up to him.

Ruby: "Hello sir! I'm Ruby Rose and I-"

Pa: "Rose? (Y/n) goes by Rose too..."

Ruby: "Oh really? Funny coincidence I totally didn't know that, it's like we're secretly related hahahahahahahahaha- ANYWAY, I'm leader of Team RWBY, and yes I know it gets confusing."

Pa: "Uh huh..." he turns to me "She's quite querky huh?"

(Y/n): "You have no idea."

Ruby: "This is Weiss, my super duper best friend!"

Weiss: "Debateable, and hello"

Ruby: "My sis, Yang Xiao Long"

Yang: "Uh... hi."

Ruby: "And someone you probably already know through (Y/n), Blake, his girlfriend"

Blake: "Nice to meet you"

Ruby quickly introduced the rest of the group. Pa then walked up to Blake with an unsure look making both me and her very worried. He then turned to me with a smile.

Pa: "I like her," he turned back to her "Keep him safe, ya hear?"

Blake: "Uh, yessir"

Pa: "Good, now that I've met you all, who's got a story about (Y/n) he wouldn't share with me?"

Matt, Ruby, Yang, and even Blake start telling him the embarring and cool things I've done during my stay, though Matt didn't really have that many things seeing as he's the most recent one here. After a while of talking the others left to do training or hang out in their dorms. Yang tried to talk to me but I ignored her until she left. Me and Pa stayed at the fountain continuing the conversation.

(Y/n): "It's getting late, do you have somewhere to stay?"

Pa: "Yeah, a hotel nearby that allows faunus, thankfully enough"

(Y/n): "Alright, you gonna come see me after school?"

Pa: "Of course kiddo, I should get goin' now, be good and remember to keep smiling alright?"

(Y/n): "Yessir"

Pa: "Good."

He pats my head and headed for the shuttle. I wave him off as the shuttle flew to the city and I just stood there with a smile on my face. I turn around and go to the dormitories. I unlock my door and stepped through seeing the dark room. I take a few steps forward confused

(Y/n): "Matt?" I heard the door close behind me, I quickly turn around to see her "Blake? What are you doing here?"

Blake: "I was just reading and I got bored so..." She walked to me circling a finger on my chest "I thought I come see you."

(Y/n): "Really now?" I grab her waist and pull her close "In that case what do you wanna do?"

She said nothing but smirked and pushed me on my bed. I smile then remember.

(Y/n): "Wait, Matt-"

Blake: "Is with JNPR for the tonight, now no more talk."

This is gonna be a long night.


I step off the shuttle for it too fly away, it was then I heard a yelling.

???: "Wait wait wait! No!"

A blonde man came running up to a landing pad but it was too late, the others flew back to wherever they go when they close. He swore and punched a pole bending it.

Ferron: "Wow, you got some serious strength."

???: "Thanks..."

Ferron: "What's wrong?"

???: "Nothing, I just needed to see someone, I wanted to... What's the point..."

Ferron: "Hey now, don't beat yourself up over it. Just gotta wait tomorrow and you can get to Beacon to see whoever you're gonna see."

???: "No, that's not it, there's no point meeting them, they want nothing to do with me..."

Ferron: "I see.... well, whatever you did to make them feel that way, I'm sure in time they'll be willing to forgive."

???: "You think?"

Ferron: "I know, it'll be hard but eventually everything will come together, just gotta keep hoping."

???: "Thanks..."

Ferron: "No problem, I'm Ferron by the way."

I reach my hand out and he grabbed it smiling with new hope in his heart.

???: "Nice to meet you...

I'm Tai."


Rin: We aren't completely back yet we just remembered this being written and it annoyed us it was just half done.

Izzy: Yeah, we're still taking a break so don't get hopeful but I can promise you it will be soon so don't worry

Rin: We just thought we should give you something before we really take a break

Izzy: Okay now with that out of the way, thank you all for the support you're showing us and hopefully you enjoy this chapter

Rin: We hope you have a great day/night

Izzy: And until next time,

Both: Ad Victoriam
(Word Count 2635)

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