Chapter 16: Holiday Special

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/This is canon to the book and happens in between Vol. 1 and 2. Chapter 15 will come out shortly, I just didn't want to miss this opportunity and sorry for posting this after Christmas happened/

[Arrival Explanation]


After the incident at the docs and the drama with Tai, Oz allowed RWBY, Matt, and I to have some time off to relax. Matt went back to his restaurant to check on things while RW-Y did their own thing. I on the other hand didn't want to just sit around in my dorm so instead I went back home with Pa. After all, a very special holiday is celebrated in our village this time of year. Okurimono Day. There's a huge festival the village spends with each other, good food, great company, and exchange gifts near the end of it to show our appreciation to one another. Blake didn't have anything to do during the break so she decided to come with me and relax from the whole endeavour and I happily let her. The bullhead landed in a field near the village so we thanked the pilot and picked our bags up leaving the shuttle and walked the little woods trip to the village. We finally made it to a clearing and saw the village straight ahead it wasn't three steps before some people noticed my and Pa's arrival. We were greeted with smiles and a few hugs my way.

Pedro: "(Y/n)! How's Beacon been treating you!" Pedro, the dog faunus merchant of the village, asked.

(Y/n): "Pretty good, lot more studying than I first thought but still living the dream," I respond giving him a quick handshake, "How's Patty been?"

Pedro: "Oh, her and the other girls are just fine, they've missed you a lot too, heck, who here hasn't?" Many of the other nod in agreement, "I'll be sure to mention your arrival to everyone here."

I thank him and greet a few other people before resuming the trip to our house that was rebuilt nicely. I noticed Blake shying away a little, I forgot to introduce her so she probably feels out of place just like the first day I met her. We got inside and placed our things near the door. I was in a casual hoodie while Blake managed to keep the pink sweater Ruby gave her since she stretched it in the chest region making it baggy for Ruby.

Pa: "Alright, I'mma take a power nap in my room," he said stretching, "But I want to have a talk about Tai and your family, got it?"

I nod sending him away to his room. I went to the living room and sat on the couch with Blake following me and snuggling up against me to which I just wrap my arms around her.

Blake: "Your village looks cozy, and the people are nice," She said, "It seems like you have a reputation."

(Y/n): I chuckle, "Yeah, the human child adopted by the town's blacksmith would catch the eyes of a few, although I didn't make my presence known for months because of..."

I stopped talking but moved up her head so she could kiss me for a couple seconds telling me it was okay not to continue. We just stared at one another when she broke the kiss, then there was a knock at the door. I excuse myself from the couch and walk to the door where I was tackled upon opening it.

???: "(Y/N)!! You came back!"
???: "Patty, get off him!"
???: "Oh not again... he just got back..."

I know those voices and tackler from anywhere, "Hey Patty, Henri, Jess, how have you three been doing?"

Jess: "Good, Patty here wanted to visit you straight away as soon as her dad said you were here." Jess answered.

Henri: "She practically dragged us." 

Hearing that Patty sat up on chest to look at her

Patty: "You two nearly ran just as fast as me!"

The two blushed "That's not true!" they said in unison.

Patty got up fully and started to argue with them, I just took this chance to get up and dust myself off 

(Y/n)"GIRLS!" I yell getting their attention, "Please, I'm pretty sure my 'No arguments in the house' rule was still in effect when I left"

Girls: "Sorry..." they quieted down but quickly grow a smirk I used to enjoy seeing but now with Blake here...

Patty: "Speaking of which," she came close tracing a circle on my chest with her finger, "How long do you plan on staying? Cause my heat cycle is coming up and I was wondering if you could help me out like old times~"

(Y/n): "Um, well, actually--"

Henri: "Oh come on," Henri went to my right holding me and putting a leg up to my pelvis, "I think I should get first dibs, it's been awhile since we've been alone~ Right (Y/n)~"

(Y/n): "Uh, I--"

Jess: "Not so fast!" She went to the left of me putting my arm in between her large breasts, "C'mon, don't you remember your going away 'present' from me?~ We could continue~"

(Y/n): "Girls, please--"

Blake: "Ahem!" Everyone including me look towards the living room seeing a very angry Blake glaring at the three girls, "Who are your friends, hon?"

"Hon??" The three said confused

I quickly get out of their grasp and walk over to Blake wrapping an arm around her

(Y/n): "This lovely lady here is my girlfriend I met in Beacon, Blake. Blake, this is Patty," I point to the sad girl with dog ears and brown hair, "Henrietta," I point to the blonde girl with the shocked expression, "And Jessica," I point to the girl glaring straight at Blake.

Blake: "Nice to meet you three." She said putting her arms around my neck still looking at them making the girls teeth grind

Henri: "Yeah..."

