Unwanted Interactions!

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F/n was seen walking to the dorm him and his team and daughter were assigned to temporarily stay in for the festival. However when he saw it was his old dorm room, he felt himself get bad memories in his head and froze up.

Lexi:*tugs on his pants* Daddy? Are you okay?

F/n:*sighs* I'm fine.

F/n unlocked the door with his Scroll and as soon as he opened it...

He caught sight of something on the floor that he remembered yet it only made his emotions increase in strength.

It was the photo he ripped up, leaving Quill alone in the ripped paper. F/n just glared at it in anger as his breathing began to slightly increase.

Nebula:F/n, are you okay?

F/n:*sighs* I'm fine. It's just...I can't get over the fact that SHE caused all the abuse for me in the first place.

Then, he felt her hand on his shoulder.

Nebula:You don't have to worry about that anymore, F/n. You know we're here if you need us.

F/n:*sighs* Right. Thanks, babe.

Nebula just smiled and planted a kiss on his cheek. F/n went red from the affection and picked the photo up, looking at Quill's face in anger.

F/n:*shows the photo* See this face? This shows how she was back then with me and Dad. Then, you all know the rest. Look where we are now.

The four young women shook their heads.

Dew:Yeah, it was really disgusting that she even did something like this to her own son.

Gwen:Yeah, what a bitch move to blame her husband's death on you.

Octavia:Yeah! How dare someone do something like this to another person?

F/n:*sits on a bed* Yeah, that's life for me at least. This is how I was when I was a child.

F/n took out two photos.

F/n:Look at this photo first.

F/n showed them the photo before getting gasps of shock from them all at his appearance.

F/n:Soon after I was blamed for my Dad's death and once the abuse began for me, I pretty much fell into a depressive state and lost all emotion. All because I believed I was responsible for my Dad dying. I wasn't eating like I should be, I spoke badly of myself, and I didn't take care of myself unless I was forced to clean myself for whatever good occassion was happening to my "sister" and "cousin".

Team NDGO gasped again and Lexi hugged her Daddy from worry, which he returned.

F/n:I know, right? I was weak back then, but then...I realized Dad would've wanted me to be strong. And so...this is me years later.

F/n showed them another photo.

F/n:I underwent a drastic change from all that hair and really undernourished build. I even started training and taking care of myself really late at night. I even started working on my usual stance with knives and this...

F/n stood up and took out a switchblade before doing a trick with it.

F/n:This knife was the last gift my Dad left for me before he died. I never got to use it yet, but I hope to soon...in honor of him. So while you all were getting love and kisses from your families, I was getting insults and beatings from my own.

F/n then sat down, entering an emotional state.

Team NDGO was utterly shocked. Now that they knew more about F/n's childhood, they can't help but feel the need to be there for him more.

Then suddenly...F/n was trapped in another group hug from them.

Nebula:We're really sorry to hear all that, F/n!

Gwen:Yeah, your mother was a serious bitch back then to blame you for something like that.

Dew:She doesn't deserve your forgiveness!

Octavia:Yeah, you deserve better.

F/n:Yeah, you're all right. Besides, do you have any idea how hard it was to get over the blame and change my physique? It was intense.

Silence then washed over them all before...

F/n:I'm just glad I met you all now. If I didn't, I certainly would've attempted suicide again or even continued my aggression towards females.

Nebula:Well, forget about all that F/n.

Dew:The ones you need are us and Lexi now.

F/n:*sighs* *smiles* Thanks.

F/n then kissed them all and Lexi as a reward before the screen faded to black.

<<==>>The Next Day<<==>>

(F/n's POV)

Well, today's been a bitch. Ever since the start of the Vytal Festival, I've been getting bugged by the bitches who caused me that trauma. Here's all the unwanted encounters.

<<==>>Flashback #1<<==>>

F/n was seen in the library, reading a book from his favorite series, which was "Icha Icha Paradise".

(A/n:Anybody get the reference?)

As he was reading in peace, he heard the sound of chairs against the floor and he looked up to see Ruby, Pyrrha, Ren, and Foxy.

F/n:Oh, hell no!

F/n closed his book and was about to leave, but...

Ruby:Brother, please don't leave.

F/n:*glares at her* How about you shut up and leave me the hell alone!? Damn! You're so annoying!

Foxy:F/n, can't we just spend some time with you? We want to apologize!

F/n:You all should've done that before I attempted to kill myself!

Pyrrha:But, F/n...we're truly sorry and we just want to heal you!

