A Mission Gone Wrong!

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A/n:Hey, guys. Got another chapter to this book for you all. I apologize for the long wait, but it's here for you all because I really do love you all.

After this one, there'll be more to this and the other older ones coming soon. Enjoy!


(Author's POV)

So, it's been a day or two since F/n had made his team/girlfriends the winners of the 40th Vytal Festival and one could say he was proud to be able to have done so.

However during the course of those two days, they were still ones to put him in a sour mood. Why? Because those who hurt him in the past kept trying to get his forgiveness, even though he repeatedly told them off.

However, some things just weren't meant to last.

<<==>>One Day<<==>>

(No One's POV)

F/n was seen reading a book while Lexi was seen fast asleep in his arms, holding the small girl close to himself. F/n considered himseld lucky to know somebody like Lexi or Team NDGO as they were capable of making him feel loved.

As he was relaxing himself, Nebula came inside the room.


F/n:Shh, Lexi's sleeping.

Nebula:Oh, sorry. You need to come with us. The professors are sending teams on missions today.

F/n:Hm, okay. Just...let me get somebody to watch over Lexi until I get back.

F/n then left the dorm and walked down the hallway to get somebody to watch over Lexi. Then, he went to the auditorium where most of the teams already were. He looked around for his and went up to them.

F/n:Hey, girls.

F/n's teammates/girlfriends saw him and kissed him.

Nebula:Did you find someone for Lexi?

F/n:Well...'she' offered to watch over her for me.

Dew:Who is she?

F/n:...Ozina. But, let's not let that distrsct us. Let's just pick a mission already.

F/n walked up to a board with them, looking through the missions with them. Then, one caught his eye:find and slay a nest of 500 Grimm. Typing in their team name, the request was then confirmed.

Gwen:Another Grimm slaying mission?

F/n:Hey, I've had enough of fighting other people. Let's fight something that deserves to get killed.

Unbeknownst to F/n...

Choosing that mission was a mistake!


F/n was seen sitting next to his girlfriends as the Bullhead flew off to the area where the mission were to take place. During the ride, he refused to even look at the people he felt ashamed to be "family" with, not even as they expressed sadness at his new attitude with them.

Yang:There's no way he'll forgive us!

Tea:Yang, don't just say that. We all know he can't stay mad forever.

Quill:As optimistic as you are, Yang's probably right. You see how he scts with us? That clearly tells us that he wants us to stay away.

Summer:Well, Tea's right Quill. One day, F/n could find it in his heart to forgive us all. I know it!

Other than that, Raven and Ruby were silent and for a good reason too.

The Bullhead then landed in a forest and the three teams gotten off.

F/n:I'll just say this. Kill the Grimm and leave after. This mission doesn't have to take long.

F/n ran off without anybody, searching for and killing any Grimm he found. Despite that, the rest followed his actions and slayed any of the Grimm they came across. Even when some tried to help him, he just said he could handle himself and told them to go kill their own.

However at one point, F/n came across an Ursa Major and readied his swords.

F/n:This won't take too long.

F/n charged at the Grimm and took turns sending slashes with it, only his were successful. The beast wasn't too hard for him as he was able to take care of it easily. However before he could land the finishing blow on it...

Raven took care of it for him!

F/n:*glares at her* What the hell was that for!? I just had it!

Raven:I was only trying to help, F/n.

F/n just scoffed and looked at her with an expression that told her that he didn't appreciate her help.

F/n:Why try to help me now? Especially after all those years of abuse and neglect you inflicted on me.

Raven:Don't do this now, F/n.

F/n:Oh, what? Are you scared to face the truth? That's what makes a person weak.

All of a sudden, Raven shot her own glare at him.

Raven:Watch your tongue with me, boy!

Out of anger, F/n walked up to her and pointed one of his swords at her neck.

F/n:I won't be nice to somebody who has no sense of sympathy or emotion for anyone.

Just like F/n, Raven's anger got the best of her and she held her own sword at him.

Then...it all went downhill. Both F/n and Raven started fighting each other. Even though Raven was pretty much an expert and relentless Huntress, F/n proved to be able to hold himself with somebody like her.

Then, the others saw the two fighting and attempted to stop them both, but the two won't listen and was forced to watch the two clash. Then...

The two ended up holding their swords against each other, looking each other in the eyes.

Raven:Just give up on it and everything will be better, F/n!

F/n:Not until you've learned of how hurt I was all these years!

F/n then shoved Raven back and attempted to attack her again, but...things went too far and Raven stabbed him.


F/n felt pain course through his body, but then...

F/n:Oh hell no!

F/n then stabbed Raven with both of his own swords, deciding to hurt her like she just did him.

F/n:Now...*coughs* you will feel the rest soon enough.

F/n then collapsed and held his wound as his girlfriends ran up to him with worry, same for Raven's own team/family.

Then...F/n just blacked out.

Consumed with worry, the others had to hurry to the Bullhead and pray as they had to get F/n to the infirmary.

When they got him back, F/n ended up unintentionally causing worry to the others, the same ones who hurt him. The doctors said F/n would be okay, but he wouldn't wake up.

Now...he ended up causing more hurt to them, although he would've said they shouldn't even bother feeling that way considering a lot of things.

However...F/n would've had to think otherwise.


(F/n's POV)

No way!

How could I just let myself get defeated like that!? Now, there's an obvious possibility that I'm dead and it's all their fault!

*sighs* Now, I'm going to have to live the rest of my days in the same void I've been in since my suicide attempt long ago.

At least I don't have to be near those annoying sluts anymore. Still though...

I seriously regret hurting Lexi like that and my girlfriends as well.

As I sat there head down...


That voice made me raise my head as I looked around in surprise.

F/n:Hello? Who is that?

???:Look in front of yourself.

I did just that and...

Shock hit me so fast I could felt my chest hurt.

The screen then went black.

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