Chapter 17: Hanging Out

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/Hiya, welcome back to Black Dragon, my number one book with over 300k reads... Holy shit.../

~Hehe, let's get back to it huh? We got two more chapters to write for our other books!~


It was the start of a new semester a few weeks after what happened, it kinda got harder to keep focus in class but luckily lunch finally came around, giving me time to unwind and spend a little time with Blake. Weiss was drinking out of a teacup, Yang was eating food being thrown by Nora, and Blake was reading from her journal. I sit down with her still focused on her journal. I bump her should a little to get her attention.

(Y/n): "Hey, you done reading your ninja fanfiction?"

Blake: "What? No!" She quickly shuts the book and pouts, "I'm just going over notes from last semester."

Yang: "Lame!" She eats a grape that flew at her

Ruby: "Sisters, friends, brother, Weiss."

Weiss: "Hey!"

Ruby: "Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream."

(Y/n): "Oh here we go..."

Ruby: "A dream that the five of us would come together as a team and have the most fun anyone has ever had, ever!"

Weiss: "Wait did you steal my binder?"

Ruby: "I am not a crook"

(Y/n): "Okay not that I'm not enjoying the whole inspirational speech and what not but you want to get to the point of this stolen binder, Ruby?"

Ruby: "Right, I'm talking about kicking off this semester with a bang!"

Yang: "I always start my semester off with a Yang!" We all sat quiet, "Ehh? Guys? Am I right?"

She suddenly got hit by an apple from Nora booing her pun.

(Y/n): "Heh, thanks, Nora!" I give her a thumbs up receiving one back from her

Ruby: "Look, it's been a good two weeks, and between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year, our second semester is going to be great! But classes start back up tomorrow. Which is why I've taken the time to schedule a series of wonderful events for us today."

Weiss: "I don't know whether to be proud or scared of what you have in store."

(Y/n): "Knowing her she probably has a Grimm hunting scavenger hunt." Yang threw a green apple back at Nora for revenge

Ruby: "Hey! How did you know, that was a surprise!"

Blake: "I don't know, I might sit this one out."

Matt: "Sit what out?"

Matt sat across from me with his food.

 (Y/n): "Ruby's super amazing fun schedule or something, c'mon Blake, it sounds fun. Could be our last chance to hang out like before classes eat our time."

Matt: "Could be cool, mind if I hang, we could head back to my cousin's place if we need a bit of a lunch break."

Ruby: "Of course, the more the merrier!"

Weiss: "Lovely, I'm on board with (Y/n), no matter what we do we do it together, I for one--" As she stood to give her peace her face was met with a pie.

We all look over to Nero who then points to a facepalming Ren. The pie slowly fell off Weiss' face as she glared at her with Matt and I looking at each other before running to the back as food and tables started flying around. We knocked one table over and hid behind it.

Matt: "Uh, think we'll still have time for that planner or whatever it was?"

(Y/n): "You know, something tells me as soon as Goodwitch hears about this, no, not really."

Windows started to get covered in food as people ran out the door, eventually though there was a moment of quiet.

Matt: "Think we should take a look?"

I nod as we both slowly raise our heads from the table to see a large stack of table and chairs on top of vending machines with JNPR standing atop it with Nora chanting.

Nora: "I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!"

Matt: "How did they manage to do all this?"

(Y/n): "I dunno, power of friendship? Oh hey, Sun."

I wave to Sun who just came in with a blue-haired guy who looked just as surprised as Matt witnessing all this.

Sun: "Hey man, so what's happening here?"

(Y/n): "A little quarrel, you know."

Blue-Hair: "A little?!"

Ruby slammed her foot on the table pointing at JNPR grabbing all our attention.

Ruby: "Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful! It will be... DELICIOUS!"

She crushed her milk carton raising it up in the air with the rest of her team giving a war cry of their own.

(Y/n): "Well I ain't about to miss out on the action, you coming Matt?"

Matt: "Sure, don't mind a little warm-up."

We both jump over and run in on the action standing next to Ruby as she gave us a smile and nod.

