Dentist Are Not Ment To Touch Anna

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I wake up in the morning my tooth throbing like crazy. Oliver has tryed so hard to get me up and out of bed. "Go away led me sleep in a liddle longer pwease" I say my childish voice a little bit stronger. He pulls my blanket of thinking I'll get up to throw it back over my head. I go to yell at him about takeing my comfy blanket but I end up yelping in pain from my tooth. "Anna you all right" Oliver asks. I nod and snatch the blanket out of his hands and throw it over my head. He makes a triumphent sound and Justin Biber starts to play from my stereo. I moan and jump up to unplug my stereo. "That works with Roy too, you guys are soo alike". I send him a death glare and grab some clothes out of my dresser. I walk into the bathroom and slam the door shut. I take a cold shower and then put my clean clothes on. I walk out and go down stairs. I put two walfles into the toaster and wait. I lean my head on the table and soon fall asleep. A few seconds later someone slams onto the table.I look up to see Roy smileing at me. "Man you jumped like someone just got shot" Roy says trying to hold back laughter. I growl and he says "your wafles are done, I want my bagels in the toaster before I die of hunger". I pull the wafles out and set them onto a plate. I go to take a bite of a wafle when a surge of pain flashes in my mouth. "Oww" I wimper and then cover my mouth hopeing Roy heard nothing. "Anna you want  some cream cheese with those wafles" Roy says as he opens the fridge to get the cream cheese for himself. I shake my head and he shrugs. About two hours later I'm playing an XBox connect game that I don't know the name because the case is down stairs for some odd reason. I finally get bord once again and put on netflix.  I start to watch a show called Next Advengers: Heros Of Tomarrow which is suposably a kids show about heros kid who follow in there dead parents footsteps. Somthing like that. I open a bag of chips that taste like barbaque. I take a bite of a chip and my tooth throbbed so badly that I started chocking on the chips. I stop chocking after about three minutes and now I'm just laying on the floor trying tp catch my breath. "Oh my god I dot I was dieing" I say to myself and then I start laughing. Its only because my voice sounded like a rock got throw at my neak or somthing close to that. From now on only soft foods Oliver,Roy, and Dinah might find out and then they'll try to take me to the dentist. "Anna come on Oliver wants to teach you how to use a bow" Roy says. How long has he been standing in my doorway, that will remain unknown for now. I walk down to Oliver's traning place. "Pick a bow" Oliver says. I look at about ten of them. I grab a red and black bow and five arrows. "Okay so you hold the bow like this and put your fingers her on this string. Pull back, aim, and let go, simple as that" Oliver says. I watch as he shoots his bow, every movement, every second the arrow took to hit the target. "Now try it" Oliver says. I pull an arrow out of the quiver and I connect the arrow to the think string. I put the string back, aim, and then let go. It went directly towards the target but it was five inches off of the center. "Good, you did better then me when I started thats for sure" Oliver says. I snicker and say "dats because girls are more bedder ad darget shooting den boys". He makes this weird face and I start laughing. Then my tooth started to throb again and I hear myself wimper. Oliver looks at me questionly but I act like I didn't see him watching me. I put another arrow on my bow, pulled back,aim, and let the arrow fly through the room. I hit five inches away from the center. I shoot another and I'm seven inches off of the center, I growl in fusturation. I flip the bow upside down and Oliver looks at me confused. I put an arrow on the string once again, aim, fire. It his the dead center of the target and Oliver stares at me shocked. "How'd you do it backwards and the left handed way, I thought you were right handed" Oliver says. I nod and say "I am I err umm.. I don't actully know how I did id, id kind just came naturaly". He smiles and then he says "come on lets go get some lunch". We go to walk back upstairs and I trip going up the stairs. I face plant to the ground,I stand up and cry "Owwwwwy...... dat hurd" . I feel somthing warm slide down towards my lip. I lick my lips and I taste the warm,sweet,blood. I realize my noise is bleed in and then I say "Oliver is my noise bleeding". He nods and we walk up the stairs. I pinch the brink of my noise but  I purposly let go to let some blood into my mouth,because I'm a vampire and any blood is good. He makes tacos for Roy,Dinah, and me as our lunch. Dinah walks in and wraps her arms around Oliver. "Hey babe streets have no more gangsters on it so tonight should be pretty quiet... What are you makeing because I hope you know its geting burnt" Dinah says. They kiss and I quickly clear my throat to remind them I'm still in the room. They stop kissing and Dinah trys to help Oliver cook. Dinah sets a plate down with a taco and some mash potatoes. "Eat up kid" Oliver says as he runs upstair to tell Roy lunch is done. I look at the taco and then the mash potatoes. I eat the potatoes in silance hopeing I don't give anything away about my tooth. I go to stand up when Dinah asks "Why aren't you eating your taco, not hungery ah?". I nod and She tell me to set my taco back onto the frieing pan for Roy or Oliver. I dash out before Dinah or anyone can question me. About an hour later and I'm reading a comic book a light taping is heard from outside my door. I pull it open. "Yea" I say to Dinah. She looks at me and says "are you okay because Oliver,Roy, and me all have noticed you've been acting weird well weirder then usual lately. Care to explain". I bite my lip and end up wimpering in pain. "My dooth hurds seriously bad dats all, bud normally id goes away by now" I say. She nods and says "we should take you to a dentist, also you haven't gone to a dentist before yet". My whole body goes numb and I shake my head. "No I don't mix well with docdors nor dendist" I say quickly. She frowns and says "I'll be right back". Roy comes in a few minutes later with a grin on his face. "Olivers taking me to go hiking" he says. I smile and I run down the stairs. "Roy said your daking him hiking, I wanna come" I say. Oliver sighs and says "okay come on Roy lets go". Roy walks down and we get in Oliver's black mercadies. After a few minutes we pull into a parking lot. "I dot you said we were goin hiking" I say curiously. "we are its just on the other side of this building" Roy says. Oliver guides me inside and I realize what he is doing. "Oli-" I start and Oliver quickly says "be good the press will be all over this if they found out so don't cause a scene". I nod and sit in the waiting room chairs impatiantly. The dentist comes in and tells us it's my turn. "Oliver can you please come in with me please" I wisper. Oliver nods and walks in with my. The dentist cheaks to see if I have any lose teeth. He wiggles a couple of them and each time I let out a yelp of pain. "We should take a few of your teath out to give you braces" the dentist says. My eyes widen and I jump backwards. "Can I just pull out at least four of your teeth that are chiped" the dentist says. I got hurt alot when I was little so I chiped parts of my teeth off all the time. He sticks his finger in my mouth to pull it out after I agree. A shot of pain surges through me and I bite his hand trying to make him stop because of the pain. I can feel tears streaming down my face already. "Owww!!!! She just bit me!!!!" the dentist screams. I didn't even have my fangs out and since I bit him so hard he was bleeding. "Anzel why'd you do that" Oliver says angerly after we get back into the car. I reply through a couple sniffles "he hurd me dats why". Roy looked down and says "I agree he did make her cry and usually she never cries". Once we got home one of my teeth fall out after I trip going up the stairs. "Umm Dinah I'm dieing" I scream. I lost a tooth but theres never been this much blood. Dinah runs out of her room and helps me up and sees the blood streaming down my chin. She guides me to the bathroom and she finds out I made three different teeth lose. I soon fall asleep one the couch from all the "craziness" that happend today.

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