Patty: "You too..." Jess continued glaring, "Well, we got to go now, we'll see you at the festival, (Y/n)"

Henri: "Yep, see you later, and we expect presents!"

(Y/n): "I just got back!"

Henri: "No excuses!" she said walking out the door after Patty dragged Jess out, "See ya then!"

She closed the door and left me with Blake. I felt relieved until Blake grabbed my collar pulling me, forcing me to bend down slightly so our heads were equal level.

Blake: "So, when you said relationship of 'screwing around' you actually meant three!"

(Y/n): "Uh, well, didn't think it was that important..."

Blake: "Explain how."

(Y/n): "What--?"

Blake: "Explain!"

(Y/n): "Yes, anything for you babe..." she lets me go and we go to the coach and talk, "Patty and I were going through puberty around the same time, she was about to experience her first heat cycle and I was experiencing... change in my, uh, lower region..."

Blake: "Okay... Continue."

(Y/n): "Really? Can't you just fill in the puzzle pieces?" She gave me a mean look, "Okay, okay, calm down, she didn't really trust any other the other guys in the village, she felt like they'd take advantage of her in that state so she begged both my and her dad to let me help her..."

Blake: "And? What about the other two? They're not faunus."

(Y/n): "I'm getting to that, anyway, her father let us be alone in his house, after giving me a condom, and spent the night with my dad, after that day she bragged on how good I was to Henri and Jess, Henri started flirting with me a lot and I eventually gave in since my pheromones were still going crazy, and we did it far in the woods so no one could hear... Unfortunately I didn't know she was a screamer..."

Blake: "So the village knew?"

(Y/n): "Yeah, they heard, thank Oum her mom liked me enough to not kill me... And her father was on trip so everyone did me a favor and didn't tell him, and Jess pretty much became jealous and started coming onto me and I thought why not... Whenever Pa wasn't around she'd come over and we'd have our fun..."

Blake: "So... you had a harem?" she said looking a little down

(Y/n): "I guess, yeah, you okay?"

Blake: "Yeah, just... If you had a harem waiting for you here... Why go for me...?"

(Y/n): I hug her close, "I told you I had those relationships but like I said, I never felt anything, they don't love me like you do, just what I can do to them, and I don't love them, they were more like stress relievers..."

Blake: She hugged back, "Then what does that make me?"

(Y/n): "The most gorgeous girl who deserves better than a mentally broken wreck."

She broke the hug and pulled me into a kiss, we held each other close as the kiss got more intense with her pushing me on the coach and getting on top of me. We laid there with each passing second the kiss grew more intense before she parted away with a thin line strip of saliva still connecting us.

Blake: "You're the one I love for many different reason and in unique ways, never think you don't deserve me." I smile and stand up while holding her up. She hugged me crossing her legs so she wouldn't fall, "H-Hey! Where are we going!?"

(Y/n): "Still haven't shown you around the house, I think we should start with the bedroom~" I said walking through the halls.

Blake: "W-Wait your dad!"

(Y/n): "He's a heavy sleeper, don't worry kitten~"

She blushed and nodded while I opened my door and kicked it closed resuming our loving session.

[Second Chance]

Blake and I walked around after we had our fun so I could show her around the village. I showed her the shops, the building where my old friends and the girls lived, and the house of the Elder.

(Y/n): "Hang on a sec," I told Blake as I walked up to the door and knocked, it was a few seconds before we see the bearded man who takes care of us all, "Heya Elder, how's it going?"

Elder: "(Y/n)?" He walked out his home, "It's good to see you, I've been well, you?"

(Y/n): "Just splendid, oh, I want to introduce someone." I walked back to Blake and held her hand back to the Elder, "This is my girlfriend, Blake, she attends Beacon with me."

Elder: "Ah, it's about time you made something official with a girl, although most here thought it'd be one of those three..." he looks over at her, "Although this young lady looks like she has something different in her then those three, hm? Anywho, it's nice to meet you." he reached out for her.

Blake: "Likewise, it's an honor, (Y/n) has told me much about you and some of the other villagers."

Elder: "All good things?" He asked her but looked at me

Blake: "Yes, except that he makes fun of your chess skills."

Elder: "Does he?" he smiles at me

(Y/n): "Oh c'mon, it's 58 to 45, there's a clear winner here."

Elder: "And I thought I had bad memory," He walked over to his meditation spot and pulled out a table with a chess board with pieces exactly where they were before I left Beacon, "But perhaps I am forgetful, let us see?"

(Y/n): "You're on!"

Blake: "Cheering for you!"