Nora: "Off with their heads!"

JNPR began throwing and launching watermelons at us. 

Ruby: "Yang, turkey! (Y/n), leek!"

We run ahead grabbing our assigned food as weapons.

Yang: "Time for some Branwen Duo Defense!"

(Y/n): "Keep dreaming, Yang, I'm staying a Rose."

We start smashing the melons using the giant leek I picked up that was surprisingly sturdy, once it was done raining watermelons Yang threw her turkey fists at Jaune knocking him down as Blake jumped in on the action grabbing two loaves of bread having a sword like fight with Pyrrha and I only thought: How stale is the bread here? In the end though Pyrrha managed to knock both Blake and then Yang back with Ruby sliding down the table with a tray, kicking it at Pyrrha. Seeing this as their cue Nora and Ren came running in, Weiss and Matt thought fast as Weiss used a ketchup bottle to make a slippery stream making Ren slip with Matt throwing an entire table at him, getting him back at their table fortress. Unfortunately, Nora used that table to jump off of to get a pole sticking it in a watermelon to make a food hammer. Matt quickly took the first strike from her getting pushed back as Weiss grabbed a swordfish to make things even until Nora struck her all the way to a pillar breaking it. Ruby quickly grabbed her screaming no as Nora, and Ren right behind her, continued charging at us. Matt picked up a loaf of bread as I rushed at Nora.
She blocked my leek attack with her hammer as Ren and Matt had their own sword fight with food. Matt was able to block Ren's attacked before dodging to the side gripping his bread with both hands.

Matt: "Batter up!"

He hits Ren up his jaw sending him flying up but Ren quickly regain composure enough to throw his own leeks like spears only for Matt to dodge one and grab the other with his cat tail and throwing it back at Ren. As Ren blocked Matt jumped up raising the bread again hitting him back down to the ground. Meanwhile during my fight with Nora, Yang tried to punch her from behind only to get quickly bashed up through the roof with Nora's hammer before focusing back on me, barely dodging her attacks until her hammer was caught by a sausage whip from Blake. Smiling I drop the leek and pick up one of Yang's turkeys to punch Nora all the way back to her fortress.

(Y/n): "Thanks kitten, owe you one."

Blake: "Then never call me kitten again."

(Y/n): "Oh you love it."

While our talk we failed to see Nora get back up shaking and throwing soda cans at us making them explode. We both jump back until Pyrrha got back up taking it up a notch using her semblance to send a tidal wave of soda cans at the two of us, pushing all the way in the back in an explosion of colorful, flavorful array.

(Y/n): "Okay... Timeout..."

Blake: "I need a shower after this..." She puts her finger on my lips, "No, you cannot join, the walls are thin in our dorm"

(Y/n): "Damn it..."

Matt put up a fight as much as he could against Nora and Pyrrha but in the end he was tied up in sausage as a prisoner as Nora laughed.

Nora: "You shall pay for taking out my best knight, for that, you're punishment is a mega wet willy! Pyrrha, get Jaune, he shall do the honors!"

Matt: "Help! I'm about to be willied to death!!"

Ruby stands up slowly witnessing everything getting a fierce look in her eyes. She readied herself before running full sprint with her semblance active, taking everything with her in a cyclone including JNPR, spinning in a spiral of roses she grabs Matt and stops at the wall making a crack into before jumping as all of JNPR helplessly crashed into the wall, getting hit with every single piece of food, drink, and furniture before sliding down the wall groaning in pain as Ruby put Matt down untying him.

(Y/n): "Well... That was impressive."

Matt: "Not exactly how I thought my first fight in Beacon would go, but I'm not complaining."

We all smile before the doors slam open with Goodwitch using her semblance to fix everything and put the tables and vending machine back in place with ease. Glaring at us covered in food and drink stains.

Goodwitch: "Children, please, do not play with your food."

We all stood quiet until Yang came crashing down on a table, sparking laughter as she got up giving everyone a thumbs up. Ozpin eventually approached both teams with Glynda still visibly angry.

