Chapter 14: Truth

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/After this chapter this book is going on hiatus, the next page after this explains why/


It's been a couple days since the incident. Yang hasn't spoken to me since that day and honestly, that's a blessing, Ruby is a little mad though but luckily it was something a few cookies couldn't fix. Right now RWBY decided to take a walk around town and Blake invited me. Yang wasn't on board but Ruby wanted me there as well since Ozzy was going and Weiss didn't mind, plus I never gave a crap about what she thought so I said screw and went with them. We then see an old man put up a banner saying WELCOME to VALE!

Weiss: "The Vytal Festival! Oh, this absolutely wonderful!"

(Y/n): "Don't remember the last time I seen you smile, you okay?"

Weiss: "How could you not smile? A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world! There will be dances, parades, a tournament. Oh, the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is breathtaking."

(Y/n): "Way to take the fun out of it."

Weiss: "Quiet you!" she snapped

The others just laugh at that. Ozzy and I just put our arms around our girlfriends and continued walking. Strange thing is I saw Weiss give a sad jealous look at Ozzy, weird, but I ignored it since Yang brought up a good question.

Yang: "Remind me again why we're spending our Friday afternoon visiting the stupid docks?" she asked

Ruby: "Ugh, they smell like fish." she said pinching her nose to the smell

Ozzy: "I wonder why Ruby." He sarcastically said getting a playful punch from her,

Weiss: "I've heard that students visiting from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today and as a representative of Beacon I feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom."

(Y/n): "So you want to spy on them so you can have the upper hand in the tournament?"

Weiss: "I did not suggest such a thing!"

Ozzy: "Guess that's a yes."

Ruby: "Woah!" we all turned to see what Ruby noticed and saw a shop with broken windows and police tape all around it so we decided to go up to see what happened,

Ruby: "Excuse me, what happened here?" she asked the detective,

Detective: "Robbery, second dust shop to be hit this week." he quickly explained "This place is turning into a jungle," he added walking back to the shop

Yang: "That's terrible," she said,

Cop: "They left all the money again," we heard a cop say to the detective,

Detective: "Yeah, just doesn't make a lick o' sense," he responded, "Who needs that much dust?"

Cop: "I dunno, you thinking the uh, White Fang?" the cop suggested,

Detective: "Yeah I'm thinking we don't get paid enough." he complained,

Weiss: "Hmph, the White Fang, what an awful bunch of degenerates." she said getting our attention,

Blake: "What's your problem?" she asked a bit agitated,

Weiss: My problem? I simply don't care for the criminally insane." she responded back,

(Y/n): "The White Fang bring nothing but trouble, they think they're doing good but it's all just a load of bull." I said getting a slightly disappointed look from Blake,

Ozzy: "The White Fang isn't really filled with psychopaths, They're more like a bunch of misguided Faunus," he pitched in,

Weiss: "Misguided? They want to wipe humanity off the face of the planet!" she argued,

Blake: "So then they're 'very' misguided." she defended "Either way, it doesn't explain why they would rob a Dust shop in the middle of downtown Vale."

Ruby: "They've got a point," she said "Besides, the police never caught that Torchwick guy I ran into a few months ago so maybe it was him." she suggested,

Weiss: "That still doesn't change the fact that the White Fang are a bunch of scum." she continued "Those Faunus only know how to lie, cheat, and steal."

Yang: "That's not necessarily true." she defended

???: "HEY! Stop that Faunus!" we heard someone yell,

We turned around and ran back to the docks to see a blonde monkey Faunus wearing a white opened button shirt, jeans and red gloves running along the then jump on the railing to face the two sailors,

???: "Thanks for the ride guys, hehe!"

He jumped off the ship to the docks and kept running past the two cops waiting for him and got to the sidewalk we were on and ran past us giving a quick wink to Blake and continued making me irritated.

Yang: "Well Weiss you wanted to see the competition and there it goes." she mocked

(Y/n): "Pretty sure he's nothing but a dumb stowaway-"

Weiss: "Quick! We have to observe him" she stated running after the Faunus with us behind her, 

She started chasing after him so we all just started to follow her and saw the cops chasing the faunus turn the corner so Weiss went ahead and turned only to bump into someone and knock them both down.

