Finally, Some Revenge!

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(F/n's POV)

Well, Team BRNZ just gotten their asses smashed out the fucking arena by the Sugar Crackhead. I, along with Lexi, went to go and congratulate them them all for managing to keep everyone in the game.

F/n:Well, you all did great overrall.

Brawnz:F/n, we literally did nothing when Blondie stopped to have a discussion with her teammates.

F/n:Trust me, I saw it. They're some fucking dumb skanks.

Nolan:Whoa! What a way to talk about a girl, man.

F/n:Hey, I have every right to say what I want about females for what I've been through for the past ten years.

However, F/n placed a hand on May's shoulder, making her blush from the contact.

F/n:Except for girls like you, May. You all actually know how to treat a person with respect and not just assume they are a bad person before treating them like one.

May didn't say a thing to him. She just snatched her beanie by the hem and pulled it down over her eyes out of embarrassment.

F/n:Anyway, my girlfriends are up next. I'm gonna go and wish them luck.

Roy:*chuckles* You're pretty damn lucky to have those four as your girlfriends, F/n.

F/n:*slightly smiles* I know, I know.

F/n then went to the locker room where his girlfriends were getting ready to fight against Team SSSN.

F/n:Hey, girls.

NDGO(in unison):Hey, F/n.

F/n:Well, good luck with your fighting match. Although with the training you all have been doing with me, I doubt you all would need it.

Thst remark got him punched slightly on the arm.

Nebula:Sorry you won't be able to fight along with us, babe.

F/n:Eh, it's okay. I can fight somebody anytime I want to. Then again, it sucks that I won't get to smack Star and Neptunia in front of everyone else and humiliate them like they did me.

Then suddenly...

Port(speaker):Attention, spectators. We have a special announcement to make. While it does seem unfair for five to go against four, somebody has made a special request so that Team NDGO would be able to fight Team SSSN with their fifth member, Mr. F/n L/n. So, get ready for another epic battle.

F/n, alongside everyone else, was shocked to hear that. However, F/n was also relieved.

F/n:*smiles* Well...looks like I will get to smack those two after all.

Dew:Who even made that request?

F/n:I don't know who, but I may need to thank that person. I'll be back. I'm gonna go leave Lexi with Team BRNZ. I'll see you all in the arena.

NDGO(in unison):Okay, babe/sweetheart/handsome/honey.

F/n then kissed them all before he left with Lexi.


Soon enough, F/n was seen standing in front of Team SSSN in between his four girlfriends.

Neptunia:Remember, girls. Make sure to avoid the face.

F/n's girlfriends just rolled their eyes at her in annoyance.

F/n:Sage, Scarlet? Good luck going against me.

Scarlet:Sounds like you're challenging me, mate.

F/n:Well, I am. And you two? *points at Star and Neptunia* Prepare for pain.

The two just sighed sadly.

Star:I don't really wanna fight you, F/n.

F/n:Yeah, right. As if you never hurt me in the past. *gets an evil idea* Hmm...

F/n then kissed his teammates/girlfriends on the lips, making everyone but the females who had hurt physically and emotionally F/n wolf whistle.


F/n:Yep, four girlfriends Wukong. Jealous?

Sure enough, both of them were jealous because of that.

F/n:Well after I awoke from my suicide, your dumbasses shouldn't have been so shallow nor should you two have bullied me in the first place. Then, I could've possibly done the same if we were EVER in a relationship.

A small circular light appeared overhead, causing most of the crowd to don sunglasses.

Nebula:Alright! Home field advantage!

Star:Don't get too cocky! That's my turf, too!

Scarlet:*looks down at his attire* I hope I don't get sand in my shoes.

Neptunia:*leans over and whispers to him* Be cool, man.

Dew:Hey! The ocean!

Neptunia...Huh? *freezes in fear*

F/n:Oh, damn! You're scared of water!? *freezes before laughing out loud*

Oobleck:3, 2, 1, BEGIN!

As soon as the word is said, Neptunia immediately zoomed through the enemy team and skids up the mountain behind them.

Sage:Neptunia, what are you doing!?

Neptunia:Uh, you know, just gaining the higher ground!

Star:On the enemy's side!?

Neptunia:They would never expect it!

Dew:*turns to her team* She's not wrong.

F/n:Well, you four deal with the other three...*equips Iron Maiden* *looks at Neptunia* I'll take care of her. *runs off*

Nebula:Open fire!

Team NDGO goes forward into their turf as Team SSSN follows them, Sage with his sword raised and Scarlet having ditched his coat. He comes upon Octavia emerging out from a nearby arch and tries to slice her with his cutlass. She ducks under the swing and continues sliding away, past the middle of Dew and Sage getting ready to rumble. Sage hefts his giant blade overhead, only to get knocked back by Dew's spear. He glances up in time to see the blonde wave her weapon over the sand to create three small twisters that kick up dust in Sage's face. He looks around as they surround him, but doesn't realize the danger until they coalesce into one big tornado that picks him up off the ground. With his weapon torn out of his grip and screaming in panic, he's totally helpless as the winds throw him and his blade out of the arena.

F/n:Damn, that quick man!? *calls out* You're weak!

Oobleck:And NDGO F gains the advantage!

Octavia slides in front of Star and Scarlet, who ready themselves to fight her just as she spins her sword around and produces a wave of flame that kicks up dust in their faces. Star manages to jump out of the cloud just in time to call for her replacement in fighting the redhead.


