Chapter 12: Don't Lose Your MIND Now

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~Someone of you will get this chapter, especially our friends, anyway the delay is over so let's get to it~


For once I actually got through a day without being called up to Ozpin's Office which was a nice change so I grabbed a book and left to the statue in front of the school and sit on a bench nearby to read, Blake and her team went out to Vale so I couldn't have a reading session with her and Matt was studying in our dorm, I just prefer to read outside. I was deep into reading until I heard a bullhead land. I looked over to see the door open and Qrow walking out of it looking a lot better than he did. We immediately made eye contact but I returned to my book while I heard him walk towards me.

Qrow: "Hey, Thorn, how's it going?" he said in an unsure tone

(Y/n): "Pretty good, Uncle Qrow, how about you?" he let out a sigh and smiled

Qrow: "Can't give a full answer as it might change after I talk to Oz," he took out his flask and took a sip, "Said it was an emergency but he's said stuff like that before so not getting too worried about it. Whatcha reading anyway?"

(Y/n): "It's an action book, it's about a boy that can't have a semblance and grows up discouraged about how he thinks he can't be a Huntsman without one until he meets his hero who gives him his semblance."

Qrow: "Heh, sounds... interesting?" he took his scroll out and looked at the time, "Well, I'm late again, see ya around kiddo."

(Y/n): "Cya."

I went back to my book and took a long breath. I still need to get used to calling him uncle or even get used to him being my uncle again but it was nice talking to him.


I got to Oz's office to see him and Glynda talking then look at me with stern expressions.

Ozpin: "You're--"

Qrow: "Late blah blah blah need to take my job more seriously blah blah blah just take me what's important so I can go." he sighed in annoyance while Glynda just continued her stare

Ozpin: "The machine is malfunctioning, Amber's life support is failing," I drop my flask, "We need to bring him here and repair it."

Qrow: "And you want me to do it?" he nods "Oz, I don't know if you noticed during our four years here but we weren't exactly close, why can't you have Tai go get him?"

Ozpin: "I sent him on another mission before I realized the situation, I would have if I knew, but since he cannot I need you to do it."

Qrow: "Great..." I pick up my flask and take a hard swig, "Do you know where he is? Cause I'm more than sure his wife doesn't know where the hell he is when he's at 'work'"

Ozpin: "Somewhere near the border of Atlas and Vacuo but there's another problem. The White Fang is after him." Well, fuck me. Just got here now I have to leave to get that bastard back here. I take another drink and walk out getting the few remaining details before Oz said one more thing, "I'm assigning you the support team to come assist, this will make the mission easier and give them a bit of first hand experience."

Qrow: "Now why would I want two bratty kids with me?"

Ozpin: "Cause one of them is your nephew and the other... you'll see when you meet him."

~One Hour Later~

I wait by the bullhead that's gonna take me to the border waiting for my 'support team' to arrive. It'll be good to actually have some kind of bonding experience with (Y/n) but Ozpin sounded like I would know what to do when I saw him. I eventually see the two come running at me and when they got in front of me I stood still looking at the other kid.

(Y/n): "Hey, Qrow, we're ready! Oh and this is Matt."

Matt: "Nice to meet you, sir!"

Qrow: "Uh... nice to meet you too."

(Y/n): "So, what're we waiting for? Let's go!"

We enter the bullhead sitting in chairs next to each other. The two talked most of the time while I just sat down thinking about how to approach the situation he was never one to take orders. Even Ozpin had a hard time convincing him to build that damn thing for Amber. Hours flew by thanks to (Y/n) bringing one of his books for me to read while they played that video game me and the girls play. The bullhead landed and we got permission to enter Vacuo then enter another bullhead to go to the next border. I don't think he'd be on the Atlas side of the border seeing how his past with them is... bad to put it simply, so he must be in Vacuo. Once we landed I took a map to see where he could be while the other two trailed behind.

Matt: "This is a lot more boring than I thought..."

(Y/n): "Yeah, thought there'd be more action, what's our objective anyway?"

Qrow: "Search and Rescue, we're aiming to find a Huntsman-Scientist and bring him back to Vale, he shouldn't be too hard to find. Just look for a guy in an armored lab coat with a bored expression on his face.