I kiss her cheek and sit across from him. He moved a rook while I moved my knight so he couldn't use it without having to sacrificing it, he then moved his queen to safety but was a clear opening to my own rook, but it was too easy, he has something planned. Our matches have always been so intense. On the board it's a warzone to us while others just see us play a peaceful game of chess, lucky Blake's my girlfriend because she actually gets entertainment from this, if any of the others came with me to check on my village they'd probably just get bored. Except maybe Weiss and Ozzy. It was a final stretch, our kings were exposed and we barely had any other soldiers on the battlefield. I use my knight to get closer to his king but that's when I realize my mistake, he had his last room go straight for my king.

Elder: "Checkmate!" He said with a smile.

(Y/n): "Grrrr! Goddamn it!" I flip the board sending it and the pieces flying, the elder's eyes glowed and the board returned to the table along with the pieces going into their correct positions for new game, "... Sorry..."

Elder: "It's fine, still a sore loser as always it seems."

(Y/n): "Whatever, if I just paid attention then I could've--"

Elder: "My knight was in perfect condition to attack your king as well as a pawn that was about to become a king so I could've made a diagonal attack."

I look back on where as his pieces were and he was right. I look at him in confusion to which he responds by smiling.

(Y/n): "Great, telekinesis and master chess placement, you never cease to amaze me."

Blake: "You did well, it lasted longer than any other game I've seen or played."

(Y/n): "Thanks, babe."

Elder: "If you wish, we could play a match."

Blake: "Me? Oh, I couldn't."

Elder: "I insist."

(Y/n): "Yeah, sounds like a great idea, I need to get something anyway, I'll come get you right before the festival starts, promise."

Blake: "Well... okay," She switched places with me now sitting across him, "Hm... Okay, got what I need to do, see you soon, (Y/n)."

(Y/n): "See you soon." I pecked her lips and quickly walked back to the blacksmith connected to our house, I go into the workshop to check on Pa, "Hey, how's it coming along?"

Pa: "Almost done... And... There!" he walks over to me handing me a ribboned box, "This should give her a real surprise!"

(Y/n): "Thank, Pa!" I take the box and hug him, "Wish I could give you something." I felt him hug back

Pa: "Having my son with me is enough of a gift, don't worry about it kiddo." He ruffled my hair, "And I've taken care of the whole gift thing with those three girls, got Mrs. Arrun to sew each of them a fancy dress out of her super soft linen."

(Y/n): "Nice thinking."

Pa: "May not seem like it but I know how to make woman happy in more ways than one."

(Y/n): "Not sure I wanted to hear that from you..."

Pa: "Hey, it's not as bad as hearing your bed frame hitting the wall over and over again," My eyes widened, before I could say anything he cut me off, "I was about to yell what you were doing then I remembered Blake, I just left the house to let you two finish."

(Y/n): "Oh... Uh, thanks Pa..."

Pa: "Don't be awkward about, not the first time I had to leave the house."

(Y/n): "You mean--"

Pa: "I knew about you and Jessica" I blush out of embarrassment, "Careful son, you'll be as red as my outfit in a minute, now what are you still doing here? Go get your girl!"

(Y/n): "Y-Yessir!"

~Ferron (Pa)

He ran out to find Blake as I just laugh, I return to my room and take a load off, I'm used to making large weapons and armor not tiny jewelry. I take off my shoes and apron and sit on my bed looking at the two pictures beside it. One of me and (Y/n) on his ninth birthday, the other of my love and child, I pick it up to examine it. "To the best man we know! ~Love Sandra & Ethan" a small tear falls onto the picture but I don't bother wiping it off, not anymore. I put it back to pick up (Y/n)'s photo and smile then look up as if there wasn't a ceiling.

Ferron: "Thank you for the second chance..."

[Festival's New Arrival]


Me and Blake were walking around the plaza buying little souvenirs for her and food for the best of both of us, we enjoyed plays and games the festival had to offer until it was time for the exchange, everyone gathered around the center with gifts in their hands with the Elder standing on a pedestal so everyone could see and hear him.

Elder: "Today we celebrate another day of appreciation, a day of recollection, and a day of family. We spend this time together not because of the gifts or the food but for the company we keep each other in both good and bad times in our lives so now we show our gratefulness by exchanges our chosen gifts to them, let the exchange begin!"

Everyone started giving their gifts to one another quickly, many thanks were passed around in many forms, speech, hugs, giving their own gifts, and I saw Blake look around happy at the sight before her. I tapped her shoulder to show her the box as soon as she turned around.

Blake: "Oh, (Y/n), you shouldn't have"

(Y/n): "Yet, I did it anyway, here." I give her the box bringing her a bigger smile then a frown, "Don't worry, you didn't know how this worked, plus what happened back home was gift enough for me."

She grew a big blush and that beautiful smile came back on her face. She unwrapped the box and opened it to see an onyx necklace with a cat face with blood diamond eyes. She gasp and took it out the box.