Seeing her leader run from the duel, Neptunia leaps down from her position and cocks her gun. Octavia attempts to use another fire attack to blind Neptunia, but she simply puts on her goggles and fires a bolt as her opponent, who blocks it with her blade right before seeing Star leap out of nowhere to deliver a neck-snapping kick to her face.

F/n:Hey! You asshole! *fires a flaming bullet at her, which she dodges* *runs back to attack Neptunia*

Now furious, Octavia brings her blade onto Sun's Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang in its staff form as she spins it all around her body while hitting several parts of hers. She ends it with a jab that knocks Octavia on her back in the sand.

Port:Oh! And we're down to 4-on-3!

Star looks at Neptunia fighting with Gwen and F/n they circled her with her weapons and Scarlet attempting to go weapon-to-weapon with Dew. She merely calls upon another sandy cyclone to lift Scarlet up, and he revolves around the spiral until it launches him over the shipwreck. It seems like he's about to be eliminated at well, but he extends his arms and manages to dive onto a part of the mast, almost losing his balance once the pole's under his feet. He eventually finds his balance right when Nebula closes in and launches an arrow with her crossbow at the mast, using it to jump right up to where Scarlet is. She folds up the sides of her weapon into a blade to cross swords with her opponent, the both of them ducking and missing or getting hit by the hilts until Nebula slams her metal over Scarlet's and forces him to lean back on the post. Luckily, he manages to get his sword back out from the trap and feign a swing at Nebula's feet before knocking into her with his elbow, causing the leader to fall into the sand below.

From his position, Scarlet sees Gwen continue to throw her knives, and he smirks before whipping out his pistol and shooting the hilt guard as a grappling hook to get her by the ankle.


He uses the cord to lift Gwen into the air while he slowly comes down to the ground, only to land directly beneath her as she attempts to protect her modesty while knives start raining down from her dress.

F/n:Okay. Now, that's just overly excessive to keep that many knives in a skirt.

Scarlet quickly adopts a pose that somehow allows him to miss every single blade that comes crashing down into the sand at his feet, which he gives a sigh of relief to. His luck doesn't hold when Dew leaps near Star, causing the monkey Faunus to find his new improvised weapons in the form of two coconuts he knocks out the palm tree beside him, which he throws at his opponent only to get them knocked right back at him, now spontaneously catching fire as they travel. Star narrowly misses them both, but Scarlet gets one straight to the face, and the other lands in a place that makes him squeal in unimaginable pain while dropping his Aura levels into elimination.


Star watches from Scarlet to Dew as she summons a few water blue tornadoes that he tries to dodge around.

Star:Uh, Neptunia? Could use some help, buddy!

Neptunia:*fends herself from F/n* Uh, you know, uh, it would probably be better if you came over here! Yeah, I can guard this... sector! We're in lockdown mode!

Star:*gets infuriated* What are you talking about? There's nothing to lock down!

Neptunia:Lockdown! Right! You got it!

Star:Look, I know you're afraid of water, but you gotta-

She then stopped yelling when a blue shot knocks an attacking Dew out of midair and into the water.

Neptunia:There! I helped! Are you happy now!? *pauses* Also, I am not afraid of water, and I have no idea what you are talking about!

Dew manages to get back up as Nebula and Gwen join their comrade, lifting their weapons and ready to fight once more.


Neptunia:Okay, fine! Just get out of the water!

Neptunia shocked F/n with her weapon, temporarily stunning him before she jumps over to a spot near the coastal line next to Star, and she unfolded her weapon into its trident form before tip-toeing forwards and (with her eyes closed) plunged the sparking prongs into the water. The energy surges through the deep until the members of NDGO F are electrocuted and kneel in the water, smoking and defeated.

F/n:*groans* Oh, hell no! That's a shit move right there!

Star:Come on, we got one more person to finish off.


Soon enough, F/n was face-to-face with the two.

F/n:*takes out swords* Hope you two are ready to be embarrassed like you all did me!

Neptunia:Please, don't do this F/n.

Star:Yeah, let's just forget this and do something else together.

F/n:*spins his swords backwards* I'd rather do this all day long.

Then, it all began. F/n began to assault the two females with his swords and his athletic abilities equipped right now. Star and Neptunia wouldn't have been able to handle him alone if they were fighting him solo so as of right now, everyone was hanging onto their seats as they watched.

And then...

Star managed to knock F/n's swords out his hands and out of his reach. Also, his Aura was at 25%.

F/n:Shit! 25%!

Star:*sighs* Sorry about this, F/n. Neptunia?

Neptunia was about to shock F/n again, but...

F/n raised his arms to block the attack before...

Diamond-like crystallized material covered his arms, breaking Neptunia's weapon.

Neptunia(shocked):What the...

Star(shocked):Is that...

F/n looked at his arms before an evil smirk came onto his face.

F/n did a kip-up and went on to attack the two again only this time...their weapons were broken by his diamond fists. Then to finish them off, a giant hammer made of diamond crystal formed into his hands and with a powerful spinning swing, he knocked them both out the arena and drained their Aura as the sound of a buzzer emitted.

Port:And Team NDGO F emerge victorious by an amazing new power from Mr. L/n.

F/n:*chuckles* Karma's just started her actions. Now...there are debts that are needed to be collected.

The screen then went black as F/n went to go pick up his girlfriends.

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