Chapter 13: You'll Still Get These Horns

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/Hey, we're back, so don't worry. We're just preoccupied doing other stuff now that schools a thing that has to happen, now back to the story/


I was standing in front of my mirror rethinking my outfit, it's my second date with Blake but I still like to dress nicely for her. I just grabbed a casual button shirt and black jeans and have a tie, something a casual but a little formal. I got a text from my Pa he was picking us up later but I wanted us to get ready early so we could talk a bit. I told Matt goodbye but he was too busy studying so he gave me a simple bye and continued to write down his notes. I walked off to the statue in front of the school to see Blake waiting there with a simple black t-shirt and skirt. As soon as she saw me she ran at me with a hug so I, of course, hugged her back.

Blake: "So, when's your dad getting here?"

(Y/n): "In about ten minutes, so we got some time to ourselves." I say with a slight smirk

She smiled at that and brought our lips closer, I leaned in to meet her halfway but before either of us could make contact.

Pa: "Hey, you two!" we pull away and see my dad walking to us, "I thought the lines would be shorter if we went early so here I am?"

We both sigh in disappointment and, hand in hand, walk towards him as well. I guess he didn't really see what was going on since he didn't seem to mention it but after that, we got on a bullhead to Vale and walk to the carnival.

(Y/n): "So you plan on supervising us or you gonna do your own thing?"

Pa: "I'm just gonna give ya a bit of money before leaving you two alone, I invited my friend here too to meet you."

(Y/n): "And why would I want to meet this guy?"

Blake: "You need to open up more."

(Y/n): "Look who's talking!"

Pa: "He's having family troubles like I said before, so I thought if he saw how we acted around each other he'd have a clue on how to act and what to do with his kid."

Oh great, we're gonna play role models. I sigh but he shoulder bump me with a smile and I feel Blake held my arm a little tighter. We just enjoyed the rest of the time walking together until reaching the carnival grounds. There were bright lights, fun rides, and most importantly FOOD!! I tried to get to one of the food stands but Blake grabbed my collar and pulled me back.

(Y/n): "Gah! What was that for?"

Blake: "If I let you go anywhere near food we'll be here all day, besides I thought you wanted to spend time with me." she puppy, or kitty eyes I should say, at me

(Y/n): "Too... cute... fine, we can eat later."

Ferron: "Good girl you have there, or does she have you?" he whispered that last part to himself, "Anyway good call, barely enough food around to fill his iron belly."

We shared a good laugh before walking further into the carnival grounds. We made it to where all the rides were like the rollercoasters, merry-go-rounds, fireball [THE DEVIL RIDE], etc.

Ferron: "Alright, you two have fun." he gave me enough lien to get a lot of tickets for the rides, "I'll be around the entrance waiting for my friend, we'll find you later, alright?"

(Y/n): "Yes, Pa, see you later."

We did a quick hug before he went off.

Blake: "He's a really caring father, isn't he?"

(Y/n): "Yeah, how's your dad?"

Blake: "Oh, uh, well--"

(Y/n): "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

Blake: "No, it's fine, he's a good man. He cares very much for me, my mother, and Faunus alike. Despite his size, he's really a kind and gentle... until you get him mad." she pauses, "I don't like talking about my family much but since you told me about yours I thought it was only fair."

(Y/n): "Well, thanks for telling me."

We smile at each other then lean in for a quick gentle kiss before she hugged my hand and we started to have fun. We decided on a rollercoaster first and it was totally awesome, well for me, Blake was holding my arm screaming the whole way but it was still pretty fun. We then went on a few slower rides for her to enjoy and she did. I loved her smile. Who knew the punching bag would land a girl like her, then again, in society's eyes, she's a punching bag herself without the bow on her head. We finally landed on the merry-go-round sitting on the bench that looked like a carriage while we watched kids and parents go on the horses and other animals on the ride. I felt her head rest on my shoulder while I give off a happy sigh.

Blake: "This was fun."

(Y/n): "Yeah."

Blake: "I don't uh usually do stuff like this a lot."

(Y/n): "I'm guessing that's because you don't usually have anyone to go with huh?"

She nodded so I wrapped my arm around her and held her. She nuzzled into my chest, even more, getting comfortable.

