Reconcile With Sisters!

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From Last Time!

F/n was seen standing in front of Team RWBY's dorm.

F/n:I think it's about time we left the past to rot.

Yes, F/n was giving his family a new chance. Not to be possibly be forgiven fully, but to at least be on better terms than they already were.


Ruby:Wh-What do you mean?

F/n:I was just you really want to be better than you were before to me?

Ruby:I mean, it's not like you have to.

Yang:Yeah, we understand if you don't even want to be near us.

F/n just sighed and gave them a look.

F/n:Look, I know you two aren't proud of what you've done in the past. Just know this....I don't think I could bring myself to forgive you two for what's been afflicted on me my whole life, but...I guess I'm willing to at least give you two a chance.

The two looked at him with confused yet somewhat hopeful looks.

F/n:A chance to improve your relationships with me. You know, so we could at least cooperate from time to time. What do you say?

The color seemed to rush to Ruby's face as she tried to hug him, but F/n held her back.

F/n:No, not now.

Yang:Soo....what did you have in mind?

F/n:I don't know. I just thought...go out into town and see what's fun enough for us all to enjoy it.

His two half-sisters smiled at his suggestion and they came out the dorm.

Ruby:Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!

With that, the trio left to go out to Vale.

~~~~~ Timeskip ~~~~~

The first thing the children of the Rose/Branwen/Xiao Long family decided to do was to see a movie first. Ruby chose it due to her being the youngest.

F/n (with a raised eyebrow):"A Grimm Night"? That's a horror movie, you know.

Ruby:Yeah, so?

F/n:Can you even handle that? It might be....

Ruby:Hey! I'll have you know I've seen scarier things before.

Yang:Yeah, like that one time you had to give a class yourself. *snickers*


F/n:*lightly snickers*  Hm, are you sure?

Ruby:Yes, let's go!

~~~~~ After The Movie ~~~~~

The three were seen leaving the theater, the only difference was Ruby being as pale as a sheet after what she watched.

F/n:I figured she couldn't handle it.

Yang:Right. So, what should we do know? Maybe something not scary.

Yang even threw in a joke by stopping abruptly, causing Ruby to comically jump onto her.

F/n suggested they go to the local fair, which made some color return to Ruby's face.

There, the three siblings had a pleasant time. They played games, went on some rides, and eat some good food.

On the Ferris Wheel....

Ruby:This is fun.

Yang:Yeah, right F/n?

F/n:Hmm...I suppose it is. Having fun every know and then helps the mind.

After the three left the fair, they decided to end it all by...drinking at Junior's bar (Yang's idea). However, the welcoming wasn't friendly as the guards pointed guns at her.

That's when F/n stepped in.

F/n:Okay, put the guns down. Let's not ruin everyone else's night with this please.

Hesitantly, the men lowered their guns and the three went to sit down. While Yang drank her Strawberry Sunrise, F/n just had ginger ale along with Ruby.

Yang:You don't want something different, F/n?

F/n:No thanks. And besides, it's not like Ruby needs to be drinking either.

Ruby:Well, he's not wrong. I didn't even know you came here, Yang.

Yang:Well, about that....

Junior:Blondie, you're back!

Yang:Oh, so you remember me....after I destroyed your bar that one time?

Both F/n and Ruby gave her this face.

Junior:Oh, you've brought guests with you?

Yang:These are my half-siblings, F/n & Ruby.

Junior:Never knew you had them. They seem nice.


Yang then went silent, clearly in his thoughts. One could even swear they see her expression fall. While Ruby went to comfort her, F/n just sat there.

F/n:*Hm, it's not easy for me but....letting her hold onto those negative thoughts isn't going to help either one of us.*

Reluctantly, F/n placed a hand onto her shoulder, much to her surprise.

After paying for their drinks, the three left to go back to Beacon.

Ruby:Soo....did you have fun today, F/n?

F/n stopped walking, his sisters following.

F/n:Yeah, today was actually pretty nice. Especially since nobody annoyed me all day.

The two went silent after that.

Yang:Look, F/n. You should know that...

F/n just stopped her and turned to them.

F/n:Let me say this. Quill is the one who was the main reason for my pain, so I blame her more than any of you. While all of you had your role in my misery...she is what left the biggest mental scar in me.

The two looked down in sadness. However, F/n walked up to them.

F/n:Just know this. I can't fully forgive you two, but we can at least try and improve ourselves. Can you two do that?

Then out of nowhere....

They just hugged him.

F/n was taken back by their action, not fully expecting that. However....

He did nothing to stop them. He just let them hug him and cry, repeatedly apologizing.

When they finally seperated from him, he gave them a look of reassurance.

F/n:Come on, let's go back already.

With that, the three half-siblings went back to Beacon as the sun started to set.


So, what's next after today? Will F/n be able to bring himself to improve his relationship with the rest of the family?

Find out in the next chapter.

The screen then faded to black.

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