Blake: "(Y/n), it's so... I..." I take it out of her hand go behind her to put it on go turn her around so I could see, "... Thank you, my love."

We shared another kiss and hugged. During the hug I opened my eyes feeling someone watch me. I look around and see deep within the woods a grimface with red eyes and sword on it's hip. I break the hug and speak to Blake without looking at her.

(Y/n): "Hey, I have to go somewhere real quick, I'll be back soon, you remember where the house is?" She nodded clearly confused, "Go there if I'm not back in an hour."

I started walking towards the woods until my Pa stopped me.

Pa: "(Y/n), where are you going? People are looking for you to give presents."

(Y/n): "Just grab them for me, I'll be back." before he could say another word I booked it into the woods until I was far enough into it where I'm sure no one can see, "You can come out now..."

I heard branches break behind me and footsteps getting closer.

Raven: "Hello, again...."

(Y/n): "What are you doing here?"

Raven: "... Qrow got drunk and started bragging how you forgave him... Told me about the village and hurried over."

(Y/n): "Why?"

Raven: "A small village with barely any warriors just gets attacked by grimm and have to rebuild. They were still nervous and frustrated with the conditions, the Grimm were still coming."

(Y/n): "So you thought you'd do what Qrow did and earn my forgiveness?"

Raven: "No..."

(Y/n): "Then what?"

Raven: "I wanted to make sure you had a home to come back to..." I shake my head

(Y/n): "You know, for a caring 'mother' you seem to really care about my well-being."

Silence, nothing was said from either of us after that until she finally choked out.

Raven: "I left... For my own reason... Leaving my children alone with a bastard who was too soft with one and too hard on the other... I thought after my leave things would get better, less arguments, less stress, no annoyance... looks like he had you to replace me..."

(Y/n): "Yeah, I got turned into the punching bag a lot more once you left... But answer me this?" She looked at me through her mask, "What fuckin' mother thinks leaving her childrens is the best idea?"

Raven: "(Y/n), I--"

(Y/n): "NO! You listen, I was in that hell for so long, with no one! I needed someone to get me through the day, even if I got a bruise on the lip."

Raven: "I know but--"

(Y/n): "If you knew why didn't you come back? Those tribe bastards worth more than your blood? Were we a mistake since we had the blood of that sonuvabitch, were we the result of a one night stand? What!"

Raven: "I loved you three! I did!"

(Y/n): "Then why leave the man who's crying after doing everything for you?! Why leave the daughter crying for her mother every night!? Why leave the dying son losing consciousness in his room when he need a hug from his mother!" I started tearing up resulting in Raven getting shocked, "Summer was my light, my hope, then she died leaving me in that hell again, and when she did I hoped to see you at her funeral to ask you to come back, to call you my mother again!"

Raven: "(Y/n)..."

(Y/n): "I don't hate you! I'm just angry! You left us... You left me... I wanted to die so much... But I still hoped... I still prayed.... And it was for nothing... Just a couple dreams I thought were real before waking up realizing it wasn't you who got Tai arrested for abuse and kissing my cheek before going off to Beacon... I needed someone... and you..."

She quickly took off her mask and rushed to me engulfing me in a hug, I didn't hug back as I began to sob. She held me tight, in an attempt to feel comforting with all the armor.

(Y/n): "I'm mad at you... I'm mad... at you... Why... Why..."

Raven: "I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry..." I felt a tear drop on my head, "I wish I could make those dreams a reality... for you... Yang... But I can't now... Not anymore... But it doesn't mean it's too late... So if you let me..."

I hugged her back quickly. She was surprised but held me nevertheless. We stood there crying but it was okay, I felt warm... I felt safe again...

Raven: "I can't stay long... But I promise to check in on you and your sis-- Yang."

(Y/n): "Thank you..." And after a couple more seconds... I said something I never thought I'd say again...

"I love you, mom."


Izzy: Hello, I know it's kinda late for a holiday special but this was already written and we were busy spending time with our families.

Nero: And you thought it was Rin writing the romantic smuty parts but no! Twas I! imHaiku! Best friend of the Alviras!

Izzy: Some way to introduce yourself... But yeah, Rin went to Mexico so Nero helped me on a chapter for this and two other books.

Nero: I'm more of an original story writer but it was kinda fun writing this I guess...

Izzy: Told you.

Nero: SHUT UP! I'm NOT writing a fanfic!

Izzy: C'mon, it'll be a nice break from writing those serious drama filled books.

Nero: No promises...

Izzy: Good enough, now say the line!

Nero: Oh, right, we hope you all had a good holiday and hope your new year starts great.

Izzy: And until next time

Both: Ad Victoriam
(Word Count 3888)

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