Carnie: "Wanna share a moment with your sweetie you can look back on forever? Then c'mon down to the Tunnel Of Love!"

We looked over to see a man shouting advertisement about his ride to couples passing by getting some to ride while others kept walking. I look at Blake.

(Y/n): "What do you think?"

Blake: "Seems cliche, doesn't it?"

(Y/n): "Yeah, but you like cliche."

She booped my nose like Nora does to Ren but she agreed. After the merry-go-round stopped we got off and went straight for the Tunnel.

Carnie: "Ah, look at this young picture of love! Would you two care to ride through the tunnel?"

Blake: "Yes please."

Carnie: "Five tickets and enter the log please!"

I give him the tickets and we enter the log themed car. It slowly takes off and the Carnie gives us a wink and tells us to have fun. The ride was nice with dim lighting and romantic scenery which made us smile. We held on to each other and continue watching what was around us until our eyes met each other. Our faces leaned in and our grips on each other was tighter. I put my hand on her cheek and smiled.

(Y/n): "I love you, Blake."

Blake: "I love you too."

And we shared a long passionate kiss. The rest of the world was quiet and the only thing to focus on was her.

Yang: "Oooh, someone's getting some!"

We quickly split apart to see Yang, Weiss, and Ruby with Ozzy as I realized we just finished the ride. I flip her off and Blake uncomfortably looks away from them. We got off and reluctantly went towards them.

Yang: "I ruined the moment, didn't I?"

Ozzy: "You think?" he sighed then looked at me, "Sorry, tried to stop her."

(Y/n): "You knew we were here?"

Yang: "Well, yeah, Blake told us and we were gonna come anyway so I knew you'd be here somewhere and here you are!" she put an arm around me but I shrugged it off making her frown, "We saw you getting on the ride so we thought we wait by the exit."

Weiss: "You thought we should, we kept telling you to leave them alone."

Yang: "Sorry, but I thought--"

(Y/n): "That's your problem," I cut her off, "Whatever you think you should do always ends up screwing you over."

She stayed silent. I sighed and started walking away with Blake. She didn't say anything to scold me, probably cause she was mad about the ruined moment.

Pa: "Hey! Son!"

We see Pa coming towards us.

(Y/n): "Hey, Pa, thought you were looking for your friend."

Pa: "I did he's just lagging behind, look there he is." he pointed

I looked to see where he pointed, and my heart dropped. Tai was walking to us but he was looking at something on his scroll.

(Y/n): "Pa, I need to go."

Pa: "C'mon, don't be shy, he isn't that bad." he put hand on my shoulder to keep me in place.

(Y/n): "Pa pleas--"

Pa: "Over here, Tai!" He looked up and froze. We just stared at each other both in shock at the discovery, "I know, Faunus having a human son, but trust me when I say it isn't as bad when you think."

Tai: "(Y/n)..."

Pa: "Oh, do you two know each other?"

(Y/n): "More than you know."

Tai: "(Y/n), I'm sorr--"

(Y/n): "Say that again and I'll put you in a coma!"

Pa: "(Y/n)--!"

Tai: "Son, if you let me explain--"

Pa: "Son--?"

(Y/n): "No! I won't! You don't get to!"

Pa: "What the hell is going on!?"

We stayed silent but I still stared at him in fury. Pa grabbed my shoulders and made look at him instead.

Pa: "(Y/n), how do you know him?"

(Y/n): "... He's my... Dad by blood..."

His face just stared at me with a very blank expression. He slowly took off his hands from my shoulder and looked at Tai.

Pa: "You're... You're his father?"

Tai: "Yes, so you're the one who took him in... thanks for that..."

Pa: "Thanks? What the hell was I suppose to do? Leave a child to die in the cold after you abandon him?!"

Tai: "I didn't abandon him! He ran away!"

He quickly looked back at me.

Pa: "Is this true?" I slowly nodded, "Why? What on Earth would make you do that?"

(Y/n): "... Fear..." Pa didn't understand, "I thought if I told the truth... You'd call someone and they'd take me back and I'd have to see... him, again... I didn't want to go back."

Pa: "Why?"

(Y/n): "Think Pa, you're a smart man, every time I begged forgiveness, every time I would flinch from you putting a hand on me, every time I got in trouble I had fear in my eyes."