Ozpin: "I hope you had your fun but I do request you not make such a mess, now both teams get cleaned up, you're free to go."

(Y/n): "Wait, really?"

Ozpin: "Yes, go on now, I need to make preparations for a guest visiting."

He walks off as we all smile and shrug it off. We head out and meet up with Sun.

Sun: "So how bad's the punishment?"

(Y/n): "Got off with a warning"

Blue-Hair: "Really? For that? If we even pulled off a small fraction of that back in Mistral we would've been expelled." he complained as he was covered in grape soda.

Yang: "Welcome to Beacon, pretty boy, so who are you?"

Blue-Hair: "Not the exact introduction I wanted to make but I'm Neptune, I'm Sun's best friend and second in command!"

Sun: "Oh so he keeps calling himself."

Neptune: "Hey!"

We all laugh as he grumbles to himself, pouting.

(Y/n): "We should probably all get cleaned up, let's meet up later."

Ruby: "Sure, how about at the library, it was part of my planner to go there anyway."

(Y/n): "The library? I mean I have no problem with it but what do you have planned?"

Ruby: "You'll find out, let's go!"

Neptune: "Sounds good, I need to change, like right now."

Sun: "Alright, I'll show you our dorm."

We all say bye for the time being as Matt and I get back to our dorm to clean up and change. Taking dibs on the shower first I quickly shut the door and wash up letting Matt in later who punched me in the arm calling the dibs not fair. After he was done, he came out dressed and drying his hair with his towel.

Matt: "That was an interesting first hangout with your friends, is it always that intense?"

(Y/n): "Eh, sometimes. You still want to come hang with us?"

Matt: "Sure, kinda tired out from excitement but if you're going to the library, I doubt it'll be that exciting."

(Y/n): "Knowing Ruby she probably doesn't intend on having a group reading, but if you insist let's get going."

We got our scrolls and headed to the library where Ruby was quickly setting up a board game. Matt spotted a book that caught his eye and left to check it out possibly hanging with JNPR who was also here to study it looks like. As I got to the table Yang, Ruby, and Weiss sat down ready to play whatever it was they were playing.

(Y/n): "You know playing a board game could take place in your own dorm."

Ruby: "Yeah, but when Yang starts losing she kinda gets a tantrum and trashes what's around her. Here we have a bit more space."

(Y/n): "There's outside."

Yang: "And make us all sweety and hot? No thanks."

(Y/n): "Alright, fine, don't complain if someone comes by to tell us to shut up though." I take the fourth seat, "So where's Blake?"

Blake: "Right here, had to brush my hair a bit." She kisses my cheek before looking around the table, "Where am I sitting?"

(Y/n): "My lap is available."

Blake: "I somehow knew you'd say that."

She rolled her eyes before quickly giving in and got comfy on my lap as I put an arm around her. Ruby quickly passed around a few cards to Yang, Weiss, and Blake and me since I guess we're a team now.

Ruby: "Okay, who knows how to play?"

Yang: "Me obviously."

Weiss: "No idea what I'm doing here."

Blake: "What do these cards do?"

(Y/n): "Why is there a map of Remnant?"

Ruby: "How do you not remember this is Remnant the Game, we played it every single... Family... Game night..." I stare at her as she remembers I was locked in my room during game nights, "U-Um... Well don't worry, its easy to learn hehe..."

Weiss: "Smooth."

Yang: "Just try to take us all out, we're playing as each kingdom. Let's do this!"

Ruby and Yang began playing setting everything up as I took a look at our cards and try to copy Yang's pieces as I watch the two of them almost take this seriously as if they were at war. Eventually, Yang did have to teach Weiss how to play... Almost to immediately destroy her army, making her cry and Ruby jump on her lap to hug and comfort each other.

Yang: "Alright, you two, you're up!"

(Y/n): "Uh, what should we do, Blake?" She didn't say anything looking off in the distance, "Hello anyone home?"

Blake: "Hm? Oh umm... Sorry what are we doing?"