Ren:Yeah, don't you want help with dealing with your past?

F/n:Yeah, before a Red-Headed Bitch "kindly" turned down my offer for freindship and a Stoic Bitch refused my offer as well. And all of you are now annoying fucking misquitos in my path.

F/n then stomped off, leaving the four to absorb what he just say. He was right about them when they hurt him like that.

<<==>>Flashback #2<<==>>

F/n was seen eating some strawberry and Nutella crepes with Lexi.

F/n:Tastes good, right Lexi?

Lexi:*nods* Uh-huh.

Then suddenly, the sound of trays clattering on wood emitted.

F/n:*groans heavily*

F/n then saw Joan, Nora, and Neptunia.

F/n:What do you brats want?

Joan:We...just wanted to spend some time with you. Wouldn't you want that?

F/n:Back then, yes. Right now, no!

F/n then tried to ignore them and continued eating with Lexi.

Nora:F/n, can't we just be friends?

F/n:Hell no! After you rejected my offer before I can even ask, *points Joan* you "nervously" said "No", and "points at Neptunia* you bullied me and said "No", I don't want to be friends with none of you.


F/n:And if I remember correctly, you all basically ignored me all the time. So if you think you can get my friendship after something like that, you're absolutely wrong.

F/n then finished his crepes with Lexi and left the three girls saddened.

<<==>>Flashback #3<<==>>

F/n was seen getting dressed in his workout uniform. Then, he took Lexi to be watched over by Team ABRN.

F/n:Lexi, these people are nice. Don't give them any trouble, okay?

Lexi:*nods* Yes, Daddy.

F/n messed her hair up before he left them with ABRN.

F/n:Thanks for this, guys.

Bolin:*shrugs* No problem, F/n. See you around.

F/n then left to go to the gym. When he got there, he met his girlfriends, dressed up as well.

F/n:You all work out too, huh?

Nebula:Yep. You gotta keep a good physique, F/n.

F/n:On the muscles, huh?

Gwen:Yeah. I need that if I want my ballet-style to work out good.

Dew:And yoga for the legs. Plus, it helps people relax.

F/n:*shrugs* Well since it's only us in here, I guess it's okay for me to do this.

F/n took off his tank top, exposing his muscular body to his girlfriends.

That sight made his girlfriends almost nosebleed and they went dark red.

Gwen:Whoa...those thots are missed out on a good relationship with you.

F/n:Well, guess you can say that I can only show myself to you all because you all put in on getting my affections.

NDGO(in unison):Yep.

Then, they all went on to work out. F/n was seen brutally striking a punching bag, punching and kicking the hell out of it. Then...

He finished it off with an uppercut and a crystallized fist, therefore tearing the bag up and making it spill out its insides.

F/n:Whew, this new Semblance is pretty damn strong.

F/n then went to wipe himself with his towel and drink some water when he heard sighing. He turned to see his girlfriends watching him with dreamy eyes.

F/n:You all were seriously watching me the whole time?

Nebula:*sighs* Yep.

F/n:And you all never went to workout yourselves?

Gwen:Nah, it's better to just watch you.

F/n:Mmm...you all wanna feel?

F/n went over to them and presented his abs and muscles to them. Then, he felt their hands travel around his body, feeling his rock-hard body.

Octavia:Damn! You really changed yourself after all that malnourishment.

F/n:Well, it was for the best. I could've died if I didn't.

???:Hey, cuz!

F/n:Son of a...

F/n turned to see Yang, who was looking at his body. He then shoved her.

F/n:Stop staring at me like that! That's just sick!

Yang:What? All I want to do is spend some time with you, F/n. Can't you be positive that I want to make up for what I've done?

F/n:No because you just ended up emotionally scarring me for all those years. Do you have any idea how fucking disgusting that is of you people!?

Yang:F/n, I...

Suddenly, Yang was slapped in the face by Nebula.

Nebula:You heard what F/n said! If he doesn't want to forgive any of you, then it's best you all left him alone! *grabs F/n's arm* Come on, babe.

F/n then left with his four girlfriends, leaving Yang highly upset.

Yang:*sighs sadly* I'm such a dumbass to do all those terrible things to him!

<<==>>End of Flashbacks<<==>>

And there you have it.

This whole day has been nothing but fucking irritating. Well, one thing's for certain. If they try anything stupid with me...

I then spun my switchblade around my hand before catching it and holding it pointing backwards.

I may have to get more violent than I'm used to.

The screen then faded to black.

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