Weiss: "No! He got away!"

(Y/n): "Yo, Weiss, didn't know you swung that way."

Weiss: "What are you talking about?" I point down for her to notice she was laying on top of a girl, "Gah!"

She quickly got up startled.

???: "Salutations!"

Yang: "Uh, you okay?"

???: "I'm wonderful. Thank you for asking."

(Y/n): "Okay, this is a little weird, you getting up or not?"

???: "Oh, right." She jumped up and we all took a step back, "My name is Penny. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Ruby: "Hi Penny. I'm Ruby!"

Weiss: "I'm Weiss."

Blake: "Blake."

Yang: "Yang Xiao Long, nice to meet ya."

Ozzy: "Ozzy will do."

(Y/n): "You sure you're okay?" Blake gave me a quick elbow to my side, "Uh, I mean, I'm (Y/n)."

Penny: "It's a pleasure to meet you all."

Weiss: "You already said that."

Penny: "So I did."

Weiss: "Well... sorry for bumping into you."

We all started to walk away until my scroll buzzed. I took a look to see it was Qrow asking me to come to Ozpin's office.

(Y/n): "Uh, guys I have to go, Qrow and Oz need me."

Blake: "Oh, okay."

Ruby: "What for?"

(Y/n): "I don't know they never tell me until I get there."

Ozzy: "I know the feeling sometimes, stay safe."

(Y/n): "No promises."

I peck Blake's lips and ruffle Ruby's hair before jogging back to Beacon. I did the usual bullhead ride and walked to the elevator and come out hearing an argument.

Qrow: "I still think I should come with."

Prof: "We don't need your bad luck interfering, besides, you already have a mission need done."

Ozpin: "He's right, Qrow, we can't afford your mission to be delayed because of your worry"

(Y/n): "So should I come back later or...

They all look at me, Oz and Professor keep their stern expressions while Qrow gave me a smile.

Qrow: "Thorn, you made it, good."

Ozpin: "Mr. Rose, I know I've asked you here a lot but now it's of great importance. There's a very important device Mr. Alvira here invented to... Preserve and maintain something of great value, but after he inspected it, it seems most components are in need of replacing so he is going to an abandoned Atlas military place in order and needs help, this is where you and Matt will be needed."

(Y/n): "Then shouldn't Matt be here to know all this?"

Qrow: "He was and has been informed, no worries, now I need to get going." he goes over to the Professor, "Anything happens to him--"

Prof: "I promise I will protect him with my life, don't worry."

They just stared at each other for a couple seconds before Qrow walked over to me to give a side hug and walk into the elevator pulling out his flask.

(Y/n): "So when's the mission?"

Prof: "Soon, I just need to make sure everything about the device is stable before I leave so it may take a while, I only decided to tell you so it didn't come as a surprise later on." he went to the elevator and called it up, "Come, I'll explain more as we go down.

I entered the elevator and we stood side to side.

Prof: "Atlas doesn't know we're going to their territory so don't do anything that will get their attention and whatever I say, do, no question. I know after what I did when you found me may question your trust but I'm going to need it if we do go understood?"

(Y/n): "Yeah, sure... So, are you a Huntsman?"

Prof: "Yes, graduated here in Beacon."

(Y/n): "Cool, got any cool stories?"

Prof: "None you have time for, or are old enough to hear."

(Y/n): "Aww, c'mon, can you at least tell me what your team was like?"

Prof: "Heh, my team? It was lead by the son of a monster with a schizophrenic as our second in command, a super soldier that rather play video games, and me the sociopathic scientist... Our team was really something though, we were just as good as STRQ... Do you have any siblings or are you just a single child?"

(Y/n): "Well, I have a sister named Ruby Rose."

Prof: "Ah, yes, heard of her... Guess Summer really did like that name."

(Y/n): "What about you?"

Prof: "A sister, love her very much but she does get annoying sometimes."

