Some Things Are For The Best!

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From Last Time!

A/n:Just to make things clear, I don't want to see ANY of those kind of comments because this I how I want this story to be.

An emotional story of past pain, hatred between family, and the process of forgiving and forgetting.


F/n was seen looking at a man in front of himself.

That same man has the exact same looks at F/n, which was the hair, the eyes, and the facial structure. The only difference was the age appearance.



D/n:Of course, F/n. It's me.

F/n was just utterly shocked, too stupefied. One part of him wanted to cry his feelings out, but another part of him made him unsure of what to feel. But, one thing was for certain...

F/n felt happy to see the man he hadn't seen in so long.

Speaking of which, the older man walked over and placed a hand on F/n's shoulder.

D/n:What's wrong? Aren't you happy to see me again?

F/n:*sighs* Honestly...I don't know how I'm supposed to feel. I guess I can be kinda happy and sad at the exact same time. Maybe even a bit upset with you for dying on me like that.

D/n:I can understand completely, my son. I really do. Just know this, just because that happened didn't stop me from watching over you and you have no idea how much I wanted to interfere even though I couldn't.

F/n:I could only imagine. Getting beaten around and told to kill myself could've been more than enough.

D/n:Besides that, I've also been watching over the rest of the family. And I can't just help but feel as bad for them as I do for you.

F/n:Pfft, why would you feel bad for them? Especially after all they had put me through?

D/n:Don't get me wrong, I know what they did was absolutely wrong. Just blaming my demise on you and turning people on yourself was unacceptable. remember the relationship I had with Quill and everything, right?

F/n:Yes, I do.

D/n:Well...I hurts me to see her any more hurt. Why don't you at least give her a chance?

F/n was taken back by that.

F/n:What kind of suggestion is that, Dad? Do you seriously expect me to forgive her that easily?

D/n:Trust me, you really have every right to not forgive her, but that's no excuse to just abandon her like that. What you tell yourself or anybody else does not matter at all. Family is forever.

F/n then went silent.

D/n:You don't have to forgive her or any of the others completely, but you should at least act like a friend to them again. Besides, don't you think they deserve a chance...just like how you gave your female teammates a chance?

Even if F/n didn't want to admit it, his father did have a point. He gave some girls a chance already, but why should he give the others a chance?

Nonetheless, he doesn't have to forgive them completely, but he could at least give them a chance to redeem themselves.

F/n:*sighs* I'll think about it...I guess.

That earned F/n a smile from his father, who then pulled his son into a hug. F/n then found himself returning the gesture.

D/n:Anyway...I'm sorry for just leaving you to suffer like that. For now...please take care of Quill for me. I hope to see you again someday, my son...goodbye.

With that last word, F/n's father then vanished, leaving him in his feelings.

~~~~~ Back To Reality ~~~~~

F/n was seen in the infirmary bed...again. However this time, he had Ozina and Goodwitch nearby along with his teammates and adopted daughter.

All of them were watching him with mixed feelings, but all of them were feeling one same emotion:hope that F/n would wake up, especially Lexi.

Then...they all heard groaning.

All of them turned to F/n, who was slightly stirring in the bed. Then, he sat upright and opened his eyes, looking around the room.

F/n:Oh...hello there.

Almost immediately, his four girlfriends started to hug him tightly as if he'll vanish if they let go even the slightest.

Nebula:Thank Oum, F/n! I was so close to thinking you'd never wake up.

Octavia:She's right! The doctors said there's a chance that you would...

F/n held up a hand to silence them.

F/n:Don't continue on. Just let me see Lexi now.

The girls let go off him to let Lexi hug him now. Said girl was letting tears fall from her eyes.

Lexi:I was so scared! I thought I was gonna lose you forever!

F/n lovingly ran his hand through her hair and back.

F/n:Don't worry about that, Lexi! *sighs* I'm sorry.

Nebula:What are you apologizing for, F/n?

F/n:I've been reckless, that's all. I let emotion take over me and now look at me. Sitting in an infirmary bed for the second time. Speaking of it...

F/n slipped out the bed, grabbed his normal outfit, and then stepped out and back in after changing.

F/n:I need to talk to you four.

The girls nodded and followed him, but then...

Ozina:Mr. L/n!

F/n stopped and sighed.


Ozina:I'm...really glad to see you okay. If you were to...

F/n:Don't...please. Can I just have the time to think?

The woman looked a bit upset, but nodded and let him leave with his girlfriends and daughter.

~~~~~ Timeskip ~~~~~

A moment later, F/n was seen in the (temporary) dorm room with his girlfriends and daughter.

Nebula:So, what did you want to talk about F/n?

F/n:*sighs* You all already know of my downright upsetting past and such, right?

They all nodded, so that gave F/n the green light to continue.

F/n:And you all even said I had every right to not forgive them?

Dew:Why would you want to? All of that was unacceptable.

F/n:Well, here's the thing. Something weird happened while I was in a coma.

They all waited for him to explain, but first...

F/n:Did anybody else come just to see me?

Gwen:Yeah, Teams RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, and even your family came along.

F/n:Alright, but anyway while I was in a coma...I saw my own dad.

They all seemed confused by that.

F/n:Yeah, that's weird when you think about, but he was actually there. He came up to me and spoke about his regret for leaving me and Quill behind and everything.


F/n:Yes...and he also said something else....he said I should give my family a second chance.

They all seemed shocked at that last part and then...

Gwen:No way! You wouldn't actually consider that, would you?

F/n:Why wouldn't I?

Gwen:After all those filthy (gets glared at)...after all they've done to you, I don't think they deserve that at all.

F/n:Trust me, I've been thinking that same thing up to the past few days. But...Dad also told me he felt hurt from seeing his wife hurt like that. And he also reminded me about how I gave you four a chance despite my distrust of females. Remember that day?

They all shared a look with each other before nodding.

F/n:If I was strong enough to do that...don't you all think I could be strong enough to at least give her and the others a chance? *Especially considering the author believes they all have suffered enough.*

They all went silent after that.

Dew:Are you actually considering this?

F/n:I don't know honestly. I don't know how to feel at this point in time...but I feel like that's what my dad would've wanted:not seeing me or his own wife suffering emotional pain like how we already are anymore. Plus, everybody needs to move on eventually.

F/n then stood up.

F/n:I'm gonna go and see some people. Don't wait up for me. I'll see you four later.

F/n then gave a small smile and nod to them all before leaving, the room so silent it was almost defeaning.

Lexi:Hey! What is Daddy doing?

Nebula:...*headpats Lexi* I think he's making the first step in moving on from the past.

~~~~~ Meanwhile ~~~~~

F/n was seen standing outside Team RWBY's dorm, bringing himself to knock on the door. However, he was hesitant to do so and make the first steps. Still, he took a deep sigh and knocked on the door.

Ruby then answered, a sad expression on his face.

Ruby:Oh, hey F/n! I honestly...didn't expect you.

F/n:Is...Yang in here as well?

Ruby:Yeah, why?

F/n was silent for a brief moment before...

F/n:I think it's about time we left the past to rot.

The screen then went black.

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