I saw in his eyes he was thinking until they went wide. His hands were now fists.

Pa: "Tell me this isn't true..." He looked back at Tai, "Tell me you didn't lay a finger on him when he was a child..."

Tai: "Ferron, I--"

Pa: "You said it was a misunderstanding!" he began stomping over to him, "You came here to ask him to forgive you for that! You tried to take my son away from me!"

Tai no longer was in shame, from those few words, he grew furious.

Tai: "He's not your son, he's mine!"

Pa: "Not anymore, I thanked Oum once for bringing that child to me so I could save him and now that I know the truth I'll thank him again. You're no father, you're a monster."

Tai balled a fist a drove it straight to his face.

(Y/n): "Pa!"

I ran over to him but he stuck his arm out to tell me to stop and stay back. He stood proudly with both hands formed as fists.

Pa: "I may not be a bull, but you'll still get these horns!"

He charges him picking him up but still kept running. Tai punched his back to get off but his back got rammed onto a pole. He got up quickly delivering a sucker punch to Pa's jaw making him stumble back. Pa wiped his jaw and tried to land a punch of his own but Tai was dodging most of them and punch him back. He then did a sweep kick knocking Pa to the ground and tried to kick him again but Pa grabbed his foot and dropped him to the floor rolling on top of him and punching his face multiple times like what I did a couple days [Chapters] earlier. This time though a fist was driven to the side of Pa's head getting him off.

Yang: "Dad, you okay?" 

She helped Tai up but as he did she got a kick to the stomach throwing her back and I punched Tai back down.

(Y/n): "I suggest you stay down, and you," I point at Yang who was getting up with red eyes, "That was for hitting Pa."

Yang: "Well get your dad under control!"

(Y/n): "Your dad threw the first punch, it was self-defense."

Yang: "By beating him senseless?"

(Y/n): "Whatever works."

She growled and got in a fighting stance while Tai made his way to her side while Pa made it to my side as we all took a fighting stance. We charged each other so I automatically went for a sweep kick but she jumped over and tried to punch me down once I got up but I blinked behind her grabbing her hair and elbowing her ripping some of it off. As soon as she knew what I did her face went up in flames as did her hair. I looked over at Pa holding his own, barely. When I look back at Yang I see her running at me so I just blink in place for her to pass me and as she landed on the ground I kicked her in the ribs but she managed to get me in the chest. I fumble back in time for Pa to make his way back to my side as Tai did the same with Yang. We were breathless and ready for another round but before we could Ozzy ran in between us.

Ozzy: "Stop, either you four put an end to this right this second or I'll have to apprehend you all."

Blake: "(Y/n) please stop!"

Ruby: "Yang! Dad! Don't!"

I take a look around to see another crowd form. I get flashbacks and put my fists down. Blake grabbed my hand and gave me a small smile before pulling me away from the situation. I look for Pa but he just said to go on, he needed to cool off alone so I just went back to focusing on Blake.

(Y/n): "I'm sorry that had to happen."

Blake: "I know you are, that's why I love you."

We left the carnival and made it to the park we shared our first kiss. We sat on the bench holding each other like we did in the Tunnel.

Blake: "(Y/n)... promise me something..."

(Y/n): "What?"

Blake: "Don't get in another fight unless you need to... please."

Just seeing their faces anger me... Anything can get me angry. Seeing the weak get picked on, people not knowing when to shut up, or them...

(Y/n): "I promise..." I hope to Oum I can keep it

Blake: "Thank you."

She rested her head on my shoulder while I rested mine on her head. We stared at the beautiful night filled with stars and the broken moon. I knew she was enjoying the moment but the same thought nagged its way into my head. They won't stop, at least he won't, but as long as I have the people I have around me I think I'll be fine but...

I still need a vacation...


Rin: Hope you like the picture in the beginning, I made it! 😄

Izzy: Wasn't hard to make but it's still nice, we also hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Rin: Yeah, we just got over being sick so here's the chapter you've been waiting for! 😎

Izzy: Thank you for being patient as always

Rin: And being supportive! You guys are the best! 😘

Izzy: We'll be updating My Hero Academia Reader Insert next so until then,

Rin: We hope you have a great day/night 😁

Izzy: And until next time, 

Both: Ad Victoriam 🤗
(Word Count 2608)

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