(Y/n): "Right there with ya bud."

We chuckle and the doors open I get out but he stayed in.

Prof: "I have business to attend to, I'll contact you once everything's ready." 

He pressed a button on the bottom row of the elevator instead of Ozpin's office and the doors close, is he going to the basement? Whatever. I was going back to my dorms until a black blur went pass me and Ruby calling out for Blake to stop. I went over to see what was happening.

(Y/n): "Why did Blake just run?"

Weiss: "She ran out after she blurted out she was a faunus."

(Y/n): "She did? Damn."

Weiss: "And why aren't you shocked about this?!"

(Y/n): "Because she told me went we got together! And I accepted her for that!"

Weiss: "And you accept her for once being a part of the White Fang!"

(Y/n): "W-What?"

Yang: "Weiss, stop."

Weiss: "No, out of all people he deserves to know, she just blurted out 'Maybe we were just tired of being pushed around!' and ran, strange isn't it."

I stop and take a couple seconds to think about what just was just said then ran out of the dorm trying to find Blake, I eventually see a figure standing near the fountain take off their bow. I walk over slowly until she saw me.

Blake: "Do you know?" I nodded, "... What now?"

I walk over to her and grab her chin and place my lips on hers. She put her arms around my neck and I cupped one cheek while putting my hand on her waist. After a minute we part and I look into her beautiful eyes that had tears running down them.

(Y/n): "I still love you," her eyes widen, "Remember? As long as they stop what they were doing I'll accept them, why else would I kiss you?"

Blake: "I thought it was a breakup kiss..."

(Y/n): "I would never break up with someone like that, seems cruel."

She just hugged me and held each other but once we parted she looked at Beacon and back at me.

Blake: "I can't stay, I need to go for now."

(Y/n): "Then I'll come with you."

Blake: "(Y/n)--"

(Y/n): "Is there anything you can really say to stop me?"

Blake: "... Sigh no."

I cup her cheek again to look at me then we both smile.

???: "Well ain't this a beautiful sight."

We look behind us to see the same monkey faunus from earlier today. He had a smirk and walked towards.

???: "Name's Sun, mind if I tag along?"

(Y/n): "And why would we let you?"

Sun: "Cause I already found some spots around town where no one could find us plus would be cool to have some friends by day one of arriving."

I look unsure then look at Blake. She nodded and I sighed, I still haven't forgotten what he did a the docks but right now we need to get out of here.

(Y/n): "Okay, sure, let's go now though."

Sun: "You got it, boss, let's roll!" 

He then started to parkour out of Beacon while Blake and I just quickly walk behind. I look behind me at Beacon as if to say goodbye for now and when I look forward again I saw Sun staring at Blake. As soon as he noticed me he looked away and began to parkour again. Looks like I'm gonna have to keep an eye on him to make sure he behaves otherwise...

I'm gonna see whether or not I'm gonna have a new monkey tail to put on my wall


Izzy: If it seems rushed sorry I just really need a break from writing this for a while

Rin: Why are the only things you can write sad or depressing

Izzy: You do romance and action I do drama and mystery plus what's wrong about the cheater story?

Rin: The fact the first couple chapters are the reading going through heartbreak!

Izzy: And if someone cheated on you, you wouldn't feel hurt?

Rin: No, it just means they weren't worth my time in the first place

Izzy: You say that now... Anyway I hope you enjoyed because this book is officially on hiatus unless this is the future then just go ahead to the next chapter

Rin: If you need something to read try my story My Hero Academia Reader Insert or the RWBY Reader Insert if you need more RWBY in your life (just be aware Vol. 5 is hiatus as well) or if you wanna know why Izzy's in this story and who he's mentioning then read Mightier Than The Sword, the RWBY fanfic with us and most our friends!

Izzy: I'll have Musical Love (name of the cheater story) out within the week since I've been planning this a while and ready to write

Rin: We hope you stick around until the return and we also hope you have a great day/night

Izzy: And until next time,

Both: Ad Victoriam
(Word Count 2252)

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