Matt/(Y/n): "Got it!"

it was after that a few small ships flew over us going North-West. I take a look at the map to see a ghost town on the map with a black skull next to it meaning it was a dangerous area now. Vacuo military doesn't bother too much on clearing out areas so those ships either had stupid pilots or they have a reason to be there and considering he isn't one to work with groups after graduation, I don't think they're with him.


Qrow: "C'mon, we're following those ships."

(Y/n): "Why?"

Qrow: "They might be after our target," he whispered something that was barely audible, "And I'll be damned if they get to him before I get my payback."

I was confused at that comment but I decided not to ask questions and follow him. We made it to a town full of White Fang soldiers wiping out the Grimm surrounding the place. Me and Matt were ready to jump in and get our support on but Qrow held us back and told us to be patient. This made me agitated until I saw what he meant. While the White Fang are taking down the Grimm the Grimm are managing to kill some of them lowering both numbers. For a drunk, he can think. After a few more minutes of slaughter, we finally got to jump in and take out the remaining soldiers when they somehow won the battle

Qrow: "Okay, look for the guy in some kind of high-tech building. I'll go on my own and you two search together, when either of us finds him just shoot a flare and we'll rendezvous at the entrance of the town, got it?"

We nod and he ran the second we did. We just shrugged and did our search. We went to an old Scroll Store but nothing was there except for a couple broken scrolls and scattered paper.

Matt: "So what do you think this guy will be like?" he said curiously, "From the way your uncle described it he sounded kind of boring."

(Y/n): "He's a Huntsman-Scientist what do you expect, he probably ended up here from getting on an expedition."

We headed outside searching ad hotel or the bodies of the White Fang for any clues but it looked like they were as lost as we were. We spent another hour looking at every corner and under every rock we see but nothing. The final building in the area was a library so we were hopeful there would at least be some signs of life being there but considering the dust, not the cool kind, was found everywhere we lost most hope.

(Y/n): "I'm about fed up with this dumb mission."

Matt: "Let's just look around and wait at the meet up." he said nearly as tired as me, "Besides, maybe we could find a new book to tak--"


We both stood still and took our weapons out and look around. We slowly walked together through the building wondering if it was just some animal that did the noise until we heard it again.


Matt: "It is that?"

(Y/n): "I don't know, stay alert."

We made our way to the back of the library where we see a door that led to the basement. Great. We slowly opened the door and the sound got louder. We saw a light at the end of the stairwell then.


The sound finally stops and the light goes out. We get more cautious but thanks to Matt being a cat Faunus he was able to see in the dark. We made it to the bottom and fumbled around we found a switch but it wouldn't turn on, luckily Matt found a flashlight and we took a look around seeing blueprints of weapons and devices strung on the wall with lots of scrap and metal scattered around the tables.

Matt: "What is this stuff?"

(Y/n): "I don't know but it looks like whoever was here is quite the tinkerer." I took one blueprint down and inspected it, "This looks like a helmet that goes on an Ursa's head to tame it? How in the hell were they going to test this?"

Matt: "Maybe with whatever was in that" he pointed the flashlight at a large broken cage with a destroyed helmet within it, "I think I know what made that noise..."

We heard snarling from behind us and right when we turned around to shoot whatever it was a large pipe wrench came flying towards it knocking it to the ground as a tall man in a lab coat jumped in front of us catching the wrench.

???: "Well there goes my test subject," he then turned his wrench into a rifle and shot at the Ursa a couple times, "Hm, seems to have given it endurance... Children I recommend immediate execution."

He then ran at it with his weapon in wrench form whacking it a couple times then backflip kicking it. Not wanting to just stand around I run at the Ursa and my eyes turn red as I do, I blink behind it as it tried to claw me and stab it in the back making it roar in pain. Matt then came running taking a couple shots at it with his shotgun while I rode behind it. The man looked confused but shook his head and ran to the Ursa and rammed his wrench into its stomach. I got off its back and stood next to the man along with Matt. I turned my daggers into their revolver form and shot the Grimm until it laid on the ground trying to get back up. At this point, the man just slowly walked to it and put the Ursa's head in between the jaw of the wrench and tightened it squeezing its head until it popped and faded away.

