I'm Not Drugged, Right!!!!?

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The wind blows in my hair as I ride my bike under the moonlight. Its been two days since the whole dentist freakout. My tooth still hurts but Dinah said another tooth will fall out soon. I peddle faster every few minutes. There was traffic up ahead so I'm gonna need to turn before the Main Street Pub. I quickly turn into a ally way and my bike rides over a puddle as I turn, of course it slides. I fall off my bike but since I was going so fast I rolled and my arm twisted backward and I heard a crack. A blood pulesing surge of pain shot through me I yelp in pain and bite my lip so I don't scream. I pull my phone out of my pocket and call Dinah. "Dinah help I dink I broke my arm and id hurds really bad" I cry into the phone. "Okay where are you" she says. I reply "By da main street pub in da ally way". I hang up and wait till Dinah comes. I didn't want to move because if I did it would hurt even more. She runs into the ally way and pulls the bike off me.She picks me up in her arms and I wimper in pain. "Sorry" Dinah says and she runs to the car and takes me to the hospital. "Anna there gonna have to have put a cast on your arm in everything so they have to ummm, drug you" Dinah says. I nod as a doctor stabs a scrynge in my non-broken arm. I fall sleep in seconds within the interjection. Somtime later I wake up in the car my arm is hurting a little less and everything is blurry. I lay my head back on whomevers sholder I was laying on before and I drift back to sleep.

                              Anna drifts back to sleep on Roy's sholder and Roy just glances at the small child. Dinah looks back and says "why did you come to the hospital if you didn't even know Anna was hurt".Roy nervously says "I was at the movies with my friend and he had to go to the hospital because his mom works there. He had to drop some dinner off for her". Dinah nods and then continues driveing. They pull into the driveway and Roy carries Anna into the house. Anna opens her eyes and says "whys your hair on fire". He glances down at the girl confused then remembers that she is still medically druged. "Its not on fire Anna" Roy says trying not to laugh. The girl's childish smile turns blank. "Id's coming for us" Anna says darkly still holding the blank expression. "Wait! Whats coming? Dinah I'm so confused with this... 'Being'" Roy says. Dinah walks in and see's her stareing blankly at Roy. "What'd she say" Dinah says. Roy replies "its coming for us, what does she mean". Dinah replies "I don't know but that is not the drug makeing her say that, its supose to make her numb not emotionless". Anna stares at the still open door, expression hard as stone. "Id's coming" Anna screams/cries out just as a long silance filled the room. Anna points to the door and Roy and Dinah both looked at it, but there was no one there. "Ann no ones there" Dinah says trying to comfort the now terrified girl."Yes dere is he is watching me, pointing a sword ad me ready do charge ad me with all of his might" Anna stammers. Roy sets Anna on the table while he shuts the door. "See no ones there" Roy says now he was starting to get angry because the little girl doesn't see anything. "Yes dere is I can smell id,and feel id. Id isn't the drug ding da doctors gave me doing dis" Anna says.                     

                     I can feel it with my vampire senses, I smell it with my werewolf senses, and I can see it with my human senses so it must be real. "He or id moved, ids glaring ad you Roy please leave get oud of here you ruined his plans he is going do dorcher you" I cry. Why aren't they listening. Then a long bloody line appeared on Roy's arm. "OH MY GOD ANN WASN'T LIEING" Roy shreeks. He runs over to the counter and stands next to me. He looks around trying to find this mysterious person. "Close your eyes and focaus, you'll see id" I say. He obeys and when he opens them he steps back. "You can't be serious" Roy says. He must see what I see now, because his expression is the same as mine. The thing charges at us and Roy tries to hit it away from me.The mysterious creature turns into more of a creature of the devil.When Roy punch it his hand went right through it, so did Dinah's kick. I jump away from the creature, almost falling of the counter. It  moved faster then me though, it grabed my arm and my whole body went numb. "Dinah help I can't move. Id's holding me with some dipe of power" I cry. It's hand slides up my arm and wraps around my throat. I isn't tightining though, so he must be trying not to kill me. Then I feel a burning sensation on my neak and then it drops me. The creature walks into a bright light then vanishes, my vision soon blurs. It turns to darkness but I can tell I'm still alive but everything it black. Was I....Am I blind!!!! "I dink I'm blind, I can't see anyding" I say, I feel tears burning in my eyes. I feel arms wrap around me and  Dinah's voice says "Its okay we'll try to cure this blindness". I look down but I can't actully see anything is just I'm weirded out by this."Wad if I ged a mission from Batman" I say. Dinah says "then you'll go just use you vampire senses to see". I sigh and say "on my first mission I god bid from a werewolf bud I'm still a vampire". Roy says "thats why you ran out like that". I nod and Roy says "that sucks". I shake my head and say "I god bedder senses den a normal human". I glare at Roy even if I can't see him, I can sense his arua. "Dop looking ad me like dat, I know your jealous" I say. "Wha... What! How are you.. Am not" Roy stammers. I nod and say "sure you are, I can sense arua's ya know". I felt the air move behind me and I duck down. Roy groans and says "now I hate you because even when you can't see you can tell when I'm gonna smach you on the back of the head". I make my best movie star smile I can and Roy laughs. I goan when I lean back into the wall.

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