(Y/n): "Trying to conquer Remnant apparently, don't exactly know what to do, all these seem ineffective."

Blake: "Right uh..."

Jaune: "Hey, can I play?"

Ruby: "Sorry Jaune, we already got too many people."

Weiss: "Besides, this game requires a certain level of tactical cunning that I seriously doubt you possess."

(Y/n): "Yo, Ice queen, you attacked your fleet two rounds ago." 

Weiss: "Hmph, whatever!"

Jaune: "Oh come on, maybe we can pair up like those two. Besides I'll have you know that I've been told that I'm a natural, born leader!"

Weiss: "By who, your mother?"

Jaune: "And Pyrrha!"

Pyrrha: "Hello again!"

(Y/n): "Hi Pyrrha."

We wave at each other before Jaune put his hands together begging Weiss.

Jaune: "Come on, let me play your hand for a turn."

Weiss: "I'm not trusting you with the good citizens of Vacuo!"

Jaune: "Why not? You've trusted me with way more important stuff before! I mean you told us all that Blake is secretly a Fau-"

The sound of me loading my revolver stops him from talking.

(Y/n): "You know what they say about snitches right, Jaune?"

Jaune: "Uh, yes sir! Um, enjoy your battle!" He bows before returning to his table.

Sun: "Sup losers!"

Sun and his friend Neptune finally showed up now clean and not purple.

(Y/n): "Hey, monkey's paw, what's up."

Sun: "Nothing much, nice to see you all, (Y/n), Blake, Yang, Ruby, Ice Queen."

Weiss: "Why does everyone keep calling me that!?"

Sun: "Just thought we'd try again with the introductions with my old friend, Neptune. We go way back."

Neptune: "Aren't libraries for reading?"

Ren: "Thank you!"

Matt: "Shush, it's getting to the good part!" I see Matt reading a new edition of Ninja Of Love. I respect that he has no shame reading it in public.

Sun: "Shut up, don't be a nerd."

Neptune: "Intellectual okay? Thank you."

Sun: "Didn't take either of you as the board game playing type."

Blake: "Yeah well I think I'm done playing actually, see you guys later."

She gets up and walks off, everyone looked confused as she's been a little distant and distracted. I got up and went after her.

(Y/n): "Hey, you okay, Blake?"

Blake: "Huh, yeah fine, why?"

(Y/n): "You just seem off like you have a lot of things on your mind, just wanted to see if you're okay?"

Blake: "I am, don't stress about it okay, just need some time to myself."

(Y/n): "This have to do with the White Fang?"

Blake: "(Y/n), please just... I need some time alone, okay? I swear I'm fine, we can hang out later if you want."

(Y/n): "Okay... Sure, I would but Blake..." I hold her close as I cup her cheek, "If you ever need to talk to me... Don't hesitate to ask."

Blake: "I know, (Y/n), I'll talk to you later."

We kiss each other for a few seconds, reminding each other that we're both here for one another. We let each other go as she continued on her way as I stand there watching her before turning around. I know when someone needs to cool down and think but I hope she doesn't hold back whatever is bothering her. No matter what rain or shine, day or night, I'll be there for her...

Like how she's there for me.


Izzy: And there we have it

Rin: Yeah! Go us! 😄

Izzy: God my fingers are tired but I have to finish up one more chapter at least, gonna be busy later so gotta finish it now.

Rin: Don't worry, I'll call a friend if you need a break. Or hey, I can writ-- 😉

Izzy: Still no.

Rin: Hmph, over two years and still not one chapter by me that isn't a lemon! 😠

Izzy: You know damn well you'd quickly turn it lewd

Rin: Well... Yeah but still. Eh, whatever, its good to see my emojis back! 😁

Izzy: Good to be back in general, hope you all enjoyed it, uploads are slow but hopefully not a damn year slow, just maybe one or two weeks. Sooner if I get enough free time.

Rin: So bare with us, but for now I hope you all have a great night/day 😊

Izzy: And until next time,

Both: Ad Victoriam 🤗
(Word Count 3101)

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