???: "Well, that was exciting, I take it you're in the Huntsman academy in Vacuo?"

(Y/n): "No, we are students, but we belong to Beacon, in Vale."

???: "I see, well why are you here?"

(Y/n): "To find you, Ozpin needs you for something, we don't know." the man looked down in annoyance, "Um, could we ask who you are?"

Prof: "Just call me Professor."

(Y/n): "Are you even a professor?" he just stared at me and went to the wall and electricity flew out and the lights came back on, "Okay then, this guy's a ton of fun."

He then looked at us in the same way Qrow did when he saw Matt when he got a better look at us. He then picked up a pair of glasses on the table and put them on blinking a few times.

Prof: "Matt?"

Matt: "Uh, yes, how do you know my name?" 

He then looked away as in thought then shook his head. He then looked at me with a little less confusion.

Prof: "You look a lot like this guy I knew in school, he was a dick, pardon my language."

(Y/n): "It's fine, anyway, why are you here?"

Prof: "Isolation, mostly, plus there's enough materials here I can use and books to keep me busy."

Matt: "Doesn't it get lonely."

Prof: "Of course, but it just makes seeing my wife that much better. I finish whatever I can then go home."

(Y/n): "Alright, well can we go? We'll help you pack up if you want to take this stuff."

Prof: "I have backups on my scroll, just go outside and I'll be with you in a moment." We do so but as we got to the top the Professor quickly grabbed us and jumped threw the door as an explosion was heard. We get up and dust ourselves then look at him in both shock and anger, "What? I don't want anyone to touch my stuff."

We just scoff and head for the exit until we heard yelling. I look out a window to see a whole White Fang squad waiting for us, they must've heard the explosion.

(Y/n): "Great, we're surrounded."

Prof: "That seems to be the case." he then looks at Matt, "Just activate Clockwork Heart and get rid of them, will you?"

Matt: "I can't activate my semblance, it has to be triggered."

Prof: "Right, forgot about that."

Matt: "Wait, how do you know about my semblance?"

Prof: "Lucky guess, anyway new plan..." he grabbed me then toosed me out the door, "You take care of them."

He shut the door while I got up and ran to cover swearing at him for doing that.

WF Soldier: "Surrender the scientist or we will execute you."

(Y/n): "Don't know what you want with him but if you think you're gonna get to him before me you're dead wrong!"

I load dust rounds into my revolvers and jump out shooting fire rounds at as many of them as I could starting a large fire. Hopefully Qrow will see the smoke. I get shot in the shoulder but I can still move. I shoot a couple more times dropping a few more of them. I turn on of my guns into a dagger and throw it into one of the soldier's chest, I run at him and take it out to throw it at another soldier then take a few well placed shots to their heads. They all started spraying their bullets at me so I took cover behind a car. It was then I heard them all scream in pain. I looked over to see them all on the ground nearly fried to a crisp and the only one standing was the Professor holding his wrench with the most bored expression on his face.

Prof: "I honestly thought these guys were really gonna be a threat when they first started but now they're nothing but a joke," he saw one still moving and dropped the wrench on his head, "Thanks for the distraction by the way."

I just holstered my hun and walked up to him giving a hook punch to his jaw.

(Y/n): "That was for throwing me out!"

Prof: "Fair enough."

Matt: "You okay, (Y/n)?"

(Y/n): "I'm fine, let's get to the meet up."

Although we didn't have to as Qrow jumped into view and was in relief seeing I was safe then notice the Professor.

Qrow: "Poindexter..."

Prof: "Birdbrain, how have you been?"

He didn't respond, instead just ran up to him giving a similar punch I did.

Qrow: "That's for nearly breaking my neck."

Prof: "Well safe to say you two are related then?" he said while pointing between me and Qrow, "So unless the mother was blonde to give him those tips, you're either the dad or uncle."

Qrow: "Uncle, Raven and--"

Prof: "Tai? Not that hard to figure out."

Qrow: "How about you? You and Nat have any?"

Prof: "Two, Ava and Max." he takes out a wallet with two pictures of two faunus children, it was nice to see as he was a human meaning he didn't have a problem with faunus, "Wish my job didn't require me to leave home but it's what I chose."

Qrow: "Yeah, did those two fill you in?"

Prof: "Yes and no, they said Ozpin needed me but didn't know for what, is it just me or is all of MIND required?"

Qrow: "Just you, the device you made back at Beacon isn't working properly we need you back."

(Y/n): "What device?"

Prof: "Something you don't have to worry about, now what's wrong?"

Qrow: "It's failing, it's about to die if we don't do anything."

Prof: "I see." he then looked at Matt, "If you don't mind me asking, who's your father?"

Matt: "Oh, uh, Matthew Picard I'm his son Matt Picard. My aunt told me my mother was the one who named me but I don't know who she is... or where my dad is..."

Prof: "Damn..."

Matt: "Why?"

Prof: "Perhaps I'll explain another time for now let's get back to Beacon."

I went to get my dagger from the corpse of the soldier I killed with it and ran back to the group as they were walking away. Qrow and the Professor were having a quiet discussion with each other and every time I tried to get close enough to hear them they either sped up or shut up entirely so I gave up and went back to walk with Matt.

Matt: "What do you think of him?"

(Y/n): "Doesn't really seem like the best kind of person but from what I've gathered he is a good man, despite throwing me out into the line of fire."

Matt: "He doesn't really seem to care about anyone besides his family." he said recalling the pictures he showed us, "Wonder what his wife saw in him."

I tried listening to the conversation again and this time I did get a few words like maiden, family, past, and Dead but they said it in a way like it was a name for someone, must've have been someone hardcore to have a name like that. It just became too much effort to listen since I wasn't learning anything with the info I got. There were Grimm along the way to the border but we got to the border taking the two bullheads home. Afterwards I was exhausted after all the running and searching but as we got out I saw Pa waiting outside on the landing pad. Shit... I forgot about him.

(Y/n): "Pa, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you I was--"

Pa: "It's fine, your headmaster told me, besides it was a good excuse to hang out with my new friend."

(Y/n): "You made a friend?"

Pa: "Yep, good fellow too, I've been helping him through some family troubles too." Qrow then came out getting Pa's attention, "Hey, it's you!"

Qrow: "Oh, uh, hey there, good to see you safe."

Pa: "I should say the same to you, I've never seen someone fight with so much rage, thanks again by the way."

Qrow: "Yeah, no problem."

Pa: "Anyway, thought I'd come to see if you were avalible tomorrow, apparently there's a carnival coming to Vale and I thought I'd treat you and your girlfriend to have some fun."

(Y/n): "Sure, yeah, I'll ask her and get back to you on that."

Pa: "Alright, I'll see you later kiddo, it's getting late and you look like you've had a hard day."


It brings a smile to my face to see him happy talking to his dad but a little part of me does wish it was Tai instead of him. It may sound bad I know. But right now I have a job to finish.

Qrow: "C'mon, man, let's get you to the lab." I grab his arm and pretty much start dragging him

Izzy: "Okay, okay!

Don't lose your mind now!"


Rin: Go to Izzy_Alvira account to read the Mightier Than The Sword book he's made about us and our friends in the RWBYverse

Izzy: Or what one reader said our version of the RWBYverse since we do tend to cross over them a lot with references

Rin: Yeah but it's the perfect reason to read our other books too!

Izzy: Exactly why I decided on doing it

Rin: Also I think we need to have an extestion of the No Asking For/About Updates rule:

Any trolls (jerks) that ask for updates just to annoy the other readers thinking more delays will heppen will not be tolerated. If you so much as joke about asking about an update to PURPROSELY have a delay you will automatically be muted and the delay will not take place.

Jokes such as: "So when's... the new star wars coming out?" are acceptable cause these are funny.

Izzy: Alright, that's all now if you excuse us we have to go back to school shopping

Rin: My least favorite kind of shopping!

Izzy: I know, but we still have to do it.

Rin: Fine, we hope you have a great day/night

Izzy: And until next time

Both: Ad Victoriam

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